MTL - Get to Know about Wife Fan-Chapter 140

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The architecture of the scene is imitation of the Tang style, and the program group used the lighting effects to make it horrible. They are now in a large lawn, the ground is overgrown, and the lights hidden in the grass are green and faint. They move with the wind and look like countless ghosts. From time to time in the cold air, all kinds of infiltrations screamed and cried, but it was really a few feelings of being in the dark.

It was so delayed for a while, the time has passed twenty minutes, and the two hours are four hours, which means that there are three hours and forty minutes from the turn back.

Sheng Qiao quickly said: "We will look around and look for ways to restore the value of life. There should be hidden tasks. The reincarnation door is only opened six times. We must go one person every time we open."

After Zhao Hao finished his own plot, he waved his hand: "This is the king's words, and he is good at it."

Then he led the bull-headed horse and the little devil and turned away.

Several people also began to go forward. When they didn’t go far, they saw a river that was more than two meters wide in front of it. There was a stone monument on the riverside, engraved with the word “forgot Sichuan”.

There were several oil pans on the side of the river, and the ghost-like people stood by the pot and were throwing a skinny little devil into the pot. I don't know where the program group is coming from, how realistic and realistic it is. If the fire under the pot is made out of lighting effects, I really thought it was a little imp.

The little devil in the pot was so miserable that the program group dared to do it. The people came close to smell it, and the pot was filled with real oil.

Ghosts used the iron fork in his hand to poke the little devil and roared: "What are you shouting?"

The little devil hides his face and cries: "I am distressed by my clothes! The person who just gave it to the burning, only once, wrapped in oil!"

The ghost laughed: "With the vertical staining liquid, no more grease is afraid!"

Everyone: "........."

Laozi believes in your evil, and the vertical stain is one of the advertising sponsors of this season. This implant is too slippery.

The ghost saw a few people watching the fun here, turning his head and screaming and screaming: "You know why this little devil was blown up by the oil pan?"

Sheng Qiao tried to answer the question: "Why?"

Ghost difference: "It’s because I saw my eyes in the crowd!"

Sheng Qiao: "........."

Everyone turned and ran, and ran to the front and was forgotten to stop the road, but there was a wooden bridge on the river. I don’t think I knew it was a bridge.

There was an old woman standing in front of the bridge. She was holding a big pot in front of her. She was holding the soup spoon and stirring it in the pot. Seeing a few people approaching, the face can be told: "You, drink soup?"

It is Meng Po.

Indulging in a close look, the soup in the pot was green and thick, exuding a strange smell, and immediately covered his nose and said, "Don't drink!"

Meng Po sneered two times: "Do not drink Meng Po soup, not allowed to cross the bridge."

In front of this road, the main scene is at the end of the bridge, Meng Po pulled out a bowl from behind, took a spoon and smashed a bowl of soup in the pot, to the middle of the block: "Who first drink?"

Fang Yan looked at the two bowls of green and did not pull a few thick and thick soup, almost spit, and said in Taiwan, "It seems to be thick."

Everyone: "........."

Mom’s being said that she can’t drink more.

Shen Yuyi said: "Whatever is with her, we have a lot of people, first tied her up."

Ji Jiayou is a polite little child, hesitating to say: "It is not good to treat an elderly person like this?"

Zeng Ming said with a smile: "The elderly, we have something to discuss. Can you not let this soup go to us? After all, it is also your fault?"

When the words just fell, I saw Meng Po sneer two times, Lang said: "All come out."

After the bridge across the bridge, four giant ghosts came out. At first glance, they were practicing fitness, muscles violently, and a fist slammed down to kill people.

The four men came over and brushed one stop behind Meng Po. Meng Po sneered and said, "Who is losing now?" He took another look. "Who did you just want to tie your old body?"

Shen Yiyi looked sad and looked at Sheng Qiao’s indignation and said: "Brother! Why did you just say something wrong? We are juniors, do you want to respect the old?"

Sheng Qiao: "???"

Meng Po pointed to Shen Yuyi: "Go, tie him up, let him taste the soup made by the evil spirits of the 3,000 years old."

Shen Yuyi: "Vo..."

Then a few people watched the sinking of the four-shaped big man and held a bowl of Mengpo soup.

It’s really terrible.

Sheng Qiao resisted the abandonment and poked a finger on the ground with a finger: "What smell?"

Shen Yuyi pinched his neck and said: "It’s too bitter."

Meng Po said on the side: "Bitterness is right. Life is alive, everything is bitter, Meng Po Tang is the last bitterness of people. After suffering, the past and the past are turned into clouds, no thoughts, no sense."

Shen Yuyi said on the ground with a scorpion saying: "I understand that vegetative people are like this."

Meng Po: "..."

Sheng Qiao went to the pot and smelled it. He turned back and said to a few people: "It should be made with bitter melon powder. Drink it, it should be detoxification."

