MTL - First Prince of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 663 back to the palace

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  Chapter 663 Returning to the Palace

  If the imperial examinations continue, then the Guozijian will not change much after all. After all, the original Guozijian is just a place for the imperial examination students to study temporarily, and whether they pass the imperial examinations or not will not affect their participation in the examination and official career.

After nearly two years of waiting and watching, Lao Zhu has already seen very clearly that it is difficult to rule the world with these people who only read dead books, and the troubled times are not far away. minister.

   "Which class are you studying in now?"

  The younger-looking student headed by him undoubtedly has more prestige among these people. When facing Zhu Biao's questions and answers, this person is always the first to speak, and the rest of them have no moves to rush to answer.

   "The three students, including the student, are students of the Sincere Hall, and brother Zhang on the student's left is a student of the Willful Hall."

  Guozijian is divided into three levels and six classrooms for teaching. The elementary class has three classrooms named Zhengyi, Chongzhi, and Guangye;

  Students in low-level halls must be promoted to high-level halls. The Imperial College stipulates that there are 12 exams per year, three exams in each quarter, that is, one exam per month. Students who do well in the exam get one point, middle-level students get half a point, and students who fail get no points.

  Only students who have scored eight points and behaved in a safe manner without breaking the law can enter the next grade, and they must be upgraded through the point system, that is, the way of accumulating credits through the exam determines whether the student can be promoted.

  Zhu Biao glanced at his left hand side and asked: "Students in the willful class are about to experience things, what aspirations do you have?"

At first glance, the **** student was not a person who is good at words. When he was suddenly asked, he subconsciously glanced at the person next to him, and then said carefully: "I dare not spare my life to serve the country. I heard the scholars say that the imperial court is now There is a lack of local officials, and the students are willing to share the worries of the king with their meager strength."

  Zhu Biao clapped his hands and laughed: "Okay, what I appreciate most in this palace is a pragmatic minister. Although the place is not as prosperous as the capital, it is indeed a place for sharpening. How can you enter the temple without going through the place?"

   "How many credits do you have?"

   "The student reported to His Highness that the student has been in the whimsical hall for half a year, and he has six points."

   "The two points that are still missing will be waived. The king of Chu is in dire straits and there is a shortage of manpower, and it will not be easy to restore people's livelihood and persuade Nong Sang in the future. Do you dare to become the parent of a county?"

  The man flushed with blood and prostrated himself on the ground: "I want to do what I want, I dare not ask for it!"

  The rest of the people obviously didn't expect that the most inconspicuous person got the opportunity first, and hurriedly bowed down: "Students are also willing to share the country's worries and solve the king's difficulties!"

  They will be able to enter the willful hall in a few months sooner, and they will graduate with almost enough points next year, and they will be recommended by the priest and wine priest industry to work in the imperial court.

   Now that the imperial examination is suspended, their chances will naturally be more. A county magistrate is not a good way out, but can the county magistrate recommended by the Imperial College compare with the one appointed by His Royal Highness the Prince himself?

  Don’t talk about the possibility of being caught by the county officials. His Highness Chu Wang will take care of him, and the state officials will not treat him harshly. Are you afraid that he will not have the opportunity to return to Beijing?

   Naturally, they couldn't hide their thoughts from Zhu Biao, so they told the man directly: "Go back and pack up immediately, and leave tomorrow."

  The student surnamed Zhang bowed deeply and then walked away quickly. His back was filled with a strong sense of joy and activity. It was obvious from a glance that he was going all out to show his ability, so that he could live up to such an opportunity.

   "Your studies have not yet been completed, and you are not in a hurry. If you still have the determination to take up a local post next year, I will agree."

   "Students and others respect His Highness's instruction."

  The prince has already said so, there is no room for them to bargain, not to mention there is a chance, even if it is not as good as Brother Zhang, it is much better than other students.

After asking them to get up, Zhu Biao began to ask questions on local governance again, which is also the main teaching content of the Guozijian today. Comrade Zhu obviously believed that with their father and son, there would be no problems in the center of the court. It is grass-roots officials.

  Guozijian started to manage teaching with Lao Zhu’s ideas. It was very pragmatic and realistic, and it became more extreme after the imperial examination was stopped. Nowadays, the requirement for cultivating students is more to make them a qualified local county magistrate.

