MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 42 Sister leave me alone, brother will give birth...

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The central square was in chaos, the little girl caught the merman boy who had fallen from the building, and helped him run towards the crowded place.

Ao Feng was furious and ordered his subordinates to arrest him.

Xiao Qi followed to help.

Everyone was running in all directions, in a state of chaos, but the young man in white was sitting in the small tavern, unmoved.

Chang Qi poked his head out of his sleeve secretly, looked at the shocked and chaotic crowd, and then looked up at the adults.

The adults sat quietly, usually absent-minded.

"My lord, what are you thinking?"

The lord didn't speak, took the peach wine and put it in front of him, he stuck out his tongue and licked it, it tasted delicious peach.

The slender fingertips pressed against his head, stroking his thin scales, feeling a little comfortable.

After Chang Qi took a few sips of the wine, his eyes became a little hazy. He remembered the meeting between the lord and the merman boy the night before, and he seemed to know each other...

If he knew him, with the temperament of an adult, he would never go to such a place for no reason. He couldn't help but have a bold guess.

He hiccupped a little and probed in a low voice: "My lord, did you deliberately burn the prayer beads to lure the girl here?"

The lord still didn't speak, but the fingers that landed on his head became slower. Is this the default?

Sir, did you really lure the girl here on purpose? What did he bring the girl here for? He thought for a while and couldn't figure it out, and suddenly remembered the incident where the girl rushed in to save Lanzao just now...

With the girl's character of not rubbing the sand in her eyes, she would never stand by and watch the sharks suffer.

Could it be that your lord brought the girl here on purpose, and wanted her to save the mermaid boy?

He was even more confused because of drunkenness.

But why, my lord is such a nosy person...

But there is one thing... that mermaid boy is stubborn and self-willed, and his mind doesn't seem to be very bright. Because he was stupid and suffered so much, he was not very likable. He rejected anyone who had good intentions for him within ten years. , Even the girl said she wanted to take him away, but he refused.

To be honest, no one would save him today.

Only a girl would rush over without hesitation.

Moreover, the young man seemed to have jumped off the tower with the idea of ​​dying, and no one except the girl seemed to be able to arouse his will to live.

Your lord had calculated this correctly before you brought the girl here, right?

But such a person will die when he dies. Why, my lord? How could your lord spend so much energy on a mermaid boy?

It's just unbelievable...

The more he thought about it, the more confused he became, and he asked vaguely: "Aren't you going to help? The girl and the immortal are being hunted down."

He was still waiting for an answer, but suddenly his body vacated, because he was picked up by an adult and stuffed back into his sleeve.

My lord got up? Where is he going?


Ao Feng didn't expect such a thing to happen. He didn't expect Lanzao to commit suicide. For ten years, he has been docile and obedient.

In his impression, this guy would rather live like a dog than die...

What happened to him?

He couldn't figure it out, but what made him even more confused was that someone dared to move his pet without knowing his life, and snatched it away right under his nose.

If that ignorant little girl is caught by him, she will definitely be worse than Lanzao.

He stood on the tower and looked in the direction where everyone was fleeing. He had already sent all the guards to arrest them, but there was no result after so long. A tall, thin man in white came up from the other side of the tower slowly.

The night was cold, and half of his cheeks were hidden in the shadows, and he could only see his straight nose and slightly curved lips.

There is a shadow under the eyes, and the expression cannot be seen clearly.

He panicked inexplicably, and said sharply, "Who are you? Who allowed you to go up the tower?"

The man didn't respond to him, but slowly approached him, the face finally turned from the shadows, revealing delicate and beautiful features.

He had never seen this person before, he was stern, and scolded: "Don't come over, get out."

The moonlight pierced through the clouds, and outlined a shallow silver edge on the white-clothed boy.

He had already walked to Ao Feng's side, raised his chin slightly, and the crazy silver moon was reflected in the dark eyes.

Ao Feng couldn't help but retreat, but the man parted his mouth and showed a mocking smile. He asked in confirmation, "Ao Feng?"

He said angrily: "It's Lao Tzu, you'd better get lost..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the man stretch out his hands towards him, and then gave him a slight push.

A force surged towards him, and he tilted his feet unexpectedly, and he fell out of the tower involuntarily.

Ao Feng's eyes widened for a moment, and the horror didn't even have time to emerge.

