MTL - Get to Know about Wife Fan-Chapter 39

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Get up the next day, Sheng Qiao wrote down the food he needed to buy and sent it to Fang Bai, let him buy it and take it. She is now gaining popularity and she is not afraid to go out as unscrupulous as before.

She decided to ignore the deep-eyed eyes of Meng Xing Shen and treat him as a predecessor. No matter what you have in words, I just can't understand it anyway.

In the afternoon, Meng Xing Shen arrived on time.

Sheng Qiao respectfully pushed him into the house to see his gaze, so that Meng Xing Shen had the illusion that he was a grandfather...

The content of the lecture today is the most basic subtle expression.

Sheng Qiao listened very carefully. He said that these are not only professional performance knowledge, but also combined with his own skills and experience over the years. Sheng Joe learned while learning, and gradually pushed the fan she never touched. The door to the field.

One afternoon passed quickly.

Meng Xing Shen seems to be sitting a little tired, and his head smashed his neck. "Get here first today. If you talk too much, you can't master it."

"Okay, thank you Meng predecessors, hard work."

Meng Xing Shen looked at her "So, do you have dinner today?"

"...Yes, I will do it. What do seniors like to eat?"

He smiled. "The last time you invited me to eat miso, I didn't eat it, I made it up today."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

She took the notebook and turned to the kitchen.

Meng Xing sank and walked away. Already not young, the old injuries left by the previous filming also began to affect the body. Sitting in the neck for a week also hurts the waist.

He was active in activities, walked around in the living room, and went to the kitchen door and asked Sheng Qiao. "Don't mind if I look around?"

"Don't mind, you are free."

Meng Xing smiled and went to the balcony to look at the flowers. They were taken care of very well. They had already entered the spring, and the delicate branches were rushing to sprout new sprouts. It would not be long before they should bloom.

In the living room, I turned around and studied the furnishings on the closet windows and the paintings on the walls.

Sheng Qiao’s bedroom door is hung with a small lace-clad sign that reads “Jojo’s Castle”. That is what Ding Jian gave her. Since Sheng Qiao asked for a small study, Ding Jian decided that Sheng Qiao had a little princess heart. If Sheng Qiao stopped, she would also wear pink lace in the bedroom.

Meng Xing sank into her bedroom, just took the castle wooden sign and watched the other two empty rooms. The last room was close to the balcony, the door was closed. He guessed that it was a study and planned to go in. Look at what books she usually likes to read.

As a result, the door handle was screwed and it was found that the door could not be opened and the door was locked.

Even the bedroom door is just a cover, but this room has to be locked?

Meng Xing smiled a bit and turned back to sit in the living room.

Not long after, Sheng Qiao came out with two bowls of miso sauce, put on the dinner table, cut two lemons and soaked lemonade, and respectfully called him "Meng's predecessor, the face is done, I hope to match your taste. ""

Meng Xing Shen approached, looked at her a few eyes, opened the chair and sat down, "Little Joe, discuss things with you."

"You say."

"Can you not have a bite of you? You give me a feeling of being old."

"..." Sheng Joe smirked, "You are a predecessor and a teacher, and you should be called."

Meng Xing Shen "I am a predecessor and a teacher. If you are a teacher of the predecessors, can you listen?"

Sheng Qiao "..."

She smiled and said, "Know it."

Meng Xing Shen took up the chopsticks.

She has done it many times, and the taste is natural. Meng Xing Shen tasted a few mouthfuls and nodded, "I can open the restaurant."

"Predecessors have won prizes."

She respectfully took an alienated attitude, and Meng Xing Shen did not feel it.

Her change is too big. It's not just the kind of reincarnation that he saw in the news variety, his attitude towards him, his gaze, everything he did with him was different.

He had only wanted to help the girl who was somewhat inferior and depressed. Since she was willing to rise up and resist, he did not mind adding icing on the cake. Whether it is to promise to go live or show, or to sign her with the company recommended.

But now it seems that she does not need his help at all.

I really couldn't help but let him want to find out.

Meng Xing Shen said, "Little Joe, you are very different from before."

Sheng Qiao, who was eating noodles, inevitably remembered Horch.

