MTL - Global Day Online-Chapter 1307 Xiao Yu's broken leg

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"Lake husband, you landed online in your home. You sister Xiao Yu, she was injured more than a month ago. She was attacked by a black hole launched by the undead and lost her feet, but there is no worry about her life. I bought a smart wheelchair prop for my sister in the online trading area!" Xiao net said quickly, and listed a lot of information for Rake in the past two months.

After listening, Rick was relieved and quickly looked at the information provided by Xiaowang on the current timeline.

In this timeline, when the undead launched a black hole attack, the avatar successfully grabbed the body of Xiaoyu and resisted until the end of the black hole.

However, the feet under Xiaoyu's knee were cut off by the black hole and her sister Xiaoyu became disabled.

The avatar immediately contacted the past No. 2 Venerable. The No. 2 Venerable rushed back from the melee battlefield in advance and went to the Undead to avenge and destroy it once.

Xiao Yu was taken to hospital for treatment, and a prosthesis was temporarily installed.

In the past, the No. 2 Venerable bought Xiaoyu a black technology wheelchair from the trading area and two mechanical alien feet.

However, Xiaoyu didn't want to equip her feet with mechanical aliens, and wanted to recover her own feet. Rake could only let Xiaoyu take a wheelchair and live with a temporary prosthesis.

Now if Xiaoyu wants to walk and get up from a wheelchair, he needs at least one cane to borrow.

After the incident happened, the whole family moved and moved to a small villa in the city. Xiaoyu lived on the first floor, and it was more convenient for the injured Xiaoyu to go out.

The main queen of the world, the Queen also contacted the Earth Defence Forces and launched the Soul Slaughter Plan. The Zero Spirit Girl has appeared.

Reck did not rush off the line, first summoned Gu Yi, Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Zhong Ling, and looked at the information provided by Xiaowang now on this timeline.

"Rek, rescued Xiaoyu. Although she lost her feet, it was a success. Now this ending is much better than Xiaoyu’s death. Don’t use the skills of Donghuangyou, it is too dangerous. Before you Back to the past using the skills of Donghuangyou, every time I was frightened, I'm afraid you would change the future!" Zhong Ling looked at the data and persuaded Rake with a serious look.

"Yeah, Rake, don't rely on the skills of the Eastern Empire. Returning to the past is a double-edged sword. One carelessness will bring disaster to the future. These ten crossings, we are still lucky, although they have changed. After some past progress, but fortunately, it has been changed back later. Now it seems that our future is quite complete!" Gu Yi also persuaded Rake.

After thinking for a while, Rick nodded and took a long breath, "OK, rescued the light rain, I feel relaxed, and then I don’t need the skills of the East Huangyou. The future will be handed to the normal time track. Let's develop. But the Undead, a race that dares to invade the earth, I have to find a way to destroy it!"

"Brother Rek, the known undead are very strong, and it is too difficult to destroy them. You can cooperate with the undead princess and change the undead to the ruler, which is easier. Undead who attack the earth The rulers are all killed." Xiao Qing suggested.

"Also, but there is light rain, and now it has returned to the normal timeline. As long as the light rain dreams are observed on weekdays, once the light rain dreams trigger the dream come true skills, I can dream magically for light rain for a long time. There is light rain With the help of this prophet, my strength and the strength of the earth will increase rapidly!" Lek said confidently.

Lei Ke and Gu Yi and others checked the information provided by and determined that there were no other major changes in the main world before they were completely relieved.

Lake chose to quit Zhutian Online.

As the egg compartment opened, Rick came out of the egg compartment.

The room where Rake appeared this time was finally not a ward of a mental illness nursing home, but a warm bedroom.

The bedroom area is much larger than that of Lake’s original room, but the furnishings are still very similar to Lake’s original bedroom.

Rake looked at the fire-eye gold-eye perspective, and his room was a bedroom on the second floor of a detached villa.

My parents live on the third floor, and my sister Xiaoyu's room is on the first floor.

This villa also has an elevator and stairs.

My parents are not at home, and Xiaoyu is sitting in a wheelchair similar to the bald headmaster of the X-Men, staying in the courtyard of the villa garden.

Lake walked down the stairs and went to the courtyard to watch the light rain.

Xiaoyu's feet are gone. More than a month has passed. Xiaoyu's emotions have almost recovered. I am temporarily used to the days without my feet. There is not much sadness and pain on my face.

"Lake, come out, help me pick the little yellow flower!" Xiao Yu pointed to a little yellow flower on the ground in front of her wheelchair.

"What kind of flowers and grasses are picked randomly? The little yellow flowers are there to find you to provoke you, to pick it!" Rake smiled, approached Xiaoyu and raised his hand to give Xiaoyu's head in a wheelchair a head.

It feels good to be able to shoot Xiaoyu's head and talk to Xiaoyu again. This feels much more real. Rek smiled involuntarily and couldn't help carrying it to Xiaoyu's head again.

"Oh, ah, oops! You shoot me for what I did, you still bully me, I tell my mother!" Xiaoyu turned his head, pouting unhappily to Rake.

"Oh, I'm so happy to see you for a while, don't hold back, don't tell my mom! Let's go, I will push you out and walk around!" Rake said with a smile, digressing, and the province's Xiaoyu really complained to his mom. .

Lek estimated that after Xiaoyu was injured, his father and mother definitely started to protect Xiaoyu.

Once Xiaoyu complained, he must have been nagged by his parents.

"Okay, push me out for a walk. Rick, after I was injured, I loved pushing me out for the first month, and then you became lazy, saying that let me exercise and send me a broken cane, Don't push me out for a walk!" Xiao Yu said happily.

"Oh, I guess I'll push you away for another month!" Lek said with a smile, pushing the light rain wheelchair, and walked out of the villa's yard.

Lek estimated that he pushed the wheelchair for another month, and the freshness passed, so he didn't like to push her around.

The villa environment of this new home is not bad, there are a row of single-family houses, and there are double-story, townhouse and the like, and the bungalow area is behind.

Lake is just not familiar with the environment near the new home, pushing light rain to stroll around the park.

"Slow down, push me out of the park. I want to go shopping on the commercial street. I can watch the park myself!" Xiao Yu said.

"Also!" Lek agreed casually, pushing the small rain wheelchair out of the park gate.

After going out, Rake opened his eyes with flaming eyes, and after seeing the surrounding environment, Reck regretted it.

This new home is too far away from the commercial street. If it is impossible to go to the commercial street, it is estimated that it will take more than an hour to walk!

However, Lake estimates that if he says he doesn't love power, Xiaoyu must complain.

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