MTL - Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort-Chapter 14 Ye Chu's family is an old man

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"Cai Cai, tell me what is your solution?" Chu mother looked surprised, and couldn't help holding her daughter's hand and smiling. Chu's father felt the joy of the family and danced with her daughter's hand.

Chu Qingyan was infected by her father and mother, and she was in a happy mood, but she calmed down quickly and carefully looked left and right to make sure that no one overheared and whispered in her ear.

"My dear, is n’t my uncle going to have a 70th birthday in a few days? The house is definitely lively by that time. Gifts come in and out. Let ’s run away from the back door while the daughter is chasing. My daughter has found a few small girls , Disguise yourself and you won't be found. "

When Chu mother heard the words, her eyes brightened, she nodded immediately, but she was a little worried, "This idea is good, but I don't know if it will be so smooth."

Chu Qingyan smiled slightly. "Mother, how can you know if you don't go well if you don't try? As long as you have a chance, there will be hope. And now the situation is already the worst, caught, and it will be worse than now. You? The Chu family needs me to do this for the dead. They do n’t dare to do it to me easily, unless they are willing to push their beautiful girl into the tiger's mouth. "

After listening to her daughter's words of pledge, Chu mother finally let go of her heart, but she just looked at her well-behaved and sensible daughter. There was no sadness in her mother's heart. She raised her hand and caressed her daughter, who had slowly turned into Bai Nen's face, pitying, It is useless to be a mother, a young girl like you should live a carefree life, not to be involved in such a storm, worry about day and night. His Royal Highness was not so when he was young, and he did not know what happened later What is the cause of the current bad reviews? I dare not let you take this risk for my mother. If the mother can protect you, you will not suffer this hardship! "

Chu Qingyan knew that her mother was blame again, she grinned and shook her head. "My mother, life is like this. If you don't abuse a person, it won't be comfortable. And her daughter never feels that this life is bad. It doesn't matter if you are rich or embarrassed. It is important that we are together. "

Chu's mother was so relieved that her daughter was so sensible.

Chu's father raised his hand and wiped the tears in the corner of Chu's mother's eyes, and said solemnly, "Dan Niang, don't worry, if someone bullies you, I will not let them go! I am a mighty tiger! Alas—"


Chu Qingyan and her mother made a laugh together, I do n’t know why, every time on very serious occasions, her father always has the potential to make people laugh.

After discussing the details with the mother, after determining the running time, Chu Qingyan left the room lightly and walked to his own small yard.

Huo Ling stared at Chu Qingyan and whispered angrily, "This little girl is so ignorant, how dare she escape?"

Shui Ling looked with interest, and when he heard Huo Ling say this, he glanced at him, "You didn't feel that the little girl was very young, but she was very organized and thoughtful. It was not like a ten-year-old child. I think as long as it is nurtured, the future is boundless! "

Although he could also see it, as long as he thought that she was going to run away, he would be full of fire. How could his heart be happy if the prince they admired was so disgusted! But the fire spirit forgot that in this Kyoto, no one dares to marry his daughter to his own grandfather, and no woman is not afraid of his own grandfather!

Just as the fire spirit continued to retort, he saw that his own lord's body had moved, and he still left in the direction of the little girl.

The fire spirit and the water spirit glanced at each other, and immediately flew to follow.

The little figure walked cautiously in the dark night, without even noticing, behind him a large group of black men.

Chu Qingyan still returned according to the way he came, but halfway through, suddenly there were several small crickets carrying lanterns walking in front of him, but there was a wall here, there was no place to hide, Chu Qingyan cried out secretly. Well, if it is discovered at this time, then the next plan will probably be stranded, because the Chu family will definitely take care of her.

Just when Chu Qingyan was stupidly wondering how to react, the first few babies suddenly groaned a few times, then fell to the ground like drunks.

Chu Qingyan was stunned by the turn outside of this situation, then reacted, whispered his thanks, and ran to his yard regardless of the three or seventy-one.

No matter how stupid, she also guessed that there were people nearby. She didn't know if she was an enemy or a friend, but it was beyond doubt to save herself, but at this critical moment, she didn't want to have any involvement with other people.

After Chu Qingyan left, a person walked out where she stood, a black-colored exquisite gown, and a silver mask. Under the pouring of the moonlight, the mask glowed with a dim light, making it difficult to see him clearly. The look in my eyes.

"Master Wang, why do you help this little girl who knows nothing about the earth?" Huo Ling jumped out and asked puzzledly.

Xiao Xu did not answer, but this question evoked what Fang Caichu had said to his parents in the room, whether rich or embarrassed. It doesn't matter. Is the family together?

Xiao Xu's mouth slightly ticked, but with a little self-deprecating.

Seeing his own grandfather silent, Huoling didn't ask again, but he really hated Chu Qingyan. He didn't put their grandfather in his eyes and dared to escape marriage. The next time he sees her, he will make her look good. .

"Shui Ling, you send someone to stay at the Chu family. If the young Miss Chu family leaves, you will be escorted by them secretly." Xiao Xu looked at the direction of Chu Qingyan's departure and said indifferently, there was no emotion in his tone.

"What?" The fire spirit jumped up before the water spirit answered. "Master, what are you talking about? If this little girl really ran away, wouldn't that be a marriage joke then?" "

Xiao Xu glanced at him, and Huoling snorted immediately.

"My king's order, do you want to question?" The plain tone, but it made people feel a sense of fear.

Huo Ling lowered her head and pursed her lips. "My subordinates didn't dare, my subordinates were just worthless for the king."

"My king doesn't want to owe humanity or drag people into the sea of ​​fire. The princess's choice, if you can't change another one, it is not a problem for the Chu family at all. But the king doesn't matter." Simple and pure people, just Don't step into the complicated whirlpool, and she is still a child, and the comfortable and peaceful life in Maocun is suitable for her.

Nothing wrong, he recognized her, but he didn't need to know each other! Because there was no need, it was just a meeting of ping shui. He was willing to pay back her favor, so it really cleared up.

Xiao Xu turned indifferently and left.

Shui Ling poked at Huo Ling, "Is it true that Wang Ye knew this little Miss Chu?"

Huo Ling replied angrily, "God know, I know I'm going to explode!"

Shui Ling pouted his lips, "Then you slowly get angry, I'm going back with Wang Ye!"

Huo Ling snorted, and immediately followed.

Once the wheel of destiny turns on, it can never stop.

Fate, intertwined, is doomed.