MTL - Get to Know about Wife Fan-Chapter 33

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The account of "Foyi Yi" has uploaded several high-definition photos of Horch concerts. It is still a great location, professional in taking pictures, and superb retouching, and it will compare many pictures of the stations that have been filled.

Xiguang have forwarded the screen:

- This po master is coming again! The last picture is her best look!

- Why is she in the middle of the front row every time! envy, jealousy, hate!

——Po main is only chasing the concert? The previous Weibo was still a refinement of the previous concert.

——Is it a Xiguang or a passerby or a professional agent?

——It should be a passer-by powder. The ID is a blessing, and the blame (Horse) is dependent on it.

——This po master does not vote, does not vote for super words, does not sign, even the brother’s Weibo has not been forwarded, do not understand the attributes.

- Anyway, it's not black. It's impossible for me to buy an infield ticket and take a good look at the baby!



Sheng Qiao finished the picture, sent a set of intensive pictures to each set of costumes, brushed the comments, and saw that everyone was questioning her fan attributes, and quickly sent a microblog:

[I am Xiguang. It’s just that I’m too busy at work, I can only take time out to chase the concert, and I’ll try to get more on Weibo to vote for the baby. 】

Immediately, some fans replied to her: [Don't be in the future, play now, the top ten live scene, my brother fell to the third! 】

what? third? Can't bear it!

Sheng Qiao immediately poked the link sent by the fans, Horch's head is really ranked third, the first is the entertainment flow of another mountain, and the second is to sing the goddess Zhao Wei. The popularity of these two people is comparable to that of Horch, and every time you hit the list, you will live and die.

This list is very important. It is related to the popularity award next year. Except for manual manual hits, it is impossible to pay for the ticket. Ten minutes on standby in the voting page, you get ten votes, so many fans spend it all day.

Just as Horch opened the concert today, Xiguang went to the scene. Everyone was distracted by the concert and the votes were quickly opened by the first two.

Sheng Qiao said nothing, immediately joined the voting force.

One shot is all night.

Really, you can't stop. I thought that I would go to sleep after I finished this round. After waiting for two minutes, I got ten votes. After I finished the cast, I thought about it, but for two minutes, I will wait another two minutes... ...

Moreover, the voting data has been refreshing, and I am seeing that I gradually catch up with the number of votes at home. I am always worried that if I don’t vote, I won’t be able to catch up.

When the day was bright, Horch’s votes finally exceeded the first two, and the summit was the first. Xiguang is not happy, and the screenshots have boosted morale, so that everyone can continue to open the gap.

Sheng Joe got up and ate a breakfast, and made up for a few hours. When he slept until noon, he picked up his mobile phone and saw that the lying trough was overwhelmed. His family has lost to Horch at this award for two consecutive years. It’s just three, this time it’s really hard.

Ke Xiguang has won two consecutive years and wants to give Horch a three-time winning streak. How can he make concessions? The two of them each took advantage of the strength, the votes rose rapidly, and the fans of Zhao Wei who were gradually opened the gap said that you both played and we left.

Sheng Qiao poked his phone with a stamp, and shared the link to Zhong Shen when he took the takeaway: Baby, help me vote for Horch.

Zhong Shenyan succinctly returned two words: no time.

"Hey, let's vote, poke this link and log in with your WeChat or Weibo trumpet. It's very simple, don't believe you try it."

Zhong Shen ignored her.

Sheng Qiao gave Fu Ziqing again: Fu Fu, what are you doing, is there any time to help me vote for it?

Fu Ziqing: sent it.

Sheng Qiao quickly shared the link with him and said: There are ten votes every two minutes. When you are not busy, you can click to vote when you go to the toilet.

Fu Ziqing: ...good.

Poke in and see Horch's vote.

Fu Ziqing:........................

Sheng Qiao also strolled around in the circle of friends, saw the photos of the Japanese food in the last few minutes, and quickly sent a message: Smile, what are you doing?

Le Xiao: I found a super delicious Japanese food! Bring you to eat next time.

Sheng Qiao: Okay, okay, yes, I just brushed Weibo and accidentally saw a vote. Horch actually ranked second!

Le laugh: Wow! Who is so arrogant that he defeated Horch!

Sheng Qiao: Shen Yuyi. I voted for Horch, and it is not easy for you to vote for him.

Le Xiao: Well, you sent me the link.


After raising the dice for two days at home, he voted for two days. After Horch’s votes were first, Sheng Qiao began to prepare to meet with the remaining brokerage companies.

See one every day, take their own packaging plans and take them home to compare and study. Eliminate completely unintentional and leave a choice. When you ask Fu Ziqing for their opinions, you can give a reply after the end of the year. It is.

The last one I saw was Zhongxia Media.

To be with her is actually a handsome handsome guy wearing a Gucci high-scented perfume, age is not small, but properly maintained, at first glance is the kind of elegant people with taste and cleanliness.

He reached out to Sheng Qiao, and his little finger wore a ring of snake ring: "I introduce myself, my name is Bei Mingfan, and I am the artist agent of Zhongxia Media."

Sheng Joe greeted him politely. After he was seated, Bei Mingfan looked at her with a smile and smiled. He said: "Miss Sheng is not the same as the rumors. It seems that his eyes have not gone wrong."

Sheng Qiao frowned, wanting to ask, Bei Mingfan has pushed a document: "This is the contract conditions and packaging plan, you can look at it first. I know that many companies have contacted you recently, but I can guarantee that no one can give you the resources I can give you."

Acting in the summer, it is tough.

