MTL - From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict’s Journey-Chapter 162 Going to bed at seven o'clock for the first time (please order, please support)

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  Chapter 162 Going to bed at 7 o'clock for the first time (please order, please support)

  For more than half an hour, Wang Ye's eyes were kept closed.

   But he never fell asleep.

  His head was groggy, but at the cost of the body flesh under both armpits turning purple, Wang Ye remained awake in the end.

  Slightly squinting his eyelids, Wang Ye watched the veterans start stealing again.

  In his heart, Wang Ye was thinking, when they come to touch his gun later, he just closes his eyes and goes up to do a set of military punches.

  But... in the end, Wang Ye gave up on this tempting idea.

   Don't wait to be annoyed when you get beaten instead.

   There were still a few blows from the old soldier, and Wang Ye guessed that the fourth squad leader held his stomach and rubbed his stomach for a long time. They also saw it, and they would definitely be wary of him later.

   "Fuck, I'm not a human being!"

  Suddenly, Wang Ye was a little dumbfounded, and then Wang Ye moved his hands slightly, the posture of holding the gun with both hands remained the same, but the palm of his right hand moved up, covering the magazine of his own gun.

  Because he saw it, these guys over there actually stopped stealing.

  In other words, it’s not that you don’t steal, you throw away or put your hands on your body and let go, and take away what can be taken directly.

   Still holding it in her hand, Mimi quietly stepped forward and reached out to unload the magazine directly.

  Yes, no gun was used, let alone someone else.

   took away the magazine.

  The scalp was numb, and Wang Ye woke up immediately without pinching himself.

   These veterans are so bad.

   Of course, they don't succeed every time.

  Many new recruits were as ruthless as Wang Ye, and they stayed awake.

   At this time, as soon as the veterans passed by, some opened their eyes directly, and some woke up as soon as they touched the gun.

  In this case, the veteran will naturally not take away the gun or forcibly unload the magazine, but some veterans will say: "You still have to sleep, don't hold on!" and then start the next one.

   Not two minutes.

  A veteran came up beside Wang Ye.

  They acted separately this time.

   "If you are awake, don't make a sound, whoever dares to shout, you will be finished later!"

  When people arrived nearby, the second platoon leader did not act immediately, but lowered his voice to warn everyone.

   Obviously, he doesn't know who's pretending to be asleep.

   But it's not very important, come over to warn others before doing anything, naturally even those who pretend to be asleep don't dare to yell on purpose to wake up other people who are really asleep.

   One by one, Wang Ye knocked his eyelids, watching him unload Qin Li, the unlucky boy's magazine, and also saw Song Yuejin open his eyes as soon as he was touched.

  At the same time, I also saw Yan Zhiming throwing his gun aside, and then being picked up directly.

  Finally, we are here with Wang Ye.

   "Hehe, you boy!"

  The second platoon leader unexpectedly did not touch Wang Ye's gun at all.

He just looked at Wang Ye and said in a low voice: "Close your eyes tightly, what are your eyelids shaking, I'll come back later, if you haven't really fallen asleep, I won't take your gun when you go back tonight, let you hug the bed at night , let me see if you have the ability to carry it all night!"


  Wang Ye's heart is called a shit.

   "Platoon leader, I fell asleep just now, and I woke up because you walked over!" Wang Ye stopped pretending, opened his eyes and said helplessly.

  The second platoon leader laughed and cursed in a low voice: "Nonsense, it's all of you now, if you fall asleep, I'll come over and you will wake up.

  Look at this" While speaking, he raised his foot and pushed Zhang Ping'an's thigh twice.

   Nothing happens at all.

   "This is what you know when you are asleep!" After saying this, he bent down and unloaded Zhang Ping'an's magazine, which was holding the gun in one hand and holding his nose in the other while he was sleeping.

   Wang Ye fell silent.

   Close your eyes again.

   Seven or eight minutes later.


   Another round of piercing whistles sounded.

   "Damn it, my gun~!"

   "It's okay, it's okay, mine is still there!"

   "Hey, you're out of luck!"

  Qin Li didn't realize that there was something wrong with his gun at this time, and seeing Yan Zhiming's worried and angry expression, he was still gloating.

   "Old Qin, don't laugh, look at your own magazine!"


   On this day, from the morning to five in the afternoon, the whole company was tossed enough.

  Wang Ye has never had a gun or magazine stolen.

   But Wang Ye’s price was that both sides of his armpits, and even a piece of flesh on his left thigh turned purple.

  Because except for the first time, Wang Ye really didn't sleep the whole time.

  However, Wang Ye pretends to be very similar.

   "I don't want this gun if I can!"

   “I miss our first month so much!”

   "He is not my fate, let alone my wife, he is my ancestor!"

  On the way back, the exhausted recruits couldn't help but whine after running.

  Before firing the gun, I was full of longing.

   Many people even join the army just to get guns and play with them.

  But now that I really got it, everyone feels that this is a hot potato.

   I wish I hadn’t fired the gun, or sealed him in the armory all day long, it’s best to put a seal on it, and don’t take it out until I’m discharged from the army.

   "Okay, go to sleep now, don't do anything else tonight, and don't call names, from now on, you can go to sleep!"

  Back to the recruit company, return the gun and put the rucksack, and finally have dinner.

   And now when they came back from dinner, Ye Sanshi actually put everyone to sleep.


   Everyone couldn't believe their ears.

   "Squad leader, are you serious?" Liang Fan looked at him in disbelief.

  Others actually had similar expressions, including Wang Ye.

  Basically equivalent to not sleeping for two days and one night, how can I not be sleepy now, everyone wants to go to bed now.

  But it's only less than seven o'clock now.

   "Hehe, don't want to sleep?"

   "No no no I'll sleep right away!"

   Liang Fan called a speed, turned around and climbed on the bed.

  Wang Ye did the same, quickly undressing.

  I completely lost the thought of washing up, and went to bed in ten seconds.

   No one was talking, and within a minute, there was snoring in the dormitory.

  I'm so tired, I can finally relax.

  Because the gun went to the armory.

  Sleep in separate room with my wife!

   At this time, I am not afraid of his tossing.

  As for emergency assembly and the like, let’s talk about it after blowing the whistle, and sleep now.

  Even Wang Ye is like this.

  In less than two minutes, almost the entire dormitory fell asleep, including Ye Sanshi.

  In fact, he was also sleepy. We hadn't slept for two days and one night, so naturally he was always by his side.

  This night, all the recruits didn't even watch the evening news, and even fell asleep collectively before seven o'clock.

  en One didn't sleep.

  Instructor Kang Hua.

  Last night, the company commander specially asked him to wear earplugs so that he could have a good rest.

   Today everyone is sleeping, and he will be on duty at the tower.

   "Stay taller!"

   "Hey, come and help me, bring me another stool!"

   On the 12th, the whole company did not start training.

  Because today is the weekend, and today is the last day before New Year's Eve.

  After getting up early to do the housework, after breakfast, Quanlian will start cleaning, and then start posting duel exercises, posting blessings, etc., to create a festive atmosphere.

  (end of this chapter)