MTL - First Prince of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 780 Art industry

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  Chapter 780 Arts

  As the palace city approached, the officials in the car left one after another. In the end, only Hu Weiyong stayed to accompany him. When the prince returned to Beijing, he must first visit his father, and the prime minister had to report to the emperor to welcome the prince back smoothly.

  Zhu Biao put down the memorandum just presented by the Minister of the Ministry of Officials: "It is still necessary to be more cautious in the appointment and dismissal of officials. It is not a trivial matter to serve as an official to comfort the environment and the people."

  According to the report, the appointment, dismissal and transfer of officials have been very frequent in the past two months, which is not a good thing for the court. Disorder up and down means instability, which may cause various problems.

   "Wei Chen and others had no choice but to do so." Hu Weiyong said with a wry smile: "Ping Xihou frequently played, saying that stabilizing Yunnan requires a large number of officials, and he also requires capable and healthy people, otherwise it will be difficult to adapt to the soil and water of Yunnan."

"In recent years, the imperial court has not only regained the lost land but also continued to expand the territory. Officials at all levels are in short supply. Not to mention Yunnan, even Sichuan and Guizhou are not fully equipped with officials. Most of them are doing their best with multiple jobs. .”

  At the end of the conversation, Hu Weiyong looked in the direction of Liaodong again: "It's not far away, but my minister is really a clever woman who can't cook without rice. I hope His Highness will learn from you."

Faced with such a problem, Zhu Biao could only frown, and Hu Weiyong said in a low voice: "It is still advisable to obtain a scholar through the imperial examination. It is always the right way for scholars to become an official. Because of this, I lost a lot of useful talents.”

After hesitating for a moment, he continued: "I know that the administration of officials is very important, but in the current situation, can we postpone it for a while? Now, in just one month, the officials who have been dismissed and convicted of crimes are at least dozens or even hundreds... Hey, can you No, please Your Highness to play the Holy Majesty in private..."

   "Imperial examinations will be held in the future, but those who don't want to enter the Imperial Academy will not be recruited. The Imperial Academy was established by the imperial court. There are famous teachers to teach and the government to provide what is needed. Is it a place for tigers and wolves?"

"As for the administration of officials, there is no need to mention more. The imperial court lacks officials and officials, but there are still millions of elite pacifiers. The world will not be in chaos. For at most ten or twenty years, there will be no shortage of grassroots officials. If the administration of officials is unclear, millions of The army also lacks the power to recover."

Hu Weiyong's eyes dimmed, and he wanted to provoke the emperor and the prince from the gap, but he did not expect the prince to be so firm. You must know that whether it is to reopen the imperial examination or stop the purge of officials, this is a good thing that can win over scholars and officials from all over the world. , the prince's reputation will be in full swing.

  The car stopped at the Meridian Gate, Zhu Biao and Hu Weiyong walked down to enter the palace. As for the car behind the princess, there is no need for the car. You can go around the Zuoshun Gate to the Harem, and you can walk at the last section.

Of course, as a prince and concubine, you can take advantage of it in the palace, but one is that both of them are young and healthy, and they don't like to act like this; Look very happy.

  Crossing the Neiwulong Bridge and passing through the vast courtyard in front of Fengtian Hall, there are thousands of mighty and majestic Han generals scattered around, setting off the majestic palace and declaring the arrogance of being the emperor.

  Walking to the Jinshen Hall, the **** who had been waiting for a long time led the palace people to rush forward to greet him, and saluted with a smile on his face: "Your Majesty, Your Highness, I will welcome you!"

   "Well, excuse me." Arriving at the familiar palace, Zhu Biao couldn't help smiling, feeling like he had finally returned home. He probably spent more time in the Jinshen Palace than in the East Palace.

   "Your Highness, the emperor is waiting for you inside, go in quickly."

  Hu Weiyong followed the prince into the palace, and wherever he looked, all the palace people were beaming, from which we can see how harmonious the palace is.

  There is a smile on the face but it is inevitably dull in the heart, but after all, he is a person who can become a prime minister, and he quickly adjusts his mentality.

  Hearing the movement outside, Emperor Zhu, who was walking back and forth in the hall with his hands behind his back, raised his eyebrows, hurried back to his chair and sat down, took a pen and buried himself in the review of the memorial.

