MTL - Fox in the Penalty Area-Chapter 258 status out

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Before the Chinese team kicked off, Mauro Albertazzi, the main goalkeeper of the Italian national team, was standing a little in front of the penalty spot. This is also a normal position-not all goalkeepers like to stand out of the penalty area when kicking off.

Judging from this position, Albertazzi does not seem to have made any targeted arrangements for Hu Lai's possible mid-circle shot. He is still some distance away from the goal behind him.

But when Zhou Zijing knocked the football towards the Italian half, Albertazzi immediately retreated to the goal behind him! And when he was about to retreat to the goal line, he jumped to the right!

The football has already flown to the goal at this time!

He was flying in the air, stretching his body as much as possible, his arms stretched out, the whole person is like a bird flying in the air, full of unique beauty. Then, after a little support under the flying football, the football jumped over the crossbar, landed on the top net, was caught by the net, bounced again, and finally fell outside the baseline.

"Look at Albertazzi's save after the start of the game again. I have to say that the quality of Hou Lai's shot is actually quite high. But Albertazzi's save is also really beautiful-he didn't stay in front of the goal line Then when the football flew to the goal, he jumped up and lifted the football over the crossbar..."

Accompanied by the commentator's voice, the TV broadcast is replaying Albertazzi's save ten seconds after the start of the game. "I feel that this save has brought out Albertazzi's state."

In front of the projection screen, Mao Xiao commented.

Meng Xi, who was a goalkeeper in high school and is now the goalkeeper of the Jincheng branch of their Dongchuan Middle School football team, said:

"I actually suspect that Albertazzi is eager for Hu Lai's opening shot. He is ready to save the ball." "How to say?" Mao Xiao asked him.

"I think a normal goalkeeper, when facing Hu Lai, will choose to stand on the goal line in order to prevent him from kicking off and shooting directly. In this way, he doesn't have to pounce, so that Hu Lai can dispel the idea of ​​​​shooting directly. ?”

Meng Xi asked everyone this.

The people present also nodded.

After all, the biggest advantage of kicking off in the middle circle is actually "suddenness".

Once the suddenness is lost and the opponent's goalkeeper is prepared in advance, the kick-off shot from the middle circle will be useless. This is why before the game they didn't think that Hu Lai would make a mid-circle shot.

Because they felt that Albertazzi should be on guard.

Unexpectedly, Albertazzi was completely undefended.

After watching his saving performance, when everyone comes to taste Meng Xi's words, they have to admit that maybe Meng Xi guessed right. Albertazzi deliberately lured Hou Lai to shoot directly from the center circle.

"Then why would he do that?" someone asked.

"Goalkeepers are somewhat superstitious. For example, they pay special attention to their first save in the game. If the save is excellent, they will be particularly confident and can quickly play their form." Meng Xi further explained.

"I guess Albertazzi wanted to save Hou Lai's shot from the middle circle to give himself a psychological hint, and doing so can also boost the morale of the team. After all, Hou Lai just scored the same goal against Spain. Now the whole world is discussing this ball, if he repeats his tricks and is saved by Albertazzi, it must be a boost to the morale of the Italian side... and the actual effect is indeed very good."

After listening to Meng Xi's analysis, everyone fell into silence watching the time and score of the live game. In the 65th minute of the game, the score was 0:0.

So far, Albertazzi has made five effective saves, denying all shots from the Chinese team. Among these five shots, Luo Kai took two, Hu Lai once, Zhou Zijing once, and Wang Guangwei once.

Five shots were within the range of the goal frame. With such a shooting percentage, it can be said that the offensive quality of the Chinese team is quite good.

In the end, he failed to break through Albertazzi's ten fingers.

Albertazzi is very active and in good condition. It can be said that he has completely shown the peak performance of his career.

Can save long shots and grab points at close range

The goal was also missed by him, even Luo Kai's one-handed ball, he rubbed it out with his feet...

In the beginning, Meng Xi and the others held their heads in their hands because Albertazzi saved the Chinese team's shot, looked up to the sky and sighed, and shouted "*** this ball".

Later they were all numb.

…At the beginning of this game, Italy also tried to attack. But they were counterattacked by the Chinese team several times and almost conceded the ball-if it hadn't been for Albertazzi's good performance... Italian coach Caviglia quickly made adjustments, changing from offense to defensive counterattack. They took the initiative to give up all the courts outside the 30-meter area and let the Chinese team besiege them. Albertazzi's outstanding performance combined with Italian football's defensive talent, the Chinese team really can't do anything about them..."

During the live broadcast of the game, He Feng and Yan Kang were discussing the problems that the Chinese team encountered during the past 65 minutes.

Yan Kang followed He Feng's words: "I think that the last Chinese team's 3:.0 victory over Spain may have given many people the illusion. That is, the Chinese team's offense is very strong. No matter what opponent they face, they can do it. Crush the opponent... But it's not like this, football games are not such a simple comparison of strengths..."

He Feng echoed: "That's right. It's not that the Spanish team is stronger than the Italian team. If the Chinese team can beat Spain 3-0, they can at least win Italy by three goals. The reason why the Chinese team was able to win the Spanish game by three goals Come down, it has a lot to do with Hu Lai's opening goal. He completely disrupted Spain's pre-match deployment and players' mentality. It took a lot of work, they didn't just rely on Alberta..."

Hearing what the two narrators said, Zhong Shihao on the sofa suddenly said: "Actually, a tie is fine... We get four points for a tie, and we won the final round against Nigeria. No matter what, we will qualify with seven points, and we will be first in the group!"

