MTL - Global Day Online-Chapter 1258 Escape from mental hospital failed

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"I can protect myself without you. Why do those patients who live on the fifth floor are afraid of you?" Rake asked the Queen.

"That's not afraid, I feel that their attitude towards me is a respect for the strong. They already know my identity in Zhutian Online, and then I let most of them do small things in this mental illness nursing home After removing a few disobedient patients, these patients treated me more respectfully.

By the way, what is your identity in Zhutian Online? My true identity in Zhutian Online is very powerful. My true player identity is the great queen of the poker team that saved the world. Rake, don’t divulge my identity to others. My identity can only be told to others selectively, and others are not allowed to spread the word. Otherwise, don’t blame me for your hands! "The big queen said to Rick, and she shook the fork in her hand.

"Oh, Great Queen, I'm actually very strong!" Rake said with a smile, considering whether to say he was the No. 2 Venerable.

"You are free, you don't have to tell me your player status of Zhutian Online. But what you want to say, don't deceive me, such as pretending to be a famous strongman in Zhutian Online. Rake, I'm very optimistic about you, don't fake 2 The Lord’s bastard. There were two patients who pretended to be the Lord’s bastard’s bastard, and now they all have grass on their graves.” The Queen put down the plastic knife and fork in her hand and said, she had finished eating steak and Fried noodles.

After listening to it, Rick decided not to tell the big queen that he was the No. 2 Venerable.

"What did you do with the patient on the fifth floor before you?" Rake asked the big queen with some curiosity, and put down his chopsticks.

"My strength, I was able to escape from this mental illness nursing home a long time ago. But until now, I haven't been able to take all the patients to escape. I have tried to dig tunnels underneath our cafeteria, the second basement underground." The Great Queen said, pointing to her feet.

Rake thinks about the big queen's ghoul claws. Even if his strength in the main world is weak, he can really be used as a shovel, and it is not difficult to dig the tunnel.

"After that, have you dug the underground passage now? What did you ask the patient on the fifth floor to do for you?" Lek continued to ask.

The Big Queen sighed, "It was quite smooth to dig the tunnel at first, but the deeper the digging, the more soil was dug. The soil needs to be treated as soon as possible so as not to be discovered by the doctors and nurses in this nursing home. Every time I dig out the excavated soil, the patients on the fifth floor eat it with their meals. When they each eat, they share some of the soil to eat, so that it has little effect on their health." The Queen said.

After listening to it, Lek listened.

"Why haven't you watched them divide the food for them now?"

"Hey, bad luck, I dug, and accidentally dug a groundwater source. The groundwater was poured directly into my tunnel, and it also poured up. There was so much water that I couldn't block it. After that, it was blocked. The doctors and nurses in this nursing home found out. They buried the tunnel I dug in the second basement, and began to investigate who dug it and found me.

I was shocked by electric shocks for several days because I was digging tunnels. Fortunately, at that time, my physical attributes were very high and I was no longer afraid of electric shock. After that, I was imprisoned, and for a long time, I was not allowed to come out for activities and meals. At that time, I simply logged on to Zhutian Online, and went to the copy of Resident Evil for several months in a row to improve my strength.

When I came out again, the doctor told me that my confinement time was over and I could go out and eat together with other patients. But after the tunnel was discovered, the doctors strengthened the peripheral protection of this mental illness nursing home, and I wanted to take everyone away again, it was even more difficult. "The Big Queen told Rick.

After listening to it, Rick knew why the Big Queen decided to enter the world of Resident Evil.

The Big Queen has no place to go in the main world, so she decides to pass the time in the Resident Evil world and can also improve her strength.

Rake thought about the scene of meeting the big queen for the first time in the world of Resident Evil.

Compared with staying in the ward of the main world and being confined in a mental sanitarium, you can live freely in a biohazardous world. For the then Queen, it was indeed a good place.

Rick got up and he was already full. The big queen also got up and the two left the restaurant together.

"Add a friend, I will inform you if there is any situation!" The Queen said to Rake, and also told Rake her phone number.

"OK!" Rick did not refuse, took out his phone, and called the Big Queen.

As she went up the stairs, the Queen no longer said that she would escape from this mental hospital.

"Tomorrow morning, with free time, our patients on the fifth floor can go to the courtyard outside the building and see you then!" said the Queen.

After the two returned to the fifth floor, the big queen returned to her own room.

Rick then returned to his room.

After entering the room and closing the metal door, the metal door is automatically locked.

Rake looked at the bedside table in his small room, and was put some fruit and three bottles of mineral water. It should be that when he left to eat downstairs, the medical staff came to his room.

Lyk lay back on his bed, trying to turn on his fire-eyes and seeing through the mental health care facility.

There are high walls on the periphery of this nursing home, and there are barbed wire on the high walls. There is only one large metal door doorway that is closed at this time.

There are many monitoring devices around the high wall.

The location of this sanatorium is very remote, far from the city, and not far from this sanatorium, it turned out to be a small military base for the Earth Defense Force.

Seeing this arrangement, Lake also knew the reason why the Big Queen could not take other patients out.

It's just that high wall, the Great Queen estimates that there is still a way to destroy it.

But outside the high wall, the small military base of the Earth Defense Force not far away is too deadly for those who want to escape.

Without the special skill of own portal, it is difficult to flee with all the patients.

The Queen's own strength is very strong now. If you become a ghoul, you can fly out, but you can't take all the patients with you.

Before Rake thought, when the meteorite killed the crisis, the big queen should first be transformed into a ghoul state, and secretly flew out of this mental hospital. After fighting against the meteorite group with her, she secretly flew back.

Although Rake has the ability to open the magic portal to flee with all his psychiatric patients, Reck is not ready to contribute.

First try to become stronger and change the past, and then save the light rain.

At that time, the future will also change. Now even if these psychiatric patients are rescued, there is no way to rely on them to fight the undead.

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