MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 67 Juvenile Cang Jue

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[Kill them all, kill them all. 】

The Blood Fiend Sword was yelling in my ears every day, but the children turned a deaf ear to it, and just guarded their barren yard, watering the flowers that would not bloom every day.

The villagers changed crop after crop, but he was the only one who was there.

As they grew older, they grew more and more afraid of him, so they put a bell on him that rang whenever he moved, so they could monitor his position at all times.

He doesn't resist much and is always very well-behaved.

Absurd plots are still being staged every day, but he holds goodwill and expectations, but he is always scarred.

He gradually grew into a quiet and upright boy.

The flowers he carefully arranged never bloomed.

It is ten years in a flash.

For ten years, he has been very stable, without any signs of losing control and going crazy.

On this day, the boy next door appeared outside the yard, said that his name was Huzi, and asked him to go to the village meeting with him.

He replied "OK", glanced at his garden, and followed Huzi out of the courtyard.

The villagers all went to the square in the village one after another, and the atmosphere was much heavier than usual.

Today's square is different from usual. There are several chairs in the square, and a majestic monk is sitting on each chair. The patterns embroidered on the clothes are all different, and they are powerful monks from different sects.

The villagers stood quietly around, leaving Cang Jue inexplicably.

The young man stood quietly in the center, his expression was as calm as ever, without any anger.

The person at the top was dressed in gray, and he was Shen Xiu, the elder of the Xiaoyao Sect. He glanced at the young man lightly, saw the magic lock ring on the young man's neck, and knew that the young man only had the memory of the previous day, and it was impossible for him to say what he said next. After understanding, he no longer looked at him, but said to the people around him: "It's been ten years, what do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone except the young man had a serious look on their faces.

Everyone knows what happened in Baicao Village in the past ten years, only the young man knows nothing about his situation.

The burly man next to Shen Xiu was Hao Yun from the Artifact Sect. He spoke first: "We have tried various methods in the past ten years, but he has not lost control, which means that he is in good control, and maybe he will not lose control in the future."

Someone said: "That's accurate, our monks have a long lifespan, but it's only ten years, what can we see."

"That's right, and what was our purpose of accepting him in the first place? Isn't it to make him lose control so that he can use the blood sword in his body? He has controlled it very well for the past ten years, so we have failed?"

"Could it be that he didn't get the approval of the Blood Fiend Sword at all? He didn't actually have the Blood Fiend Sword in his body? Otherwise, how could someone not be manipulated after going through such ten years?"

"I think so too, are we being deceived by Canglong?"

Everyone's dignified discussion is constantly pulling the boy's fate every time.

"It's been ten years. Judging from the results, he either doesn't have the Blood Fiend Sword on his body, or he has controlled it very well, and he won't lose control in the future."

"How can it be well controlled, no one can do it, do you believe it?"

"Of course I don't believe it, but just in case... If he can control it well, don't you think it's terrible? A person who can control the Blood Fiend Sword at will, comes from the Demon Realm, and is not under our control..."

"For our spiritual realm, it's a catastrophe... If you just leave it alone, it's not good..."

"It makes sense."

"Even so, the greater probability is that he doesn't have the Blood Fiend Sword at all, or only has a little Blood Fiend Qi in his body? If that's the case, he's just an ordinary demon cultivator, and there's no need to kill them all..."

"Isn't it necessary?"

Someone looked at the quiet young man in the center and said with a sneer.

"An ordinary person, who has been betrayed, used and desperate for ten years, should be crazy?"

"If this is not crazy, isn't it also a terrible monster?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Even with the magic ring constantly erasing memories, those pains are real. Can a person really bear so much in ten years?

He has no resentment or anger, and is always as calm as water. Isn't he more terrifying than a lunatic?

"Let's... clean it up..."

"Anyway, if he doesn't get out of control, we can't control the Blood Fiend Sword. He is completely useless to us, and it will always be a disaster if he keeps it."

"And after all this, there's no way he's a normal human being."

"In any case, he has no need to live."

"In order to save everyone's worry, let's solve it today while he doesn't know anything and his magic power is locked."

Everyone looked at each other and reached a consensus on this.

As soon as Shen Xiu raised his hand, the villagers on the field understood and began to look for formation positions, placed spirit stones to activate the attack formation, and the other part had already begun to condense slender spirit swords for the battle.

The boy stood alone in the center, just like he came alone back then.


Everyone knows that what Canglong hates the most is his eldest son Cang Jue.

Cang Jue was originally born as a sacrifice of Canglong. Canglong couldn't refine the **** sword, so he sealed the **** sword into the unformed Cangjue carcass. He planned to wait for Cangjue to be born and use the blood to suppress it and swallow it directly. Unfortunately, Thousands of calculations have been made, but Xueshajian actually recognized Cang Jue as the master.