The cold wind suddenly poured into his head, and the man actually pushed him down the tower!

What's even more frightening is that even though he has cultivation, the man didn't use his strength, but he had no resistance, and was pushed down by him like a mortal.

But at this moment, his cultivation base is still locked, and he can't use it at all.

The tower is so high that mortals will be smashed to pieces if they fall.

Horror hit his heart in an instant, tears welled up in his eyes, and he roared mournfully.

He is going to fall to his death! Who will save him!


Just when he was about to touch the ground, he saw the man bent down, smiled and waved at him.

He thought desperately, what a... lunatic...

Immediately after a sharp pain came, he completely lost consciousness.

"Bang" a loud noise.

Even the floor tiles were smashed to pieces.

The bone that the man fell pierced the internal organs, and the blood spurted out instantly and flowed all over the ground.

He still maintained an overly frightened look, with tears and blood all over his face.

Ugly and dirty.

With such a simple push, Ao Feng fell to his death.

Changqi's wine woke up in an instant, the whole dragon was in high spirits, trembling and speechless.

Big, my lord, why, why...

The city is already in such a mess, how could he kill Ao Feng at this time, at least he has to wait for the girl to make arrangements for the blue algae and prepare a plan to leave before doing it...

If Ao Feng is dead, Ao Jie will definitely go crazy. Who can survive here?

Last time, the lord used the broken chain to restore his strength for a short time and slaughtered the black dragon, but this time, how could anyone cut the chain for him?

Big, my lord is too messy, I scared the dragon to death...

He looked over sadly, and after working hard for a long time, he finally mustered up the courage: "My, my lord, why, why?"

With the usual lazy and indifferent attitude, the adult leaned over to look at the blood-red mass, and said with a smile: "It looks good."

How beautiful it is!

The adult glanced at it, and was unhappy again: "I'm the only one watching."

The people in the city fled in all directions just now, shouting loudly, and now the guards are arresting people in the city, and no one dares to come out, so Ao Feng's situation did not attract the attention of others, and no one noticed.

Changqi thought bitterly, isn't it just right that no one is watching, and leave quickly, as if nothing happened...

He just wanted to persuade him, but he saw that the adults had already found out the flint.

The whole dragon was about to cry.

Qing He lazily leaned against the inner wall of the tower, threw the flint from his fingertips, and caught it again.

Then the corners of his lips curled up, and with a slight wave of his hand, the flintstone landed on the waistline of the tower.

The fire snake sprang out in an instant, spreading crazily up and down, and soon surrounded the tower in the flames.

Qing He sat on the top of the tower, watching the raging fire with cold eyes.

The long wind and raging fire filled his snow-white gown, obliterating his handsome face.

He looked at the guards running hurriedly in the distance, and finally became happy again.

"It's going to be fun."


In the narrow alley, Yun Ranran hunkered down, hid the mermaid boy behind him, and looked outside vigilantly.

The merman boy has turned into legs, and he is wearing a long black gown, which is a bit baggy. For convenience, the sleeves are rolled up twice. It is Xiao Qi's shirt.

He was originally delicate and thin, with a white and glowing face, and the scars and blood all over his body, I really feel pity for him.

At this moment, Xiao Qi looked at Yun Ranran with displeasure on her face. She was so careful before, but she always held his hand. Now, her mind is all on that little fish.

Yun Ranran turned around and took a look at Lanzao, and Xiao Yu'er looked back at her timidly with her light blue eyes. She took out a hooded cloak from the storage ring, put it on the young man's back carefully, and put the hooded cape on Pulled up to cover his dazzling silver-white hair.

The teenager is used to obedience and does not move.

It's just that the murderous gaze from the side made him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles. He endured the humiliation for ten years. In order to survive, it was already his instinct to please him. He lowered his eyes and said softly: "Sister, leave me alone, brother is angry."

Xiaoqi: ...

Yun Ranran stared at him angrily: "I'm hurt!"

Xiao Qi: What did I do!

Seeing the intense atmosphere, Lanzao persuaded: "Don't quarrel because of me,'s not worth it..."


Yun Ranran turned to look at Xiao Qi for this poor little Yu'er who felt wronged: "Don't talk!"

Xiaoqi: I didn't say anything!

Angry toothache!

Yun Ranran was carefully observing the outside world, trying to find out where the search was lax, when someone came in from the dark and said anxiously, "Follow me."

