MTL - Genius Sword Immortal-v3 Chapter 1486 Gold protoss

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Ye Feng joined the camp of Jiange. 》w.

For Ye Feng, it is obviously impossible to win this first-class chaotic star by his own power. For Long Jian and Xi Huazi, Ye Feng is their friend, at least a friend of friends. There is nothing to take care of.

However, for the entire Jiange, there are no major changes in Ye Feng's four people. Even if they capture the chaotic stars, they will be divided into some chaotic spars.

This made the other cultivators in the sword court less satisfied, but because of the face of Long Jian and Xi Huazi, they did not say much.

Dragon Sword, in the entire fairyland Yuqingtian is the existence of the top ten fighting power, and Xihuazi, also among the best in the sword.

At present, Long Jian and Xi Huazi block the strongest of other forces in order to make the overall advantage of the Jiange.

Although the Jiange is in the forefront of the fairyland Yuqing Tianzhong, but this time the chaos is too clear and a line, but it is divided into several groups, splitting the action.

At present, the group led by Longjian and Xihuazi is only one-fifth of the strength of the sword.

Even so, among the current forces, the Jiange is obviously the strongest one. The other forces are mostly united, hoping to repel the swordsmen.

A first-class chaotic star, of which chaotic spar is quite a lot, but no matter which aspect, it is definitely thinking about getting more.

If you have the ability, you will definitely not share it with others.

Jiange will not share this chaotic star with others. Because of this, several other forces will unite to deal with Jiange.

"I will talk about the words first. After the first-class chaotic stars arrive, they will distribute the spoils according to the number of killings."

In the power of the sword court, there was a bearded cultivator who saw Ye Feng's four eyes and sneered: "Avoid some people, without any strength, but get a lot of chaotic spar!"

This proposal has been unanimously agreed by dozens of other people in the sword court. Even Long Jian and Xi Huazi cannot suppress such a voice.


Xihuazi looked at Ye Feng and apologized.

"It is no problem, according to the number of killings to distribute the spoils, just right."

Ye Feng smiled and didn't care.

Since they all said this, then Ye Feng certainly has to kill enough enemies to guarantee his own interests!

Anyway, the immortals who came to Chaos Taiqingtian are all coming to **** the chaotic stars. Ye Feng kills the other party and has no guilt. Anyway, if he does not kill the other party, he will be killed by the other party.

"The Spear of Chaos!"

Ye Feng’s spear in his hand, a spear of a chaotic force, penetrated the chest of a cultivator not far away.

Chaos to the treasure shot, to deal with the ordinary cultivation of immortals is absolutely a spear, there is no room for negotiation.

"The kid has chaos to the treasure, deal with him first!"

Suddenly, a lot of people in one direction flew to Ye Feng almost at the same time. In this crowd, everyone has a golden color that looks extremely sacred.

"Golden Protoss!"

Xihuazi reminded Ye Feng on the side.

He himself is in a stalemate with another strong man and cannot rescue Ye Feng. This group of gold protoss seems to be dealt with only by Ye Feng himself.

Others in the Jiange Pavilion would like to see Ye Feng’s jokes, and it is even more impossible to rescue Ye Feng.

"Golden Protoss?"

Ye Feng glanced at the group of cultivators and saw that it was a group of people with golden light, the kind of breath that made Ye Feng feel a little familiar.

By the way, the Golden Giants!

Ye Feng thought of the golden giant who met in the wilderness. The strength and atmosphere of the golden giants are similar to those of the gold protoss.

Is the Golden Giant family a descendant of this golden protoss?

"The ball of chaos, suppress!"

When Ye Feng raised his hand, the power of the chaotic ball spread out and slammed into the group of ten elite gold protoss!

"Golden power, broken!"

The cultivator of the ten-year-old gold protoss suddenly rose up in the golden color of the whole body, and burst into a crushing force from the ball of Chaos!

"The Spear of Chaos!"

Ye Feng speared a spear and pierced one of the chests.


Suddenly, the golden protoss who had penetrated the chest were screaming, and the whole person became extremely huge in an instant, and suddenly became as big as the golden giants, as if a mountain appeared in front of Ye Feng. .

In the eyes of everyone, after the giant of the Golden Protosm became bigger, the wound of the chest actually recovered with a very rapid speed. Even the spear of chaos could not kill it!


Ye Feng’s eyes are bright, the giant of the Golden Protoss, the flesh is too strong.

"Just, you are so big, I want to attack any position in your body, it will be extremely easy, only to see that it is not able to penetrate your heart, but now..."

Ye Feng looked up, his eyes flashed, and finally took out the Ten Emperor Sword.

"Chaotic Dazzling Sword!"

"Destroy the sword!"

Ye Feng’s long sword swayed, and the two swords suddenly rushed out. The infinite chaos of the moment slammed down, and the giant of the Golden Protos was completely enveloped.

Even the extremely powerful gold protoss giant in the flesh, under the two swords of Ye Feng, was first completely suppressed, and then the heart part was annihilated into the most primitive chaos!

The giant of the Golden Protoss has not yet responded. His heart has been annihilated by Ye Feng, and he has widened his eyes. The whole body has gradually fallen down without any vitality.

"Kill my people, die!"

In addition, more than a dozen gold protoss of the immortals, each turned into a giant, attacked Ye Feng.

More than a dozen golden powers, wearing a void to assassinate Ye Feng!

"Destroy the sword!"

Ye Feng saw it, his face did not change, and the ten-magic sword in his hand swayed out, and a smashed sword light swept away, and the more than ten golden powers were resisted, and the annihilation was exhausted.

"The ball of chaos, suppress!"

Chaos Zhibao continued to be displayed by Ye Feng. At the same time, it also cooperated with the Chaos and Dazzling Sword. All of a sudden, the giants of the more than ten gold protoss became blind, and there was no way to use them for a moment.

The next moment, Ye Feng's slashing swordsmanship was once again displayed, and the swordsmanship was smashed out. Two giants of the Golden Protoss were once again annihilated by Ye Feng.

Ye Feng, with the power of one person, confronted more than ten strong men of the Golden Protoss. This scene suddenly made Xihuazi, Longjian, and other cultivators of the Jiange Pavilion look impressive!


Even Xi Huazi also made a subtle assessment of Ye Feng.

The gold protoss, but notoriously difficult to deal with, especially its physical strength, even the Xihuazi sword, it is difficult to completely kill them.

But I did not expect that Ye Feng could easily deal with these golden protoss.