There are four muscular men here, do not drink and have to drink, a few people hold their noses and pour a bowl of Mengpo soup, this is the river. As soon as I crossed the river, the life on my shoulder slammed and added a little.

Sheng Qiao: "I will add life to my morning, then can I drink ninety-nine bowls?"

Director group: "?????"

Meng Po cold ice and ice road: "I want to be beautiful! The old body soup is made with three thousand years of evil spirits, that is, the jade emperor of the day wants to discuss a bowl and does not give it casually. Your little ghost is not too small, still I want ninety-nine bowls."

Shen Yuyi: "Jade Emperor tastes really heavy."

Meng Po: "Take him up with his old body and bring it to soup!"

Sinking and running out.

In front is a ghost street. The dilapidated red lanterns swayed in the eaves, and the chains between the ghosts and the feet of the ghosts were tied, and the streets were full of squeaking sounds when the chains were moving.

There are still a lot of shops on the street, and the group performances of each shop are turned pale and ghostly. Sheng Qiao looked around and meditated: "It should be possible to find a mission point on this street."

Just finished, I heard someone shouting in front of me: "The recruitment has been recruited! Interested parties are coming to sign up!"

Several people rushed over and saw a man with a big eyebrows standing on the crossroads and seeing a few people coming around and asked: "Are you coming to apply?"

Sheng Qiao: "Yes! Dare to ask the big brother what are you recruiting here?"

Big Brother said: "Do you see what I dress like, what do you do?"

A few people looked at his dress, wearing a white headscarf on his head, a sweatshirt, and a red belt around his waist, a big northwestern taste.

Sinking and confidently said: "When you see you are a singer! This is my way, I danced very well, or will you twist one on the spot?"

Big Brother: "? Lao Tzu is playing iron! Seeing the chains worn by the ghosts on this street, they are all played by Lao Tzu!"

Shen Yuyi: "Then you have a red silk on your waist?"

Big Brother: "Do you know this year?"

Swearing: "........."

There is really an iron shop on the street, all around it is cold, only the iron shop is warm and warm, and several people have been frozen all over the goose, and hurry around the fire.

Sheng Qiao warmed his hand and asked a few people: "This should be the task point. After the completion, it will add life value. Who will pick up this task?"

Fang Hao quickly raised his hand: "I, I, I, I am too cold, I want to roast here."

Several people have no objections, so Fang Yi stayed here and others continued to move forward. Then several people found work in the dream shop, the mail shop, and the exchange office.

In the end, only Shen Yi and Sheng Qiao are still not there.

The two crossed the ghost street and wobbled around to an open flower field. Looking around, the red flowers are everywhere, and the red lights hidden in the ground are more beautiful.

Flowers bloom a hundred miles, but there is no green leaf. Sheng Qiao thinks of a legend of Huang Quan. The other side spent a thousand years, falling for a thousand years, the leaves never meet each other, I want to come here is the other side of the flower.

There is a bamboo house in the flower field. A woman in a white dress with a white dress at the window has not seen her face. She only hears the voice: "Who is it? Why is it that I don’t want to stole it in my flower field? Is it because I want to steal it?"

The sound is familiar and familiar.

Shen Yuyi: "Hey, is this not worthy of the lord? How do you still have several jobs?"

Zhao Wei ignored him and immersed himself in his role. Slowly, he stood up and walked out, whispering: "I am the messenger of the other side of the flower field. I have been guarding the flower field for more than a thousand years. If it is for stealing flowers, Speeding away is wonderful."

Shen Yuyi: "When you dress up, you will be notified?"

Zhao Wei looked arrogant and asked Sheng Qiao: "What language do he speak?"

Sheng Qiao: "Yu Wang Ye sent a notice, ghosts and even articles. He married you."

Zhao Wei suddenly became furious: "If you say more words, the messenger will marry you and give flowers a nourishment!"

Sheng Qiao held back his smile and asked her: "Dare to ask the messenger, what can be done here for us? What is the watering plant?"

Zhao snorted, pretending to be the sleeve: "Watering the loose soil is not necessary, but recently Huang Quan did not know why many squirrels came to eat. In this flower field, I ate the flower roots. If I want to, I will catch this ghost. Alright."

Sheng Qiao is a little afraid of mice, knowing that most of them are rodents, and they are pushing and sinking: "I will give you this easy task, come on!"

The words fell and I reluctantly replied, and ran quickly.

In the flower field, he left Shen Yuyi and Zhao Wei’s big eyes and eyes. After a long time, Zhao Wei said: "I still don’t catch the mouse quickly? Looking at what the messenger did? Haven’t seen the beauty?”

Shen Yuyi: "The messenger surnamed Wang? The king who sold melon."

Zhao Wei: "???"

Sheng Qiao, who ran a few meters away, shouted back: "He yelled at your mother to sell melons, and boasted!"

Zhao Wei: "???"

The dog’s day was gone for a few months. Where did he learn so many swearing words?

Read Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground