MTL - Get to Know about Wife Fan-Chapter 97

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Beiming explained the difficulty of academic promotion from various aspects. All undergraduate universities in China only accept the admission of Pu Gao, and the qualifications of the adult college entrance examination self-taught colleges are low.

I can't send her out of the country. After all, the work is in the country. If you want to improve, then you can do the best improvement. The college entrance examination is the only way.

Joe Joe, who had been admitted to the University of London offer to escape the college entrance examination, had to face the ruthless crush of the fate gear.

Bei Mingfan: "The entrance to the culture class of the art university is not high. You have no problem in professional interviews. There is still one year. The full score of 750, you only use the test of three percent to stabilize, and the average is down. Only 50 points!"

Sheng Qiao: "........."

Bei Mingfan: "Do you study or study? The liberal arts, the liberal arts are relatively simple. I have gone to your domicile to help you with your school registration in two days. You don't have to go to school, I will find the best tutor for you!"

Sheng Qiao slowed for a long time and hesitated to ask: "I am so big, can I take the college entrance examination?"

Bei Mingfan: "You can take the test at the age of 70. It is a kind of virtue to live and learn."

Sheng Qiao: "...that line." paused and said, "I am studying science."

Bei Mingfan: "Hey, your core values ​​are so familiar, and you are more wasteful."

Sheng Qiao: "The liberal arts are too lazy to back!"

Bei Mingfan: "When you do, you should take a good shot and I will reorganize your work schedule and study plan."

Sheng Qiao: "..."

I have never counted myself as a member of the college entrance examination army. Sheng Qiao, who hung up the phone, sighed in sigh, and the director called her to prepare for the next game.

Sheng Qiao handed the phone to Ding Jian: "Help me buy something on Taobao."

Ding Jian said: "Buy?"

Sheng Qiao: "Three-year college entrance examination for three years."


Suddenly there is a heavy burden on the college entrance examination. Sheng Qiao’s leisure time is not free to play the game. When I think of it, the children who will participate in the college entrance examination together are working hard, and she is harder than her. Even playing a happy music is full of guilt.

So everyone found out that Sheng Qiao was no longer arrogant in the studio, and she was sitting in the corner to read the book. Not only did she look at it, she also wrote and wrote.

Today, she looks at high school physics. Tomorrow, she looks at high school biology. The day after tomorrow she looks at high school chemistry. She also recites the "Tengwang Pavilion Preface" and "Yueyang Tower", and the words in her mouth are all juxtaposed as the subject.

staff member:"?????"

The news that Sheng Qiao wants to participate in the college entrance examination is not lost.

User: "???"

Real exam?

The sunspot jumped out of a sarcasm, and Qiao powder immediately put the "75-year-old man to the college entrance examination to be praised by the Education Bureau". The son of Sun Yat-Sen does not focus on his job and is a good student. Qiao powder immediately brushed "the bee picks a hundred flowers to make sweet, people read the truth of the group", "Shushan has a road to work, and the sea has no end to work hard" "The sword does not wear to rust, people do not read books to fall behind."

Black powder: Oh, one year, I have to see how many points you can test.

Qiao powder: definitely higher than the spray you do not read.

Of course, the mouth is still addicted. In case the test is not good, can't be ridiculed by black powder for a lifetime? No, no, no words, words are released, must be tested!

So Gao Yi's Qiao powder organizes the basic knowledge, and the second grade of Qiao powder organizes the main knowledge. The high school's Qiao powder directly copies one of his three-year key notes and packages it for the crew.

In a week, Sheng Qiao received cordial greetings from high school fans from all over the country, as well as “Tianli 38 sets”, “Huanggang Mi Juan” and “Xinghuo Zhenti”, which were raised by fans who had already graduated and could only pay for it. "College entrance examination English vocabulary portable" and so on several large box high school review materials.

Qiao powder: Let the sea overwhelm you!

Sheng Qiao: I thank you guys.

Just as Sheng Qiao rushed to the college entrance examination, the "Escape the Day" program group announced the mysterious guests of this issue: Horch, Yang Ye.

Xiguang:? ? ?

Qiao powder:? ? ?

Audience:! ! !

Who is behind? I don't know if it matters! Oh my god! Sheng Qiao and Horch are in the same box in the variety show! ! ! Calculating the time, the recording of this period was before Sheng Qiao entered the group.

In other words, at that time her wife's powder identity has not been exposed! It’s so exciting to watch the show’s cautiously stealing the bell in the whole world. ! !

Everyone waited, I finally waited for the 8th night of Friday, the fourth issue of "Escape the Day of Birth", the broadcast of "The End of the Day".

The ratings of this period have once again risen sharply. How many people are waiting for the show to go online, and the on-demand rate is far from the same period.

At the beginning of the picture, six resident guests stood in front of the ruined city to check the backpack. When the program group announced that the mysterious guest Horch joined, he later gave the lens to Sheng Qiao.

It can be said that shaking is obvious.

Audience: [Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha see love beans seconds]

[After knowing that she is a fan, her behavior is really real]

[I am myself]

[I have a question, when Horch knew that Sheng Qiao was his fan?]

[Feeling should be known, Horch has been very gentle to her, it is estimated that this is the reason]

[Too pets, dry]


Then the program group began to group, under the expectation, Huo Xisheng Joe lived up to a group of people, if not at that time Sheng Qiao's fan attributes have not been exposed, the audience must suspect that the program group is intentional.

Mrs. cp Party: We are Buddhas.

Xiguang: Oh, the garbage program group, deliberately sizzling.

Qiao powder: Jojo is so cute.

Winning cp party: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah sugar! ! !

