MTL - First Prince of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 637 misfortune

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  Chapter 637 Misfortune is unpredictable

   Speaking of this, it would be inappropriate for Zhu Biao to refuse, and although it was a bit unexpected, it was still reasonable, and it was not an excessive request.

Zhu Biao shook his sleeves slightly, Liu Jin hurried forward to grind the paper, everyone in the Wu clan was overjoyed, several elders were crying, they didn't achieve anything in this life, and when they died, they just left a name on the genealogy It's just a son, who can remember after a few generations?

But with today's actions, the crown prince and the prince have found a foundation for the family to rely on in order to beg for the family's death in front of the future emperor of Ming Dynasty. sacrifice.

Zhu Biao stood up and picked up the pen to smoke ink. After thinking for a moment, he wrote and read while writing: "Ming En You Chong, Feng Hua Rong Xiang, respecting ancestors and ancestors, Jinping Li Zhang, benefiting the country and people, and aiming to be on the top list , honest and honest, the world is far and the family is prosperous."

  Zhu Biao's characters are upright and respectful, horizontal and vertical, uniform in size, and neat, which is inconsistent with today's Confucian calligraphy masters, mainly for the convenience and efficiency of reviewing memorials.

  Zhu Biao received the pen and asked Liu Jin to send this to Wu Congzhen: "The sixth uncle brought this back, and built a stele and erected a stone in the Wu clan. The whole family swears to revitalize the family tradition. I hope that you will be loyal to the emperor, patriotic, harmonious, and kind."

   "Caomin and others thank His Royal Highness for his teachings. After the Hui people, they set strict family rules and dare not insult the words of the world order given by His Highness."

  Zhu Biao sat back in his seat and said: "It's not too early, and the sixth uncle should go back to rest. After a few days, the emperor will stop, and I will send someone to **** the uncle to meet the mother."

Wu Congzhen and the others retreated with gratitude, and as their figures got farther and farther away, the last smile on Zhu Biao's face was completely suppressed. He is a fair person, and the love owed by his mother is no matter what. Will find a way to fill in.

   But how to fill it up depends on his will, not like this. If they didn't make a request just now, Zhu Biao planned to select a group of young men from the Wu family to enter the Beijing camp, and then select some young children to enter the Imperial College.

Wu Congzhen and others seem to have chosen a long-term path, which can be relied on from generation to generation, but they forget that the clan and royal relatives are scarce now, but they will expand rapidly with time. In other words, the word Shixu is decent.

Now that the world is uncertain, there are still wars to be fought in northern Xinjiang, Liaodong, and the south. The young and strong Wu family entered the Beijing camp to practice and then released them outside. It doesn't matter if there is any extra care from Zhu and Zhu Biao, just because Empress Ma is in the army. For his kindness, there will always be martial arts to support him. Are you afraid that there will be no military exploits to win?

  Even though it is impossible to seal the Marquis easily, as long as he is willing to live in peace, and when the imperial court finishes taking care of the nobles in Huaixi, there is no chance to fill the vacancy, that is the real way to rest with the country.

  Of course, in terms of Wu Cong’s real knowledge and experience, it’s not easy to choose this long-term path. It’s too much to ask him to see through the obstacles in the current game of founding the country, but it’s a pity.

It can be seen that sometimes being too shrewd is not a good thing. It is true that stupid people have good fortune. It is true that they have insight. It is easier to do as many mistakes as possible. If you don’t do it, you may have unexpected joy. Of course, there are no absolutes, so life is difficult and unsatisfactory Things happen all the time.

  Zhu Biao got up and walked to the side hall, just about to go to see if his sons were awake again, when he saw a palace lady came over to salute with a little panic, she was hesitating to speak but she was not entangled.

  Seeing this, Zhu Biao thought for a while and then he understood, and he stopped talking, but stopped and leaned his shoulders on the wall casually, continuing his wandering.

  The maids in the East Palace were all well-bred, and there was only one reason for stopping him rashly, that is, the nanny inside might have undressed and was breastfeeding two children.

The nurses are big-hearted, so if Zhu Biao really wanted to see it, he would go in and see it. After all, no one dared to stop him. The nurses were at most shy and dared not stop the emperor and grandson from eating. After all, there was no one in the East Palace who was not the crown prince People's things.

It's just that he is not so bad, if he really wants a woman with a big heart, he can give a command at will, someone has worked hard to find a beautiful woman, he can do whatever he wants, there is no prince who can't get it, It's nothing more than wanting and not wanting.

