MTL - Genius Fundamentals-Chapter 137 Construct

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Lao Lin played this documentary, perhaps for all the students in his class.

But Lin Xixi believes that this is what Lao Lin specially prepared for her.

Lao Lin didn't know what she wanted to do, and she wouldn't ask about it. She just told her in a consistent routine: It's no big deal for you to break things.

Thanks to this documentary, Lin knew that she was not in a space where she could not reach her fingers.

This is a house, assuming it is a house.

It is very dark now, she will encounter a lot of furniture, because she has not touched the switch.

But six months...

She may not have so much time to explore.

So what she has to do now is to draw a map, let the sticky spider webs she touched, and touch her furniture, and return to their own positions.

When she thought about how to draw, the things she had learned in the cruel summer camp in primary school helped her a little. This is not Zhang Shuping himself, but the large bookshelf he once covered, so that Lin has a new idea.

In the catalogue of each book, Lao Zhang numbers different knowledge points, organizes them accordingly, lets them classify and learn, and finally toss them with the test.

Lao Lin taught her how to build a knowledge system long ago, because once again, she is very familiar with the previous mathematics knowledge of the university, and can easily construct a complete framework, which is an important reason why she is ahead of others.

This time, she faced complete strange knowledge and faced problems in mathematics, computers, transportation, and many other fields. It is more difficult to construct a similar knowledge system.

She is not awkward, she has no ability to organize everything easily, so she needs some modern tools.

She went to college and probably knows what tools the science and engineering students use to do research. She did not hesitate to find a "Document Management and Essay Writing" in the Hongjing Library and study hard.

This book was discovered by Lao Lin several times. It also pointed to the name of the document management software and asked her what it was.

"Probably a kind of software?"

"so smart?"

"Dad, you have been out of touch with the society for a long time."

Lin Zhaoxi answered this question, still waiting for Lao Lin to fight back, did not expect Lao Lin nodded, directly took the book away, and looked at himself.

In short, with the help of some tools that can help her organize the information.

Lin Zhaoxi found the general direction she could work for.

She divided the big goal of predicting the old forest car accident into small goals that need to be completed.

First, she needs to complete a prediction software to speculate on Lao Lin's trajectory.

Secondly, she needs a large amount of traffic data from Anning City over the years, and uses a "mathematical model" to analyze all the data, combined with the action trajectory of Lao Lin itself, to predict the specific location of the old forest accident in a certain period of time in the future.

Regarding traffic data, she has already asked Chen Zhu’s father. Although the other party did not respond clearly, Lin thought that if she could submit what kind of things she wanted and find a proper reason, I believe that there is not much problem.

The hardest part is still math.

At first she felt that she could go deep into mathematical modeling to find a useful model.

Because in the strawberry world, the question raised by Yan is to select members for the modeling team, and now, whether she is doing similar things, this self-righteous causal connection makes her unrealistically lucky about things. idea.

But then she found that neither the questions nor the teaching could solve her fundamental problems.

She didn't know how she should start building what she simply defined as a "mathematical model."

After class every day, she will sit in the garage of the old Chen family and make a noodles. There is no window in the garage, and you can't say no, the vents are sealed with steel bars.

The desk was built with scrap sheets and was a bit swaying, but it was actually very stable.

She is not very good at going to Laolin's extracurricular class. Lao Lin said that most of the students listened to things that are not suitable for her.

When the data of the “predictive” and “model” data search was conducted at the University of Peace Library, she found that the term “neural network” also appeared frequently.

After turning a few papers, she realized that she had missed such an important direction.

In the strawberry world when she came, "artificial intelligence" and "machine learning" are very popular directions, and there are rows of related books in the library, but she is not sure, is there still so much now 7 years ago? The content for her to learn.

The time just happened to the Ching Ming Festival holiday, and the provincial training team also arranged a training camp during the Ching Ming Festival.

Spring is officially coming, and the campus is full of youth.

The training team took a test roll in the morning.

At noon, Lin Chaoxi had the opportunity to go downstairs and find information at Sanwei University Library.

The Qingming holiday is short, so many college students have not chosen to go home. Most of the self-study seats are filled by the students.