Yun Ranran took a closer look and found that it was Lu Xian.

He scratched his head and glanced at Lanzao: "Finally willing to leave."

Spirulina lowered its head in embarrassment.

Yun Ranran led Xiaoqi and Lu Xian to avoid the guards and sneak into the empty house.

Lu Xian took out all the supplies he had prepared, and said in a low voice: "Before Ao Feng can mobilize the troops of the whole city, let's hurry to the back street. At the end of the road there is a deserted wharf, where I hid Boat."

"Ao Jie was wounded ten years ago and has been recuperating in seclusion. The last time he was furious because people from the mine escaped collectively. This time, Lanzao is only one person, and his reputation has been completely ruined in the past ten years. He will definitely not leave the seclusion early for him. "

"Compared to his father, Ao Feng's cultivation is limited, and he has to rely on troops to seal off the coastline. As long as we leave now by boat and reach a farther sea area, we can successfully go to sea."

"At that time, the sky was big and the earth was big, and you could go anywhere."

Yun Ranran had just been to the deserted wharf, and immediately agreed to Lu Xian's idea, and when he was about to leave, he realized that Qinghe was not there.

She was startled, and asked, "Where are Qing and Senior Brother?"

Lu Xian said: "When I came, I met that young master on the way. I told him the direction of the boat. He should go there first. We should be able to meet him there."

Yun Ranran thought that it would be safe for Qing to be with them, and with his intelligence, there should be no problem, so he led everyone out of the mansion to the deserted pier.

But after leaving the street, I felt a little strange. The number of soldiers who were searching everywhere with a murderous look had decreased a lot, and sometimes there was no one in sight for a long distance.

This was so abnormal that Yun Ranran couldn't help frowning.

Lanzao suddenly looked back and said in surprise: "The tower, the tower is on fire..."

Everyone turned back immediately, and found that the tower was full of fire, and it was also extremely noisy there.

What happened?

But right now it's not the time to worry about this, everyone still headed towards the deserted pier, and when they ran there, they saw the young man in white leaning leisurely on the wooden stake of the abandoned pier, playing with a small light yellow flower with five petals.

Yun Ranran called Qing and Senior Brother, and he turned around and smiled at her.

Lu Xian went to prepare the ships and supplies, Lanzao ran to help, Yun Ranran walked quickly towards Qinghe, and said with a smile, "Brother ran very fast."

Qing He took her little hand, put Xiao Hua in her palm, and said with a smile, "Because I'm always forgotten, so I got used to it."

This made Yun Ranran feel guilty.

Speaking of which, every time there is a crisis, the first thing she thinks of is Xiaoqi, because this guy is not at ease, he will commit suicide if he doesn't look at him, lose his temper if he doesn't go his way, and make trouble if he doesn't coax him. But Qing and senior brother are always smiling, it's okay, it doesn't matter, I'm teasing you, how could I be angry.

She couldn't help but forget that he would also be sad because he was left behind.

Qing He looked at the little girl's slightly trembling eyes because of guilt, and smiled.

This guy is too easy to deceive.

If you say a few words casually, you will start to reflect on yourself, why is your heart so soft...

It makes people want to bully even more...

He looked at her slightly fluttering red lips in a daze, and suddenly wanted to know, which one is softer, this little guy's heart or lips...

In the distance, Xiao Qi saw that the top of his head was on fire, and suddenly there was a voice of dissatisfaction beside him.

"I feel bad too."

He turned his head and saw that it was Xiao Jing, a handsome young man from Lingshui Town. Xiao Jing was in a torn red dress, floating beside him, and said seriously: "I think, the girl and my senior brother are the best match."

He was even more unhappy, and said coldly: "What the **** is your senior brother?"

Xiao Jing was annoyed, and his delicate face was distorted with anger.

"My brother Yun Jian is the best person in the world, I don't allow you to say that about him!"

Xiao Qi snorted disdainfully.

At this moment, A-Ding ran over and looked at him resentfully with big eyes. After unloading the boat, the good-tempered Lanzao also ran to him from a thousand miles away, watching him with those two.

Being stared at by these three, he was so irritable that he wanted to draw his sword, but these three guys were all the girl's little treasures, he couldn't move, he was so angry that he could only say: "Okay, he is the best."

