MTL - From the Void King To the Ghost Swordsman of the Light of the Beginning-Chapter 449 Dreyfuss getting closer, life and death again

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  Chapter 449 Dreyfuss getting closer, life and death monism again

  In the black and white world where life and death reappeared, 'Floating Bamboo' was constantly being deprived of life, while Askin was constantly being healed.

   However, in fact, both of them are in the same situation, and there is not much difference between Askin's healing and death at this moment...


  However, when Askin was over-healed by the force of life pouring into his body, he actually activated the 'Poison Ring' again!

  And this time, he didn't intend to destroy this field, but used this trick directly on himself.

  The Ring of Poison hit his left arm. This is a 'one-hit-kill' ability. He can be immune to the enemy's attack, and he also has a method of active attack.

This 'Poison Ring' is his strongest attack method, and it contains the power of 'death'. The parts hit by the Poison Ring will die directly. Kill', at this moment he attacked on his left arm, which directly killed his own arm.

   "As long as I destroy myself, wouldn't it be fine?!" Askin shouted loudly, "Use my destructive power to neutralize the vitality of the domain!"

That's right, the power of the Realm of Life is healing his left arm that was killed. It can only be said that this barrier of life and death is indeed powerful enough. Even the parts killed by his ability can be repaired, which immediately makes him over-healed The body has been relieved to a great extent.

"..." In the endless dark world of death, Ukitake also felt what Askin did, but he didn't say much. If he wasn't in the state of swastika, he could use his life force He heals his body by himself, but unfortunately, when he is in the state of swastika, he will enter a situation where he cannot use the ability of initial solution.

   However, he is not afraid, nor does he regret it, because he himself wants to compete with Askin in the background, and it depends on who will exhaust their spiritual pressure, life and will first!

  In the world of death, Fuzhu did not bleed. This kind of death is very quiet, like entering the deep sea, or entering the starry sky. There is no one around, only yourself...

This is an empty place, and the only thing that accompanies you is death, death that follows you like a shadow, and you can feel yourself getting weaker every moment, and even he knows that he is approaching the edge of death, and Askin moves towards the edge very fast. So slowly, it seemed that he had already lost.

   "But... don't forget, I'm also Lijie Barrow!" Obviously feeling the call of death, "Fuzhu" said in a low voice, "Lijie Barrow, you won't die so easily!"

  Suddenly, his body changed, and white wings appeared behind him, which seemed out of place in this dark world, and not just one pair of wings, but three pairs, six dazzling wings!

   "Lijie Barrow's perfect holy body is the sanction of God, but unfortunately, I am no longer His Majesty's angel, but..."

  He looked into the distance, as if Askin struggling in the white world appeared in his eyes, and behind him, the edge of death that was close at hand suddenly extended back, and it extended a long distance!

  He whispered his current name

   "God of Judgment!"

In the past, Lijie Baro, as the captain of Yuhabach's personal guard, was the trumpet representing the sanction and announcement of God's will, but now "Fuzhu" is a new life, the judgment angel who blows the horn of doom for the enemy , or the God of Judgment!

   Life and death, he will judge!

He calls Yuhabach His Majesty because he is also Lije Barrow himself, but he is still an enemy of Yuhabach because he is also Ukitake Toshiro, with different personalities and different abilities mixed together, People can't help but wonder whether he is judging life or death...

   Or self-will? !

Others don't know, not even Askin in front of him. In the real world, the distance between the two of them is only a few centimeters, but in the realm of life and death of swastika, the distance between them is unlimited!

Askin can only see the endless white world, he is not like the owner of the 卍解 'Floating Bamboo' who can see what happened in another world, so at this moment there is only confusion and fear in his heart, the confusion of the status quo, the unknown fear.

  Why, why is this **** not over yet?

  Why hasn't Shishiro Ukitake died yet?

  How long is he going to wait?

  Among the uniform white, just this kind of confusion and fear accumulated in the heart is enough to drive people crazy. How long has the time passed? It seems like a few seconds and it seems like decades? In such a world, even the concept of time does not exist, and there is only the sense of space that is constantly stretching away.

   "Shishiro Ukitake!"

Askin roared in the space, he was still destroying his body constantly, and at the next moment of destruction, he already had the strength to repair it, and it was repaired in the blink of an eye, and then With that swelling feeling, Askin faintly felt that he was getting closer and closer to death.

Because if this continues, he will exhaust his spiritual pressure sooner or later. The life force can recover his injuries, but he cannot recover his spiritual pressure. With the continuous influx of power, he stepped into the situation of death.



  How can Ukitake Shishiro use his own life to resist his life plus all his Reiatsu?

   He should have died long ago!

  In any case, he never imagined that Ukitake Shishiro would be so perfectly integrated with Lijie Baro, not only the ability to penetrate all things, but also the ability to enter the next life form when he was close to death.

   "However, don't underestimate me!"

  Askin said loudly, "You don't even know how strong I am now after almost three sanctifications!"

   "You are not the only one with domains!"

Seeing that Shishirou Ukitake could not be consumed by this method, Askin shouted loudly, and a purple spiritual pressure spread out from his body, and the purple spiritual pressure turned into a huge ball and spread rapidly, even covering the entire body. Above the entire field!

   "Extremely poisonous ball! To be honest, even I didn't dare to use this move before, but thanks to your power of life, I can see this poisonous field with my own eyes while I am alive. The ability to reach the maximum level!"

  Extreme Poison Ball, this is a move that Askin can only use after opening the Eucharist, and it is also a move that he uses to change his name with others.

This sphere is filled with a large area of ​​atmosphere containing lethal components. No matter how strong a person is except Askin, it is difficult to move an inch. Every step they take will suffer great pain, and even breathing will cause hypoxia. obstacle.

