MTL - From Becoming the Master of Monsters-Chapter 702 The Great Alliance Against the Sorcerous Kingdom is Formed!

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  Chapter 702 Establishment of the Sorcerous Kingdom Alliance!

   In the end, the old king still compromised, because he had no other choice at all now.

   And Ainz Ooal Gong also chose to keep his promise, lifted the space blockade, and let the old king and the warrior commander leave.

  Until the end of the war, Climb and Brian were still fighting Yuri Alpha, but even though Yuri had deliberately kept her hand, the two were still beaten up.

   And after experiencing this battle, Brian also deeply understood his own shortcomings, and asked Yuuto if he could follow the other party and let himself practice by Mr. Yuto's side.

  Unlike Clem and Gazef, Brian has no sense of belonging to the kingdom, and he even worked as a mercenary before.

  So he doesn't really care much about whether Yuto is on the side of the kingdom or the side of the empire.

  He just wants to become stronger, and then meet that vampire one day, even if he can stand in front of him, it would be good to hold on for a minute longer!

  The battle between the Kingdom and the Sorcerous Kingdom was over, and the news about this battle shocked the entire continent.

  What surprised Yuto was that in this battle, Yuto's identity had been exposed without a doubt, but no one regarded him as a member of the "Sorcerous Kingdom"?

   Jue si Jue ming, who was sent back, was covered in blood at the door of the church, and after receiving treatment, he only talked about Ainz Ooal Gown and the Sorcerous Kingdom.

  As for the ghost transformation of You Dou, Jue Shi Jue Ming didn't mention a word.

  The reason is also very simple, Jue Shi Jueming has taken a fancy to You Dou, if he says he has children with him, those old antiques in Theocracy will definitely not agree.

   It might even be said that the blood of a foreign race will only tarnish the blood of God in her and so on.

  So, Yuto can only be a human being now, and she will be the one to defeat it!

  As for Platinum Dragon King Char, there is actually a reason for not revealing Yuto's identity.

  Because he obviously heard what Cocytus said at the end.

  And he also believed that a pure warrior like Cocytus would not lie to him.

   Moreover, Yuto passed out more than 200,000 kingdom soldiers collectively, but did not hurt their lives, which further proved this point.

  If the other party hadn't stopped Ainz Ooal Gown's super-magic in the first place, then that war would have resulted in countless casualties.

   That is to say, the Sorcerous Kingdom actually has two people in power. Among them, Ainz Ooal Gown has an indifferent attitude towards other races, and even hides the lives of creatures without any scruples under certain circumstances.

  But Yuto, another person in power, still has a basic conscience and bottom line, and will not do things absolutely.

   Now the Platinum Dragon King has a general understanding of the strength of the Sorcerous Kingdom. Including the former vampires and Jadabao, the Platinum Dragon King does not think that the current world has the ability to stop this wave of evil.

   And in this wave of evil, not entirely hopeless, is what Cocytus calls Yuto.

  Since the other party's formal style is different from Ainz Ooal Gown's, there is a possibility of lobbying him to instigate rebellion.

  So it is naturally impossible for the Platinum Dragon King to fight against Yuuto now, and if he is in a hurry to expose Yuuto now, wouldn't he push the other party to the opposite of human beings and completely ruin the last hope.

  The two insiders chose to help Yuto hide their identities because of their respective purposes.

   And Gazef has only a half-knowledge of Yuto's identity, and he, who has promised Yuto, will not choose to talk nonsense.

  As for the others, it is still believed that Yuto is from the empire.

   And because of the end of this kind of battle, Yuto's name has completely overshadowed the kingdom's strongest warrior commander, becoming the empire's strongest knight commander.

  When Emperor Jirknif knew that Yuto had the power to incapacitate tens of thousands of people in an instant, he was so excited beyond words.

  Although Yuuto repeatedly stated that it was because of the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown who lent him magic items, it still couldn't stop Jirkniff's excitement.

Youto has such a powerful strength, coupled with the Demiurge who he is planning to instigate, coupled with the help of the Theocracy, the Holy Kingdom, the Dwarf Kingdom and many other countries, the empire can get rid of this situation of Ainz Ooal Gown. Nightmare, almost sooner or later.

   Remedios was also excited about the displayed strength.

  Because in her opinion, no matter whether Yuuto used the props of the Sorcerer King or not, the powerful magic power that Yuuto erupted on the battlefield cannot be faked.

  As long as the other party can go to the Holy Kingdom for support, then those demihumans are nothing at all.

   No one feels sympathy for what happened to the Kingdom. Instead, it is because of the strength of the Sorcerous Kingdom that the surrounding countries have all fallen into panic.

  Because according to the information brought back by Jue Shi Jue Ming, the Theocracy has basically confirmed that the true ancestor vampire Shalltear and the Demon Emperor Jadabao are all from the Sorcerous Kingdom.

  Plus Ainz Ooal Gown, Albedo, and Cocytus who appeared in the battle against the Kingdom.

  The Sorcerous Kingdom is only on the surface, and there are five extraordinary powerhouses.

  Faced with such a terrifying existence, human beings want to resist, so they can only choose to hold together for warmth.

  So the Theocracy took the lead, and the "Anti-Magic Alliance" participated by many countries was established!

  The Kingdom's Golden Princess Lana, who had just succeeded to the throne, announced in a high-profile manner that the Kingdom had joined the alliance, in order to clear up the rumors that she and the Sorcerous Kingdom were unclear among the people.

  Emperor Jilknever was extremely excited when he learned of the establishment of the alliance.

  Although things went beyond his plan again and again, the alliance against the Sorcerous Kingdom was finally established.

   Furthermore, Jilknif also secretly contacted the Theocracy, and said that the Empire would join forces with the Sorcerous Kingdom out of helplessness.

   And in the end, he also joined the big alliance on the grounds that he would pass information as an undercover agent.

   As for the joining of the Empire, the Theocracy has no reason to choose to refuse. After all, they really lack information on the Sorcerous Kingdom.

   And the combat power of the empire should not be underestimated, even those ordinary soldiers, but according to the knowledge of the Theocracy, Yuto, the strongest knight commander in the country, seems to be an extraordinary powerhouse!

  For the Holy Kingdom, Queen Calca naturally received an invitation from the Alliance, but the current predicament of the Holy Kingdom can be said to be overwhelming, so Calca is not in a hurry to give an answer.

  Compared to the matters of the Sorcerous Kingdom, Queen Calca is now more worried about when the strong support that Remedios mentioned in the letter will arrive.

  Because of the intensified offensive of the demihumans, the entire northern border of the Holy Kingdom has been completely fallen.

  Even her princely brother Caspond, and the highest priest, Queirat Casteldio, who came to support her, have been captured alive by the demihumans.

  Now the Asians have almost reached Hobens King City, the nobles in the Holy King City have shut up now, and even some nobles have secretly surrendered to the Asians.

  (end of this chapter)