MTL - Following a Hundred Years of Cultivation, I’m dying Before I Got Cheats-Chapter 219 The yin and yang **** Shuiyu and Hua Mengyou visit

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  Chapter 219 The yin and yang **** Shuiyu, Hua Mengyou visits


  【Congratulations to the host, you have completed the refining of the natal magic weapon, the Thick Earth Desolate Heaven Halberd, obtained the natal magic weapon, the refining method of the yin and yang **** water jade, and obtained the Void Golden Crystal】


  Hearing the prompt from the system, Jiang Chengxuan couldn't help being taken aback.

   Especially when he read the information about the yin and yang **** Shuiyu, he was even more surprised.

   It is not difficult to tell from the name alone.

  The yin and yang **** water jade is definitely a magic weapon of water attribute.

   As for the natal magic weapon of the water attribute, Jiang Chengxuan now has the Narcissus Jade.

   From this point of view, the system wants to re-refine the magic weapon of water attribute by itself?

  However, he also had to admit that the Yin-Yang God Water Jade given by the system is indeed much stronger than the Narcissus Jade he refined himself.

  After all, the biggest function of his Narcissus Jade is to help him store three times the mana.

  The yin and yang **** Shuiyu here can not only help him store three times the mana, but also achieve a perfect cycle with his mana, and filter all possible impurities in his mana.

   That is to say, through the yin and yang **** Shuiyu, Jiang Chengxuan's mana can become more pure and condensed.

  At the same time, a drop of Yin-Yang Divine Water will be born at the beginning of successful refining of the third-order Yin-Yang Divine Water Jade, and every hundred years thereafter.

  This water not only has the effect of reconciling yin and yang, balancing hardness and softness, but also can eliminate all negative states in monks, and even rejuvenate them.

  If it is used for alchemy, refining equipment, or talisman making, it can greatly increase its success rate and improve its quality.

  And this is only the function of the third level of Yin Yang God Water Jade.

   Wait until it reaches the fourth order, fifth order, and even sixth order.

  The value it can exert is immeasurable.

  It seems that changing the natal magic weapon of the water attribute has become an imperative thing.


  According to the method given by the system here, I only need to find another kind of treasure called Yinyang Tianlian and a kind of treasure called Qiankun Zhenyu, and then I can carry out secondary refining on the basis of the Narcissus Jade.

   At that time, as long as the refining is successful.

  Then his Narcissus Jade will directly become the Yin-Yang God Water Jade.

  For the time being, press down your thoughts about this treasure.

  Jiang Chengxuan's gaze couldn't help falling on an object that appeared in his hand.

   It is the void golden crystal obtained from this system.

   This object has two attributes of void and seventh gold, and it is the best treasure to improve his natal magic weapon, Seventh Gold Void Sword.

none of them.

  Those thoughts flashed through my mind.

  Jiang Chengxuan couldn't help but sacrificed the mysterious fire of heaven and earth again, the forest white Youyan.

   Several months later.

   Accompanied by a loud sword cry.

  Jiang Chengxuan's natal magic weapon, the Gengjin Void Sword, has been upgraded to the third-rank top-grade level by him.

  The Gengjin Void Sword at this time is more stealthy, faster, and more lethal.

  At the same time, its breaking spell and armor-piercing power have also been further improved.

  If its power is fully utilized, even if it is a third-tier top-rank defensive magic weapon in front, it may be smashed by it in one blow.

  Since then, in Jiang Chengxuan's hands, he already has two magic weapons above the third rank.

  And these two magic weapons are also natal magic weapons.

   Not only can it exert stronger power, but it can also greatly reduce the consumption of his mana.

   Next, what he has to consider is to refine a third-tier top-rank defensive magic weapon for himself depending on the situation.

   After all, with his current cultivation base, it is not enough to have the corresponding magic weapon for attack, but he also needs some magic weapon for defense and other purposes.

   Fortunately, with his current refining skills, he gathered some materials in his hand.

   If it doesn’t work, just smelt some magic weapons that he can’t use anymore, and use them as materials for refining defense and other magic weapons, which should be about the same.

   That's it, in the next time.

  In addition to training, Jiang Chengxuan started the process of smelting materials and refining the third-tier top-grade defensive magic weapon.

  This process lasted more than a year in total.

  When Jiang Chengxuan's cultivation reached the peak of the seventh floor of the Purple Mansion, there was a **** seal in front of him.

  This seal is called the Wanjun Jiuxuan Seal. It is made of Liuhe Wanjun Pagoda, Wujinxuan Iron Rod and many other third-order magic weapons, combined with many third-order treasure materials.