This is the first time she has encountered so many students at the Sanwei University Library. The reading room is full of sounds of reading and writing, but it is very quiet.

Looking at so many hard-working students, she suddenly became very energetic.

Bypassing the iron bookshelf on the top of the sky, Lin went to the front of the t-class bookshelf.

The t class is industrial technology, the tp class is automation technology and computer technology, and the related categories of artificial intelligence theory and automatic reasoning and machine learning are under it, numbered tp18.

There are some books on the shelf, but the number is not too small, but the first reaction of Lin Xixi is still "good and small."

I remember that in the strawberry world, she used to go through this row of bookshelves in the library. She used to be familiar with the new "machine learning" and "xx algorithm" content of the bookshelf, but now, these things are completely absent.

Now, most books on the shelf are titled "Artificial Intelligence" and "Neural Network."

Lin Zhaoxi looked in turn and finally found a solitary "matlab neural network and application."

Her eyes lit up, and if she got a treasure, she directly took it and read it.

Sure enough, as a former liberal arts student, she still felt very struggling to open professional procedural books.

The various terms such as "array function" and "matrix" appear on the first page, which makes her feel both intimate and headache.

Before she had a flash of thought, should she come to the world of cheese and concentrate on the action of saving the old forest, instead of spending so much time to lay the foundations of mathematics, so that she must now be extremely short Learn a programming language in time.

But she now finds that, the most difficult part is mathematics.

Without a good foundation in mathematics, she may not even understand a programming book.

So for the continued study of university mathematics, she can't relax at all.

So now the problem is coming. For the unfamiliar computer field, of course, she can go to a training class to learn.

But she is now facing the senior high school entrance examination, as well as the provincial team training, the self-study of university mathematics is also the focus. She didn't have a weekend to go to a computer training class.

What's more, she is very skeptical that the things she wants to learn are too professional, and it is difficult to find similar training courses in the small place of tranquility.

At this time, Lin Xixi could not help but miss it later.

In the strawberry world when she came, after 7 years, the bookshelf far exceeded the large number of professional books.

Various university open classes have been distributed throughout the network. She turned on the computer and could easily learn artificial intelligence, machine learning, and even programming classes at world-renowned universities.

If you can go back once, it would be fine.

I came to the world of heavy cheese for so long, and Lin Xiangxi thought so for the first time.

Lu Zhihao and Yu Zhi’s figure appeared behind the bookshelf. She picked up the program in her hand and patted her pants and stood up.


Lin Chaoxi borrowed the "matlab neural network and application" from home.

The temperature rises day by day, and as she is immersed in the exploration of machine learning, the atmosphere of the school's sprint for the senior high school entrance is also becoming more and more intense.

The auditorium is still playing the athlete march, the sound is deafening, full of the atmosphere of the pre-match mobilization. Their 13 classes were arranged in the back of the auditorium. This was not for the school, but for the class rankings.

When all classes are seated, the host stands in front of the stage. She patted the microphone, and after a "squeaky" sound, a long, sharp murmur exploded from the speaker, and the age meeting officially began.

"Every classmates, teachers, the senior high school entrance examination is coming soon. We will once again hold a full-year general mobilization. I hope that everyone can concentrate all their energy and not be distracted by foreign objects!"

In the speaker, there was a high-inspired female voice. Lin Chaoxi played a spirit, but she did not expect that it was the beginning of the third grade (1) class teacher Ma Pingping.

Teacher Ma holds the microphone and is very impassioned: "If you are still lucky, think that the test is far away from you, then I can tell you that in a few days, you will face the most important choice in life!"

"In the middle of you, some people will enter key high schools, then go straight to key universities, and then study abroad to become elites of the society; while some of them may not even be in high school, they can only become the bottom of society!"

"Don't think that I am threatening you, I can tell you, this is the fact that I have seen it for many years."

Although Ma Pingping is very excited, these contents are old-fashioned rhetoric. In particular, their classmates have also experienced the baptism of Lao Lin, and these words are not enough to read.

"Time is so urgent. Maybe students think that time is too late, and efforts are useless, but I tell you when it is not too late. Every bit of your efforts today will be reflected in your test papers tomorrow!"