Meng Xi asked: "I missed you, if we enter one, will Caviglia replace Caesar?" Everyone froze for a moment, then suddenly became excited again: "For Tang Yuan, Hu Lai, hurry up and enter Let's have a ball!"

Tang Yuan was puzzled: "What does it have to do with me!"

"In order for your idol to come on stage!"

Tang Yuan shook his head: "Even if Italy lags behind, Caveiglia may not let Caesar play..." While everyone was joking and chatting, the Chinese team on the field was organizing an attack.


Houlai dropped back, flanked by Italian centre-back Alessio Mattioli. This opponent, Hu Lai, has also played against him this season.

Just in the Champions League group stage, he was restricted very hard by Mattioli and Danish international Emile Mortensen in that game, and once wanted to use Bergkamp's classic waltz to get rid of the defense.

In the end, of course, it failed...

Later, he tried his best and played a little smart, and finally created a chance that he didn't have to face Mortensen and Mattioli at the same time. He singled out Mortensen and successfully beat the football. goal.

It was his only goal of the game, and the only goal of that game for the Pirates of Madrid. As for Matteo Lihoule, he did not score under his defense.

This shows how difficult Mattioli is.

As a central defender, Mattioli is also a talented player among the central defenders.

Eight years ago, at the age of 24, he was the main player of the Italian national team in the World Cup and helped the team win the World Cup. He and Pedro Nazari formed a solid defensive line, conceding two goals in the whole World Cup, one of which was a penalty...

Compared with Nazari, the "World First Guard" who was well-balanced in all aspects, the 24-year-old Mattioli is still immature, but he has already demonstrated his talent.

With a height of 1.86 meters, he has a slightly thin body, but he is relatively flexible and has a good defense awareness. He can partner with central defenders of different styles and levels. He is the kind of person who makes his partners feel at ease. Later, as he grew older, his experience became more and more abundant, and he gradually grew into a headache-inducing top central defender.

He and Nazari are also the Italian national team in the last eight years.

Active main central defender partner. As long as the two of them are not injured, almost no one can shake their position.

Moreover, Nazari is only 34 years old and Mattioli is 32 years old. With the current level of scientific training, the two have rich experience and are both in the "mature years" of their careers. This is why the Italian striker is weak. One of the important reasons why the team was able to directly enter the World Cup finals as the number one in the European qualifiers. Hou Lai has seen the power of Mattioli, a central defender, in the club.

At that time, his teammates were stronger than the current national team, so he played very hard just like that.

Not to mention today's game.

Mattioli obviously took the task of the head coach to play, and followed him throughout the game, giving full play to his more flexible characteristics, making it almost impossible for Hu Lai to hold the ball well.

Under his defense, Hu Lai only had one shot and hit the goal frame.

His shot was saved directly by goalkeeper Albertazzi.

This shot was also the only time Hu Lai got rid of Mattioli. For the other shots, he kicked under Mattioli's interference, and he didn't hit the goal frame.

Zhang Qinghuan saw that Hu Lai ran out to meet him, and Mattioli was still with him, so he didn't pass the football to him, but passed it to the space where Mattioli was pulled out.

That space is occupied by Zhou Zijing.

But Zhou Zijing also has an Italian central defender, Pedro Nazzari.

So Zhou Zijing didn't catch the ball, he passed the football to the right and gave it to Luo Kai who was pulling the side at the far end.

After receiving the ball, Roquet faced Italy's left-back Bruno Celli.

The opponent stepped forward to block him, and Luo Kai directly changed to cut in. He made a feint - stepped over the football with his right foot, and after a feint shot, the outside instep of his left foot pushed the football forward.

After pulling away horizontally, Luo Kai swung his left foot and made a gesture to shoot, tricking Cheli to stretch his leg to block. His left foot came down and knocked the ball back to the right, and he changed direction again, trying to cut directly into the penalty area.

But Cheli's reaction was also very fast, and it can even be said that he had been prepared for a long time. He stretched out his foot to block the shot, maybe he wanted to trick Luo Kai into smashing the ball to the right.

So when Luo Kai smashed the ball to the right, Cheli, who had raised his leg, quickly lowered his leg, turned around and ran back, just cutting on Luo Kai's advancing route.

Seeing that Luo Kai was about to lose control of the football, he could only use his left foot to support his body, his right leg stretched forward as far as possible, and his ankle was hooked, trying to hook the football back.

But instead of touching the football, he kicked Cheli who squeezed in.

So Cherry instantly turned into "Lin Daiyu in the restricted area", fell to the ground weakly and yelled.

Accompanied by his shout was the referee's whistle.

"Foul by the attacking side! The referee called Luo Kai for kicking! The reaction of the ball was really fast..."

Cherry, who was kicked to the ground, was lying on the ground holding his calf, seemingly in pain.

Luo Kai, who kicked him down, sat on the ground, and UU Reading spread his hands, feeling very helpless at the referee's penalty.

Of course he didn't foul on purpose, and he also admitted that he kicked the opponent, but Cheli's performance is too exaggerated, right?

Could it be someone else who fought against me one-on-one outside the restricted area before?

After Luo Kai got up, Cherry lay on the ground for a while longer. It wasn't until the referee repeatedly asked him whether he needed a team doctor or a stretcher that he stood up slowly from the ground.

Judging from the expression, there is still some pain, but judging from the action, there is nothing wrong with it.

Italian coach Caviglia, who saw this scene off the court, glanced at the time on his watch.

The game has progressed to the 71st minute.

It's time to make a change again.

So he turned to Caesar, who was still sitting on the bench, and said to him, "Selius, go warm up!"