MTL - Futuristic Chef Transmigrated As Mother-Chapter 22 Fish Ball

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Zhuangzhuang drank it down the spoon, smacking the taste, "Hmm~ it's sweet and fragrant, it's delicious." He couldn't describe it, he just drank it well.

Xiaoguo poured the coconut milk into the casserole, and then took the machete and cut the coconut with no force, exposing the coconut flesh inside. Xiaoguo pointed at the flesh to show Zhuangzhuang, "This is the coconut flesh."

Still cut out a piece for Zhuangzhuang, Zhuangzhuang ate and described, "Hmm~ crunchy, sweet."

Xiaoguo looked at Zhuangzhuang with a funny look, "You know it's sweet."

Zhuangzhuang looked embarrassed and smiled at his mother. Xiaoguo cut another piece for Zhuangzhuang to let him eat and play. He cut the coconut meat neatly and put it into the casserole. The other coconut did the same, and soon Just finished packing, add water in it without adding other ingredients, just put a little salt, and simmer slowly over low heat.

After stewing the pheasant, Xiaoguo is ready to make fish balls. The fish **** are simple and difficult, but the most difficult part is the stirring step, which must be beaten vigorously.

There are few grass carp thorns. First cut off the skin of the fish, then slice the fish into thicker pieces, then use the back of the knife to gently chop, chop it into fish paste, put it in a basin and add ice water a few times a few times. Whisk in one direction, after adding water three times, the fish will slowly gain strength, then add egg white and starch to beat, and finally add salt to taste.

Boil the water on the other side, put in the fish **** when the water is not hot, and dig one by one with a spoon, the white fish **** are put into the pot, and half of them are left, and Xiaoguo is stuffed with the meat stuffing left in the morning. In the fish balls, this makes fish **** with filling.

The water can't boil, just take out the fish **** when the pot is about to boil, the fish **** also float up at this time, scoop a bowl of cold water, put the fish **** in, so that the fish **** will be firmer, Xiaoguo takes out a fish The fish **** bounced when thrown on the table. Xiaoguo knew that the fish **** were very successful.

Xiaoguo looked at the vegetable basket to see if there were any vegetables to be eaten. She still remembered that there were baby cabbage.

After washing it and putting it on the plate, the fragrance of coconut chicken also floated out. Xiaoguo opened the casserole, the pheasant was very fat, and the oil floated on the milky white soup. And the oily smell of chicken.

Counting the time, it should have been stewed for almost two hours. Xiaoguo brought the casserole and the small stove to the table. Zhuangzhuang sat on the table obediently following the fragrance of the coconut chicken, and took it after he was busy. Tableware, when Xiaoguo put the fish **** and vegetables on the table, Zhuangzhuang was about to fall into the casserole.

"Okay, let's eat." Xiaoguo stopped teasing Zhuangzhuang, and opened the meal with a wave of her hand.

Xiaoguo was afraid that Zhuangzhuang would be scalded, so she took a spoon and poured a bowl of soup to cool, then picked up a small plate and put a chicken leg in front of him. Zhuangzhuang wanted to eat it impatiently, but thinking of her mother's instructions, she must first Blow, you can't rush to chew and swallow slowly, so Zhuang Zhuang rises up and blows the chicken legs with a small mouth.

Xiaoguo first took a sip of the soup, the warm soup couldn't help but sigh that it was necessary to drink some warm soup on such a cold day, and the whole person felt at ease.

The pheasant meat is not well cooked. It takes a long time to cook, but it can't be chewed if it is too short. Xiaoguo estimated the time is just right. The meat spreads out as soon as it enters the mouth, and it is extremely tender.

Xiaoguo added fish **** to Zhuang Zhuang while adding meat. Because it has already been cooked, it can be boiled for another three or four minutes. When it is cooked, Zhuang Zhuang will get one. Zhuang Zhuang has long been curious about what it tastes like. It was chewed in the mouth, the fish tasted strong, it was delicious, and Zhuangzhuang was delicious, so Xiaoguo took another bowl, Zhuangzhuang bit down, and the juice came out, Zhuangzhuang was surprised, " There's something in this."

Xiaoguo looked at it with strong eyes, "This is a sandwich fish ball with pork filling inside."

Zhuang Zhuang is very happy to eat. He has never eaten such delicious food before. No, it should be said that everything made by mother is very novel and delicious.

Watching Zhuang Zhuang eat the happy Xiaoguo has a sense of accomplishment, and Zhuangzhuang couldn't help but eat a lot. Xiaoguo told Zhuangzhuang not to eat meat all the time, but also vegetables, so he brought a bowl of vegetables to him, Zhuangzhuang also Not picky eaters, I can eat whatever my mother puts in it. In the end, a large pot of chicken and fish **** was almost eaten, and the two burped for a long time.