MTL - From the Power of Space To the Heavens-Chapter 38 . Fork in the Road of Fate / Butterfly's Wings

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  Chapter 38 38. Butterfly Wings at the Crossroads of Destiny


  The warm sun shines down.

  Lu Yuan squinted his eyes, and while planning the layout, he stroked a certain rabbit's hair.

It is worth mentioning that.

  If a rabbit does not wear a scorpion tail and has long hair loose, it feels very good.

  Of course, looking at Xiao Wu's expression of daring to be angry but not speaking, you can know whether she is voluntary.



  Before they got close, Ma Hongjun's voice had already reached Lu Yuan's ears.

   It can be seen that there are indeed benefits to having a loud voice.

"What's wrong?"

  Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows, pulled out the chair next to him and asked Ma Hongjun to sit down and spoke slowly.

   "The dean asked the boss, you and your sister-in-law to go there, saying that he found some "master", thinking."

  Xiao Wu raised her delicate eyebrows, stood up angrily, and asked aggressively, "Who is your sister-in-law!"


  Ma Hongjun froze for a moment, then turned his head and looked at his boss innocently.

  Lu Yuan coughed dryly and waved his hands.

   "Don't listen to her nonsense, just keep talking."

   After a while.

  Ma Hongjun left in a hurry.

  Lu Yuan sat on the spot, nodding thoughtfully.

  Most of Ma Hongjun's words are nonsense. To simplify, there are only three useful information in total.

   First, Flender seems to have the idea of ​​forming a team.

  Second, the master rushed to Shrek Academy ahead of schedule for some reason.

   The third one, Tang San is almost ready.

   "One Hundred Days of Injury"

  Lu Yuan couldn't help chuckling twice, "It's so fast!"

   It took more than a day, even less than two days, Tang San's injuries were healed.

  Although the strength of the heyday has not been restored, it is only a matter of time!

  Of course, this is thanks to a healing soul emperor invited by Yu Xiaogang.

   Otherwise, according to Tang San's injuries at that time, one hundred days is already the fastest recovery speed!

  Xiao Wu tugged at the corner of Lu Yuan's clothes with a pale face.

   "San Tang San is ready, what should I do?"

   "Cold salad!"

   Lu Yuan rolled his eyes and said angrily.

  This question was asked, so he couldn't answer it.

   Tang San is ready, what can he do?

   This has to ask the soul emperor of the healing department why he healed Tang San all of a sudden.

   Isn’t it good to pay by section?

   What's more, what does Tang San have to do with your 100,000-year-old soft bone rabbit?

   "No. It can't be served cold! Could you please help me find a good way?"

   "Then you teach me first, how to heat mix?"

  Xiao Wu was so anxious that she almost cried, she held onto Lu Yuan's sleeve tightly and refused to let go.

  Looking at the pitiful Xiao Wu, Lu Yuan sighed, knelt down, and gently patted Xiao Wu's forehead.

   "I know what you're worried about."

   "But please remember, you are mine. At least for now you are mine."

  Xiao Wu nodded dumbfounded.

  Although this whisper of the devil didn’t make her happy, it didn’t change her fate of repeatedly jumping around in getting the ring and getting the bone.

   But being surrounded by a stronger demon is obviously much better.

  Especially this devil is still a straight person, he doesn't like to lie.

   Taking ten thousand steps back, at least the devil can tell her in advance when he takes the ring or the bone in the future.

  And Tang San and Tang Hao's pair of demons

  Xiao Wu has silently cursed them ten thousand times in her heart.

  The old one lied to Auntie Yin, and the young one wanted to lie to her

   Is there a brother or sister, including children, who continue to lie to them, the shape-shifting soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest?


  Soul beasts should be deceived simply?

  Where does the strange logic come from!


  A finger with a cold wind hit Xiao Wu's forehead forcefully, knocking Xiao Wu out of her contemplation.

   "Wake up, it's not time to daydream."

  Lu Yuan said with a face full of disgust.

