MTL - Global Day Online-Chapter 1181 A copy of the college entrance exam is about to start

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Rake smiled and looked at the little ice girl at the same table, "I just gave you the staff you eliminated, it's too sincere. No, and my college entrance examination, relying on my own strength, borrowing your equipment is like cheating Again, I am not rare! "

"You--" Xiao Bing girl stared at Rake, and she hadn't spoken for a long time.

Xiaobing girl started to pick up her new phone, looked down at the phone, and ignored Rake.

Rake also took his phone and looked at the Zhutian online forum.

Lei Ke still remembers that before he fought against the meteorite group, he asked the little queen to tell the Earth Defense Force what he wanted [reward].

After Resisting Meteorites to save the earth, the Earth Defense Army was required to donate celestial coins to the Undead Castle belonging to No. 2 Venerable in the battlefield to upgrade the Undead Castle.

Rake believes that as long as his strength is still there, the Earth Defense Force will certainly not be dismissed.

This time it depends on whether the Earth Defense Force has the courage to donate or organize how many tens of dollars to donate to the castle of the undead.

Rake inquired about the Zhutian online forums, and there is no news that the Earth Defense Force has begun to donate money to the castle of the undead. It seems that the Earth Defense Force has not yet acted.

Rake decided to go to the egg cabin classroom after the morning class.

Know the situation of the Earth Defense Force yourself and the little queen.

After staying in the classroom for more than ten minutes, the door of the classroom opened, and the students who were still talking in the classroom before, suddenly became quiet.

The brutal aunt dressed in Taoist clothes walked into the classroom and went directly to the podium.

The students, including Lake, looked up to their class teacher, the brutal aunt.

After all, yesterday morning, among the people who resisted the meteorite outside Donghuang ’s golden bell, there was a brutal Daoist holding a flying sword.

Although it is much worse than the influence of No. 2 Venerable Emperor and the little queen who turned into a dragon mount, the brutal Dao Gu is also one of the heroes who saved the world.

"Take class today, in this lesson, I will talk about the strength of the current earth players and the future prospects. Let me tell you first, from the first perspective, I feel close contact with the No. 2 Venerable and the meteorite group. Fall The meteorites of the Earth are very powerful under acceleration. The strength and destructive power of meteorites are several times stronger in close contact at high altitude than standing on the ground. As for the No. 2 Venerable Emperor, you do n’t need to say, you all know that Qiang. I will give you an analysis of the powerful skills of the Second Lord Sovereign known --- "The brutal Dao aunt stood on the podium and began to speak.

The students in the classroom are all looking up and paying attention to the class this time.

Lek also listened curiously, wanting to hear what level of strength and skills he had in the eyes of other powerful earthmen.

Rick listened, most of the brutal Dao's content praised himself. As for his skill and some time points, Reck was just using it casually.

But the brutal Daoist began to analyze one by one, and has already analyzed the No. 2 Venerable Emperor into a tactical command and combat man.

When Sovereign No. 2 confronts the meteorite, every sentence and every action has a profound meaning behind it.

"After class, write a post-study, the post-study feeling of No. 2 Venerable Emperor in the process of saving the earth by the main world force against meteorites. Hand in it before class tomorrow! The word count should not be less than 3,000 words, anyone Do not copy the articles on the Zhutian Online Forum! "The brutal Dao aunt said that after more than twenty minutes, she had finished talking about Likang Meteorites, and then announced.

Before the students listened to the content of the brutal Taoist lecture today, they were quite excited.

But when the old class cruel Taoist announced that he wanted to write a post-view, or three-thousand-word post-view, the expressions of most students immediately turned into bitter gourds, how ugly and ugly.

Let them write the post-view impression of four or five hundred words, and still be able to write it reluctantly. The post-view impression of three thousand words, many students thought, might as well drop a meteorite and smash the school, they can take a few more days off Months.

Lei Ke smiled and thought, fortunately, he had the artificial intelligence of Xiao Wang, so that Xiao Wang could write to him a post-second impression of No. 2 Venerable War vs. Meteorite, and weeping ghosts and gods, from the many articles in the Zhutian Online Forum. Intercepting a sentence or something, the brutal Dao will never find it.

After the brutal Dao announced the completion of the post-look work, there was only half a class left.

Brutal Dao began to analyze the current strength and future development direction of the earth players for the students.

"After the Earth players experienced this meteorite group attacking the Earth ’s main world, according to the judgment of the Earth Defense Forces, if the Earth forces want to continue to develop for a long time, the construction of the Earth ’s main world and the melee battlefield are very important. The Earth Defense Force ignored the main The construction of the world puts the emphasis on the melee battlefield. The construction of the earth ’s main world will be put on the agenda. Before the Earth Defense Force played the video, the [Galaxy Defense Line] construction plan has begun. Now melee Outside the Earth Territory of the battlefield, there is the Great Wall Formation of the No. 2 Venerable Emperor. In the main world, the Earth Defence Force has established the [Milky Way Line of Defense] ---- "

The brutal Dao continued to lecture.

After hearing the meeting, Rake also understood that the Earth Defense Force is ready to call on players to bring out some technologies that the earth ’s main world can use and learn from the melee battlefield to upgrade the civilization level of the main world.

However, this kind of bring out can let the earth's main world learn science and technology items, but it is extremely rare, and there are many restrictions on Sky Online.

"There are still six days left to decide your future college entrance exam. Because of the reform of Zhutian Online, the specific copy of the college entrance examination can only be a guess. This year's college entrance examination outflow, Zhutian Online has been released. Before, a personal electronic examination number will be sent. After the copy of the college entrance examination, the scores obtained will be stored anonymously in your corresponding examination. This score is only known to you and Zhutian Online.

After the copy of your college entrance examination, you will start to register for colleges and universities. After registration, major colleges and universities will issue score lines. Students who exceed the score line are admitted. Major universities also only know the number of students in each score line, and will not know the specific score of each student.

Now the last six days are left, and work hard. There have been a lot of things happening before the college entrance examination recently, but you should not be affected by these things. Examination of a good university will get more resources and better courses in the future. I personally suggest that you report to the university where the Earth Defense Force belongs, and you can join the Earth Defense Force directly after graduation. "The brutal Dao aunt spoke to the students before class.

"Bell Bell Bell!"

The cruel Taoist then announced the end of the class, and first left the podium and walked out of the classroom.

In the classroom, the students started talking.

The macho, the thin monkey, and the little fat man came to the front row of Rake seats.