Horch also said the same thing to her, when she just became Sheng Qiao.

The boy she loves, what is she doing now? Does he have dinner on time, is he staying up late for the show? She hasn't seen him for a long time, she really misses him.

Sheng Qiao looked up at Meng Xing and smiled. "People will always change."

The smile was too calm, and even the eyes were open.

Meng Xing sank and laughed, "also."

In the next two days, Meng Xing Shen often came to teach, after teaching the basic performance skills to her, she had to go abroad to do her own work, and left her homework.

A large monologue of the script, let her practice and then photographed the performance with a mobile phone and sent it to him to check.

Sheng Qiao responded one by one, remembered the notes he had made, and began to practice in the mirror.

Soon it was the day of the recording of Starlight Boy.

Because it was a live broadcast, the players began to rehearse the first day of the afternoon. After the next day the mentor arrived, the live dance lighting and sound of the scene had been debugged perfectly.

The ratings of the first period were high, and the viewers who watched the show were almost all watching the second live broadcast.

They want to see how Shengqiao’s scene is like a rainbow fart.

The live broadcast will start soon.

This time the knockout is still half of the people who are going to brush down. Those players who have performed well but have not signed up for music or have no resources behind them will be eliminated this time.

This circle is cruel and competitive. Only strength has no backstage. It is really difficult to make a comeback.

Sheng Qiao's makeup artist Zhou Wei gave her a sweet and lovely shape today. The soft air bangs in front of her face, the main peach color in the eye makeup, and the small skirt are pure and lovely, giving the girl a sense of youth.

As soon as they debuted, fans of all fans were in a hurry. Because of the first broadcast, the players also had fans. At the moment, the names of the various lanterns were colorful and colorful, and the atmosphere was particularly lively.

After the hot field, the playoffs officially began.

Today's playing number is randomly selected by the star mover in the box. The first one is pressured. The players are praying not to draw themselves. Then they see Sheng Qiao take out a ball and read it with a microphone. "No. 9. I have an impression on this player. I sing very well, and I have to cheer up next."

Player No. 9 took a deep breath and took to the stage.

Although the player did not sign the music, but the newcomer signed by another big-name brokerage company, this variety is his debut, the strength is unquestionable.

He sang a song of his own, the course is rock-and-roll, and has its own style. There was some shame and tension in the audience, but the real performance was full of gas, and soon brought the atmosphere of the scene.

At the end of the performance, the three instructors commented, and the barrage audience was brushing.

Come here, and immediately go to the rainbow fart!

I don't know what kind of rainbow fart I can hear tonight, so I look forward to it!

Rainbow fart rainbow fart rainbow fart rainbow fart



Finally, I went to Shengqiao, not only watching the netizens, but even the audience on the scene were holding their breath and waiting for her to play.

Sheng Qiao smiled and looked at the teenager who was slightly gasping on the stage. He did not hide his appreciation. "I think it will take six days for God to make you. The first day will make you bones, the next day will make you flesh and blood. The third day will make you a skin, the fourth day will make you a character, the fifth day will make you talent, and on the last day, he kissed your nephew."


Audience "???"

User "???"

Lying in the trough, what the **** is this rainbow fart into fine? !

Tens of thousands of blood books begged Sheng Qiao to give me love beans to write rainbow farts! ! !

The attention of netizens is completely out of the players. If it is not live broadcast, they can't wait for fast forward and pull directly to Shengqiao's comment.

Every time a three-mented mentor is given a promotion, Sheng Qiao will blow a rainbow fart. Even in the face of the eliminated player, she will say something like "I see the infinite possibilities of the future in you".

She has never used a vote as a star mover.

It’s just a green light that’s always on, I’ve passed it, I’ve given it to you, all over!

The program was only broadcast halfway. Shengqiao’s new rainbow fart quotation has been spread throughout the net, and it has been popularized. It has attracted a large number of people to watch the live broadcast, and the number of viewers continues to rise.

The director group has been very happy, and has been encouraging Sheng Qiao in the headset to "please say more, continue to say, if the word is poor, we send someone to hand you a cheat sheet!"

The ratings have been rising all the time, and the atmosphere of the scene has continued to be hot. When the next player came to power, it was another player who was marked with an asterisk to sign the music.

