MTL - General, Madam Called You To Farm-Chapter 767 The Maiden of the Pit and the King of Southern Border

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  Chapter 767 The Pit Maiden and the Southern Border King

  Cui Guanshi went to report to Xie Yunhe, and told Su Xiaoxiao's words exactly, including Su Xiaoxiao's dislike and impatience towards the children.

  I didn't mention the matter of my own hearing loss.

   In case the master thinks that he is deaf and blind, it would be bad if he dare not entrust him with important tasks.

  Xie Yunhe was not too surprised.

  Su Xiaoxiao hates everyone, expecting her to truly love a few children she has never met, is a fantasy.

   That's the kind of reaction that's real.

   "Master, do we really take the blame for this?"

  Xie Yunhe said: "The people behind the scenes are targeting the saint. Instead of letting them lead a few children to spread rumors, it is better to detain the children in the house, so as not to cause trouble again."

   Guanshi Cui thought about it for a while.

   "I don't understand. Where did they come up with this idea? Why did they find the triplets here?"

  Because triplets were so rare, the news fermented faster and spread throughout the capital almost overnight.

  Xie Yunhe said: "Have you asked those children? Who taught them to call their mother?"

Cui Guanshi said: "Ask, they don't know whether they don't understand or are frightened, and they don't say anything when they ask. Such young children are taught by others. If they are really asked to explain, they can't understand. However, we If they are detained, the people behind the scenes may not be able to sit still, and it is not certain that they will come to look for them."

  Xie Yunhe nodded.

   Cui Guanshi said again: "If you say that the Ji family is really unscrupulous."

   Until now, the saint still thinks that the children were made by the Ji family.

   I don’t blame the Ji family for taking the blame. Who made the assassin who assassinated Wei Xu that night really be the Ji family’s killer?

   Ji family.

  Elder Ji went home for a trip.

  She is the niece of Mrs. Ji.

  She looked at the uncle on the main seat, and said, "I heard that those children went to the Cheng family, and I said they were born to the saint. Uncle still doesn't believe it?"

  Old Master Ji said: "The news just came out from the Cheng family that the triplets are not the flesh and blood of the saint, but Cheng Su's stepson."

  Elder Ji frowned: "Step-son?"

Old Mrs. Ji told the news: "That girl got engaged to someone in the countryside. The other party is a widower with three children. Seeing that she is about to pay her respects, that girl came to the Cheng family to visit her relatives. It seems that she doesn't intend to recognize her." After the marriage, she fled the marriage on purpose. Her fiancé was unwilling, so he took the child and found him in the capital."


Elder Ji said sternly, "Our people left a note before they died, and it was written clearly. There is a man and four children hidden in Cheng Qingyao's secret room. The relationship between Cheng Qingyao and Cheng Su is in dire straits. How can she Maybe help Cheng Su hide a few stepsons? The child belongs to Cheng Qingyao! She must have forced that girl to recognize the child to preserve her reputation!"

  Old Master Ji waved his hand: "The most important thing now is not those children, but the master who was hidden in the secret room by the saint. Is his martial arts really that powerful?"

  Elder Ji said lightly: "The saint was injured by him, what does uncle think?"

  Old Master Ji was shocked: "It can actually hurt the saint..."

  The martial arts of the saint is not inferior to those puppet masters in the hall of the saint, and there are not many people in the whole king who can hurt her.

  Old Master Ji was a little reluctant to kill him.

  Elder Ji knew what he was thinking as soon as he saw his expression.

  She laughed mockingly: "Uncle dies as soon as possible, he will not be used by the Ji family, only the saint can control the puppet of the saint, and will never betray her!"


  But said that the three little ones finally came to mother's side, and they were so excited that they fell asleep in the middle of the night.

  Cheng Sang didn't give in too much.

  No accident, one old and three young children all got up late the next day.

  Mei Ji is eating a roasted yam egg.

  Su Xiaoxiao sat in front of the dressing table and changed her appearance.

