MTL - Get to Know about Wife Fan-Chapter 23

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The next day Sheng Joe wakes up earlier than usual.

Did not sleep well, did a nightmare night, the dream was chased by the female ghost to jump off the cliff. She used to love nightmares. Later, she put a signature photo of Zhang Huoxi under the pillow. Like the bodyguard, I don’t know if it’s psychological or really useful. I’m rarely ridiculed by nightmares, even if I’m scared, my fingers are under the pillow. Touch the photo and continue to sleep peacefully.

When I was washing, I thought about it, I had to think of a way to get a signature photo of Horch.

When I went downstairs, a sportsman dressed up just came in from the door.

Many singers have the habit of running in the morning, exercising lung capacity and practicing sound. The teacher also carried a food bag in his hand and saw that Sheng Qiao was a little surprised when he came down so early, and turned back to a light look.

"I bought you breakfast."

"Thank you."

You don't have to do it yourself, Sheng Qiao is going to eat. The teacher changed clothes and looked down. She didn't have much fun when she ate, and her heart snorted.

I went so far to buy the breakfast, I did not expect to be cheaper first.

Sheng Qiao also greeted her: "Have you eaten?"


She sat down opposite Sheng Qiao. Outside the window, the sky was wide open, and the morning light slanted on a face of Sheng Qiaosujing. The face was really a little bit sloppy, delicate and white, with a loose ball head, and Su Yanmeicheng was so embarrassing.

In these years, Sheng Qiao’s black material is too much. Everyone pays too much attention to her character and anecdote, but ignores this god-given appearance.

However, how good it looks like, as her agent said, she has nothing but this face. Think of it this way, the face in front of you is not so dazzling.

The teacher’s heart finally balanced a bit.

She smirked and said: "Laughter, they all pay attention to body management. You are the only female artist I have ever seen."

Sheng Qiao bit his mouth and steamed the dumplings: "There is work to be reduced."

After all, taking a variety show doesn't need to keep fit.

The teacher squatted and smiled and asked: "Do you have any work plans next?"

Is it not to retreat after the contract is terminated?

Sheng Qiao hooked the lower lip corner and looked up at the steamed dumplings in the bowl. "Sir, you have to stay here for a few days?"

The teacher said: "I will leave in the afternoon."

"What a pity." She wiped her lips: "There is no time to be friends with you."

The teacher's mind is more sensitive, and she will hear what she said. Not too late to be friends, they are not friends now. Not a friend, she is not qualified to inquire about her private affairs.

The smirk on the face of the teacher was a little stretched, Sheng Qiao Yingying looked at her, and looked calm.

For a long while, the teacher got up and said, "I will call them to get up."

Sheng Joe picked the lower lip corner, smashed the paper towel into a group, raised a parabola and threw it into the trash can.

Everyone is getting up and going. The task of picking up the paper cranes yesterday was timed from today. After breakfast, several people held the paper cranes and began to think about the mission plan.

The director and Sheng Qiao said: "You changed the task with Le Xiao, the time is two days this day, the working time is from 9 o'clock today, nine to five."

When Sheng Qiao saw the time, it was 8:40, and quickly went upstairs to change clothes. Le laugh still feels that my heart is not going to go, I keep up, squatting at the door and saying, "Joe, if you can't do anything, you must call me, I will bring them over to help you."

"Yes." She took a sunscreen on her face and confessed: "The hot pot of the last night was frozen in the refrigerator. Just add some boiled water. Just the vegetables are gone. The meat is in the freezing room. Now you can take out the thaw. The dishes are in the grid below the cabinet."

Packed up and looked back and looked at her with a smile, and smacked on her face: "Okay, I am not going to the battlefield, you are at home."

In the barrage, he said:

[I feel that when Sheng Qiao left, the main heart of this family will be gone]

[Do not use the wind to blow, take two steps to disperse]

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, what are you doing?]

When I went downstairs, I explained a few words to everyone.

