MTL - From Becoming the Master of Monsters-Chapter 673 The "Four Advisors" who stepped into despair

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  Chapter 673 The "Four Advisers" who stepped into despair

  Aurel, the guardian of the eighth floor of the Nazarick Great Tomb "Sakura Sanctuary", is not only a commander-type NPC of level 100, but also possesses two special skills as a priestess.

  These two skills are "Revelation" and "Prophecy", and these two special skills can also complement each other.

  There is no need to say much about the ability of prophecy. It is what I said before, and I can see the short-term future, but the future is not absolutely unchanged.

  As for "Divine Apocalypse", it is more like a premonition ability. When using this skill, Aurel can know what to do, and things will develop in a direction that is beneficial to her.

   "Roba, give me boost magic, and at the same time reserve a certain amount of magic power for healing.

  Imina is in charge of covering me, Arxie, prepare powerful magic first, and I will try my best to create a loophole for you. "

  Since the battle was unavoidable, the other party didn't seem to intend to let them go, and the "Four Advisers" did not intend to sit still, so naturally they could only choose to fight with their lives.

   "『Intermediate Strength Enhancement』『Low Level Agility Enhancement』"

  There were two fluorescent lights on Heklan's body, one red and one green. It was obvious that the clergyman named Roba used boost magic on him.

   “‘Vital Perception’, ‘Immovable Fortress’, ‘Ability Enhancement’, ‘Ability Super Enhancement’!”

  In addition to Roba's increase, Heklan also used multiple martial arts to strengthen himself, because at this moment he is quite clear that although the person in front of him looks like a girl, it is not an existence that they can retain their strength at all.

  As an elf family, apart from being good at using magic, in fact, more elves are better at bows and arrows.

  Imina looked at Heklan who was coming forward, took the initiative to pull up the bow and arrow, and shot towards Au Leier in the distance, so as to create more opportunities for her boyfriend.

However, in the face of the bow and arrow flying towards her, Au Leier still stood in place. She didn't intend to dodge, nor did she choose to use skills to resist. Instead, she just stood there and slowly stretched out a hand .

  The bow and arrow cut through the air, and when they hit Au Leier at an extremely fast speed, they bounced back as if an invisible barrier had gathered together.

At the same time, Heklan, who had rushed forward before, had also come to Aurer, and raised his two daggers towards Aurer, and used his strongest attack skill "Double Swords Slash".

  However, regarding the martial arts that Heklan used with all his strength, Aurel just waved the long knife in his hand blankly, and then moved forward at the first speed, colliding with the two short swords coming down.

  Sparks burst out in an instant, and Hekkeran's expression was exhausted. It was obvious that he came here with momentum, and he jumped up before, aiming at the impact brought by the jump to increase the power of physical skills.

  With Luoba's "Intermediate Strength Enhancement", as well as his own multiple martial arts enhancements, the current blow can already be said to be his strongest blow.

  Although Hekkeran didn't know how strong the girl in front of him was, after such a blow, he should already be comparable to those who stepped into the realm of human heroes.

  But the scene in front of him was definitely beyond Heklan's expectation.

  He is exerting strength with both arms, and there are a lot of buffs on his body, and he is coming with momentum.

  However, facing her all-out blow, the witch girl just waved a knife with one hand lightly, and withstood her strongest blow.

   No, it seems inaccurate to just talk about resisting, because very soon, Heklan found that the two short swords in his hands, after splashing a lot of sparks, the blades actually started to have gaps.

   By the time Heklan discovered that something was wrong, it was obviously too late.

Just in the next moment, a large stream of blood flew into the air, accompanied by the sound of "jingling", not only the two daggers in Heklan's hand were broken by everything, but even a deep hole appeared directly on his chest. Visible bone wounds!

   "Leave me alone, she won't die for the time being, she has a high resistance to physical blows, and her strength is quite amazing, she should be a physics class.

  Arshe, quickly use the strongest magic you can use, and take this opportunity to attack him! "

  Looking at Heklan flying upside down, the other three of the Four Advisors showed concern, but just as they were about to step forward to help, Heklan stopped them and quickly gave orders.

  As for Alshe on the other side, he had been gathering the magic power on his body just now, and when he heard Heklan's order, he even used his strongest third-order offensive magic on Aurel.

  A huge orange-red fireball flew out from the front of Arshe's magic wand, and the flames formed by the explosion instantly illuminated the surrounding area.

   "Have you killed her? This is the third level of magic, and the opponent was hit directly without any defense. Even a strong person who has reached the hero realm should not be safe and sound."

   "No, the other party is a monster that can cut off my weapon and seriously injure me. Such an attack may seriously injure her, but it will definitely not kill her. Let's take this opportunity to get out of here!"

  Looking at the flames still burning in front of him, Hekkeran was not as optimistic as the other teammates.

   Only those who have been in contact with the other party will clearly know what an outrageous monster the other party is.

  The "Sakura Sanctuary" on the eighth floor has no other exits, and the only exit that Heklan and the others can see is a portal not far away.

  In such an unfamiliar environment, they don't know where the portal will take them, but now they have no choice.

   If you continue to stay, there is basically only a dead end. If this is the case, you might as well choose to take a gamble!

   Heklan, who received a simple treatment from Roba, has already regained his ability to move. However, just as they were about to pass through the portal not far away and leave the area in front of them, there was a sudden change on the field.

   A large number of flames that were still burning, accompanied by a burst of cherry blossoms, were directly engulfed by the sea of ​​flames.

   While a gust of wind was blowing, a large number of cherry blossom petals began to gather in front of Heklan's people, and finally formed the appearance of Au Leier again.

   "Not only have you defiled the sanctuary of cherry blossoms, but now you are even planning to get your hands on the treasures of the supreme beings?"

   Aurel, who guards the eighth floor, is not only responsible for monitoring all the portals of the Nazarick Great Tomb, but also responsible for guarding the guild weapons of the Nazarick Great Tomb.

   And the portal where the four counselors chose to escape in a panic just now is where the guild weapon is located, so at this moment, Au Leier's attitude towards the few people in front of her will naturally not be too good.

However, the members of the Four Counselors obviously couldn't listen to Au Leier's words at this moment. They were even more shocked that under the attack just now, the girl was still unscathed, not even a piece of clothing on her body. A little stain!

  (end of this chapter)