MTL - Global Day Online-Chapter 1285 Changing the past affects the future

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Rake took eleven me and Xiaoqing Xiaobai, Guyi and Zhongling, and began to slaughter God in this copy.

After seeing the female **** of war in the Persian fleet, the avatar had a good conversation at the beginning, but in the end it also broke down. The avatar continued to command the Greek navy and resist the invasion of the Persian fleet.

The Persian fleet uses oil fire attack, suicide attack and other methods, but in the avatar, the sea king uses the sea **** Trident to control underwater. All the Persian attack methods have little damage effect.

For seven days, Rake killed all the way, as long as he found the **** of this world and went up to do it.

After a large number of gods in this world died, the rest began to hide, and some hid in ordinary people's cities to pretend to be ordinary people.

On the eighth day, Rick finally found the three sisters of destiny in this copy of the world.

The three sisters shared an eyeball, and under the world tree, they waited for Rake to arrive and had no choice to escape.

The three sisters of destiny should have also sensed that the killing **** of the No. 2 Venerable, without finding them, will not end the killing of the gods of this world.

"Now, with such a killing, are you not afraid of being cursed!"

"Sir No.2, stop your hands and carry on, you will have no future!"

"You used to be pretty good, why did you become like this!"

The three sisters of present, future, and past destiny told Rake.

Reck didn't talk nonsense to them, picked up the gold hoop, "Bang Bang!" Three times, shot the three sisters of fate.

The eyes shared by the three sisters of Destiny were also smashed by Rake!

The souls of the three sisters, absorbed by the undead ship owned by Rake, began to refine.

"Guyi, burn them to ashes and cremation!" said Rake, lest the three sisters of the dead fate have a special way to resurrect after they left, and the ashes were more secure.

Gu Yi controlled the fire and burned the bodies of the three sisters of fate.

"How did the tree of the world burn?" Rake asked Gu Yi.

Gu Yi hesitated, and then shook his head, "Our destruction of the **** system in this copy is enough. If it is destroyed, it is equivalent to extinction, which may lead to the unknown special existence of this copy world."

"Leave it, go back to the future and see the situation. If the world is completely destroyed, it may also affect the future." Zhong Ling also reminded Rake.

"Okay!" Rake passed the soul communication ability to send a message to the doppelganger, and this copy can be ended.

The avatar stood on the battleship, holding the trident of Poseidon and pointing to the Persian fleet on the sea level.

Before the calm sea level, huge waves suddenly appeared, and deep sea vortices began to appear under the ships of some Persian fleets.

After more than half an hour, Rake received a reminder of the online mission clearance of Zhutian.

The portal appeared at the foot of Rick and was sucked into it.

Going back to the main online interface of the past days and times, Rake chose to go offline, come out of the egg cabin, and stroll around.

I bought a scarf on the street to block my face.

Rake did not go to see his friends on the timeline in the past, so as not to affect the future.

After the end of the twenty-four hour past stop time, Rake was enveloped by the golden bell and traversed the black hole again, returning to the future Rake's own main online interface of the heavens.

"Small net, sort out the major events that happened on the days of the past six months, and the copies I have visited before, according to the timeline!" Rake immediately summoned out the small net.

The virtual stereoscopic projection of the small network appeared, and within a few seconds, Rick listed a detailed data sheet according to the time course.

Lake called out Gu Yi, Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Zhong Ling, and looked at this timeline data sheet together.

"Not bad, the mechanical technology crisis is gone!" Lek said with a smile.

After going back this time, after killing the Olympus gods, the copycat crisis did not appear on this timeline.

Earth players, still enter the various copies normally, and will not download the technical copy alone.

"It seems to be back to normal!" Zhong Yuan sighed.

"Lake husband, have you changed the timeline, what happened in the previous timeline?" Xiaowang asked.

Xiaonet didn't leave this future timeline, so it didn't understand the previous changes.

"Before the timeline, I went back to the past because of the third time I used the skills of the East Imperial Tour. There was a mechanical soaring, and the earth’s main world has rapidly improved the technology regardless of the consequences. I don’t like the future of that timeline. Fortunately, the fourth This time, I successfully changed back to the normal future that belongs to the earth’s main world!" Rake explained to Xiaowang.

After listening to Xiaowang, he looked at Rake, "changing the timeline has a big impact on the future. I have tested it before, and I dared to let go of the past when I occupied the future of multiple timelines. Rake husband, You only occupy one timeline now. You must be careful when changing the past. Sometimes, you make a mistake and it is difficult to change it back!" Xiao Wang reminded Rake.

Rick nodded. "This time I was lucky, it seems to be back!"

"Not necessarily, according to my previous experience of changing the timeline, as long as I send the Terminator to a certain timeline in the past, the progress of that timeline will change. It may be a small change at the beginning, but even Small changes will also continue, triggering many unexpected big changes. You only have to go to the past, you now only occupy a timeline of the future, our future must be different from your original future, has changed, but you have not I just found out. I hope this change is good and beneficial to you!" Xiao Wang said.

Zhong Ling also nodded beside him, indicating that it was true.

"I don't want to. I'll go offline for a few days and let me take it easy. Just look at what has changed on the main world earth. But at least for now, there hasn't been any bad changes in the general process of the main world earth. "Lake said he chose to go offline.

Lake then let Gu Yi take Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Zhong Ling away to explore the changed main world.

Rick himself slept in the small bed in the room of the mental illness nursing home.

For the next three days, Rake was not in a hurry to use his skills.

This morning, Rick was having breakfast with the Big Queen, and a nurse called Rake.

"Lei Ke, there is a girl named Xiao Bing Nu, saying that it is your classmate, to visit you, she is waiting on the lawn, you eat quickly, and go to see her after eating!"

"Don't Xiaobingnv just come to see me a few days ago, how come again?" Lek said casually, speeding up the meal.

The nurse looked at Rake, "Except for the first day, when your father was sent, your father saw you. No one came to see you for more than a week. This is called Xiao Bing Nu, who has never been here before. !Lake, it seems that your spirit is not good, I will tell the doctor and prescribe some medicine for you!"

"Oh, no medicine, I'm kidding, I know Xiao Bing Nu hasn't been here! Let's go, I'm already full," Rick said to the nurse quickly, stopped eating, and got up to leave with the nurse. Go to the lawn outside the building.

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