   "Did grandma see my face?" Su Xiaoxiao asked suddenly.

  When Cheng Sang went to find her yesterday, she fell asleep, and she didn't make it easy.

  Mei Ji recalled: "Probably not, she was all focused on the three children, and didn't even bother to look at you, you fell out of favor."

  Su Xiaoxiao: "..."

  Speaking of which, the appearance of the three children seems to have stabilized Cheng Sang's condition a lot.

  Last night, when Cheng Sang watched Dahu and the others do somersaults on the bed, she suddenly said, "Weiwei also likes to do somersaults in her stomach."

   This is the first time Cheng Sang recalled her pregnancy with a smile.

  According to Uncle Quan, the death of her child was such a blow to her that she would get sick even when she remembered being pregnant.

   Cheng Sang's improvement is visible to the naked eye, maybe it won't take long for Cheng Sang to recover.

  Su Xiaoxiao went to boil medicine for Cheng Sang, and made some snacks by the way.

  The three little ones woke up and went to the small kitchen to find their mother.

  I put stickers on my mother's body, and she was as satisfied as three live treasures.

  After breakfast, Meiji took them to play in the small garden.

   Cheng Qingxue locked herself in her room for the third day since she lost the election.

  In order to make her daughter happy, Cheng Lianhua spent a lot of money on the best embroidery building in southern Xinjiang to buy a gold thread dress.

   Covered on the skirt, the whole person is so beautiful that it glows, like a fairy in a fantasy world.

  Whoever gets such beautiful clothes will want to go out and show off.

  Cheng Qingxue is no exception.

  Cheng Lian arranged for her to hand over some handkerchiefs, and she will go outing in the countryside later.

  Cheng Qingxue happily left the yard.

  I could have gone straight to the carriage.

  But she wanted to show off in front of Su Xiaoxiao.

  I never imagined that when she arrived at the gate of Cheng Sang's yard, a lump of mud slapped towards her, and landed on the hem of her golden thread dress impartially.

  She froze all over, and growled furiously: "Which desperate dog slave?"

  The three little ones who were playing in the mud looked up blankly.

   It was Xiaohu who accidentally let go of his hands. Dahu originally planned to take his younger brother to apologize.

  But Cheng Qingxue actually called his younger brother a dog slave.

  Xiaohu couldn't understand.

  Dahu understands that these words are not good words.

  Su Xiaoxiao came out of the small kitchen, and looked at Cheng Qingxue indifferently: "You like barking so much, are you a dog?"

   "You—" Cheng Qingxue came to show off in front of her, but unexpectedly she failed to show off and was smashed by mud instead.

   Now even she herself felt embarrassed.

  She looked at the extra triplets in the yard, surprised and angry: "Where did the wild children come from? Don't you know that the family is not allowed to raise children!"

   In order not to irritate Cheng Sang, Xie Yunhe did give an order that no children should be brought into the mansion, and no children should be allowed at home.

  Su Xiaoxiao said lightly: "I'm afraid you have to ask your good sister."

"What do you mean?"

  Cheng Qingxue has been locked in the room, not knowing about the child's visit to recognize his mother.

  At this moment, Steward Pang came to find Cheng Qingxue.

   "Second Miss, you are here, the carriage is ready."

  Cheng Qingxue said angrily: "What carriage do you need! Can I go out like this? What happened to these wild children? Who allowed them to enter the mansion? Hurry up and beat them out!"

  Pang Guanshi's expression changed: "Second Miss, you can't do it!"

  Cheng Qingxue pointed to her skirt: "They stained my clothes!"

  Su Xiaoxiao put her arms around her arms and said: "Yeah, you can cause trouble like this, hurry up and let your saintess take the child back!"

  When she heard that she was going to send the child back to the saint, Guan Pang panicked.

  The rumors that were suppressed with great difficulty have become big again, so what can we do?