Originally thought that the two were assigned to a group that was already the biggest surprise or excitement. I didn’t expect more surprises and more exciting. When Horch smiled and said nothing, "We are the winning group," all the members watching the show were crazy.

Of course the meaning of madness is the same.

Some are mad, some are sweet and crazy, and some are crazy.

The main seal, the official statement, is destined to be the carnival of the winning girl tonight.

Liang Xiaoyu shed tears of joy that finally harvested the fruits of the revolution.

The story of this "Doom of the End" war is extremely complicated for the guests, because the program group informed in advance the spy theory and the general progress of the reminder in the headset, everyone is on the middle, the combination looks different, guests There was a misfortune between them, and I completely staged a doomsday plan.

But for the audience, when the guests chose to enter the disaster-stricken town, the program group had already told them the truth about the seven zombies and human beings by voiceover and subtitles.

Then the audience who opened the perspective of God saw that when the guests heard the change reminder in the headset, they secretly sneaked behind the companion and revealed the evil smile.

Only Sheng Qiao is different. She first carefully peeked at Horch's eyes. Her face was nervous and shocked. She noticed that Horch was no different. Her little hand behind her back squeezed her fists and her eyes showed. A resolute decision to die.

The audience said:

[Does this mean to protect Horch? 】

[I was actually moved by my look to touch my mom]

[Even if I become a zombie, it will protect you until I die. 】

[What are you doing upstairs! Cried】

[Other groups are calculating **** each other, only she is determined to protect each other, I can't do it, what is the end of love?]

[This is the star chasing girl, no matter who I am, what is my identity, I love your heart, never change]

[Without comparison, there is no harm, look at the performance of Sheng Qiao in the face of Shen Yuyi, and then look at her performance in the face of Horch, let me feel so painful and indulgent for a minute]

[winning isrio呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜]

[Mother is not satisfied! ! ! ! Zombies and humans have no results! Xiao Qiao, look at your zombie companion! Don't try to cross the love of species! 】

[What kind of ghosts are in love across species? Hahahahahahahahaha]

Xiguang: It’s hard to say a word.........

As the program progressed all the way, the winning combination was caught by the aliens, surrounded by zombies, and finally trapped in a convenience store. The interaction between the two is actually not close to each other. On the contrary, Sheng Qiao has been keeping a distance from Horch in order to avoid suspicion.

But I don't know why the whole picture is a sweet one! ! !

When Horch spoke softly, he casually tried to kill him. When he was in danger, he was in danger. Every movement was in the hearts of the audience, winning the sugar and poking the eyes of Xiguang.

Sheng Qiao is awkward and cute, while avoiding the suspicion while subconsciously ignoring the body to protect, as soon as Horch did not eat dinner, completely forget the zombies, I wish I could empty the shelves to fill the stomach of the love beans.

When the zombie hit the door, she gave the milk to the house door, just to let the beans slowly eat, don't worry.

Hey, this is what the real feelings of the star chasing girl.

Look at the other groups, calculate each other and kill each other, can't wait to kill each other immediately. In fact, Shen Yiyi and Ji Jiayou actually saw the victory over the street and were besieged by zombies, but they did not have the meaning of helping each other. They saw that Horch had taken out the fire hydrant and realized that they could escape and ran up to help.

Mrs. cp:..................

False, all fake.

Did you get cp removed by the Lord today?


Shen Yuyi still licked his face to win the team, and in front of Horch, he couldn’t wait to bring out his heart, and he refused him with a blank expression.


[Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha no shame to the house]

[After sitting on the identity of the fans and the family, this show is really good]

[Sheng Qiao: I will show you a face change]

[Powder True]

[Mother is scattered, you lick a fan and the cp of your home is looking for bitterness]

[Welcome to welcome you! Open up the world for you! The sweetness of the flow tells the legend! 】

A look at the show's glory: ......... I don't know why my heart is a bit dark.

Although Sheng Qiao refused to form a team, but the miraculous combination of miracles has followed, the audience could not help but squeeze the sweat for the only human Horch.

Then there was a scene in which four people in the fountain pool were besieged by aliens.

The picture is dark, but the shooting uses a luminous mode, and the audience can still see the movements of several people. When Sheng Qiao took out the torch, Shen Yiyi and Ji Jiayou unexpectedly threw the torch into the water.

Audience: Grass, these two bad zombies.

When the four people stood on the fountain platform and the program group spent time, the other two groups were staged a scene of mutual killing. Luo Qing killed Yang Ye, Zeng Ming killed the square, really wants to be ruthless and ruthless, how cruel and cruel.

Then look at Sheng Qiao, who is desperate to protect Huo Xi, and the audience will be moved to cry.

Qiao powder: We are really good and cute.

Xiguang: Hey.........

Audience: If Jojo is teaming up with Shen Yi, I don’t know how many times to start.

Mrs. cp:............Don't say it, don't sprinkle salt on the wound.

Winning cp: Good, feeling jiao life has reached the peak.

This episode ended with a scene in which Shen Yiyi pretended to be sour and pushed the other three people down the water.

The audience screamed: the last dog prince, this dog zombie, too dog! ! !

After the broadcast of this episode, the wife party has almost been forced to the end by the intention of dismantling cp. But cp dog never give up! They firmly believe that zombies and zombies are the right combination of species! Just wait until the next issue, and when the zombies have to choose between humans and their companions, they will surely win the final victory!

The broadcast of "The End of the Day", the winning party became the biggest winner, Sheng Qiao's performance in the program also gave a part of Xiguang a good impression. Love can't be faked, especially in the comparison of other groups.

Maybe sometimes, we have to look ahead.

In that way, you may see more places that are illuminated by the sun.

Instead of always hiding in the dark corner, the heart is rotted.

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