He was holding a guitar when he came to power, and his face was very handsome. Sheng Joe remembered that Ye Tong had said that he seemed to be the son of a director, and he was a second generation. Good looks, talents are also good, after the debut, there is support from the family, it is estimated that the future is boundless.

He sang an original, sings well, and the songs are good. After singing, Wei Hedong took the lead in commenting, probably to increase his lens and ask him "Why are you coming to participate in this program? The competition is so fierce, you don't have to work so hard."

Star II said modestly, "I like singing very much since I was a child. I hope that the audience knows me. It is through my singing. In fact, the power of the individual is very small. Besides singing, I can’t do anything, but only sing, can I Inject a little light into the music scene, so that good music is not drowned in the illusion of support by popularity."

Many viewers will understand what he means in his words.

He is ridiculing the traffic idols in the current music scene. Because of the popularity, no matter what songs can be on the list, those are not good music, the illusion of traffic.

The audience at the scene said that he was applauding him. Several instructors also praised them and gave them a promotion. When it was the turn of Sheng Qiao, everyone was looking forward to what surprises she would bring to us this time. !

The camera gave the past, but found that Sheng Qiao, who had been smiling all over the audience, was cold-faced at the moment.

She didn't speak, and she pressed the red light in front of her face.

The Stars use a negative vote.

The audience is at a loss.

Several instructors haven't spoken yet. The original humble star II couldn't sit still anymore. It seems that he has never been denied. He picked up the microphone and asked, "Can I ask Sheng Qiao to give me a reasonable explanation? I can't accept it. A person who does not understand music is negating my creation!"

Sheng Qiao sneered at him. "I don't understand music, but I can hear that your song is original or plagiarized. You said that you don't want good music to be drowned in the illusion of popular support, but plagiarize a song of a traffic singer. What qualifications are advertised as original and what qualifications are there to stand on this stage?"

The second generation of the star is a stiff, his face is flushed, and he is angry and said, "I didn't copy it! You don't understand creation!"

The audience and the mentor are all stunned.

Plagiarism? What is copied? Didn't they hear it?

Sheng Qiao stood up with his sullen face. "Your song, copy it..."

The microphone suddenly disappeared!

She patted the microphone and immediately responded that the director group gave her off. The director of the headset said that "the host came to the rescue, Ye Tong, Wei Hedong, you negate the plagiarism."

Then grit your teeth and cut the tooth path "Sheng Joe, this is live! On the stage is the signing contestant, don't be fooled! Immediately apologize that you have got it wrong!"

Sheng Joe almost laughed.

She picked up the headset and slammed it on the ground and rushed to the stage with a small skirt.

Today, she is a sweet princess dress. At the moment, she is fierce and angry. She took the microphone from the second generation of the star who did not respond. The speed of speech is very fast. "The first copy of the first year of Horch’s debut The first original single "Feng Liang", although not included in the album, but..."

The microphone was silent and turned off her.

Sheng Qiao is going to be mad.

Ding Jian and Fang Bai were also urged to come to the stage to pull her down. Fang Bai almost cried. "Joe Joe, this is live! Please don't make trouble!"

"He plagiarized! He copied Horch's song! He dared to look down on the traffic singer! He plagiarized the dog, what qualifications to look down on Horch!"

She didn't have a microphone, and she made such a speech. No one was heard by a few people nearby. It was dragged down by Fang Bai and Ding.

The live broadcast accident happened so suddenly that no one expected to be gentle and kind, never lose his temper, and Sheng Qiao, who said anything, would explode so fiercely.

The scene was in chaos, and the audience watching the live broadcast quickly searched the song she said.

Horch's first single, "The Wind".

When you open it, the melody of the prelude and the chorus is really too much.

Because there is Sheng Qiao, Xiguang almost no one to watch this show. Horch’s song was released too early, not included in the album. In recent years, there have been too many new songs. He has never sang "Feng Liang", and the singing is low, except for fans who have never heard of it.

If Sheng Qiao was on the spot, I don’t know how long it will take until someone knows that this song is plagiarism.

At that time, the second generation of the star had already advanced to the debut.