Sheng Qiao opened the file and looked at it carefully. It was tough and tough, and it did have strength. The treatment for her was obviously higher than the previous ones.

Bei Mingfan spoke again: "If you feel that there is no problem, we can help you advance the contract, and you can sign up and start your packaging plan after the end of the year."

Sheng Qiao closed the document: "Okay, I will take good care of it and give you a reply after the year."

Bei Mingfan stunned and smiled at her. He smiled: "Miss Sheng, very few people will refuse China. You also know that with your qualifications and age, you are not dominant in this circle. If you are unpleasant, Zhongxia is willing to sign you. It is an exception."

"Thank you for your lifting." She didn't look the same. "Just, just jumping out of a fire pit, I need to be careful. Thank you for taking the time to meet me. I will bring back this contract and plan book to look good."

Bei Mingfan smiled quite interestingly. "Also, I will wait for your reply." He stood up and buckled the suit button. "Miss Sheng, the starting point will determine the final height. Since you have to choose to start again, Why not choose the best platform, are you saying yes?"

Sheng Qiao nodded and smiled naturally: "You are right."

The two went outside the door, and Bei Mingfan asked her: "Miss Sheng, will I send you a ride?"

"Thank you, no, I want to walk by myself."

Bei Mingfan did not force, smiled and turned his head and turned away. Sheng Qiao looked at the blue sky, touched the hat and mask, and walked slowly toward the home.

There are few people on the street in winter, coming and going in a hurry. No one pays special attention to the girl who wanders around the street. After passing through the window of a clothing store, Sheng Qiao looked at the door and pushed in.

The shopping guide immediately ushered in, Sheng Joe waved his hand to indicate himself, came and went, picked two down jackets. She touched the phone and called, and the head was quickly connected. She smiled happily: "Mom, do you like gray or blue?"

"What are you doing?"

"Help you buy a down jacket."

"Oh, what do you do with that money? I don't have no clothes to wear. The clothes in the city are expensive. Don't buy them, my mother doesn't."

"Of course, I have to wear new clothes for the New Year. I will be back in a few days."

"If you come back, you can't buy any clothes."

"Good, know."

Hanging up the phone, she handed two pieces of clothing to the shopping guide, "packed together."

Calculating the time, there is still a week to celebrate the New Year.

Taking advantage of the civil servants still not on holiday, Sheng Qiao ran a few courts with Qiao Yu, signed the sign of the sign, the formalities of the office, and only waited for the judgment after the year.

Sheng Joe found the largest suitcase, packed the luggage, and booked the ticket the next morning. After packing it up, she looked at the gift box that was placed in the bed and wrapped it up in the bed. She licked her lips and finally dialed Qiao Yu’s phone.

As soon as he got connected, Qiao Yu was surprised to say: "When you are looking for you, you will call."

The tacit understanding between brothers and sisters has also taken place today.

Sheng Qiao is in a good mood: "What are you looking for?"

"There is something for you, can you come to me for a while?"

“Convenient and convenient. Um... I have something to give you.”

"Well, then you come to my law firm."

"I... can I go directly to your home later? I am in the afternoon... there is something else."

"That's fine, I will get off work at six."

"Hmm, see you at night."

After playing an afternoon draft, I practiced for a long time in front of the mirror and smiled naturally. As soon as the evening, Sheng Qiao went out with a gift box.

When it was in the community, the sky was already dark, and the lights of Joe’s house were on. She bit her lip, step by step, pressed down the mood of the heart, stood at the door, took a deep breath, and finally pressed the doorbell.

I have already done my best to face my parents' expression, and the result is Qiao Yu.

"You are coming, come in and sit." I was surprised to see the gift bag in her hand; "Do you still have a gift?"

The room was brightly lit, the TV was noisy, but only Qiao Yu was alone. Sheng Qiao was somewhat lost. He smiled and said: "This is a New Year gift for your parents. Thank you for helping me solve such a big problem."

"Don't you say it, the responsibility is. My parents go out for a walk and come back later."

Qiao Yu took the gift bag on her hand, put it on the coffee table, poured a glass of water on her, and saw that she was a little nervous, and she was somewhat uncomfortable. She asked her: "Do you eat fruit?"

"Don't eat. You said something to give me, what?"

Qiao Yu squeezed her eyes and got up and took out a document from the closet. Packed in a yellow-skinned bag, unwrapping the wrapped coils, which contained the final judgment of the contract.

Sheng Joe looked at the words and stunned for a long time and looked up at Qiao Yu.

He is still a haha. "You don't have to wait a year, and you have a good year."

Sheng Qiao squinted his eyes and tears burst out. The next moment, a flying pounced up and hugged Qiao Yu.

Qiao Yu was scared by her two steps, holding her hand and not holding it, not holding it, just wanting to comfort her not to cry, the door slammed open, and Joe pushed the mother into it.

The eyes are opposite, and the brush is on the girl in his arms.

Qiao Yu:............

Dad, Mom, listen to me.

He pushed Sheng Qiao: "That, my parents are back..."

Then I heard that Sheng Qiao cried even more.

Dad, really, I don't have it. Don't look at me with that look, my son didn't do anything...

Qiao Yusheng no love: "Sheng Joe, you do not let go explain, my dad would beat me with a stick up."

The girl in her arms finally sobbed and let go of him.

She lowered her head and licked her tears with her hand. Weng said, "I just saw that the verdict was too excited. I didn't control it for a while, sorry."

Joe said that the name Shengao is a bit familiar.

He took out his mobile phone and searched.

Oh, it’s still a star.