   "Liu Jin, counting the days, it has been three or four years since the compilation of "Ancestral Precepts"?"

   Liu Jin Shanji responded immediately: "Reporting to Your Highness, the Holy Majesty ordered the Ministry of Rites of the Imperial Academy and other official offices to start compiling at the beginning of the second year of Hongwu, and it has been more than three years now."

   "Bring it from the Minister of Rites, I want to take a look at it."


Wu Congzhen, who was also at a loss, reminded that Zhu Biao had planned to intervene in the compilation of the Zu Xunlu long ago, but he had been busy for the past two years, and the old Zhu was so strict that he never let him read it. I never thought of it.

  The so-called Zu Xun Lu is the "Emperor Ming Zu Xun" that will be handed down to future generations in the future. It stipulates the internal management methods of the royal family in all aspects, which can be described as extremely detailed.

  There are no prominent figures in the ancestors of the old Zhu family, so naturally there are no ancestral precepts and family rules to speak of. These ancestral precepts are the rules for dealing with internal issues in the royal family in the future, and Zhu Biao has to pay attention to them.

In a patriarchal society, even if the emperor handles the internal affairs of the clan, he can't be arbitrarily appointed, otherwise he will be blamed by the world. The royal family is a model for the clan in the world, and must set an example. Carry out the governing program of the imperial society for two thousand years.

  This is also the case in this dynasty. Lao Zhu regards filial piety as the foundation of morality, the universal meaning of ancient and modern times, and the priority of emperors.

  If the ruler can respect the sky, if the minister can be loyal to the ruler, and if the son can be filial to his relatives, then humanity will be established.

  Just like now, the imperial examinations are suspended. Except for the official career of Guozijian, talented people are promoted. Their goals include virtuous and upright, filial piety, filial piety, filial piety, and senior citizens.

Although Lao Zhu is a bit stingy with the salaries of officials, he often teaches the people filial piety in the form of old-age care. He bestows cloth on the elderly, confers official positions on village elders, and allows them to discuss and govern the government, criticize officials, manage civil lawsuits, and educate the people. , to play their role.

   It even expressly stipulates that the elderly over 80 years old are supported by the government, and their descendants can choose one of them to be exempted from imperial labor service and concentrate on supporting them.

   "Your Highness."

  The maid on the side called out cautiously, and Zhu Biao came back to his senses and walked in. The two well-fed children on the huanghuali wood canopy bed were eagerly wanting to turn over and play, but they still had more energy than they wanted.

  Zhu Biao picked one up casually, and a strong milky aroma came to his nostrils, which reminded him not only of the days when he had no teeth when he was a child, it was really vivid in his mind.

  Looking at the two respectful nannies, he said, "Thank you for your hard work. The Shu brocade just sent from Shu is pretty good. Let's each go and get two."

The Shu brocade enshrined in the palace is hard to come by, and the ordinary concubines in the harem may not be able to get two horses, so it is known that it is precious, and the two wet nurses bowed down to thank them in a polite way, but their appearances are very correct, and their tone is very calm. There is joy but not too much, which makes Zhu Biao very satisfied.

   "Slave and servant thank Your Highness."

   These two nannies have been serving in the palace for a long time, and now they have a certain degree of response, which shows that the palace does support people.

  Even if the nanny sees either the holy queen or the prince or concubine every day, and feeds the serious grandchildren in her arms, the rest of the people are like that, and they will not be so frightened when facing rewards.

   This is a good thing, the nanny is the closest person to the child, according to Zhu Biao and Chang Luohua's thinking, they are going to take care of Yang'er Liang'er in the palace until the age of six or seven.

  In this way, their words and deeds will affect the children. Zhu Biao naturally hopes that they can be more outstanding, so that they can educate the children, instead of just knowing the promises of slaves.

  Zhu Biao put his face close to his son and said, "It's been nearly eight years since my nanny died of illness. Liu Jin, is her son's family doing well?"

Zhu Biao has Su Hui, so naturally he is not very close to the nanny who hugged him and nursed him every day when he disagreed with each other. Mrs. Shuai's Empress Ma rewarded the farmland and the house, and Zhu Biao also stole a few gold nuggets from the warehouse and stuffed them into her arms.

Originally, she had a smooth life after returning home. Although her husband and son were a little strange, they had to respect her, and with the Marshal's Mansion as their backer, they should have been rich and honored for the rest of their lives. After a few years of good life, he died of illness.


  (end of this chapter)