MTL - Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort-Chapter 1714 Beauty with a cool smile

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Tao Tao pushed away from her room, and the dust suddenly rushed towards her. She got a few sips before reluctantly adapting. She raised her eyes and scanned the furnishings in the house. It was the same as when she was away. Then she stepped in.

She walked towards the cabinet in the corner a little steadily. When she opened it, her eyes were slightly bright. Those medicines that were not taken away were still there. She picked a bottle, poured one, and took it without water. She swallowed it directly. Go on.

The bitter taste scraped through her throat, making her want to retaliate, but she couldn't, just forced herself to swallow.

She leaned on the cabinet with her eyes closed. After a tea break, her internal injuries eased, and she frowned.

Just now she confronted the second elder brother without any precaution. She thought she would die. Fortunately, he just wanted to show off her newly acquired poison pet, but he was not boring, but also to threaten her by demonstration.

She didn't take it to heart, but she got a message from his mouth. The test of Lord of the Valley will start in half a month.

She frowned slightly, too quickly, she had to get ready immediately.

But the danger is not only in the test, but now she has to be more vigilant, because the secret battle of Magic Valley has not stopped since she arrived.

With a wave of her sleeve, a dagger shot out and nailed it directly to the big spider in the corner.

The poison wing spider is poisonous all over. If you accidentally touch the spider's silk, you will immediately die.

There are more than a dozen rooms juxtaposed with her room. She chose the last position that year. When she walked all the way just now, many rooms were no longer occupied, and some had changed to a new owner.

She hooked her lips gently, but there was no smile on the bottom of her eyes.

It seems that in the years she was away, a large number of people have died.

Although there are many people who have developed superior medical skills in the Valley of Magic, these people have never been on the right track, they have not healed people, they have only killed people.

Those who ask Mogu to save people are either prominent or have wealth, but whether they can be saved depends on the mood of the healer.

To make a deal with the devil, you need to be conscious of being swallowed.

However, the people who can get here are basically already stepping into the coffin. Anyone who has a little hope will not choose to deal with the magic valley.

In her impression, for many years, those who seek medical treatments are still like a river, but only a few can enter the gate of the magic valley.

After half an hour, she cleaned the entire room and sat down for a sip of tea.

The door was kicked open.

Tao Tao's tea cup was still smoothly held in her hand, as if she was not astonished at the visit. She drank the glass of water and looked at the person leaning against the door frame without rushing.

She had a cool voice, "Sister Four, long time no see."

The person called by Tao Tao to stand as the four teachers stood in backlight, holding his hands on his shoulders, a light blue doffing skirt, an ink shawl, at the end of the hair, tied with a hairband of the same color as the dress, Gives a feeling of elegant and elegant.

However, everyone in Mogu knows that this man's name is floating bone, and the blood in his hand is like the rain and rain in the south of the river.

"Little Seven, I thought you wouldn't come back."

The veil fluttered, as if seeing the spring breeze head on, in a blink of an eye, the person was already in front of his eyes,

Floating bones, outstanding merits, no one can rival within the valley.

At this point, her eyes were smiling, her fingers were already on Tao Tao's neck, and her expression was a little cold.

Tao Tao's expression remained unchanged, the corners of his mouth bent naturally, not a smile, but a habitual movement.

She ignored the slim fingers holding her neck, her voice was the same as before, "Sister Four, are you treating the newly arrived sisters like this? The gift is too big?"

Gone with innocent tone, "I just want to see if you are thin or fat outside. You wear too much clothes. I ca n’t estimate it. I have to choose the most ready-made and most intuitive. The neck is still so thin. If you accidentally break it, it's too fragile. "

It can be said that taking human life is so grand and clear, and only the people who come out of the magic valley can do so.

Tao Tao has long been accustomed to her way of speaking. Liangliang said, "Sister, please be careful. I just came back, and died before showing a few faces in front of Master. Master blame me, you ca n’t handle it."

If the magic doctor can care about the apprentice's life and death, the Valley of Magic will not be where he is today.

But Piaogu still bought it. She let go of her fingers and looked at Tao Tao with her hands around her chest. Her eyes were still indifferent. "Speaking of the same, you are the most important successor of the Master. If I defeat you like this, Master It's not easy to cross. "

She chuckled, "The news of your return has spread throughout the Magic Valley. I heard that three brothers have already met you. Next, it is estimated that there are still many people who can't wait to reunite with you for a long time. Then I won't bother. "

While talking, she had turned and floated to the door with a silver ringing smile.

"You, don't die so early, but I'm looking forward to playing with your opponent."

It's over, people are gone.

If it weren't for the wide open door and the faint scent in the air, everything just happened would be like an illusion.

She lost a piece of agarwood into the incense burner on the table, and the light smoke rose to dispel the poisonous incense in the air.

This is the magic valley. There is no teacher-student relationship, no sympathy. Master can take your life between your fingers, brothers can demonstrate with poisonous snakes, and sisters can secretly poison.

If she is here, I'm afraid she will scold her head for water, and choose to come back.

But she had no choice.

Then, one day after the other.

She stood up, inspected the medicine cabinet, and if she wanted to survive, her body must be enriched.

Three days later.

A dark purple figure appeared in the bamboo forest outside the magic valley.

"Palace, the Valley of Magic is in front."

Xuanxi Zimo rubbed the goosebumps on his arm, trying to make his voice normal.

In front of this place, although the air is fresh and the bamboo forest is lush, but based on his many years of walking the rivers and lakes, the atmosphere is overcast, surrounded by strange mists. Although the sun shines in, it cannot dispel the coolness inside.

As you walk deeper into the bamboo forest, the coolness becomes even worse.

Dongting Wangyu shook her folding fan, as if she didn't feel the strangeness of the mountain forest, her eyes filled with a light smile, her mouth slightly raised, "This is where she lives, good!"

Xuanxi Zimo drew his mouth, and it turned out that the lover's eyes were out of Shih Tzu. This kind of ghost place can feel good.

"Palace, this Magic Valley has a bad reputation on the rivers and lakes. How can we get in?"

Dongting Wangyu Wenyan looked at him like an idiot, "Of course I walked in."

Xuanxi Zimo: "..."

Dongting Wangyu retracted her gaze, and her smile deepened a bit. I wonder if the little witch would be surprised when she saw him?

I really look forward to it.