"Xiaohan, the weather is good today. I have moved a few pots of flowers that I moved to the room yesterday and remember to move out and sunbathe."

"Slightly, after the fruit is taken out, put it in the water and let it go and eat it."

"Zhong Shen, don't be bullied!"

Finally, I looked at Horch and whispered, "I am leaving." Turned away, Horch called her: "Wait."

Sheng Qiao turned back, he approached and handed over a gray thermos cup: "Take this, the construction site should be inconvenient."

Sheng Qiao was moved to tears. Hey, from the warmth and care of love beans, is this a beautiful little prince?

A face touched the cup, and he greeted the teacher, wishing her a good trip for a while, and the beauty of the door went to work.

The director group sent two followers to Pd and an assistant to follow Shengqiao to the construction site. I have already said hello, the security guard is far away from the door to salute, the person in charge of the construction site is standing next to it, and I will recognize Sheng Qiao.

"Oh, I know you, you are the one who plays Xiaonuo in "Shengshi Chang'an"..."

Sheng Joe politely reached out to him: "Hello, my name is Sheng Qiao."

The person in charge is surnamed Zhou, and Sheng Qiao calls him Zhou Ge. Zhou Ge enthusiastically led her to go inside. On the construction site, she came to the star for the first time. She was still a fair-skinned female star. The workers left their hands and ran to watch. Zhou Ge scolded: "Look what! Give me Go back to work!"

Sheng Qiao wore a hard hat and smiled around. The shy workers were laughed at by her.

The task is really moving bricks.

The red bricks unloaded by the trucks are piled up on the open space, and the workers are pushed to the downstairs of the project through the small carts, and then hoisted to the third floor through the gantry.

Zhou Ge led Sheng Qiao in the past, surrounded by noise, dust flying, concrete mixers bombing operation, watching the live broadcast of netizens shocked by this real environment, even yesterday, Sheng Sheng Qiao Zuoxiu people closed their mouths.

Zhou Ge and the person in charge of this film confessed two sentences and left. Sheng Qiao put on his gloves, took the small cart sent by the person in charge, and began to move bricks on it. After the first base and the first base were placed, the car was pushed to the opposite side of the project.

The ground of the construction site was pitted, and Sheng Qiao took a foot in two steps. Fortunately, he was not serious. He adjusted back and forth several times to reduce the number of bricks and control it within his physical strength. It was a little easier.

It’s not easy to look at the pd. Ask Sheng Qiao: “Would you like to wear a mask? Drink water?”

"The mask is too stuffy and it is uncomfortable to breathe." She was so tired and panting, took the gray mug from the assistant's hand and took a sip, the water was sweet, with a hint of milk.

Actually gave her a cup of milk powder.

Mom, is Horch made of milk sugar? Why are you so sweet?

She hurriedly took a few more mouthfuls and felt that she could move for another five hundred years.

When I got down in the morning, I was already exhausted. Although she has been independent since she was a child, she has never done any heavy work. When she takes off her gloves, she has a blisters in her palm.

Sheng Qiao poked his fingertips and got a painful look. He turned back and asked the assistant: "Is it still time to exchange it with Le laugh?"

In the barrage, [hahaha], she sighed and sighed: "Forget it, I am like this, she can't die here."

Lunch is a lunch box issued by the workers. Sheng Qiao does not pick it up. He crosses his legs and sits on the ground. He takes the box lunch and begins to eat. Her image is too grounded, and netizens have been haha ​​for a while.

[My dad is a construction worker, tired is really tired]

[Winter is ok, summer is really going to be peeled off]

[And the dust is too big, staying too much dust for a long time is not good for the lungs]

[The underlying work is like this, earning hard-earned money]

[In fact, Sheng Qiao can bear hardships and hardships, the average star, which suffers this kind of suffering]

[There are a few blisters in her palm, I look at it all hurts]

[I used to say that she was tempted, she really used herself as a messenger]

[I turned black powder yesterday, don’t say it, face hurts]

A lot of black powder turned out on the barrage.

