MTL - First Day In Game, I Got Ten Billion From Infinite Number Of Check-ins-Chapter 522 call

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  Chapter 522 Calling

  Zhang Bin was taken aback.

  He never thought that such a good thing would happen to him directly.

   Therefore, at this time, it can be seen that Zhang Bin is still a little excited.

   After all, not only can he rent the Fugui restaurant without spending a penny, but he can also meet the conditions offered by his girlfriend. This is indeed an exciting thing!

"Now, you just need to ask your girlfriend to kiss you sweetly for three minutes in front of everyone in my Fugui restaurant, then I will provide you with my Fugui restaurant for free for a day! Of course, the premise is The condition is not to let your girlfriend know that this is a condition I set out for you! Otherwise, everything will be void!"

  At this time, Chen Yun didn't want to talk nonsense to Zhang Bin at all, so he directly said the plan he had thought in his heart for a long time.


"It's that simple?!"

  Hearing the conditions offered by Chen Yun, Zhang Bin was shocked immediately.

   This is not to say that the conditions Chen Yun made were too difficult, but that the conditions Chen Yun made were too simple!


   This is simply unexpected!

  Sweet kiss for three minutes!

  Isn’t this condition undoubtedly giving him this opportunity for free?

   "Chen Yun..."

   At the moment.

  Qin Yumo also couldn't believe it.

  So, the next moment, she called out to Chen Yun.

  The purpose is to remind Chen Yun.

  However, before she finished speaking, she was directly interrupted by Chen Yun.

"How about it?!"

   Chen Yun, who interrupted Qin Yumo's words, looked directly at Zhang Bin.


  At this moment, Zhang Bin still couldn't believe it.

   After all, this condition is indeed too simple.


  Chen Yun nodded.

"Ok, no problem."

   "You wait for me, I will come as soon as I go!"

   Seeing Chen Yun nodding his head, Zhang Bin knew it was not a joke, so the next moment, he directly agreed without hesitation.

   Moreover, he directly said to Chen Yun, 'You wait for me, I will come as soon as I go! '.

It is clear.

   At this time, he was already very happy.

  So, after Zhang Bin said this sentence, the next moment, he walked directly towards the place where his girlfriend was!

   "Boss, I can't figure it out! You are undoubtedly giving it away for free..."

  At this time, Qin Yumo was not the only one who couldn't figure it out, even Huang Minghao didn't figure it out.

  Because the condition Chen Yun set out is really equivalent to a free gift opportunity! !

  A pair of male and female friends kiss sweetly for three minutes in front of everyone. Although this kind of thing is not elegant, as long as the other party is sincerely in love with each other, then such a request will basically be satisfied.

  Therefore, at this time, the moment Huang Minghao left Zhang Bin, he immediately opened his mouth to Chen Yun.

   "Do you really think he can do it?"

   "Then let's wait and see!"

   But unfortunately, before he finished speaking, Chen Yun interrupted him directly.

   Moreover, at this time, Chen Yun's face directly showed a thoughtful expression.

   Seeing this. .

  At this moment, Huang Minghao originally wanted to say something, but after all, he still couldn't continue to speak.

   Not only that, but Qin Yumo is the same at this moment. At this moment, Zhang Bin came directly to Xiao Wen's side.


  Come to Xiao Wen's side, Zhang Bin immediately called out to Xiao Wen softly.

   "How's it going? Have you booked the Fugui restaurant?"

   At this time, Xiao Wen heard Zhang Bin calling to her, she immediately turned around to look at Zhang Bin, her head was raised high, with an extremely arrogant expression on her face.

  She looks like an ancient queen at this moment, bossing around Zhang Bin.

"not yet!"

   "But... soon!"

  Hearing what Xiao Wen said, Zhang Bin replied honestly.


   "Zhang Bin, what do you mean?!"

   "I asked you to book a Fugui restaurant, and you just procrastinated for me like this. I said Zhang Bin, are you a man after all! Can you act faster!"

at this time.

  After Xiao Wen heard Zhang Bin's answer, she immediately exploded.

   Pointing at Zhang Bin was a curse.

   Like that.

   It seems that she has lost face.

   "Wenwen, don't be angry!"

   "Don't worry, I will be able to book the Fugui Restaurant soon."

   "At that time, I will definitely give you face."

  At this time, facing Xiao Wen's anger, Zhang Bin was not angry either.

  Of course, he didn't dare!

  So, at this time, Zhang Bin had no choice but to appease Xiao Wen.


   "Then I'll just wait a few more minutes! But, Zhang Bin, let me tell you, if you dare to lie to me, then we've come to an end!"

   I have to say that Zhang Bin's appeasement is quite effective. At this moment, Xiao Wen really didn't lose her temper with him anymore.

   "Well, Wenwen! Look, we've been together for three years, haven't we?"

   "So, today, I want to take this opportunity to make a small request to you!"

  Seeing this, the next moment, Zhang Bin immediately began to implement the plan in his heart.

  Therefore, he spoke directly to Xiao Wen.


   "Say it!"

  Hearing this, Xiao Wen at this moment didn't understand what Zhang Bin wanted to express. Of course, she didn't care, so at this moment, Xiao Wen followed Zhang Bin's words and answered directly.

   Witnessed this.

   Zhang Bin was overjoyed immediately.

   It seems.

  This is hopeful!

   "Well, Wenwen, I think..."

   "I want to kiss you sweetly here for three minutes!"

  Therefore, after only a moment, Zhang Bin immediately stated the condition that Chen Yun raised directly.

   After saying it, Zhang Bin looked at Xiao Wen expectantly.

to be honest.

   Zhang Bin is also very yearning for a three-minute direct sweet kiss with Xiao Wen.

after all.

   During the three years of dating with Xiao Wen, Zhang Bin never held Xiao Wen's hand, not to mention kissing Xiao Wen a few times.

  So at this moment, Zhang Bin is not only full of expectations, but also very excited.

  Because, being able to kiss sweetly with the woman you love for three minutes in public is a very happy thing!

   "Zhang Bin, are you... sick?!"

   "Are you out of your mind, or am I out of my mind?!"

   "I still want my old lady to kiss you sweetly here for three minutes?!"

   "Zhang Bin, what the **** are you reading too many novels or too many TV shows!"

   "Are you out of your mind!"

  (end of this chapter)