MTL - First Law-Chapter 505 Ancient Gods Road

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Karen was overjoyed, he had seen someone who was not arrogant, but he had never seen anything like this.

He stared carefully at the standing iron rod again, and saw a faint silver light in the gray iron rod, like stars blinking. Naturally, Karen is not a material person, this is not ordinary steel, but from outside the domain The star iron, overall dull and dull, is the ultimate star quality.

Judging from the cracks on the floor, the weight of the Star Iron is at least comparable to a magical speeding car. What's more, Karen couldn't see a single rune, but felt an incomparable oppression on the iron rod. It already shows that this thing surpasses the smelting technology currently mastered.

This person is holding an iron rod, breathing steadily, without any effort, between the golden hair, there are like small black holes, these black holes are constantly sucking the air around the person.

If Karen is not the master of the Aegean Continent, he really can't feel the devouring power of the other party.

It is indeed crazy, but there is really crazy capital, and Karen likes this kind of capital.

"Why do I ask you?"

"Because I can help you, I can let you collect the seventy-two continents as soon as possible!" the golden-haired monkey said confidently.

The other party was so straightforward, but Karen didn't realize it. This person's straightforwardness really angered him. I wanted to socialize, but now it seems more appropriate to get straight to the point.

"How can you help me?"

"It's very simple, enter the Atlantic Ocean, there is a special continent there, and you can get everything you want with your ability."

Karen couldn't help being taken aback, he really didn't expect it.

"You're from the Atlantic?" Karen asked.

The golden-haired monkey shook his head, "No, I'm from the Black Sea, a more sacred place."

"Why do you help me?" Karen asked curiously.

"This is simpler. I want the life you designed, the best wine I can drink on it, the best woman, and the ability to live forever." The monkey was full of joy, as if he had found it. A priceless treasure.

"Immortal?" These Karen were a little confused.

"Of course, integrate into your continent, in this silent country, as long as you don't fall, I won't die, and I won't let you fall, I know all your plans, you want to make the Floating Cloud Continent a pure This continent of life, so that I can enjoy life while gaining immortality. This is really wonderful, Karen, your ability is much stronger than those of those fallen angels in the Black Sea, so I want to invest in you. "


This is the weirdest word Karen has heard, but she likes it a little bit, "I am very interested in what you said, but I don't know what I can do for a strong person like you. I can feel that you are very strong !"

"Me?" The golden-haired monkey pointed at himself, "Is it strong?"

This kind of appearance really deserves it, Karen still nodded seriously, "It's very strong, stronger than all the creatures here, I can feel it."

"Since you think so, it means that my investment is more valuable." The golden-haired monkey said complacently: "Karen, act now, this world does not wait for idlers, it is better to get you as soon as possible instead of waiting here." want."

"But you haven't told me, what exactly do you want?" Karen still asked stubbornly.

"Is it important?"

"Very important!" Karen said very cautiously.

"Okay, I want you to take me out of this **** world." Monkey smiled simply.


Before Karen could ask, the monkey became impatient, "Don't ask too many questions, you've already reached this level, and you'll know everything soon. The fallen angels have already looked for you, which means you're already qualified."

Karen still wants to ask what qualifications are, but seeing the impatient look of the other party, it is obvious that he will not explain, "The last question."

"Karen, why are you such a mother-in-law? Fortunately, I still think that you will transcend everything. Are you going to go or not?" The monkey became quite impatient, circling around the standing iron rod.

"Since you are leaving, but you haven't told your name yet, you are my investor."

The monkey was stunned for a moment, covered his mouth and laughed, "My name is Sun Wufan, you have to remember, this name is not ordinary."

Karen nodded, already remembering it in his heart, as long as it was a name he liked, he would basically not forget it, "I still don't know how to get to the Atlantic Ocean."

"You don't know?" Sun Wuhan asked strangely.

"How would I know." Karen's reaction was even more strange, as if he had to know.

"But how do you have the power you have now?"

"Strength and knowledge shouldn't be the same thing." Karen specially emphasized, "If you keep asking this question, you're completely wasting your time, and I don't care."

Sun Wuhan immediately came back to his senses, swallowed the question that was immediately blurted out, and quickly explained, "To enter the Atlantic Ocean, you must pass through the Black Sea. There are two routes. One is to enter the Black Sea by sea, and then enter the Atlantic Ocean through the unique sea route of the Black Sea. , In this way, it will take at least three years, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. As for the second method, it is much simpler, and it can be reached in a few minutes by walking on the Ancient God Road."

"What is the Ancient God Path?"

"It was built by the gods in the age of the ancient gods. In order to connect with things in the world, it is a road that only the gods can pass. Just like the high-speed train in your Shining Gold Town, you can get down wherever you want." Monkey King Fan explained, "The entrance to this ancient divine road is in the Far East Continent. I'll show you the direction, and we'll set off immediately."


"What's wrong with you?"

"I seem to know." Karen thought about it. He seemed to have been to this ancient road of gods. If he guessed correctly, the first time Qatar took him to the Far East Continent and asked him to quickly visit the Far East Continent, it seemed to be Ancient Spiritual Path used.

"You know? Impossible, the ancient path of the gods is in the dimensional space, and it doesn't exist in this world at all."

Karen smiled confidently. He is now sure that the first time he went should be the Ancient Spiritual Path. "Okay, you can guide me in the direction. It doesn't matter if I know, right?"

"Yes, but now you have to accept me. This is very important to me. I need your permission." The originally naughty Monkey King became extremely cautious.

"Of course, I accept you."

As soon as the words fell, the golden fur on the monkey's body quickly retreated, and black holes appeared on the surface of the body. These black holes kept absorbing the energy of the undead like vents. Drilling into the opponent's body, with the loss of undead energy, the monkey absorbs it faster and faster, and finally even the entire town of Shining Gold turned into air and got in.

The river that runs through the town of Shining Gold rises from the ground and plunges into the black hole.

Such a loud noise directly alarmed the guards, and within a blink of an eye, the bone warriors led by Merlin and Campas had already surrounded the monkey.

"It's okay, let's go." Karen waved his hand and dispersed the crowd.

At this moment, the monkeys can no longer see the golden fur, and those black holes will close after swallowing enough power of the undead. With the last hour of the black holes, the town of Glittering Gold has completely disappeared, and a large area of ​​land around the town of Glittering Gold is completely vacuum. .

From a distance, it seems that at the center of the Aegean continent, a piece of fat has been dug away, leaving a scar.

Karen finally understood why the other party wanted to invite, UU read www.uukanshu. It seems that among the world's top creatures, they can only act after getting some kind of invitation, such as Colbert, who needs Karen's invitation when he comes to the town of gold.

"Are you full?"

The monkey opened its mouth in embarrassment, revealing two rows of white teeth. Its tongue and mouth were completely gone. It subconsciously touched its arm. Except for the thin fur, it was bones. After standing there for a moment, it suddenly opened its mouth and called out. Said: "Great, I finally became an undead."

Then they bounced around Karen in a circle.

Karen couldn't understand what the other party's fun was. Could it be that becoming an undead was something worth celebrating.

Half an hour later, the other party finally calmed down from the extreme joy, "Karen, you are amazing, you are the greatest creator I have ever seen."

Karen was completely used to this kind of flattery. There were endless weird words in this person's mouth, but he didn't give an explanation. According to that sentence, he would know it when the time came.

"You wasted another half an hour!" Karen reminded kindly.