Someone took out the words on the book, someone secretly played the phone, and Lin began to look away, thinking about what she was watching recently.

In fact, after looking through the relevant information, she found that matlab does not seem to be the best language for machine learning, python may be more appropriate.

But in this era, Python is more popular than matlab.

Searching the entire library, only the National Library has a numericalmethodsengineeringwithpython, and the rest is the Chinese translation of the "Python Network Programming Foundation" of the Sanwei University Library, and the Anning Library has nothing.

But in Lin’s memory, when she was hanging out in the University Library of the Strawberry World, there were a large number of python books on the computer side.

If she can come back in the past, then the progress will be very fast.

She keeps thinking like this.

In her mind, she thought of a line of formulas in her notebook.


"what happened to you?"

She suddenly sounded in her ear and she was pushed a bit.

Lin Chaoxi was pulled back from the swaying **** and subconsciously covered the formula.

It was Zheng Matt who pushed her. The toothpick on the boy’s face was very clear. It was still around this auditorium. Nothing happened.


"The principal told you to come to the stage to receive the award."

"Please award the classmates, come on stage to receive the award!" The speaker also repeated.

Looking into the distance, Yu Zhihe and Chen Chengcheng have already got up, and Lu Zhihao stood up halfway.

The sun came in from the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the headmaster looked at them on the podium with kind eyes, and everything was fine.

Nothing has changed.

She should have known it.

It was a bit embarrassing all the way. It was only after Lin came to the stage that it was discovered that this was the award for the junior high school mathematics league held before.

The exam has passed two years, and now she is suddenly going to receive the award. She is not excited or excited.

But the applause in the auditorium was still very enthusiastic, including the principals who presented the awards on the stage, saying that this is the best result of the school's junior high school mathematics league in recent years.

The headmaster also emphasized the class teacher Ma, and said that she played a major role in the mathematics grade leader.

There is a clear laughter under the stage.

Teacher Ma is very embarrassed.

Lin did not look at Ma Pingping again, but looked down at the award in his hand.

The windows on both sides of the rostrum were open, and the spring breeze blew the certificate in their hands.

In the auditorium, the athletes’ marches were also heard, and the winners were sent off.

Lin Chaoxi walked behind the shackles, and the boys’ backs were clear and straight.

She suddenly remembered that in the strawberry world, Yan Zhi also took the national first prize, took the stage to receive the award, and she was a member of the audience.

Now, she actually feels that it is so common to go to the stage with him to receive the award.

At that time, if you can work harder, it would be fine.

"Next, we have to commend the top 10 students in the grade exam. They are - 13 classes in the third grade; 13 classes in the third grade, Lin Chaoxi..."

Still walking to the position, Lin heard the name of his own.

And as the list continues, from the beginning of the battle, the four of them won the prize team. Lin Chao almost ran into it, and a timely laughter was heard in the auditorium.

"It seems that the four students don't have to go back," said the host.

As they did, they returned four times and stood in line with the other six students to receive praise.

Lin Chaoxi took another certificate. The headmaster patted her shoulder lovingly and said to her and her, "You two..."

This sentence is a bit meaningful, and there is a sneer under the stage. Some people even joked: "Together!"

The face of the cockroach did not change color, and Lin Chaoxi took a sigh with him.

"Cough, both of you are very good classmates!" The principal added a sentence and turned to look at the stage. "This month, the first and second grades are in class 13. I hope that the students in other classes will work hard!" ”

"They are deliberate!"

"It is obvious to go to Zhongming class!"

The students are just a burst of sorrow. Lin Zhaoxi thought that she and her family had no sense of existence in the school. I thought that I was standing on the stage and I was actually smashed.

The host took the microphone and quickly controlled the field. "Below, we have the classmates who are the first in the grade and the first prize in the mathematics league. They will introduce their learning experiences to the students. Welcome!"

The applause was overwhelming, and Lin Chaoxi and the other eight students stepped down.

When I turned back, I just took the microphone and said it to everyone, "I hope to work hard with everyone."

After finishing this sentence, Yan Zhi handed the microphone back to the host, and also followed them down.

The audience was quiet. 2k novel reading network