  Under the dictatorship of Sacred Heart, the Four Books and Five Classics originally taught by Guozijian, as well as "Shuo Yuan", Law Orders, Nine Chapters Algorithms, "Daming Law", Huihui Characters, Wushe, etc., were all turned into supplementary studies.

  Guozijian students are now mainly assessed on tax collection, disaster relief and poverty relief, persuading farming and mulberry, building water conservancy, respecting the elderly, eliminating thieves, living in peace for the people, ending the prison fair, and the people without injustice.

  For this reason, the imperial court also recalled some experienced county officials from the local officials who were already in short supply to teach in the Guozijian, which shows how much Lao Zhu has expectations for the Guozijian.

  Zhu Biao naturally supports this. The grassroots is not stable and the world is not safe. The county magistrate is no more than a small official, but in the eyes of the people, he is the Qingtian parents. What they can't do is the foundation of Ming Dynasty.

  Nowadays, the world is initially set to have a large population and few people. The most important thing is not to rush to develop others, but to stabilize and consolidate the foundation, first to restore its vitality, and then to seek to break through the bottleneck.

Daming is now like a person who has just recovered from a serious illness. The outside is strong and the inside is empty and the soldiers are prosperous and the people are weak. The officials and gentry should be respected, and the common people should be cared for. The so-called no agriculture is unstable, no work can not be rich, no business can not live, Must go hand in hand.

   Gradually, another group of people came up to express their opinions, which was lively. Zhu Biao also unknowingly expressed his attitude of attaching importance to pragmatic officials.

   After a day of lively and noisy play, it was finally time to return to Beijing. The sons and brothers did not care, but for the lady of the boudoir, such opportunities are not many anymore, and it is inevitable to be a little sad.

  Zhu Lu also pouted her mouth all the time, looking at the distance eagerly, obviously she still didn't have enough fun, since she could remember, this was the first time she was able to go out of the palace to play.

  The rest of the little princesses are also average, the younger ones are already sobbing secretly, but after all, they grow up in the palace and have nurses and female officials to teach the rules, and no one dares to play tricks and refuse to leave.

  The carriages of all the prefectures were ready, Zhu Biao led Zhu Lu to the first one, and drove straight towards the palace, followed by the carriages of the other princes and princesses.

   "Brother, when will I come out again, I haven't played enough yet."

  Zhu Lu leaned on her elder brother's shoulder and yawned. She was obviously very tired. After all, she had been running around excitedly all day, and even a child with a lot of energy couldn't stand it anymore.

   Zhu Lu fell asleep without waiting for Zhu Biao's answer. The road down the mountain was not smooth, and the bumps didn't affect her falling asleep quickly. Liu Jin carefully hugged the little princess, and turned around and handed it to the accompanying female officer who took care of the princess.

   "My lord, there's a message from the palace that several generals from the Governor's Mansion and the Beijing Camp are kneeling in front of the Jinshen Hall."


  Liu Jin didn't say much after delivering the message, but stepped forward and moved the pillow to the side of His Royal Highness, so as not to shake the frame and knock it.

  Zhu Biao closed his eyes and rested his mind, thinking about how to deal with them for a while, the same sentence, this matter should not be a big deal, but what should be dealt with must be dealt with. The Metropolitan Government and the Beijing Camp will never allow any more trouble to happen.

Otherwise, even if the plan is going to be messed up, Zhu Biao will build up the prison and clean up the Beijing camp. The country's major affairs are in the sacrificial and military affairs. If Hu Weiyong didn't know how to measure, he would only move a small capital. This would never be the case ending.

  Twilight is approaching, and the common people are rushing home in groups. The laughter and laughter can be heard from far away. The gate for them to return to the city is different from that of the nobles, so there is no need to avoid it.

  Most of the escorting cavalry guards stopped at the gate of the city consciously, and another team took over the responsibility of escorting the prince.

  At the time of the handover at the gate of the city, a strong man clutching his **** came to the side of the driver and kowtowed: "Sin will open his mouth to ask His Highness Qianqiu."

  Zhu Biao in the frame slightly opened his eyes and snorted coldly: "You are thick-skinned, but do you want me to reward you with another fifty military sticks?"

   "Hey, the guilty general took the errand for Zhao Dong, so naturally he didn't dare to add another crime to the crime of dereliction of duty. I hope His Highness will forgive you. If you beat him at the end of fifty, you will really fall down."


  (end of this chapter)