  Guan Pang talked all kinds of things, but he almost didn't kneel down to Cheng Qingxue, and finally coaxed Cheng Qingxue away.



  The saint sits in front of her dressing table.

   Finally, the forehead is not so swollen, there is still a little, but it can be barely covered with Huasheng.

   Didn't go to the blessing ceremony yesterday, which somewhat affected her.

   It just so happened that the day to offer medicinal wine to the king of southern Xinjiang was coming.

   In the past, Eunuch Jin went to the Saintess Hall to pick it up.

  This time, she plans to send it to the King of Nanjiang in person, and clarify the rumors outside to the King of Nanjiang by the way.

  Her medicinal wine is a fine nectar that has proven to prolong life, not the so-called elixir made from cinnabar by those warlocks outside. It seems to strengthen the body, but it is actually poisonous.

  Xie Yunhe is also drinking the medicinal wine she brewed, there should be plenty at home.

  The saint asked the maid to fetch a pot from Xie Yunhe and put it on the carriage.

  The servant girl took orders and went.

  The carriage of the saint is the standard for the royal family to travel, and it is more spacious and luxurious than the carriage of the mansion.

  All the servants in the mansion know not to approach easily.

  The three little ones have just arrived and don't know the rules.

  They have had enough of playing with mud, and play peek-a-boo with Mei Ji.

   This round is Meiji coming to look for them, and they come to hide.

   They climbed into the carriage and hid.

  The carriage is spacious and bright, and the floor is covered with soft animal skins.


  Little Tiger rolled around on the animal skin.

  It's very comfortable (serving)!

   Erhu and Dahu also get out.

  The three little **** rolled around, completely forgetting that they were playing hide and seek.

   Erhu climbed onto the soft **** and jumped down.


  He knocked over the table.

  The wine jug on the table was placed by the window. He hit it like this, and it shook violently and fell out of the window.

  Dahu said: "Something has fallen."

  The three little ones climbed onto the table, lay down by the window and looked down.

   Got out of the carriage again, squatted down to look at the overturned pot.

   "Are you salty?" Xiaohu asked.

  The jugs in Dazhou are thin and tall, while the jugs in Nanjiang are round and flat.

  Da Hu thought for a while and said, "It seems to be a chamber pot!"

  Children can't understand the material and texture of the utensils. They only remember that there is a chamber pot at home, which looks similar to this one.

  The chamber pot is for peeing, Xiaohu understands.

  He pointed to the water stains on the grass and said, "It's peeing."

   Not to mention, the color of the medicinal wine is yellow and clear, and it really looks a bit like it.

  The three of them just got into trouble by soiling someone's clothes, and now they overturned someone's chamber pot.

  The three of them felt a little bit sorry.

  Dahu thought of a good idea.

  He picked up the chamber pot and pointed it at Xiaohu: "Pee."

  Xiaohu shook his head: "The little ax didn't pee."

   Erhu untied the small water bag on his waist: "I'll drink it for you."

  Little Tiger gulped down.

   Not long after, he blinked and said milkyly, "I have pee."

  With the help of Dahu and Erhu, Xiaohu urinates into the "chamber" without leaking a drop.

   Dumb carefully put the "chamber" back.

  But it’s so strange, their chamber pots are all placed on the ground, but this family wants to put them on the table.

   No wonder it spills.

   Dumb kindly put the chamber pot on the ground.

  The saint is ready to go out.

  The servant girl came over to check the carriage first.

   "Huh? Who put the jug on the ground?"

  She put the jug back on the table.

  She didn't suspect that someone tampered with the medicinal wine.

  This kind of jug is made of silver. If someone poisons it, the wine jug will change color.

   Sorry, it's late.

The last time I changed a doctor, he may not know my situation very well. Seeing that I was very cheerful, he thought I was fine, so he asked me to stop one of the medicines. In fact, the past few days have not been very good, and I feel very uncomfortable. It's hard, I couldn't stop crying when I just coded.

   I can only write here today.



  (end of this chapter)