MTL - Global Day Online-Chapter 1183 A large copy of the invitation to force play

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The little queen nodded. "The [Force Battle Invitation] big reel issued by the Six-Eyed Stars, the conditions and the name of the copy are clearly stated. The name of the copy is [World of Warcraft]. The movie of World of Warcraft is about the story of the orcs opening the door of darkness and invading the mainland of Azeroth. However, this time against the large copy, we gave two camps for us to choose. One camp, the remaining camp belongs to the six-eyed star, but this copy is not quite the same as in the movie.

The first camp is the Alliance, and the second camp is the Horde. Each camp includes many races, each race can also choose a profession. It looks complicated. This is somewhat different from the [World of Warcraft] movie released by Zhutian Online. It is estimated that this battle against the background of the copy world is derived from the [World of Warcraft] movie as the center.

According to the online tips of the players, after entering, players will start from level 0, and they can start leveling. The highest level is level 60. The summoned creatures owned by the player before entering the copy of [World of Warcraft] will be converted into the player's additional initial attributes in the copy, and the summoned creatures cannot be brought into the copy.

The attributes of strength, agility, endurance, and wisdom originally possessed by the player will be converted into the attributes of strength, agility, endurance, intelligence, spirit, armor, life, and mana in World of Warcraft.

As for the player's original skills and props, most of them will be retained, but their power will be weakened many times. This can be regarded as the protection of Zhutian Online against the relatively weak earth forces. Otherwise, select the top 1000 players of the Earth. Under normal circumstances, it should not be the opponent of the top players of 1000 six-eye star.

In the copy, stay for 100 days. After the end of 100 days, Zhutian Online will count the contributions of six-eyed stars and earth players to their own camp, tribe or alliance. The party with the largest contribution wins, and the party with the least contribution, a thousand players participating in this copy will be directly wiped out by the players online.

If the earth's strength fails, it will be restricted from entering the copy for six months. If the six-eyed star force as the inviting party fails, it will be restricted from entering the copy for twelve months.

Another thing is that the earth player forces, once they agree to participate in this [Force Battle Invite], can bet on all heaven coins and bet on the earth players to win. Once the earth force as our invited party finally wins, this time the six-eye star power of the party must be given to us to bet ten times of the heavenly coins --- "The little queen began to explain in detail to Rake what she knew The rules of this [Force Battle Invitation].

The more Rick listened, the more excited he felt.

The World of Warcraft replica camp, tribes and alliances, races, and backgrounds that the little queen said are very similar to the World of Warcraft games that I fought day and night when I went to college before traveling to this earth ’s main world.

In the original world, the leader of this group can lead the elite guild of the guild to fight for BOSS brush equipment for countless nights!

Now the main world of the earth, because most people have become a copy of the online players of the heavens, so now the main world of the earth is a few years ago, and there is no classic online game [World of Warcraft].

Now in the main world where you are, only the World of Warcraft movie released by Zhu Tian online.

Rake smiled and thought that the little queen was wrong. The world view of [World of Warcraft] in the large copy this time was not derived from the movie.

It's the first [World of Warcraft] game, then some [World of Warcraft] movies.

It's just that people in the main world where they are now don't know about this game.

"Agree with this challenge from Six Eyes, our earth forces choose the [Horde] camp, I lead 1,000 Earth players, and kill the Alliance Dogs." Rake said with confidence.

"Oh? Venerable No. 2, do you know this copy of [World of Warcraft], why did you choose the tribe? Are you confident of defeating the Six-Eye Starman? The Six-Eye Starman sent us this confrontation invitation this time, and I am sure to be prepared The 1000 players they selected, regardless of strength or equipment, will exceed the top 1,000 players selected by our earth. The initial attributes of the six-eye star in this copy of [World of Warcraft] may be more than one thousand of our earth players. People are much taller. "The little queen asked.

Rick smiled after listening, "For the belief, it is not wrong to choose the [Horde] camp. The copy world I experienced before is related to the [World of Warcraft] that you describe. It can be said that I am about this [World of Warcraft] I understand, I should know more than the Six Eyes. You can contact the Earth Defence Force, and you can never accept the invitation of the Six Eyes Defence. By the way, before the Earth Defence Force promised me to resist the meteorite killing crisis, donate The celestial coins of the Undead Castle, just as they did not donate to the Undead Castle, all bet on the players of the earth, and they will win in this [World of Warcraft] confrontation. "

"Are you sure?" The little queen asked Venerable Two again. After all, Venerable No. 2 did things and talked, sometimes reliable, sometimes unreliable.

"80% certainty, as long as that [World of Warcraft] is known to me, not by the same name, I can lead the Earth players to defeat the Six-Eyed Star." Lek said.

"It's a matter of importance. I'll talk to the Earth Defence Force first, and see if the Earth Defence Force decides to bet on the future fate of the Earth. After all, if you lose this time, you and I will both die in the copy after participating in the war. The 1000 top players sent by the Earth will be wiped out by the heavens online. And these players will also carry many advanced equipment and resources before entering this copy of [World of Warcraft]. It can be said that if our planet is in battle, we can only win, not Failure! "The little queen said after thinking about it.

Rick nodded, "Okay, you go and say, it is best to convince the Earth Defense Forces to fight. After all, this kind of confrontation, I have encountered a large copy that I have been to, and it is very familiar. I will write it now. Several strategies for upgrading, playing equipment, and using the skills in the copy of [World of Warcraft]. After the Earth Defense Forces agreed to fight, immediately select 1000 players to participate in the battle, and take advantage of the three days of preparation time to let them study the strategy I provided. "" Lek said with a smile.

"Oh, you can write a guide! It seems that you really understand this copy of [World of Warcraft]. I hope the Six-Eyed Stars are out of luck. The copy you found is the one you are familiar with. Well, I will contact you here. The Earth Defence Army is going, you write the strategy first. If you do n’t agree to participate in the war, there will be results tonight. When you want to go online at night, it is best to bring the strategy you wrote online. ”The little queen said.