MTL - Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me-Chapter 269 Long-lost duo world

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"BOSS, Eva and the island owner Grandma have gone to Rice."

After the meeting that day, God II sent a message.

"What are they doing in the rice country?" Shenyi was just waiting for the sign of Shenxing, and asked curiously, "Isn't it lost?"

God Two's expression was strange: "You guessed it ..."

Their boat was too old, and the engine broke down shortly after they left the island. Fortunately, they had already entered the high seas and were rescued by floating for two days.

"They were rescued by a shipping company in Rice, so now they are in Rice."

God 1: "BOSS, do you want us to look up that company?"

"No." Shenxinglan thought for a while, "Did anyone meet Yu Sihan?"

"Yes." God Er nodded. "They are closer than us."

Shenxing Lang picked his corner of the mouth: "Then let them check it, but you can keep your eyes on it, and tell me as soon as they return to China."

Almost at the same time, Yu Sihan also received the news.

"Divine Star Lance pulled people out?" He was a little surprised.

His head bowed his head: "Yes, we are looking at that company in the country."

"Check it next." Yu Sihan smiled suddenly, "Shen Xinglang waited for me to die for him!"

It's okay to do a little more, and look back and hold Yaya a few more times ...

The climate of S City is very abnormal this year. A sleet snowed in mid-November. The weather was cold and cold, and A Miu, who had not been sick for several years, had a cold.

"I'm sorry!" She finished drinking the medicine and handed the water cup to Shenxinglang. "I can't go out to celebrate at night."

Today is her birthday. Shenxing Lang had arranged for two people to go out alone for a romantic evening, but now ...

"It's okay, let's go when you're fine." Shenxinglan touched her head. "Sleep!"

"Where is Yaya?" A Miao lay down. "Don't let her come and fling me for a while, it will be contagious."

Shenxinglang covered her with a quilt: "Rest assured, I've fallen asleep next door. Tomorrow I won't go to the company and take her downstairs in the morning."

"Um ..." A Miao closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

Shen Xinglang went to the next room and looked at Yaya. The little boy slept with his fist and slept like a pig. He bowed his head and kissed his daughter's little face. Then he returned to the room and carefully carried A Miao into his arms and looked at her Just closed my eyes and went to sleep.

"Ah!" Yaya found Ma Ma not holding her.

A Miao sat on the other side of the sofa and watched Shen Xinglan feed her daughter to eat fruit.

"Yeah?" Yaya stretched her arms towards A Miao again, and found that Ma Ma just didn't hold her back and screamed ... crying.

Shenxing Lang handed her a big apple with a special face. For the first time, Yaya got an entire apple and was so excited that she immediately forgot about the matter of not holding her ...

"A sneeze!" A Miao snot tears.

Shen Xinglang didn't dare to pass by holding Yaya, and asked the little demon at the door: "Why didn't the doctor come?"

"Already on the road." The little demon looked out the door.

A Miao waved her hand: "Don't rush, I'm fine."

When the doctor came and checked the temperature and infusion, A Miao fell asleep again. She had lost enough liquid for five days this time to be completely good, and that night, Shen Xing Lan gave Yaya to the little demon and aunt to watch, and brought A Miao to make up her birthday.

"Am I wearing too thick?" A Miao pulled the sweater on her body.

Who goes to Michelin restaurant so tightly wrapped ...

"We're not going to the restaurant." Star Star pulled her sleeves.

Although the car has heating, A Miao just got sick.

"Where do you go?" A Miao smiled, "Hotel?"

Shenxingnan's eyes were darkened: "So you want me so, rest assured, I will hug you tonight!"

"..." I didn't mean that!

As the car drove further and further, it gradually drove out of the urban area. A Miao looked out the window and said, "It's the seaside!"

"Um." Shenxinglan suddenly turned off the road and drove the car to the beach.

A Miao could not help frowning. The seaside is quite romantic, but now it is winter ...

"Come, get off." Shenxinglan parked his car and pulled the door.

The seaside in winter can be described as a biting cold wind, and A Miao was tightly hugged in the arms of the God Star Lance. When she wanted to look up, her eyes lighted up.

"That's ..." There was a glass room next to the car.

Now the lights are all on, and the beach looks like daylight.

"It's warm inside, go in quickly."

A Miao was almost hugged in by the **** star trap, and the warm wind blowing from her face opened up her pores comfortably.

"When did you do it?" A kiss on the man's face, A Miao looked at the glass room.

Full of roses and pink light bulbs, candles on candlesticks and two initials of the person's name. The cabinets on one side were full of their photos, from the time they were together until now.

"You set it up!" She knew the Star Star, and it wouldn't be added to others.

Shenxingluan opened the chair: "Do you like it?"

"Like!" A Miao smiled and sat down, watching the man lift the lid off the table, revealing a plate of dishes ... The dishes were not very good.