Canglong's only chance to break through the bottleneck was ruined, and he hated his eldest son to the bone.

He locked the little Cang Jue in a dark dungeon, exhausted all the forbidden magic techniques, and tried to regain the Blood Fiend Sword, but failed.

Cang Jue almost died at his hands. It was his wife who rushed into the taboo formation and rescued him from the gate of hell. But because of this, his wife contracted a serious illness. Since then, her body functions have gradually shrunk. Can only lie in bed.

Canglong hates him, the only one who can protect him is his mother who is seriously ill in bed, and he has inherited his mother's gentle temperament, living in the wild and unrestrained Demon Realm is quite difficult.

In the third year of his mother's death, Canglong was defeated, and he personally sent him to Lingyu as a hostage.

On the day he left, Canglong held his shoulders and bent down to look at him.

He thought that his father finally cared about him a little bit, so he approached him seriously.

Then the man said to him word by word: "Don't come back, okay? Just die in that kind of place."

He was startled, and tears welled up in an instant.

Canglong said: "You have always disappointed people in your life."

"When you carry something like that, it will make people painful and frightening."

"No one wants to approach you, no one will believe you, and no one will love you."

"So... don't be brave..."

He looked into the child's eyes and smiled at him for the first time.

"Let's take it easy for everyone, okay?"


【Xiaoyaozong · Judgment Hall · Cang Jue's first entry into the spiritual realm】

The child sat quietly among the crowd, with a black collar around his neck. He sat silently with soft eyes.

No one in the hall cared that this was just an eight-year-old child, but in front of him, they were discussing fiercely whether to kill or not to kill, and the little monster screamed very clearly.

The child sat silently, listening clearly, but his expression didn't change at all, as if he was used to it.

A young monk walked towards the child in the chaos. He had a handsome and gentle face.

He knelt down in front of the child and asked, "My name is Jikong, what about you?"

The child replied: "Cang Jue."

Ji Kong asked the child: "They are like this... Are you sad?"

The child looked at him, and said after a while: "It's okay."

He looked at him in surprise.

The child said calmly: "I am carrying such a thing on my back, am I afraid that I should not?"

He was slightly taken aback.

The child showed no expression, and said slowly: "What's wrong with not approaching and distrusting dangerous and terrifying enemies?"

Jikong didn't expect him to say such a thing at such a young age, he was a little dazed for a while.

The child said slowly: "Everyone in the world is afraid of me. My existence makes everyone uneasy, even in the Demon Realm and Spirit Realm. I stay here and treat everyone well."

He was so transparent that Ji Kong was speechless.

The hall was noisy just now, but now it gradually calmed down.

Ji Kong looked back at them, then turned his gaze to the child, and asked, "The discussion is about to come to an end, what are you going to do?"

The child looked at him with a calm expression: "I'm just a child, I have no choice."

Ji Kong said: "Even so, you must have something you want, right?"

The child was sitting on a high chair, his legs couldn't even reach the ground, his legs were dangling, his eyes were shallow.

"If you have to say it."

"I hope someone..."

"I think my existence is a good thing."


[Baicao Village Ten Years Later Judgment Day]

The young man was dressed in white, standing in the center, with a black collar around his neck, and several bells hanging from his waistline.

The wind blows and the bells ring.

He had been very quiet until he heard those few words.

【How can a person be kind for ten years in such a situation? 】

[Ten years of uninterrupted experience of betrayal, collapse, exploitation, and despair, how can it be so peaceful? 】

[If you haven't been crazy for ten years, you are really crazy, right? 】

【It's terrible, but I'm not crazy...】

【Also, let’s clean it up...】

The boy stood with his eyes downcast, his expression hidden in the shadows.

Fingertips clenched slightly.

Although I didn't quite understand it, I still clearly felt the killing intent...

No matter how much kindness is given, it is wrong...

No matter how you cut open your heart, you are still a lunatic...

[The real madman is the one who hasn't been mad for ten years, right? 】

He didn't understand, but the sadness overwhelmed him at this moment.

It's like the sincerity you gave was completely torn apart.

I don't know what to do anymore...

It turned out that no matter what I did, it was useless...


The people around had already started forming formations under Shen Xiu's signal.

In this huge Baicao Village, there were no outsiders in the first place, and all the people were disciples from several major sects. Now that they were ordered, knowing that the ten-year dilemma was finally resolved, they nervously began to guard.

The strengthening formation was successfully condensed quickly, and the light suddenly became brighter, and everyone's cultivation was greatly improved, and hundreds of spirit swords were pointed at the frail young man.

He was alone in the wind, silent.

Under Shen Xiu's signal, everyone raised their swords to attack, and for a while, the sky full of sword light completely enveloped the young man.

