MTL - Global Day Online-Chapter 1179 A savior

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Rake then withdrew his undead warship, but after reading his god-level Hulk transformation skills, there were more than ten hours left.

After more than ten hours, you can return to normal.

I can't go back to school or go home now, otherwise my Hulk No. 2 Venerable, wherever I go now, can cause a sensation and crazy onlookers.

Rick raised his left hand to draw a circle and opened the golden magic portal.

The location of the portal is directly set in the hotel room where you left before.

Rick quickly entered the portal, returned to the hotel room, and closed the curtains.

"Lake husband, the Earth Defense Force is using surveillance equipment to secretly track the location of the big queen, the little queen and you. I have erased the monitoring records of your location information. The positions where the big queen and the little queen are monitored The information was also blocked by me. Whether let the Earth Defense Force know that the position of the big queen and the little queen in the main world will expose their identity in the main world. "Xiaowang appeared on the TV screen in the room and asked Lake.

After listening to it, Rick shook his head. This Earth Defence Force still seems to be not completely assured of his poker team. This time, the three giants of the poker team can be regarded as brazen and hard to resist meteorite to save the earth's main world.

As a result, after the meteorite killing crisis was lifted, the Earth Defense Forces still reversed and secretly explored their identity in the main world.

"It's all blocked. Without my notice, don't expose me, the Queen and the Queen to anyone." Rick said with a firm tone, and he was a little angry.

"Lake husband, do you want to know the true identity of the little queen and the big queen in the main world, I can tell you?" Xiao Wang asked with a smile on TV.

Rick thought about it and refused, "No need to tell me! Since the Queen and Little Queen were transformed into the undead warships this time, it means that they, like me, want to hide their identity in the main world. I even Knowing their true identities does not help me much. Instead, once I know their identities in the main world, I will pretend not to know after seeing each other on the melee battlefield! I ’m so tired, sometimes, There is no benefit in knowing too much hidden information. "Leike told Xiaowang.

Now, Rick has no idea of ​​developing his own strength in the main world, so he does not care about the identity of the big queen and the little queen.

"Okay, now the humans in the main world are reveling. Whether it is players or ordinary citizens, you are celebrating your resistance to the meteorite group. In the earth territory of the melee battlefield, there are also many earth players celebrating this victory!" Xiao Wang said to Lake.

Rick looked at his current green fat figure, the size of an ordinary egg compartment in the main world, which he couldn't sit in.

I am too fat and strong.

"Well, they celebrate, I wo n’t participate. The more appearances in the main world, the easier it is for the Earth Defence Force to detect my true identity. Although you can shield electronic devices, you ca n’t shield the eyes of people in the main world. ! "Rake sighed.

Rake felt that his own earth-saving planet was now helpless.

As the savior who made the most effort to resist the meteorite this time, in order to continue to comfort a life of peace in the main world, he could only stay in the hotel room first, and could not go to the street or return to school to participate in the carnival.

Xiaonet adjusted the channel picture of the TV to show people's carnival celebration scenes on the streets, the city center and other places.

Although Rake couldn't directly participate in the carnival that knew his victory this time, he could see it.

The small net activated Lake's phone.

"Lake husband, during this time when you shut down, Xiao Bingnv gave you two calls. Your sister Xiaoyu, who has the ability to predict, gave you a call. Do you want to broadcast it back?" Xiaowang asked.

"Xiao Bing Nu's first stop, I will see Xiao Bing Nu when I return to the normal state in class tomorrow. It is estimated that Xiao Bing Nuo does not matter. Xiao Yu's help me call back first, I will see Xiao Yu looking for me What, she must never have nightmares to predict future disasters. She wants to have nightmares again, and I want to commit suicide! "Rick said after thinking about it.

Xiaowang directly helped Leike dial up Xiaoyu's phone.

"Hey, Xiaoyu, what's the matter with me? Just now the phone is out of power, I just started charging the phone after finishing charging."

"Rek, that's great! The No. 2 Venerable Emperor and they are blocking the meteorite group with the Earth Defence Force. This shows that my predicted future is not necessarily going to happen. I have not fully awakened the talent skills of prophecy. In the future, I will be able to give an early warning of dangerous disasters! When I predict a future disaster, I can prepare the Earth Defense Force and other forces in advance. "Xiao Yu said to Rake with a happy look.

"Well, don't get tired. You still have less dreams and more rest." Rick responded to his sister with awkward looks.

"Okay, I feel like I might be the reincarnation of the Virgin! I will become the savior of humanity in the future, and my skill in predicting the disaster facing the earth, in some ways, its contribution to the earth is better than that of Lord No. 2. It ’s still powerful. I ’ll cover you in Zhutian Online in the future. You did n’t need to make a hard copy of Zhutian Online recently. When I ’m strong, I will be equipped and immortal. Some. "Xiao Yu laughed happily and continued.

After listening to it, Lek knew that her sister Xiaoyu was kind, but she still wanted to beat Xiaoyu.

"Before you have enough self-preserving strength, do n’t divulge your talents for prophecy. The main world and the melee battlefield are not as friendly and calm as they seem. Your powerful savior, if you grow up, leak I am afraid that I will be strangled! "Lake's solemn tone reminded Xiaoyu.

After all, after listening to Xiaoyu ’s phone call, Xiaoyu was too excited to see the sample. If Xiaoyu really leaked it to the Earth Defense Force, she could predict the skills of the disaster. Maybe the Earth Defense Force would detect that Xiaoyu was the root cause of all disasters. Not necessarily able to save light rain in the main world.

After all, this time the Earth Defence Force has launched thousands of missiles, hundreds of rockets, and tens of thousands of skills and props to mobilize players to launch into the air in the main world against meteorites. Resources.

If this kind of resource is used normally when the earth is fighting the end of disaster, everyone will support it.

But once the outside world knew that the Earth would not have experienced this disaster, it was because of the dream of light rain, and the end of the disaster came to waste the resources of the earth ’s main world and players. As a result, Rick did n’t want to think about it anymore.

After listening to Rake's words, Xiao Yu kept silent, didn't answer immediately, and was thinking.

"Well, I'm going to bed. Yesterday I drank a lot with my roommate. You have nothing to do, and I didn't say anything in advance." Rick said.

"Then you go to sleep, all right!" Xiao Yu replied, and then hung up.

After Lake hung up, he took a hot bath and then lay on the bed in the room to watch TV. Fortunately, the bed in the hotel room was strong enough.

For lunch and supper, Rick wasn't booked because he was worried about revealing his identity.

Rick felt that his savior was really inexhaustible. He could only hide in the hotel room and watch the celebration of the crowd outside on TV.