   Has an extremely huge weight and defense.

  Ordinary spells and magic weapon attacks do not pose the slightest threat to it at all.

   Especially magic weapon.

   If you are a little careless, you are more likely to be damaged by its anti-shock.

  Even in the face of third-tier top-rank magic weapons and spell attacks, this seal is not in vain.

  When necessary, it can be used as a defensive wall, or a heavy magic weapon to suppress the enemy.

   It can be regarded as a third-tier top-grade magic weapon with both offense and defense.


  Just as he put away the Wanjun Nine Profound Seal, Jiang Chengxuan felt that the restriction of the cave where he was located had been touched.

   It was the patriarch Jiang Renyi who appeared outside his cave at this time.

   This made his eyes flash.

   It seems that there is something that needs to be done by myself.

  Thinking, someone else had already appeared outside the cave, in front of Jiang Renyi.

  Seeing Jiang Chengxuan's sudden appearance, Jiang Renyi immediately bowed and saluted:

   "Renyi has seen Uncle!"


  Jiang Chengxuan nodded at him, and then said:

   "Renyi, are you looking for me for something?"

  Jiang Renyi nodded.

   "Reporting to Uncle, Elder Hua of Jiange Bishui has come to our Jiang family now.

   Currently in the hospitality hall of my Jiang family, my third brother is in charge of entertaining. "

   "Oh, is Fellow Flower Daoist here?"

  Jiang Chengxuan was a little surprised.

   "Did she say anything?"

  Jiang Renyi shook his head and said, "That's not true, but she has made it clear that she is here to find you or your aunt."


  Jiang Chengxuan thought for a while, then said:

   "Your aunt is currently in a relatively critical moment of retreat, if it is not necessary, try not to disturb her.

  Let me and you go over this time. "

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Chengxuan and Jiang Renyi came to the reception hall of the Jiang family together.

  As soon as he arrived at the reception hall, Jiang Chengxuan saw Hua Mengyou in a long rose dress.

   At this time, she just looked out.

  The two looked at each other, and a smile appeared on Hua Mengyou's face, she got up and bowed to Jiang Chengxuan:

   "Fellow Daoist Jiang, Meng You came here uninvited. If there is any disturbance, I hope Fellow Daoist Jiang will forgive you."

   "Friend Flower Daoist speaks too seriously."

  Jiang Chengxuan smiled and waved his hands.

   "It's my Jiang family's honor that you can come, why bother?"

   At this time, Jiang Rendao who was by the side did not wait any longer.

   After nodding to Jiang Chengxuan as a greeting, he and Jiang Renyi left the reception hall.

  Seeing this, Jiang Chengxuan changed the subject, looked at Hua Mengyou and asked:

   "By the way, Fellow Daoist Flower, I don't know if you are here, is there anything particularly important?

   You actually want you to come to my Jiang’s house in person. "

  Hearing this, a look of solemnity appeared on Hua Mengyou's face.

  She looked at Jiang Chengxuan and said, "Jiang Daoyou, to be honest, I'm here to confirm one thing with you."

   "Confirm one thing with me?"

  Jiang Chengxuan's eyes flashed, and he already had some guesses in his heart.

   Sure enough.

  I heard Hua Mengyou continue: "When you and fellow Taoist Shen went to the country of Zheng that day, did you have any conflicts with the people there?"

   Before Jiang Chengxuan could answer, Hua Mengyou said again:

   "Jiang Daoyou don't get me wrong, the reason why I ask this is actually just to confirm something, there is no other meaning."

"I see."

  Jiang Chengxuan nodded.

  He knew that since Hua Mengyou said so, it showed that she, or the Bishui Jiange where she was, already knew something about some things about herself and others in Zheng State.

  In this situation, facing Hua Mengyou, who can be said to be a friend, there is no need for him to hide anything.

  Therefore, Jiang Chengxuan roughly told Hua Mengyou what they had encountered in Zheng Guo.

  After Hua Mengyou heard it, an expression that really did appear on Jue Mei's face.

  She thought about it, and then said to Jiang Chengxuan:

   "The few people killed by you, although there are certain forces behind them, they will eventually be far away from our country of Liang.

  Even if I really want to take revenge on you, I'm afraid there won't be that time in a while.

   Especially in the situation where the current monster chaos is coming.

  The only thing you need to pay attention to is that after this monster rebellion, try not to go to the Zheng country.