   Then, he raised his hand to restrain Xiao Wu who was flailing his teeth and claws, hugged her, and walked towards the dean's office.

   "Put me down quickly!"

  Xiao Wu was startled, and struggled while waving her fists.

   "Why should I let you down?"

   "It's not something shameful!"

  Lu Yuan shook his arm.

   "I am declaring sovereignty, so don't talk nonsense if you don't understand."


  Xiao Wu remained silent.

   May I ask, if a demon doesn't like to lie and has an unbelievably thick skin, what kind of demon is this?




   "Don't make a fuss, be careful if you scream too much, one day Hong Jun's martial soul really degenerates into a turkey, and the fun will be great."

  Lu Yuan scolded with a smile, then put down Xiao Wu who was too shy to raise her head, and let Ning Rongrong assume the posture of an old hen protecting her cubs.

   "That's a phoenix, I'm a phoenix! I won't degenerate!"

  Ma Hongjun desperately argued for his martial soul, but was mercilessly dismantled by Oscar.

   "Fatty is right, it's a Phoenix. But it's an evil fire Phoenix hahahaha!"

   The room instantly roared with laughter.

   Not to mention Zao Wou-ki and others, even Flender couldn't help laughing.

  Ma Hongjun grabbed Oscar's neck and shook violently, Oscar begged for mercy.

  The soul master of the auxiliary department had a hard fight with a battle soul master. He was careful to make the battle soul master anxious, and broke his "human fight" on the spot

   After all, he has no fighting ability.

   But fortunately, the relationship between the two is not bad, and they occasionally joke around without getting angry.

   "Okay, little monsters, be quiet and listen to me."

  Flender clapped his hands, and the laughter in the room was immediately silenced.

   "Today, I brought you little monsters together mainly because it is time for our Shrek Academy team to be formed."

   Flender's eyes swept across these little monsters one by one with satisfaction.

   This is the first time Shrek Academy has filled up the number of pure "genius" teams in so many years!

  The eldest lady of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, Ning Rongrong.

  Ghost civet, Zhu Zhuqing.

  Bai Hu, Dai Mubai.

  A food-type soul master with full soul power, Oscar.

  His direct disciples, Xie Huo Fenghuang and Ma Hongjun.

  The soft bone rabbit and Xiao Wu who are born full of soul power.

   Haven't arrived yet, but it's also Blue Silver Grass and Tang San who are innately full of soul power.

   There is also the last big monster, Soul Sect and Lu Yuan with pure elemental spirits.

  Eight people.

   First of all, the number of people has passed.

   In terms of combat effectiveness, Flender is not worried.

  After all, at the beginning of the screening, they were screened based on the criteria of "genius", otherwise they wouldn't have been unable to gather a team for so many years.

  The only thing to worry about is the running-in of the team.

  But the basic combat power of this group of little monsters is there. Even if they don't get used to it well, as long as they are familiar with a few sets of conventional tactics, they can still easily fight some basic academy teams.

not to mention.

   There is still a long time before the Soul Master Competition begins.

   With the help of his old friend and rival in love, Master, Flender has enough confidence to push this team to the final.

   What's more, he still holds a big monster as his trump card!

  Thus, after many years of collecting enough cards to satisfy him, Flender remembered the Shrek team again.

   As for the qualifications for participating in the soul master competition.

  Although Shrek Academy can't reach it yet, Flender believes that there is no problem that cannot be solved by gold soul coins!

   If there are, it can only prove that there are not enough gold soul coins!

  Such sufficient time allows him to operate slowly, if he still hasn't obtained a certificate from the Soul Master Academy recognized by Tiandou or Xingluo.

  Then why don't you hang out in the world of soul masters!

  If the review is too strict, Friend still has an alternative plan in mind.

  Of course, enabling this option means that he will forever lose the qualification to compete for his love!

  Unless it is absolutely necessary, Flender will never use this option.

   Ask for recommendations, favorites, and comments.

   The first update.

   ps: The collection is growing so fast, which makes me, a new author, dumbfounded. 1484.



  (end of this chapter)