MTL - Global Day Online-Chapter 1215 Big Queen and Little Queen also have names

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"Wait, now the Aboriginal Earth Defence Forces are well prepared. Weapons and weapons are so strong that we do n’t need our shots at all. And they all pulled up the quarantine zone, and soldiers with guns were guarding. Shot! "Nan Batian, a macho man, also expressed his attitude.

Lake followed many high school students and continued to watch the battle in the distance.

After the teaching building was destroyed by missiles, online players in various days can check the [world energy] of this Z13 world, which has changed from minus 100,000 to minus 120,000.

Reck estimates that by destroying the area associated with the portal, the world will also be punished by deducting [world energy].

The 20,000 points [world energy] deducted should not be deducted from the destruction of this teaching building, but the sum of the deductions in this world after all the teaching buildings where Zerg invasion portals are destroyed.

I just do n’t know, the Earth Defense Force is now squatting to hunt down those bugs, how much energy can be obtained in the small crystal, and whether it can replenish the 20,000 [World Energy], there is still left.

Now the Earth Defence Force has just collected the small crystal on the corpse of the insect and took it away with a cloth bag, and does not use the small crystal to supplement the consumption of [World Energy].

Fighting and excavation work continues.

The eight portals were successfully excavated by the Earth Defence Force and fitted with special metal containers.

The sound of heavy machine gun fire and the howling of insects continued to ring.

About half an hour later, Rake saw through the fire-eye gold eye perspective skills that new Zerg began to appear in the portal, which looked like an enlarged version of the centipede, the centipede centipede.

After the huge centipede came out, it rushed towards the heavy machine gun, but fortunately, the machine gun was powerful enough, and several centipedes were shot and fell in the container.

The soldiers, opened the small metal doors on both sides of the container, and dragged the centipede corpse with an iron hook, just pulled out two.

The two centipedes that had fallen to the ground moved again, and the centipedes were not dead.

The hundred-footed centipede actually began to fly at low altitude. The centipede's paws smashed several nearby Earth Defense Forces soldiers. They also stuffed the bodies of two human soldiers in their mouths, chewing and eating.

The big queen Diana, carrying the flamethrower immediately picked it up, and the flamethrower fired, a long high-temperature flame, and began to grill the head of the flying centipede.

"Boom!" The tank at the rear also started to attack, hitting the centipede body in the barbecue of the big queen.

The first centipede that ran out was interrupted in the air into more than ten small segments. The body exploded and fell to the ground. Its burnt head was shaken a few times before it died completely.

A small crystal appeared on the head of the centipede, which was picked up by the queen holding the flamethrower.

The little queen Angel, carrying a small missile launcher at this time, fired at the second centipede that ran out.

The missile hit the centipede's head precisely, and the two armed helicopters that had previously flown at low altitude in the sky also launched a machine gun to fire the second centipede.

The second centipede also fell to the ground and died completely after more than ten seconds. A small crystal appeared on the head.

"Add a flamethrower!" Great Queen Diana ordered loudly.

At one end of the eight containers, beside the two heavy machine guns, the soldiers immediately carried another flamethrower device.

The soldiers began to replace the bullets between the two heavy machine guns, and connected the flamethrower to the fuel car coming from behind.

The flamethrower began to emit high-temperature flame intermittently.

The high temperature burned the centipede in the container, and this time it was impossible to run the dead centipede.

Rake found that after the death of these flying centipedes, there will be small crystals in the metropolis. On the corpses of the previous mantis insects, the chance of small crystals appearing is too low.

It should be that the stronger the outsider creature is killed, the higher the chance of appearing small crystal, and the more energy contained in the appearing small crystal.

Rake and others watched it for more than half an hour and found that no new insects appeared except the mantis and centipede.

The frequency of insects also began to decrease, and eventually turned into a few small mantis insects.

The Earth Defense Force began to mobilize large-scale cement tank trucks at this time. The excavator had been digging the ruins of the teaching building and clearing the rocks from the collapsed teaching building.

Now the metal container is moved forward.

At the top of the container, the metal plate is opened, and the cement of a cart is poured into the container, and the metal container is closed.

The three-meter-diameter transmission channel was filled with cement in a few minutes.

The excavator transported the flagstones from the ruins of the school building to the edge of the playground.

More than a dozen reinforced trucks entered the campus.

A brigade of workers dressed in Earth Defense Force construction uniforms appeared.

Hundreds of workers began to install steel bars outside the eight metal containers trapped in the conveyor channel, and once again directed the cement tanker to pour cement.

The construction team was fast, and within an hour, within the rubble of the collapsed school building that had been cleaned up, eight concrete structures like large coffins were constructed.

After doing this, the Earth Defense Force began to clear the battlefield and evacuated with the previous Zerg corpses.

Only more than ten members and construction teams were left to deal with the ruins of the previous teaching building and continue to guard the martial law area.

One car drove away from the school. The Great Queen sat in an armed jeep, glanced at players such as Rake standing on the playground in the distance, facing the direction where Rake was standing, hooked her finger, and left.

Rek was stunned. Was they discovered by the aborigines like the Great Queen.

Sure enough, the Earth Defense Force, walking in the last off-road vehicle, drove towards the senior three students who were still on the playground.

Blonde, Angel, the little queen who had just carried the missile launcher, sat on the front passenger. This off-road vehicle was parked at a location two meters away from the high school students' gathering place.

"Our world is suffering from alien biological invasion! This school building invasion is just the first wave. Soon, there will be the next wave of invasion. The first wave of invasion destroys our world's education system, the second wave Invasion, according to the previous experience of other worlds being invaded, it should be that the medical system will be focused on. In many hospitals in our world, the transmission channel will be opened soon. There are special strong people among you, and our Earth Defense Force has received some News from your peers. The senior officers of the Earth Defense Force have just held an emergency meeting and decided that as long as they are strong and help guard our world, we are welcome. Within three days, go to the Earth Defense Forces to register to join the army and protect the world together. "The little queen Angel stood on the co-pilot seat of the off-road vehicle and said aloud to the senior three players.

After saying this, the little queen didn't pay attention to the reaction of senior high school students such as Lake, and directly let the driver start the off-road vehicle to leave.

Rick and other online players watched the little queen leave, looking at the destroyed teaching building. Now the original building of the teaching building has been transformed into eight long concrete coffins.