The one who looks down on the traffic and plagiarizes the flow of the song, this shameless person, is still very good to advertise the original!

The barrage will burst, and the second generation of the comet, the program group, most of them are said to be strong.

She made such a big live accident and didn't know how to end it. The program group is afraid that she has killed her heart.

Then Xiguang found out that Sheng Qiao Hoshi’s entry was particularly hot!

In the trough, this dog skin plaster is doing something in the bundle, thinking that if you sign a new company, you will be rehabilitated.

I went in and saw a video of Sheng Qiao's hair. She heard her say "He copied Hooch's song" and saw that she was dragged down by the program group and was dragged down the stage.

I went to listen to the so-called originality of the second generation of the star, and it really was their "windy".

The grass mud horse copied to our head and dared to mock us? Xiguang has angered the second generation of the Star and the "Starlight Boys" program group, the network exploded, and the situation on the spot is not good.

The director who was rushed in the background by Sheng Qiao was stunned by the dog. After he finished, he said, "You have to take full responsibility!"

Sheng Qiao no expression, "Isn't plagiarism let people say?"

"Say again! He is the signing artist of Leyi, his father is director Lu Pingzhong!"

"A contract artist can copy it? Can his father be a director and he can copy it?"

Director group "..."

Really want to kill her!

Sheng Qiao sneered "I suggest you, now announce that he copied plagiarism, immediately eliminated, and then I went back to continue recording the program, apologizing to the audience. This is the best solution."

In this way, the network is mad, and you can't cover it.

The director group agreed to arrange it.

Sheng Qiao quickly returned to the scene, the host first announced that the second generation of the Star confirmed plagiarism, immediately eliminated, Sheng Qiao also apologized to the audience outside the venue, affecting their viewing experience.

Three instructors have joined the rescue field, the atmosphere is harmonious, and the recording continues.

But with this episode, who still wants to watch the show.

Sheng Joe’s roaring plagiarism was directed by the director’s group Guan Mai’s video-on-demand volume of several hundred million.

This is how straight and how courage, dare to plagiarize directly on the live broadcast? Not only offended the program, but also offended the director, she will be mixed in the film and television circle!

When Bei Mingfan received the call from the program group, he really thought he had got it wrong.

Sheng Qiao, who talks to everyone who is kind and angry, will be publicly worried? Still grab the microphone?

Until he saw the video...

Damn, this is a volcano!

Now, what can I do? I can only catch her roaring and plagiarism. The courage can be used to publicize this image.

Fortunately, the show has already reached the second half, and it ended soon. The director group is now anxious to deal with this live broadcast accident, and has hurriedly left without a fight.

Fang Bai and Ding Jian look at Sheng Qiao’s eyes obviously that you are finished, you are finished.

Sheng Qiao rushed to vomit his tongue, and Qiao powder gradually disappeared behind him. Who did not know who shouted "Jojo! We will always support you! Don't be afraid!"

Support for sounds come and go.

She turned to look at the audience and smiled sweetly.

Fang Bai drove her home to see her in the back row as if nothing had happened. I really wanted to know what to do and I could only sigh again and again.

The car drove all the way into the garage, and Bei Mingfan completed the emergency public relations and finally took time to clean up her.

Sheng Qiao waved his hand and picked up the phone while getting off the bus.

"Sheng Joe! What are you doing for me! Are you a newcomer?! Don't know what to expect!"

Sheng Qiao said to the elevator and said "I am sorry, I am impulsive, and I am in trouble!"

Apologizing so quickly, Bei Mingfan did not know how to smash...

Go to the elevator, look up and see the people standing in the shadows. She stepped in, and the man came out and wore a black baseball cap. When he looked up, he looked like a sea.

Sheng Qiaoqi’s phone was hung up and he was delighted to go up two steps. “Hoch! How are you here? When did you return to China?”

He looked at her and the twilight was deep. For a long while, whispered that "the live broadcast accident is so big, it will come back if you don't come back."

Sheng Qiao shrunk his shoulders and whispered "I'm sorry, but it has caused you trouble."

Suddenly covered with a touch of warmth.

His palm, with a shallow temperature, gently touched her head and whispered, "Stupid is not stupid, you."