Those three just let him go, stood with him, looked at the little girl in the distance together, and said one after another: "Ran Ran is so good, only my brother is worthy of it."

Youyuan watching here, while Qing and Changqi in his sleeves clenched their little claws excitedly.

"The girl is so good, only my lord is worthy of it."

"My lord, rush the duck."

"Kiss one! Kiss one!"

At this moment, Lu Xian shouted from a distance: "The boat is packed, let's go."

Yun Ranran took a look and found that a medium-sized wooden boat in front of the pier had parked securely, so he motioned for Qinghe to get on the boat.

A group of people quickly walked to the front of the boat, A Ding and Xiao Jing naturally attached themselves to Yun Ranran, Lu Xian jumped on it first, followed by Qing He.

After Yun Ranran boarded the boat, he was afraid that Xiao Qi would fall into the water, so he simply dragged him up, and then stretched out his hand towards Lanzao.

Lanzao stood in front of the boat, with tears in her eyes, Yun Ranran smiled at him comfortingly, motioning him to grab her.

Lanzao nodded vigorously, and was about to shake that hand, but was stopped by someone.

Xiao Qi stood in front of the little girl with a dark face, with "any cat or dog can hold the little girl's hand" written all over her face.

He disliked others and refused to stretch out his hand, so he said coldly, "Get on the boat by yourself."

Lanzao froze for a moment, and climbed onto the boat a little aggrieved.

Yun Ranran raised his hand and knocked on him: "I don't understand, he's injured, if you don't want me to do it, just give him a hand."

The boy felt even more upset after being beaten, but he didn't want to make the girl angry, so he stretched out his hand reluctantly.

"Get on board."

That hand was slender and fair, and it was stretched out in front of the merman boy.

Lanzao stared blankly at that hand, and for some reason remembered the rainstorm many years ago, and remembered the happy eyes of the boy.

His eyes were hot, he held the hand tightly, and then a strong force rushed over, easily dragging him onto the boat.

He suddenly wanted to cry, and the tears fell involuntarily.

Yun Ranran saw it, and poked Xiao Qi's spine angrily.

"Look at you, it's so fierce that it made the child cry."

Xiao Qi has a headache: Why does this fish keep framing him? It's even worse than Qinghe!

Lanzao hurriedly wiped away her tears, and stopped Yun Ranran: "Sister, don't blame brother, he didn't hurt me, I feel it myself."

Yun Ranran looked at Xiao Qi, sighed and shook her head.

Little Qimao was about to explode.

Qing He on the side was overjoyed.

Lu Xian shouted, "The boat is sailing."

Everyone looked forward one after another.

The wooden boat swayed the waves and finally moved forward. The fire and noise behind it gradually faded away, and the gentle sound of splashing water sounded in my ears.

Xiao Qi sat on the bow, holding his sword, with a displeased face.

Qing He walked over and leaned against him.

The boy said coldly: "Get out."

Qing He was not angry, he just said: "I just got the news that Ao Feng was killed."

Xiao Qi suddenly turned her face away.

Qing He continued: "Tsk tsk, right there in the tower, what a terrible death."

The young man rolled his eyes and asked, "Is that you?"

Qing He said lazily: "Don't wrong me, what good will it do me to kill him?"

The boy's face darkened, and he looked at the little girl who didn't know about it. Ao Feng was dead, and Ao Jie would definitely kill him. He thought for a while, jumped off the bow, and went to the little girl.

Qing He laughed lightly and looked up at the gentle clouds.

Chang Qi whispered in his sleeve: "What benefits do you want, you just want to be lively."

The wooden boat braved the wind and waves, marched forward in the quiet sea area, and soon was able to leave the range of Ao Feng's influence.

Lanzao stood by the side of the boat, but her little face did not show any joy.

It was the same ten years ago, every time he thought he was going to leave successfully, he would encounter deeper despair, and today it was smoother than before, which made him even more afraid.

Can he really leave this cursed sea?

His fingers clenched involuntarily, and as the critical line got closer, his heart beat faster and faster.

Can it? This time it will definitely come out...

The moment the ship broke through the critical line, there was a "hum", and something suddenly descended.

The surrounding area darkened in an instant, and the waves, birdsong, and wind all fell into dead silence.

The body suddenly became stiff, unable to move, the feeling of heart palpitations suddenly emerged, and the overflow of fear was uncontrollable.