Shen Xiu didn't want to cause trouble, so he simply pulled out his spirit sword, sprayed a mouthful of blood on the sword, and frantically circulated his spirit power, attacking the boy with the momentum of thunder.

All of a sudden, a strong wind blew around, making the boy's clothes rattle.

The young man stood quietly, with lowered eyebrows, as quiet as before, but at this moment, his fingers were raised and gently rested on the collar.

Shen Xiu saw it from a distance, and said with a sneer, "The magic lock ring is made of deep-sea black iron. How can you take it off easily, and if you force it to remove it, it will only strangle your neck. I advise you to catch it without any more unnecessary struggle."

The boy turned a deaf ear and gently held the cold collar with his fingers.

Shen Xiu sneered and said, "It's stubborn."

Wan Qian Jian Guang put his hood on the young man.

Seeing that those sword lights were about to crush the young man, the young man didn't react in the slightest, but the end of his eyes were slightly red, he lightly pressed his fingertips, and said softly: "There is nothing you can do...then forget it..."

Before everyone could understand the meaning of his words, they heard a "click".

Everyone suddenly understood, and looked at the young man's neck with pale faces.

Impossible, that is the magic lock ring, the magic lock ring that has been restricting the young man for ten years, how could he be so easily...

The sound of "click" and "click" came again.

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes, and saw that the magic-locking collar made of deep sea black iron cracked quickly under the force of the young man's fingertips, and spread like a spider's web.

Everyone didn't dare to look away, and they didn't dare to make a sound. The move and stay of the magic ring tightened their fragile hearts.

Impossible, that's Deep Sea Xuan...


With the last soft sound, the magic lock ring finally collapsed completely, and it easily shattered like crispy candy at the young man's fingertips.

So easy, so vulnerable.

Deathly silence.

How is it possible... How could that collar be so easy...

If he can easily crush the collar now, then he must have been able to...

It was only then that they realized, belatedly...

In the past ten years, if this boy had murderous intentions once, they would have been wiped out long ago...

Under everyone's incredulous and horrified gaze, the black collar was completely turned into powder at the young man's fingertips.

After a gust of wind, there is no residue left.

Shen Xiu was so frightened that his wits flew out of his wits, even the light of his sword was slightly distorted.

At this moment, a deep sea-like Reiatsu surged in like a mountain and sea, centered on the young man.

In an instant, the color of the mountains and rivers changed, and the sea water rolled back.

The young man just stood quietly, and the irresistible spiritual power swept over like a huge wave, the barriers peeled off layer by layer, and everyone flew out in a panic, smashing to the wall and the ground, all dying.

Shen Xiu's sword tip stopped a foot in front of the young man, and he couldn't advance an inch.

The young man looked at him indifferently, and with a squeeze of his eyes, the mighty Shen Xiu flew into the air like a broken branch and leaf, and with a shrill scream, it exploded into a tragic firework.

Everyone knew that the Demon God had already descended into the world, and they were routed and fled in all directions in a panic.

The strong wind swept in, and the fleeing monks just touched it, and their bodies were instantly torn apart, and blood was sprayed everywhere.

Only then did the panic-stricken people realize that the reason they were able to trap this boy here for ten years was not because the boy was cowardly, innocent, or wanting to be recognized by others, but because of the kindness and tolerance of the Demon God.

He sympathizes with the fear of the weak and sympathizes with their worries. He believes that as long as he cuts his heart open, someone will always be able to see inside.

So he waits and waits.

until it breaks my heart...

Soon the boy was alone in the square.

The past of the past ten years overwhelmed him layer upon layer.

He remembered everything at this moment.

The eye circles are slightly red.

Someone knocked over the shelf in front of the square while escaping, and all the masks hanging on it were scattered on the ground. The young man reached out to pick up a ghost mask, and gently put it on his face.

He raised his face slightly, as if he was smiling, but also as if he was sad.

From now on…

There is no more young Cang Jue in the world.

That merciful **** just died.

He slowly raised his footsteps and walked towards the village.

The bell on his body rang crisply, becoming the most terrifying sound in the world.


When Yun Ranran woke up, she was so sad that she couldn't say a word.

She remembered that she was with Cang Jue in the wild grass in the outskirts before entering the memory fragments, but now she was lying in his room, and it was he who carried her back.

She stuffed herself into the bed, wiped away her tears, and took a long while to come out of the great sadness.

She jumped out of bed and walked out the door.

Cang Jue was sitting in the yard overgrown with weeds, slightly dazed, when he saw her coming out, he silently looked at her.

Yun Ranran didn't speak, and ran out of the yard sullenly.

Cang Jue paused slightly, curled his fingertips, and lowered his gaze.

Are you scared?

