MTL - Flower Demon’s Inn-Chapter 52 Three thousand years unchanged agreement

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The Qing Emperor was sleeping so peacefully for the first time, thinking that Spoon was willing to go back with himself, and he felt happy physically and mentally without worrying about it at the inn.

The spoon is always easy to slip away from the blink of an eye, there is no sense of security.

No, why is he insecure! No ... what about the spoon? Say that you should go to Xiaojie and it ’s already a tea time, right?

He opened his eyes sharply, and the pink spoon was really not in his arms. Take a sip of cold air, and quickly look for her breath.

At this time, Spoon was at the son-in-law's house, saying that it was her house, which was actually a fantasy.

Pushing the door of Tianzhuang into the snow-covered world, her head buzzed and thought that the goods had transformed her lovely inn.

When I was about to raise a knife and chop people, I remembered that it was the son-in-law who lived here ... the flames suddenly disappeared.

Looking blankly on all sides, I did not see the end, and looked up without seeing the end.

To be honest ... I was so worried when I entered such a place ...

The son-in-law hangs in the air, the wide white robe hangs in the air, and smiles at the spoon: "You will come to me actively, aren't you afraid I will catch you to make colorful stones?"

Spoon swallowed: "The son-in-law and mother-in-law speak wisely, don't be afraid!"

The son-in-law slanted her, not too loud.

"I, I just want to find out ..." Spoon wanted to sit down with a stool! He tried to cheer himself up again, "That ... Last night and stupid ... No, Qingdi said, let him take me to a safe place. But I kept forgetting to ask, hey, I don't think I would ask him Say……"

Nuwa's eyebrows jumped up and down, can the girl say the point ... Qingdi, how did you like this peony flower.

The spoon was awkward for a long time before he said, "Is ... Isn't he helping me to reverse my destiny, if he is known to the people above, will he be punished?"

The son-in-law laughed. "You are worried about what he is doing. It doesn't matter."

Spoon twisted her eyebrows and shook her head: "No, it's because he always feels indifferent, and I don't feel good."

Son-in-law looked at her with interest: "What if you really want to be punished?"

"Well, then I won't leave, obey destiny."

The son-in-law for a moment: "You know what your destiny is? It is death. You were born again three hundred years ago, but you have survived. But this time the Yuanshen was taken away, it is really a dead end."

The spoon nodded: "I know."

Nu Wa pulled the corners of her mouth, knowing it and knowing it ... Ah, you idiot, has she been "dead" once addicted.

She rubbed her forehead: "I shouldn't have told you this, otherwise the Qing Emperor would have broken off with me for 300 years, or even 3,000 years. But I don't know why, looking at you like this, I want to tell you, otherwise I will be upset. "

Spoon smiled: "Goddess, tell me."

After a long period of silence, the son-in-law said: "Reversing time is nothing to us, nor is it destiny for change. Because even if time comes back, what will happen will not change. But if he changes What happened on November 1st will save you and rescue you for the sake of reversing. The punishment is unavoidable. "

Spoon twisted her fingers and looked up at her: "Is it a serious crime?"

The son-in-law nodded and wiped the corners of her lips with a smile: "Of course it is. Even the ancient gods, who reversed the life of the Six Realms, even cats and dogs, must also affect the harmony of the Six Realms. Because everything in the world is surrounded Interlock. "

Spoon asked, "What punishment will be ...?"

The woman was silent for a moment: "The only person who can punish him is Master Yuanshi Tianzun. I don't know this, but it must not be light."

Hearing the name of the super god, the spoon was no longer able to struggle. Even Master Yuan Shitianzun was alarmed, and the punishment will not be light. What if I lose my scholarship? How to do?

She sucked her nose and must not hurt the scholar!

The son-in-law looked at the serious Hua Yao, if it was someone else, I was afraid that someone would have been ecstatic for reversing the fate of her destiny, but she was clearly not afraid of her own death, but was afraid of the emperor being punished.

No wonder Qingdi called her silly spoon, this peony flower is really silly. She frowned and sighed. She listened and said, "The emperor is looking for you."

The spoon was startled, and if he knew that he was "going into the tiger's mouth" or sending it by himself, he would be thrown out.

The son-in-law smiled: "Turn out and walk five steps from here, and go out quickly, otherwise he will be able to get you in my stomach for you again."

The spoon moved his legs and did not move, sobbing, "I, I can't walk, my legs are soft."

"..." The son-in-law suddenly growled, how did the Qing emperor look at this silly spoon!

The spoon was almost kicked out by the son-in-law, and the cricket came out. Seeing that it was about to hit the railing, the breeze rushed into the warm arms. Looking up, the first time I discovered that the scholar was really called Qingdi, his face was blue and white.

"Have you been hurt? Let me see."

The spoon shook his head: "No, we just drink tea in it."

Qingdi hooked his lips and smiled slightly coldly: "Drink tea? I wanted to drink tea with you early in the morning?