This feeling is really familiar, so familiar that it is exactly the same as ten years ago.

Lanzao tried hard to raise her neck, but then she was trembling all over and couldn't speak.

On the vast sky, the full moon has been replaced by huge red gold vertical pupils, and a suffocating sense of oppression of a giant rises from the depths of the soul.

It's Ao Jie... Ao Jie is here...

His whole body trembled violently, and he fell to the ground with a "common" sound.

Isn't Ao Jie in retreat? How did it appear? Is it for yourself? Then wouldn't he kill another boatload of people?

His face was pale, and tears fell uncontrollably.

Everyone behind him was also horrified. Lu Xian had seen this scene before, and he knelt down as soon as his legs became weak.

Yun Ranran condensed out the spirit sword with a serious face, and couldn't figure out why Ao Jie came.

She is the most important fighting force among these people, and she is worried that she won't be able to take care of Xiao Qi later, this guy can't swim, and if he falls into the sea, it will be troublesome, so she asks Qinghe to take care of her.

Qing He nodded reassuringly, dragged Xiao Qi to the deck, and it was rare that Xiao Qi didn't resist, and actually went with him.

That red gold vertical pupil was faintly blood-colored, and it was much more terrifying than ten years ago.

With a deafening roar, a huge dragon's head emerged from the clouds.

The dragon's head occupied half of the sky, the purple thunder was like drizzle above his head, and the body as thick as a mountain was rolling in the sea of ​​clouds.

The violent storm hit suddenly, and everyone in the boat was drenched.

The small wooden boat was crumbling in such wind and rain.

Lanzao's hands and feet were limp, and she fell to the ground in embarrassment. When she was collapsing in despair, she suddenly saw a bright blue light appearing in the sky, and it rushed towards them very quickly.

His pupils shrank, and he shouted heart-piercingly: "It's the dragon's breath, it's the dragon's breath, run away."

The ball of dragon's breath came before him in the blink of an eye.

However, the ship turned suddenly and narrowly avoided, the dragon's breath wiped the sails and fell into the sea, making a loud noise that shook the sky.

The sail was melted in an instant, leaving no slag.

Everyone fell to pieces and looked towards the center of the boat in a daze.

In the rainstorm, Qing He was standing in front of the rudder, pressing the wooden wheel and plate with one hand, and turning the wooden rudder with a rattling sound. He looked sideways at the crowd and smiled: "I'll try .”

Then you are too genius... Everyone couldn't help thinking so.

Another dragon's breath came, Qing He's expression turned serious, he grasped the rudder, slammed the direction, and narrowly avoided it again.

Everyone showed incredible expressions.

Chang Qi was drooling in Qinghe's sleeves, tears were streaming down his face, he poked out his sleeves with tears in his eyes, and saw the adult looking at the giant dragon in the sky, and said to himself: "It's so beautiful, I want to raise it. "

What! Isn't it enough for adults to have him and a little golden dragon? Is he not cool enough? He will grow up, give him some time!

Long breath, he can too!

With his slender neck held high, he exerted force from the spiritual mansion, the spiritual power gradually gathered in his throat, and then "hiccupped", a small hiccup...

No matter how small the flame was, it was so small that it disappeared before he could see it.

Just as Long was about to feel ashamed, he saw the little sparks pounce on the cuff of the adult, burning a small hole.

Pupil constriction, cardiac arrest.

Will, will be killed...

What should I do... Tears fell down for a moment, Ao Jie outside was never so scared...

He curled up into a ball, covered the hole with his little paws, and began to think of words for his epitaph while crying...

And after being dodged several times, the giant dragon was finally furious, the clouds rolled suddenly, and the strong wind carried thunder and lightning.

Under the urging of the strong wind, the sea was layered up, turning up monstrous waves.

The huge waves were thick and violent, like an indestructible city wall.


Everyone showed a look of despair.

Even Qing He, who has always been lazy, has become a bit serious. This is no longer the level where he can escape from the helm. He simply let go of the wooden rudder, looked at the young man in Xuanyi with imperceptible eyes, and whispered imperceptibly : "It's been so long, it's time to come?"

At this moment, the giant dragon in the clouds let out an unstoppable roar, followed by the tail of the dragon, and together with the giant wave, it slammed towards everyone with a destructive momentum.

Tiny, fragile, and will turn into dust with one blow.