  In case the Jindan Daoist over there really doesn't want to be shy and bully the small with the big, even if my master wants to protect you, I'm afraid it will be beyond the reach in a short time. "

  Obviously, what Hua Mengyou said was actually implying to Jiang Chengxuan that her master, Gu Yuefeng, or their Bishui Sword Pavilion, would take care of it for them at that time.

  The only problem is that after this, they don't want to go to Zheng Guo's side.

   Unless you already have the confidence and strength, otherwise, it is better to stay in the three countries of Liang, Yun and Yan as much as possible.

   Regarding this, Jiang Chengxuan naturally nodded to express his understanding, and expressed his thanks.

   Next, the two chatted for a while.

  Hua Mengyou's expression regained a trace of solemnity

  I just heard her say: "Jiang Daoyou, apart from telling you what I just said, I have one more important thing to tell you."


  Hearing Hua Mengyou's words, Jiang Chengxuan's heart immediately moved.

  I heard Hua Mengyou continue: "You must have already guessed this matter.

   That's right, it's about the upcoming monster chaos.

  According to the speculations of this sect and Tianyue sect, as well as the Jindan masters of the other two countries, this monster chaos may officially come seven years later.

  And the scale of the monster rebellion this time may be even larger than the last time. "

  Jiang Chengxuan's expression became quite solemn after his words.

   Seven years later, is the official monster rebellion coming?

   This is earlier than I expected.

   "So, this time, in order to avoid being caught by those monsters, break through my human defense line."

  Hua Mengyou's beautiful face could not help but show a hint of evil spirit.

   "We have decided to set up multiple lines of defense on the front line of the human race, which is the so-called defensive fairy city, and try to block those monsters from the defensive fairy city of our human race as much as possible."

   "Huh? Defending the fairy city?"

  Jiang Chengxuan was a little surprised.

  Seeing Hua Mengyou nodded and said: "Yes, it is to defend the fairy city.

  Our sect and Tianyue sect are already working on this matter, so it won't take long before the fairy city will be completed.

  And every fairy city will be equipped with at least a third-tier high-grade protective formation.

  Several of the core defensive fairy cities are equipped with fourth-level protective formations, and Jindan Daoist personally sits in the town.

  At that time, even in the face of the great demon of the Zifu, or even the demon king of Jindan, our human race will have the ability to absolutely contend with it. "

  This is really a big deal.

  Jiang Chengxuan really didn't expect that the Three Kingdoms of Liang, Yun, and Yan would have such courage this time.

   It turned out that all the monsters who were going to attack in the future were all blocked outside their human line of defense.

  If this matter is really done, it will definitely have a huge effect on improving the morale of their human race.

  The most important thing is that this move is also showing an attitude of their three-nation race, an attitude of defending their territory of the three-nation race to the death.

  You must know that when those monsters invade the territory of their human race, most of the time, they will not retreat after raging and return to their original territory.

  Many times, they would just stay here, and turn that piece of territory into the homeland of their monsters.

   This is also the main reason why the area of ​​the Cangnan Five Kingdoms has become smaller and smaller over the years.

   Many areas are all occupied by those monsters.

   Obviously, the Bishui Jiange, and even all the Golden Core forces in the Three Kingdoms, are now aware of it.

  With the shortened time of the monster rebellion, if they just protect their basic disk as before, it will obviously not work.

   You must show a really tough attitude.

   Otherwise, in the long run, the living space of the human race will become smaller and smaller, and the resources will become more and more scarce.

   They don't know what will happen to Zheng and Shu.

  But the Three Kingdoms of Liang, Yun, and Yan will inevitably go to a real stranger.

   As for this, whether there will be Yuanying-level forces coming to help.

   The Jindan forces of the three countries are not very optimistic.

   After all, the Cangnan Region where they are currently located is just a very remote small place in the northern border of the Jiuyuan Cultivation Realm.

  In many important places, the number of Nascent Soul True Monarchs is simply not enough. How can there be spare power to take care of such a small place like them?

  So the only thing they can do is save themselves.

   Minimize the harm caused by the chaos of monsters as much as possible.

  At this time, Hua Mengyou looked at Jiang Chengxuan.

   Finally, she revealed the real purpose of her trip.

   "Jiang Daoyou and your Taoist companion, as the rare late-stage cultivators of the Purple Mansion in Liang Guo.

  At that time, I also hope that you will be responsible for guarding a defensive fairy city together with other fellow Taoists.

  Here, I would like to thank you in advance on behalf of thousands of mortals and monks in Liang Kingdom. "

   After finishing speaking, Hua Mengyou stood up solemnly, walked up to Jiang Chengxuan, and then gave him a deep bow.

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  (end of this chapter)