Sheng Qiao on the screen is still eating, eating and eating suddenly shaking, the box of rice in his hand suddenly knocked to the ground, the body side violently vomiting.

This time, the audience and the director group were scared. The assistant hurriedly went to check the situation. Sheng Qiao, who had just finished well, spurned a mess. In the end, the bile spit out, his face was white like paper, and the whole person was shaking.

The assistant was frightened, and while crying, he hit 120. All the people around him surrounded him. The camera picture suddenly swayed. Sheng Joe’s pd took the machine to the ground and took her up and ran out.

The netizens who watched the live broadcast were also scared, and they speculated whether it was food poisoning.

On the barrage, the heart was stunned, and Sheng Qiao, who was on the back of the pd, finally slowed down. He was weak and said: "I am fine, food allergies..."

Today's lunch is a fish-flavored eggplant. She doesn't know the history of the original allergies. When I eat it, I don't pay attention to it. After a few mouthfuls, my stomach suddenly swells, and then my lips and my throat begin to become numb.

Her previous high school girlfriends were allergic to almonds. She knew more about this. She realized that it might be allergic to eggplant and started to spit when she threw the box.

It is your own care. After becoming Sheng Qiao, you should go for a comprehensive physical examination and master all the physical conditions.

120 soon came over, was lifted into the car, Sheng Qiao's entire mouth has begun to swell, the words are vague, the assistant's hand confessed: "The cloth to be with them, allergies have been, soon nine good."

The live video is still going on, and the netizens who heard her say this have finally calmed down.

It turned out to be allergic, but fortunately.

Some netizens suddenly remembered:

[It used to be rumored that Sheng Qiao had a box lunch and spit in the crew because of allergies? 】

[I don't know, she was yelling at her feelings at the time, and the hero and the hero both had a box lunch and she had to open a small stove separately]

[I seem to have a lot of misunderstandings about her]

[At that time, if you are vomiting because of allergies, you should do a check. Be aware of your allergens and be cautious on food. How can you make a decision today?]

[Maybe it’s too tired to move bricks in the morning, hey, distressed little Joe]

The ambulance soon sent Sheng Qiao to the hospital, and after the treatment was done, there was a stable ingredient in the liquid, and after a long morning, Sheng Qiao quickly fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already dark.

In a blink of an eye, I smelled the smell of strong disinfectant water for a moment, like the day I returned to the car accident a few months ago.

She squatted and sat up, her voice alarming the teenager playing the phone on the opposite sofa.

He stalked closer, holding her hand on the back of the hand, "Don't move!"

Sheng Qiao looked up and suddenly faded in the eyes. The boy’s face was clear in front of her eyes. She looked at him without a look. For a long time, she yelled at him: "Hoch..."

Realizing that he had not changed back, Sheng Qiao sighed indifferently.

Horch let go of her hand and stood up straight, so I looked at her with a sly look: "I saw you, I am disappointed?"

"No, no, no, no, no..." Sheng Qiao sneered: "I just don't like the hospital."

"I don't like hospitals but don't know how to avoid risks. I don't even know what foods I have allergies about?"

Sheng Qiao snorted and thought of something, and quickly touched his face: "I am still swollen?"

Horch said: "Swelled."

The room was quiet and there was no camera. The director group stopped shooting when she was taken to the hospital. Horch sat back in the opposite chair and asked her, "Hungry?"

When he asked this question, she only reacted to the empty stomach, and spit it badly in the morning. At this time, she was hungry and uncomfortable.

"Laughter and Lu Yihan gave you soup at home, and should come over soon. Feng Wei went to the pet shop and didn't come back. Zhong Shen went to the construction site for you in the afternoon."

So leave him to take care of himself?

What is the blessing that Sanshi repaired? !

Love beans actually came to the hospital to take care of her!

At this moment, only one song can express her mood:

--"I do not deserve".