   Zhu Biao, dressed in a red uniform and wearing a winged crown, stepped in, and the familiar figure and gesture greeted his eyes: "My son pays homage to the father, and wishes my emperor a long life."

  Zhu Yuanzhang put down the pen in his hand calmly and said: "It's good to be back, there is nothing wrong with this journey."

  Zhu Biao said with a smile: "Thanks to the blessing of my father and emperor, my son and minister have a smooth journey."

  Hu Weiyong then took a step closer to greet him: "I have ordered the prince to return to Beijing, and I am here to return."

   "Well, thank you Hu Qing."

  After several responses, Hu Weiyong consciously resigned and left, not only because he didn't want to be an eyesore, but also because of the heavy workload of the Ministry of Education.

  The rest of the servants in the hall also retreated consciously, and only Liu Jin who had just rushed back served. He came after sending the princess to Kunning Palace.

  Both the father and son did not speak in the main hall, and took their seats in the side hall one after the other. After Zhu Yuanzhang took his seat, he pointed to the cake on the seat and motioned Liu Jin to bring it to the prince.

   Zhu Biao actually didn’t have much appetite for refreshments, and these were the things he ate the most along the way, but it was his father’s wish, so he ate a few pieces.

  Old Zhu was overjoyed, but he couldn't help feeling distressed: "It's better not to go out, because you are busy."

   After serving tea, Zhu Biao put down some choking snacks: "Going to the sea is no small matter, I have to be cautious, and the Jiangnan family has to beat one or two in person, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with the trend of becoming too big in the future."

  Zhu Yuanzhang has also felt in recent days that with the development of ocean-going trade, there are more and more caravans traveling between coastal states and capitals, which will lead to business prosperity and development. This is still not profitable.

   "By the way, you cut off all the commanders we promoted, and the letter didn't say where they were going to be used. They are people of great use to us."

Zhu Biao said with a smile: "If it's a civil servant, it's fine. The emperor's command is still short of military generals. My ministers want them to go to Nanyang Boni and other countries to gather the remnants of the Song and Yuan Dynasties to build a country and gather power, and guard the navigation for my Ming Dynasty. "

  Hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang felt a little headache: "What can you do if you have acquired so many places, not to mention Nanyang, even Yunnan is too far away, and it is difficult to control."

  Zhu Biao reassured: "Those places are not in a hurry, but it's just a matter of knocking on the chess pieces and putting down the lanterns by the way, and there is no need for the court to spend too much resources."

In order to alleviate his father's troubles, Zhu Biao hurriedly said: "The merchant fleet is ready, and the big expenses here can be saved for other uses. In addition, the merchant gang has also raised hundreds of thousands of taels of silver to dedicate to my son-in-law." , These can be used in several state capitals such as Shuntian Prefecture, Kaifeng Prefecture, Xi'an Prefecture, etc. Jianguozijian branch."

   There is no business without treachery, and it is not so easy to ask them to donate their own money, but after all, there is a disparity in status and status, and Zhu Biao also gave them some promises.

  In fact, it is some policies that the imperial court is preparing to implement, such as private organizations mining iron, smelting furnaces, brewing wine, etc., and allowing them to weave and dye clothes, accessories, colors and patterns that are forbidden by ordinary people.

  There are many seemingly insignificant things, but the business opportunities contained in them are by no means small. If you can seize the market opportunities one step ahead, that is a priceless deal.

  Of course, the most important thing that makes them most willing is probably because of Zhu Biao's identity, as a lowly businessman, whoever doesn't bully and rob, can have the opportunity to rely on the prince, and it is not too much to risk his life.

Zhu Yuanzhang had the intention to set up a school in the world, and he said happily after hearing the words: "We have this idea for a long time, the Imperial College in Beijing, and the expansion is the same thing, um, Shuntian Prefecture, Kaifeng Prefecture, Xi'an Prefecture, all want to land."

Zhu Biao envisioned that these branches of the Guozijian would be the universities of the future. The so-called way of a university lies in being virtuous, being close to the people, and stopping at the ultimate good. If you can think about it, you can get it after thinking about it. Things have their origins and ends, and things have their beginnings and ends. Knowing the sequence of events is the shortest way.

  They will develop different academic routes depending on where they are located. For example, the university in Shuntianfu is on the side of tigers and wolves, so how can they not think of ways to control them.

  From this point on, people make the best use of them, and there are specialists in the arts.


  (end of this chapter)