Everyone froze in place, bearing the wrath of the dragon in a desperate posture.

Seeing that the dragon's tail and the huge waves were about to crush them, the clear sound of shaking jade tablets suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

One after another, it seems to be ringing in everyone's heart.

A feeling of heart palpitations suddenly emerged, because of the fear from the depths of the soul, the thought that only surrender can survive.

At this moment, the overwhelming spiritual pressure suddenly descended.

Everything slowed down and all sound died away.

The squalls, rainstorms, thunders, and roars were all annihilated in this absolutely suppressed domain.

Everyone looked up in a daze, and saw the young and fearsome god.

He walked through the thunder and rain like a leisurely stroll, tearing away the darkness and mist with his hands, handsome and arrogant, standing calmly in mid-air.

The appearance is peerless, and the elegance is unparalleled.

The black eyes are half closed, full of contempt. To him, the mammoth dragon is... nothing but nothing.

The giant dragon was suddenly trapped, turned into anger from embarrassment, desperately broke free from the restraint, and ran towards the crowd with all its strength.

The man stretched out his hand to hold it, and a spirit sword suddenly appeared, and he swung it away casually, and the huge Half Moon Slash mercilessly slashed at the dragon's body.

With a loud noise, Ban Yue Zhan collided with the giant dragon like lightning, and the giant dragon let out a heart-piercing roar, and its body was cut in two in an instant.

Dragon's blood fell like rain all over the sky.

Everyone was speechless in shock, and only then could they see the words on the jade plaque clearly in a blur.

【Tian Yan】.

For a while, no one dared to speak.

Chang Qi hid in Qing Hexiu, he was better than everyone else, and he came back to his senses the fastest.

Tianyan Sword Immortal appeared, and that little Qi...

He quickly turned his head to look at Xiao Qi, and found that the young man was sitting on the deck, but his eyes were pure and kind, and he was even wrestling with a hemp rope. He didn't die, but the soul of Tianyan Immortal Venerable was gone.

Why can Immortal Venerable Tianyan suddenly return from his separate body to his original body?

Does your lord know about this?

He remembered what his lord had said just now when he was at the helm.

[It's been so long, it's time to come? 】

What the lord is talking about should be the body of Tianyan Xianzun, so he knows about it...

He frowned tightly, seriously thinking about a series of behaviors of the adults, and was suddenly taken aback, as if he wanted to understand something.

If your lord kills Ao Feng, then Ao Jie must be furious, and he will definitely make a move. If Ao Jie makes a move, no one in this crowd is an opponent. Only the body of Tianyan Xianzun can fight against it, and the lord just told Xiao Qi that Ao Feng is dead on purpose. Was it to let him know the seriousness of the matter, and to give Tianyan Xianzun time to return to his body?

Tianyan Immortal Venerable is extremely indifferent, and there are many restrictions in Taihuazong, so he will not leave the sect easily. Only when the safety of the girl is involved, can he make a move.

Your Excellency killed Ao Feng to call Tianyan Immortal Venerable himself?


He couldn't figure it out.

Lanzao sat slumped on the ground, with his mouth open, his pupils trembling, and he couldn't say a word, only the young God of War in mid-air was in his eyes.

Someone came over suddenly, sat down beside him, and chuckled lightly.

He looked over in a daze, and saw the Qing and the young master.

Qing He rested his cheeks on his palms, his eyes curved, and asked, "Is he handsome?"

He just came back to his senses, "Gudong" swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and stammered: "You, are you asking that sword, sword fairy?"

Qinghe nodded.

He hurriedly said: "Handsome, but so handsome, how can there be such a character in the world."

Qing He smiled very happily, and said: "Then let's take a good look."

Lanzao let out a "hmm", then raised her head and tried to follow the figure of the man.

Qing He looked into the distance with a smile.

He remembered what the merman boy said tearfully when he left Long Xiaohai with Yun Jian ten years ago.

[My lord, will there be a reunion with Big Brother Yun? 】

[So what, because of the practice, he is ruthless and loveless, he will not care about anyone, he will not remember you, even if he knows everything about this past, he will not be touched in any way. 】

【That's okay, even if I don't remember me, even if I'm a stranger, I still want him. 】

【Okay, if at that time... you are still alive. 】

He looked at the merman boy's adoring and shocked eyes towards Tianyan, and suddenly laughed.

Isn't this... a reunion?