MTL - Global Day Online-Chapter 15 The orange was taken away

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"It turns out that, but you can think of this strategy as a personal talent!

After this task is completed, if you are still performing so well, I recommend you as the wise man of our poker organization.

Having said that, the online system of Zhutian is too embarrassing. At the beginning, it only gave us a starting amount of one thousand dollars per person, which is not enough for high surgery costs here.

Fortunately, the suspension bridge collapsed. All of us injured were government-built public funds to be responsible for the treatment. After that, there was a large amount of compensation.

Otherwise I can only send you to the black clinic.

A memorial service will be held tomorrow morning, and it is very time to wake up, just in time to catch up with the progress of the story. "The little queen said while eating oranges."

Rick thought about it and tried to sense his own hands. Fortunately, he already had consciousness.

"Your injury, it is best to treat this death in the 5 mission world."

Otherwise, the copy world will be out, although in the real world, psychotherapy and recovery techniques can also be used to treat injuries in the mission.

But in fact, the effect is only one-tenth of the treatment of the mission world.

Especially in the case of your hands and injuries, there may be weak sequelae in the real world treatment.

I had a teammate before, and after returning to the real world, the gun feel of his hand was getting worse. The little queen looked at Lake's hand with a bandage.

"Ah! Then you asked me to get into the water first!" Reke glanced at the little queen.

The little queen smiled and looked at Lake. "If you put your feet in the water first, it is estimated that the task story behind you, you have to take a wheelchair. I don't want to push you a wheelchair."

And let your hand first enter the water is good for you, or according to the posture of your horizontal water at the time, it is estimated that when you fall into the sea, your internal organs can be squeezed out and die on the spot.

I didn't expect your physical attributes to be so weakly cursed, even ordinary people are not as good.

Fortunately, your previous experience of performing a copy of the task is somewhat useful.

Come to us to discuss, what to do after the story! ”

Lyker was lying in the hospital bed and began to think back to the movie story of Death 5 that he had seen before.

The little queen suddenly said aloud, and the serious expression said to Reke: "Right, pay attention to this copy world. Don't say that we are cross-passers, especially the perfect reward for the task of getting a 'rebirth cross'. thing.

Although the prestige of our poker organization in the world of the days is great, the emergence of the ‘rebirth of the cross’ will definitely lead to the peeping of the players.

Be careful not to be robbed of mission rewards by other players, this death is coming 5 mission rewards are too precious!

Although the conversation I talked to you about content that is not in the world will be tampered with by the online.

But if in this world, people who perform other tasks as players, they can understand our conversation!

In this time point of the world, I learned about it in the past few days when you were in a coma. There are several organizations that have discovered different tasks.

After our mission story, try not to meet them best. ”

After listening to Lec, the expression suddenly nodded, did not dare to ask, the province exposed the identity of the newcomer who did not understand.

After hearing the warning of the little queen, Rick knew that the original copy world was not independent, and multiple copies coexisted.

The little queen smiled and said: "Okay, you are not a new person. I will not be jealous of those rules and precautions. We begin to analyze the next task.

Now that we have got a silver treasure chest, in the Sky Online, a silver treasure chest can be equivalent to three bronze treasure chests.

After the death of the 5 missions, as long as you get 8 bronze treasure chests, even if you get the perfect clearance, you can get the gold treasure chest, it is possible to draw the ‘rebirth cross.’

That is to say, Sam, among the eight of them, if the subsequent story even dies, we are deducted from a bronze treasure chest and can complete the task perfectly! ”

After listening to Lec, he wanted to say, "I am a new person, a new one. You should tell me more about the tasks in the mission!" But this can't be said. Now, Lake can know what he is playing. It is a experienced senior in the world of many missions.

In view of the previous Raker Raiders, the reward of the silver treasure chest has arrived, the little queen looked at Leike, waiting for him to analyze and formulate the next mission strategy plan.

Rick closed his eyes and meditated for a few minutes. The little queen dared not speak out loudly, for fear of interrupting Lake's ideas.

Rick opened his eyes and, in the eyes of the little queen, calmly said: "Give me a peel of oranges!"

After the little queen listened to it, she yelled at Lek: "Eat, you know what to eat! What is delicious in an orange, I want you to think about the task, you want to lick the orange!"

However, the little queen still raised her hand and took a big orange. She quickly peeled the oranges with her hands and took a few petals to the mouth of Lake.

Rick was so easy to swallow that he almost didn't kill his orange petals. "I saw you eating a lot of incense before, you have eaten a few, this orange should not be a condolence for me to buy this disease!"

Don't yell at me, I have already thought about the Raiders, go to the memorial service tomorrow, and don't say anything.

Our identity should be the protagonist Sam their colleagues.

Sam, they are that we don’t go forward and we will know us.

After the black uncle who is responsible for collecting the body, we will listen to it.

Don't do too many things in the early stage. Our current advantage lies in knowing how the protagonists are killed and killed by the trap of death.

Don't talk too much to disturb the plot, try to let the plot develop according to the original trajectory, and we have a greater chance to save people from the hands of death. ”

"Just these, no?" The little queen waited for Leker to go down and found that Rick shut up.

"You can do this tomorrow, no more! Go to the memorial service and pay attention to the uncle of the mascot of death. His words may have hints to us. After all, we are survivors who have crossed out from the list of deaths. "Rick said plainly.

At the beginning of the plot, Lake has some risky temptations to test the death mascot's corporal black uncle, but still hesitating, wait until tomorrow to see the specific situation.

The little queen was somewhat disappointed: "You plan to do nothing, go to the memorial service, and say nothing."

Hey! White is counting on you, I am leaving, you are here to raise, I will come to the hospital tomorrow morning to pick you up. The little queen said that she would get up and leave.

Just a few steps away and turned back to the bed, took the bag of unfinished oranges in his hands, and turned and left again.

"---" Lake is speechless.

Later in the afternoon, Christine nurse came to remove the bandages and splints from Lake.

“How do you feel when you move your finger slightly?” Female nurse Kristin asked.