MTL - Full Time Mage Lord-Chapter 625 Sunset Fortress Strategy III

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  Chapter 625 Luoxia Fortress Raiders III

  At least 30 or 40 Longhuiling flags were dropped on the ground. Without Miguelch's order, his soldiers saw the enemy retreat, and began to swarm up to grab those dropped items on the ground.

   To **** the battle flag on the opposite side in the war is a great achievement. After all, in the continent above the glory, there is nothing that can humiliate the enemy or improve one's prestige than something that can prove the glory of the opposite side.

The battle flags are generally confiscated by the officers. Although the ordinary soldiers feel dissatisfied, they can only quickly lower their heads to find other trophies, such as the discarded hoplite armor and the giant steel shield. These things can be taken back to claim credit , and can even be officially recycled at half the price.

  Of course, if you want to keep the spoils of war privately, you need to pay half of the value of the spoils in taxes... The advantage is that the official recognition of the attribution rights of the spoils.

  Miguelchi originally wanted to order to prevent the soldiers under his command from dismounting from their horses and looting the things left by the enemy. If the enemy suddenly came back at this time, it would be quite unfavorable to the cavalry.

   But looking around, there is no one else nearby.

   "Hmph, that's all!"

  Miguelci began to question more and more about the talented young lord that was rumored.

   "Genius, it seems that these barbarians in the south misunderstand genius, or a bunch of barbarians have never seen any genius!"

  Miguelchi looked coldly at the silhouettes of those Longhui collar warriors who had fled and disappeared on the grassland immediately, and even thought that the old emperor was really confused, and would not take the initiative to provoke Longhui collar's nonsense...

Miguelchi, who has already joined the ranks of paladins at this age, dare not call himself a genius. In his eyes, the guy from the Eternal Glory Empire is, but no matter what, it is the turn of a barren land The little lord dared to call himself a genius.

   Da da da, the rapid sound of horseshoes came.


  At this time, a messenger came galloping from the east on a fast horse. Everyone knew that there was an urgent military situation. Judging from the location where the messenger came, it was Luoxia Fortress...

   Could it be that something went wrong in the fortress? Many soldiers began to feel uneasy.

  If there is something wrong with the Luoxia Fortress, then they are really homeless and can only retreat to the Forest of Darkness!

   "Report! The Luoxia Fortress discovered the enemy's sneak attack!" The orderly said to Miguel Qi.

  But there was no panic on Miguelch's face, and he asked flatly, "And then?"

  The messenger replied, "Captain Modric followed the general's instructions and successfully foiled the enemy's surprise attack."

Oh, I see.

  All the officers and soldiers breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, it turned out that General Miguelci had already made arrangements, so there was nothing to worry about.

   "Hmph, the Nanman warriors are really nothing special!"

   "That's right, we have General Miguelci here, can this group of Nanman people compare to us being illuminated by the glory of the Seven Luminaries?"

   "We should destroy the star empire right now, the stars are so bright, how dare they compete with the sun?"


  The comments of his subordinates did not interfere with Miguelch's hearing something amiss from the orderly's words.

   "You mean a setback?" Miguelch asked the orderly with a blank face, "The result was just a setback?"

   The messenger couldn't help but panicked. Miguelch's expression was blank, but the entire army knew it. This proved that General Miguelch was angry.

   "'s a setback..." the orderly replied again, stammering.

"Hmph, a bunch of trash, I guessed that they wanted to lure us away from the fortress, and take advantage of the opportunity to seize our foothold, hum, this kind of trick can only be thought of by people who are worthy of this southern barbarian land inferred."

  Everything was within Miguelch's expectations, and according to his deployment, Captain Modric should wipe out, or at least wipe out most of the enemy's combat power.

   Yet...Modric just thwarted the enemy.

   "No prisoners?" Miguelch asked.

   "No, no..." The orderly began to sweat, and he wanted to go back as soon as possible.

   Miguelch's face was blank, and only those who knew him knew that he was angry.

   There are no prisoners...

  Miguel Chi has not finished thinking, and there are also fast horses from the north.


   Another messenger.

Miguelch's eyes shifted to the messenger who came later, and the former one hurriedly retreated into the army formation as if he was relieved from a heavy burden, trying to hide his figure immediately. Facing a strong man in the realm of a paladin, the pressure is still considerable. big.

   "General, the Forest of Darkness is under attack!" The messenger reported after saluting in front of Miguelchi.

   "Hmph, these guys are really capable of tossing around!"

  Miguelchi knew that the team that attacked the northern dark forest would definitely not be the team that had just been driven away. The speed would not be that fast, and the heavy equipment had been lost. Attacking the dark forest there would be death.

  Miguel Chi will not choose to camp in the dark forest like Lietley, whom he defeated before.

Instead, a fortification was built outside the forest, with 1,000 troops stationed under the charge of the Kaldotta Chapter Commander in the Sky Knight Realm. With Kaldotta's level, Miguelch had no reason to think that the enemy would do anything to the Dark Forest. influences.

   But when the orderly said the next sentence, the entire Miguelch team fell silent.

   "Kal... Lord Kaldorta died in battle, and the Dark Forest fell!"

   "What! You, tell me again!"

   The pale blue soul color flickered and rioted, and Miguelch was completely angry.

   "My lord, Ka... Kaldorta-sama fought, died in battle..."


  A powerful soul pressure erupted from Miguelch's body, and the orderly fell off his horse.

Seeing this, the adjutant hurried forward to persuade Miguelch to calm down, but it only made Miguelch's anger more vigorous, "If we lose the way to retreat to the Canyon of the Dead, we will even stop our supplies here, listen to my order now, The whole army is attacking the dark forest, and the order is to let the Luoxia Fortress focus on defense without any mistakes!"


  The messenger tremblingly climbed onto the horse, finally stabilized his body and clamped his legs on the horse's back. He just wanted to get out of here quickly...

  A puff of smoke rushed northward impatiently, a smile appeared on Xiu Yin's face.

   "Abisha made it!"

   Abisa's elite leader of two thousand dragons has successfully captured the Dark Forest. The head of the guard Kaldorta, the strongest Sky Knight, is hanging on a long pole outside the Dark Forest.

   "It's up to us, take down the Luoxia Fortress, even a paladin can only be shut down and beaten!"

  (end of this chapter)