  Combined with the molecular light wheel wings on Askin's back, he can increase the concentration of poison gas and change the shape of the poison ball at will, allowing him to adjust the power according to the opponent, but in fact he has never adjusted the power to the maximum...

Because, the most powerful extremely poisonous ball, even he himself will be affected by that kind of power. For others, it is as if his whole body is bathed in a highly poisonous ring, and for him, it will also cause injuries to several parts. destroy.

It's just that this situation doesn't seem to have much impact on him now, because he is in the process of treatment all the time, and this kind of damage is just what he wants. In addition, there is no need for that kind of close combat now. It doesn't matter if the part is damaged.

  So he directly destroyed his ears, eyes, nose, and legs, which are not important for now.

   This is a white world in itself. Although he can hear voices, Askin is not interested in listening to Ukitake Shishirou's wailing. He doesn't have such a hobby, so he might as well be a sacrificial offering.

Soon this extremely poisonous ball covered the entire black and white world of the realm of life and death, and 'Shishiro Ukitake' who had entered the state of the God of Judgment spit out a mouthful of blood. Trauma, even the destruction of his body by the extremely poisonous ball is no less than this world of death!


  'Floating Bamboo' gritted his teeth. At this moment, he was almost under double the force of death, and the distance from the edge was suddenly shortened again. He was breathing rapidly, and his consciousness was a little bit broken.

  Could it be...

   Is that the end of it?

'Ukitake' was not reconciled, but he could have left this war, because he was neither Shishiro Ukitake nor Ridge Barrow, the life and death of Death God and Quincy had nothing to do with him, he was a new life, there was no Man teaches him which side to fight for.

However, he finally set foot on the battlefield and stood on the side of the **** of death. In addition to the fact that Shishiro Ukitake had a deeper influence on him as a living person, the most important reason was that he wanted to see it with his own eyes. Where will Liang Yue go as Shaqin's chosen friend?

He was not the first host of Dreyfus, the **** of death, at least the last host he knew was Chaqin, but for some reason he abandoned Chaqin later, let Alice occupy the magpie's nest, and became the Tower of Delusion The Grim Reaper, and the real Dreyfuss entered the body of Ukitake Toshiro.

   As a newborn, he is very interested in the previous host, and also wants to know why Dreyfus left Shaqin, if possible...

  He also wanted to get rid of Dreyfuss, even if it cost him death.

  So, he chose to look at Liang Yue's choice in this war, perhaps through this past teacher, he can see the new world.


   Is it still powerless in the end?

  'Fuzhu' exhaled lightly, but at this moment he looked away a lot.


  He said slowly, "No matter what you do, I won't die at all."

   Then, he died.

He reached the edge of the world of death, and he did not use the 'monism of life and death', because the monism of life and death would make the living take the lead, and after they merged again, he and Askin would become one, and use Askin's The body survives.

And Ukitake Shishiro and Lijie Barrow will completely become the dead part of Askin as the current "Ukitake". The fusion of the original two becomes the fusion of the new two, but the consciousness and memory will become more The more people there are, the more and more people will merge in the future, and their identities in the past will become more and more blurred...


  Dreyfuss will replace them and become the master of the new body. The chaotic consciousness will give birth to a new **** of death, and they will be completely forgotten, neither dead nor alive. This state is undoubtedly sad.

  So, 'Fuzhu' didn't want to go that far, so he died directly.

  However, after he died, he opened his eyes again every moment.

   "Good job, Askin."

The corners of his mouth raised, and he said to Askin in the distance, at this moment, he is no longer the "Floating Bamboo" before, but the "Floating Bamboo" dominated by Lijie Barrow's thinking mode, or it can be called "Floating Bamboo" Netjet'.

  Life and death are a kind of reincarnation, and reincarnation is endless, they will not die.

After the death of 'Fuzhu', the 'Lijie' who was the former 'dead' naturally became the 'living person', and he came back to life, but just like the previous 'Fuzhu', he only had the thoughts of Lijie in the past The logic of his method and behavior does not mean that he is really Lijie Barrow and will continue to fight for Yuhabach.

   "Hey! Askin quickly let go of your extremely poisonous ball, I will not intervene in this war now, this **** will be released after you unlock the extremely poisonous ball!"

  He said loudly to the other side, but a long time passed...

  He didn't hear Askin's voice!

  ? !

He could see how far Askin was from the edge of the living world, but he couldn't see his specific situation. Of course, it was impossible to know that Askin had killed his ears at this moment, he couldn't hear it at all What Lijie said!

  'Li Jie' pupils trembled, and Askin didn't speak, which made him feel a burst of fear, because if this goes on, wouldn't it mean that he will become the part of the dead again not long after he was resurrected? !

   "Hey! Askin! Stop it!" 'Lijie' continued loudly, "If this continues, we will all die!"

He didn't know what Askin was doing, but he didn't dare to untie the swastika, because once the **** was undone, he couldn't activate it again in a short time. If Askin wanted to kill him, he would Unable to resist.

   And looking at Askin's posture now, it is clear that he wants to kill him!

"You bastard!"

  'Lijie' said angrily, "If that's the case, then you will be my nourishment!"

  He acted according to the logic of Lijie Barrow's behavior. In fact, he himself aspired to become a god. He didn't have a heart worried about the future like Ukitake Shishiro.

  Even becoming such a great part of Death Dreyfuss, he still looks forward to it.

  Since I am going to be turned into a dead person again by Askin, why not become an even greater dead person? !

  'Li Jie' holds Zanpakuto in both hands, and has already made a decision in his heart.

   "卍解·Monism of life and death!"

  (end of this chapter)