MTL - Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment-Chapter 1660 【1660】Wouldn't that be more exciting?

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That is to say, as Millie and her party left, many passers-by who had just heard the majestic middle-aged man's words reacted immediately, and there was a sensation immediately.

"Everyone come here!"

"The people from the Xinglong Club suddenly appeared just now, and the reason for the urgent broadcast and evacuation has been found!"

"It turned out that it was a Chinese who discovered the leak of the natural gas pipeline on this street early on, and persuaded the president of the Xinglong Club to ask the president of the Xinglong Club to help!"

"Everyone, come and see our benefactor!"

"The president of Xinglong Club said it himself!"


Aside from the commotion, countless passers-by also began to swarm towards Ye Feng.

That posture was like a tidal wave sweeping towards Ye Feng.

Moreover, because they shouted like this, it seemed to have triggered a chain reaction.

Countless exclamations and excited voices came from all directions:

"my God!"


"Just now I told my companion that this time is really lucky!"

"I had fallen asleep in the hotel room, but it was the people from Xinglong Club who brought the hotel staff over and opened the door to wake me up and bring me out!"

"If it wasn't for the people from the Xinglong Society and this benefactor who invited the Xinglong Society, I'm afraid I would have been buried in the explosion now!"

"Me too!"

"I'm the one who said before, I was going to the toilet, and I was very irritable when I heard the knock on the door!"

"If it weren't for Xinglonghui's tough enough attitude, I'm afraid I'd be cold now, and I died on the toilet very sadly, and I didn't even have time to wear my pants!"



Crowds of people, like rivers returning to the sea, swarmed towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng could almost use his toes to predict what might happen next.

Seeing that Sister Hong and Xia Qiu were still in a daze for a while, he immediately grabbed their arms.

Then, before everyone had time to completely block the roads in all directions, they broke out with the fastest speed and agility to leave here.

Ye Feng let go of Sister Hong and Xia Qiu's hands until they were completely away from the section of Queen's Road, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


"Not blocked in."

When talking, he looked at Sister Hong and Xia Qiu.

Unexpectedly, Xia Qiu and Sister Hong didn't know what they were thinking. They each looked at the hand he held just now, and their faces turned red.


Ye Feng was suddenly confused.

It's fine for a dusty fairy like Xia Qiu to blush if she has an affair with her.

Sister Hong, you are such a mature beauty who has no special relationship with you, blush for a bubble teapot?

"Are you all right?"

He stretched out his hand and shook it in front of the two of them.

"No, it's okay!" Xia Qiu came back to his senses, shook his head quickly after his body shook.

As for Sister Hong, she didn't know what was going on, and after the same shock, she quickly glanced at Ye Feng, her eyes were a little flustered.

"Why do you all have such a reaction?" Ye Feng said, making gestures to feel the temperature of their foreheads, "Is there any discomfort in your body?"

"No, nothing!" Xia Qiu hurriedly avoided, and quickly changed the subject, "It's just that you took us running too fast just now, and you didn't slow down all of a sudden."

Sister Hong followed suit, "Yes, yes."

"My heart is still pounding."

"It's so exciting."

While talking, he also turned his gaze away, and patted his heart lightly a few times, causing a wave of turbulence.

Ye Feng didn't doubt him, seeing that both of them emphasized that he was fine, he said directly, "It's fine as long as it's fine."

"Next, I will stay with the Empire on which the sun never sets for a while."

"If you encounter any troubles that cannot be solved, remember to call me."

Saying that, he gave Xia Qiu his number in the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets, saved Xia Qiu's number in the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets, and left first.

Xia Qiu was obviously a little confused.

After saving Ye Feng's new mobile phone number, when he saw him leaving quickly, he froze there.

It wasn't until Ye Feng walked away that he realized, "He just left?"

Sister Hong looked at the direction Ye Feng left, her heart was still beating wildly, "Yes, let's go."

Just now when Ye Feng was holding her hand and running wildly all the way, she didn't know why, but somehow she also held Ye Feng's hand instead, feeling an inexplicable sense of happiness and security in her heart.

In the entertainment industry for nearly ten years, the heart that had been completely silent and empty seemed to be filled all of a sudden.

She knew that she seemed to be really tempted, and she was still in love.

The kind that was hit by Xia Qiu.

So, when she realized this just now, she blushed very rarely.

And the moment Ye Feng was about to touch her forehead to see if she was abnormal, he immediately avoided and looked away.

Seeing that Ye Feng just left a new contact information and then left in a cool way, she felt a little empty in her heart.

At the same time, there is a feeling of relief that the sweetheart has finally left.

"I didn't expect to meet him again in a foreign country."

Sister Hong subconsciously sighed.

Then it suddenly occurred to her that Ye Feng had always been Xia Qiu's sweetheart.

After quickly looking at Xia Qiu's reaction, seeing that she was still staring blankly at the direction Ye Feng left in a daze, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and continued, "Speaking of which, Xia Qiu, you really have a fate with Mr. Ye."

"It seems that many times when you met Kan'er, Mr. Ye appeared in a way that was beyond our expectations, just like a magic soldier descending from the sky, and then helped you settle everything."

"Including today."


Xia Qiu seemed to have recovered now, and said in a complicated tone, "Yes."

"Now I owe him more and more."

"Before, the kindness again and again, and today, first he indirectly saved a life, and then he solved a problem..."

"I don't even know how to pay back."

Sister Hong actually knows her true thoughts clearly.

Hearing the sound, she immediately pushed her lightly, and said with a little teasing, "Aren't you very strong in national style?"

"What did the ancients say?"

"There is no way to repay great kindness and virtue, but to give oneself..."

Xia Qiu seemed to have made up something in his brain in an instant, his face blushed immediately, and he pushed Sister Hong lightly, "What nonsense are you talking about, Sister Hong..."

"Strictly speaking, he's our boss."

Sister Hong's smile became more ambiguous, "Our company doesn't have a rule that subordinates can't give their bodies to the boss?"

"Besides, how exciting is it to sleep with such a young, wealthy and handsome boss?"

"The more you say it, the more outrageous it is, Miss Hong." Xia Qiu patted Miss Hong lightly again.

However, after the filming was over, I didn't know what I thought of. After thinking for a while, my expression suddenly shy.