Shenxingliang was obviously a little embarrassed, and his eyes narrowed: "It tastes good, it doesn't have to be eaten if it looks good."

"Uh-huh, you said everything right!" A Miao cut a cow into her mouth.

Shen Xinglang stared at her, seeing that she ate it with no expression on her face, her heart stunned: "If it's particularly bad, don't eat it ..."

"No, this is the best steak I have ever had!" A Miao cut another piece.

She didn't lie, at least she was cooked, and it was okay.

"How long have you studied?"

Shenxing Lan brought her plate over and helped A Miao cut the steak.

"Half a month."

Every afternoon at the company, I asked the master of the hotel to come and teach him, hoping to make a meal for her on Amy ’s birthday.

"When you celebrate your birthday next month, I will make it for you too!" A Miao finished eating the steaks and began to sip soup.

Shen Xinglang took a sip and frowned. "How salty ..." It tasted exactly when it was out of the pot.

"The soup will taste heavy for a while, so it generally feels light, and it's just right when I drink it."

God Star Lang quickly pushed the cake over: "So what did you drink?"

"But I don't think it's salty!" Ah Miao took another big mouthful of cake, "It's so delicious!"

Shenxinglang knew that it was not so delicious, at best it was able to eat. He looked at A Miao's eyes softer, and A Miao wiped her mouth and suddenly stood up and rushed into his arms.

"I hate hypocrisy very much now."

"..." Divine Star was lingering, how could she talk about the woman's head.

He picked up the man and sat on the sofa facing the sea, and heard the woman in her arms whisper.

"She wasted us four years ..."

How many things can I do in four years? A Miao suddenly felt sad and felt that the time she spent with Shenxinglan in this life was precious every minute and every second.

"We'll have countless more four years." Shen Xinglang gently kissed her hairline. "Then I will find you first in my next life, we will be together."

A Miao stunned in his arms: "If you don't come to me, I will marry someone and don't want you!"

"Do you dare!" Shen Xingliang bit her lip fiercely, and A Miao took the opportunity to kiss.

Her initiative drove the man crazy, and by the time she stopped, Amy's clothes had fallen to her waist, and her white skin was shining under the lamp.

"Oh!" She hurriedly tried to get her clothes on, but she stopped the **** star guard.

The man wraps her directly in his arms, and A Miao rides on his lap with his back facing the Star Star.

"Don't make trouble ... This is outside!" She bit her lip, although it was transparent by the sea, who knows if there will be anyone.

Shenxingliang bit her ear: "Shh! Don't talk, look outside."

A red spot of light rose from the sea and exploded when it reached high altitude.

boom! Gorgeous fireworks light up the night sky. Soon, all kinds of fireworks lit the whole sea.

"It's so beautiful!" A Miao looked at the night sky, and the fireworks reflected in her complexion.

Shen Xinglang stared at him, "Yeah, it's beautiful!"

After the fireworks, there must be emptiness, and the human heart suddenly fell into the bottom of the abyss.

"God Star Lance ..." A Miao panicked.

"I'm here!" God Starn turned her to face herself, "I'm here."

The glass house didn't know when it was pulled up from the veil. Except for the winter stars above, the surrounding scenes could not be seen.

"I ... let's go home!" A Miao was a little nervous.

Shenxing Lian began to unbutton his own one by one, and A Miao's gaze stayed on the hidden mermaid line, and she swallowed inexplicably.

"Oh!" The man's low laugh sounded in her ear, and then she took her hand. "Good, touch it!"

A Miao closed her eyes and felt the tenderness and wildness of the God Star Lance, followed the man to feel the collision of heart and soul, and finally slept in the gentle expression of the man.

"... I love you more than myself."

The sky suddenly cleared when the sun rose, and A Miao leaned on her seat, as if she had been run over again, she couldn't help it at all.

"Does it still hurt?" On the contrary, the driving star star is full of joy, at a glance, it is enough to eat and drink.

A Miao glanced at him: "It's not your fault?"

"But you want it too."

"Nonsense!" A Miao wanted to raise her hand to hit him, raised it halfway, and then lowered her teeth again.

Shenxinglang quickly touched her face: "I can't move anymore! I'm not good, I'm not good."

"Stop!" A Miao said suddenly.

Shen Xinglang thought she was really angry, so she heard her shouting, "I want to eat that!"

"What?" Shen Xinglan stopped the car and saw a stall across the road from which several people at work were buying breakfast.

"Smelly tofu!" A Miao winked, "I want to eat."

Shenxing Lian glanced at her, deeply suspecting that this was a revenge.


"It's delicious!"

Well, he got out of the car to buy stinky tofu.

A Miao watched him cross the street with joy, and suddenly her eyes narrowed to a woman coming out of the hotel next door.

"Familiar ..."