"No, it's me, I'm looking for a son-in-law to drink tea." Spoon left his arms, avoiding his eyes, "I'm going to open a shop."

The Qing Emperor watched the spoon leaping away, and after seeing her son-in-law come out, she looked exhausted. After seeing him, he said helplessly: "Speaking to your spoon must always be attentive."

"Now, what did you say when you grabbed the spoon?"

The son-in-law raised her finger: "Swear to Master Yuanshi Tianzun that she came here to find me by yourself. Don't always guess with hostility."

Qingdi sneered: "She went to find you? I shared the bed with her. Would she know if she left? Didn't you hide her breath and take it away?"

The son-in-law paused and said seriously: "When you said that I remembered it, I didn't notice it until she came in. Oops, all the sleeping faces have been looked at ... or else the killings might be leaked. . "

The Qing emperor did not pay attention to the following sentence at all, only thinking about the preceding sentence, 怔 忪: "Really?"

Son-in-law laughed, "Don't cheat you?"

The emperor asked again, "What else did she ask you?"

"There is only one, which is to ask what would happen if you reversed her fate."

The emperor's face froze, staring at her with words: "You told her?"

Son-in-law avoided this sharp look: "Old friend, can't help but tell her ..."



After all, the cyan shadow has disappeared, and the son-in-law is helping her forehead, sighing: "Typical forgotten friends."

Opened the store door, it was still early, nobody came to the inn, it was slightly deserted.

Spoon lying on the cashbox, thinking of the scholar, the scholar's face floated in his head all the time, always floating the scene of the scholar being struck by lightning and being flattened by Yuan Shitianzun, completely uncontrollable.

Covering his head in annoyance and howling softly, the sound of crackling in his ear suddenly opened, and he hurriedly opened his eyes to see that the doors just opened were closed again, and the shop was dark.

She stood up staggeringly to open, and when she got up, she was grabbed her wrist, raised her hand to resist, and felt the familiar warmth, she could not help frowning: "Stupid student, you closed the inn door?"

The Qing Emperor stared at her for a while, and said slowly, "I will take you to Nine Dragons."

The spoon's posture was slightly stiff, and the steps didn't move: "That ... I think the inn is pretty good and won't go. And there are big gods there. I don't want to go soft every day when I go out. Also, Uncle Rice next door I'm used to eating , The whole street is used to eating things, if you go there will be unaccustomed, and there are ... "

"I won't die." Qingdi embraced her and whispered. "Even if there is punishment, it won't be serious enough to die."

Spoon stunned God, he knew it, and told his son-in-law that he shouldn't tell him ...

"It ’s just a little less practice, suffering a little bit of flesh, and the most serious thing is to be closed in a closed place for hundreds of years. This time is nothing to you and me, right? And if you really die , Then it is no longer possible. In the balance, isn't it that I am best served by some punishment? "

The more understatement he said, the scarier the spoon became.

The scholar is always like this, telling the good news and not worrying, if he didn't know he had found his son-in-law, he would never tell himself that he would be punished.

Now that I know, say that the punishment is very light.

If it really does n’t matter, why not say it in the morning?

Qingdi let go a little, looked at her and smiled, "Go pack up and go."

Spoon grabbed the corner of the cashbox with one hand, "Tell me first, what punishment will you be punished for?"

The Qing emperor was silent for a long time before he said, "If you reverse the destiny of the gods ... it will dissolve the Yuanshen."

Spoon eyes widened, and backed away, retreating to the end: "Isn't that dead?"

The Qing Emperor shook his head: "Our Primordial God is different from yours. Although scattered, it can still be restored. It only takes thousands of years, and what we have done before will know nothing and start again. The power of God is too powerful This kind of punishment is also to make us forget our badness, and to be able to make the Six Realms harmonious for a long time. So for me ... it's nothing, it just starts again. "

The spoon covered my heart, and the pain spread little by little: "That is, you will ... forget me."

The emperor nodded: "Yes."

The spoon forgot him 300 years ago, and now the emperor wants to forget her. Spoon feels that the world is indeed reincarnation.

It's just ... Just be alive. Even if you really forget, you can live, at least you have hope.

Even if she finds a scholar later, the scholar doesn't remember her, but at least she still lives.

He had forgotten her anyway, so there was no need to worry about the scholar being sad.

She will continue to guard the inn, maybe on a sunny day, there will be a scholar in Tsing Yi come into the store and call her a spoon?

"Stupid student." Spoon hugged him and whispered, "Then you take good care of me. You lost me three hundred years ago and you find it now. I will also work hard to find you for three hundred years ... Continue together. "

The Qing Emperor embraced her, listening to her as if she was singing, her voice very low and very low, and she was even tighter: "Okay."

It is like signing an intangible contract. Even if you forget, you ca n’t separate for 300 years or 3,000 years.