Knowing his unbearable past, knowing that he was carrying such a thing, and finally slaughtered the whole village, I'm afraid it should be right?

After that incident, in everyone's mouth, he became a complete devil, killing innocent people indiscriminately, slaughtering the village bloody, even killing the elders of several major sects, and becoming the target of public criticism in the entire cultivation world.

No one cares about the buried past.

No one cared about the young man Cang Jue who [died] with good intentions.

But if it's her... At least I hope she won't be afraid of him...

He originally thought that when she woke up, she would say something to him, even if she didn't say it, even if she was afraid, she would at least show it, but now she ran away so suddenly that he was caught off guard.

What exactly does this mean?

He waited silently for a while, but she didn't show any intention of coming back. Where did she go?

He sat for a while, and couldn't help turning his eyes to the gate of the yard.

As has been done countless times before.

After waiting for a while, she still didn't come back. His eyes darkened, he got up and walked towards the door, hesitating for a while, opened the door, and walked towards the gray long street.

The long street was deserted, filled with gray mist.

He looked for her figure along the road, but everywhere was empty, and the petite figure was still missing.

After walking for two streets like this, I felt a little depressed.

The little girl is gone, and she is not on these streets. Could it be that she does not want to see him, and is hiding in some hidden place?

After knowing his past like that, running away without saying anything is disturbing.

He stopped in the central square and sat on the wellhead.

Thoughts gradually become chaotic.

It shouldn't be shown to her, who can bear such a heavy and depressing thing...

[The real madman is the one who hasn't been mad for ten years, right? 】

What would she think when she heard this sentence? No matter from which point of view, he is not a normal person...

no one wants to come close...

The village was extremely quiet, as if he was the only one from the beginning.

He gradually felt flustered, was he dreaming?

Girls like that don't exist, do they?

He got up suddenly and searched the village again. He could find out if he just swept the whole village with his spiritual power, but he didn't dare to.

If it was really a dream, then he hoped to wake up slowly...

He stepped on every street and opened every door, but he returned disappointed.

After finally walking all the way, he stood slumped in the middle of the street, not knowing where to go.

Dusk gradually descended in this obscure little village.

He lifted his feet and started to walk into his own yard.

When approaching the yard, I heard slight movements inside.

He paused and stopped at the door.

There's someone inside...

Is she back?

Will she be in...

What would she say to him again?

He lowered his eyes, clenched his fingertips, and finally stretched out his hand forward.

The palm of the hand touched the rough wooden board, and suddenly forced...

The door panel "creaked" and pushed open to both sides, and the moment he saw the yard clearly, he froze on the spot.

A kerosene lamp was hung on a tree branch inside the house, and a light orange light illuminated the courtyard.

The little girl is busy squatting in the garden in full swing. She is holding a small shovel and is constantly digging the soil.

The sleeves were rolled up high, revealing slender white and tender arms, and there were mud on his cheeks and trouser legs.

The original barren yard was full of messy flowers that she didn't know where to find, including small yellow flowers, dotted orchids, clusters of dandelions, and even fluffy dogtail grass.

There is a hammer in the east and a mallet in the west, and they are planted in the yard in a mess and without order.

Seeing him, the little girl threw away the small shovel in her hand, patted the mud on her body, ran over happily, grabbed his hand, and asked, "Where did you go? I didn't meet you all the way just now, and I wanted to go out." Looking for you."

"Look at these flowers, don't they look good?"

He was stunned for a long time without any response, and asked: "You ran away just now, did you go looking for these flowers?"

The little girl said: "That's right, it's hard to find. There is nothing in this place where the birds don't shit. I ran all the way to the suburbs, and it was hard to climb over the mountains."

His eyes were slightly hot, and he asked, "Why are you looking for these flowers?"

She took his hand, dragged him all the way to the yard, pressed his shoulders, and sat cross-legged with him in front of those little flowers.

She turned her head to look at him, remembering that in the memory fragments he came to water every day, looking at the garden that would never bloom.

He didn't know that those flowers would not bloom, and his memory would be emptied every day, so he was watering every day, thinking about whether the flowers would bloom tomorrow.

For ten years, everyone in Baicao Village knew that the flower would not bloom, but no one told him that the flower would not bloom, so they watched him busy and let him plant it for ten years.

Look forward to every day, lose every day, and start again and again.

Yun Ranran's eyes were slightly sore, and he said softly: "I just want to tell you that it will bloom."

The man was startled, speechless for a long time.

The little girl wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, and went to look at the flowers by herself, looking a little worried: "It's true that the planting is a mess, and it doesn't look good. I'll tidy it up."

As she spoke, she was about to get up, but the man grabbed her arm, gently pulled her into his arms.

She looked up and saw his wet eyes.