MTL - First Day In Game, I Got Ten Billion From Infinite Number Of Check-ins-Chapter 437 Confuse

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  Chapter 437 Doubt

   Even the look of shock and worry immediately covered her entire face!

   So much so that she froze in place!

   On the other hand, what about the group of Western journalists who followed Smith Buqiong?

  At this time, most of them directly showed disdain and excitement on their faces.

   Their disdain was because Chen Yun, with such a small body, dared to yell and insult their m boxing champion directly!

   This is simply asking for humiliation!

   And their excitement is:

   Those who insult their Western boxing champions deserve to be beaten!

  So at this moment, they all stared at this scene with wide eyes!

  They should take good care of themselves and see clearly how their Western boxing champion Smith Buqiong directly maimed this **** Huaxia boy.

   Of course, they didn’t forget to take pictures!

   Even a video!

   "Hey! Such a handsome little Huaxia guy, this is really a pity!"

   Maybe it's because Chen Yun looks really good!

  So at this moment, the western female reporter who originally wanted to persuade Chen Yun and make Chen Yun a hero by knowing current affairs also came here with a sigh.

this moment!

  Everyone present seemed to have known the ending in advance!


  At this moment, there is no one who is optimistic about Chen Yun.

  This is the same even for Chen Yun's assistant Irene.

  So, at this moment, Irene not only froze in place on the spot, but also her eyes immediately closed.

  Because, she really didn't want to see her boss Chen Yun's handsome face being directly bleed by Smith Buqiong, who couldn't look directly at it!

  If so.

  That is really too miserable!

  So, she had to close her eyes and pray for her boss Chen Yun in her heart:

  I hope this is a miracle!



   But what about the facts? !

   Not so.

   Because of this time.

  That is, when Irene just closed her eyes, there was still a scream in her ears.

Not only that.

   This was accompanied by the sound of screaming, and the sound of falling heavily on the ground was also heard.


   Hear the direct ringing of these two voices.

  In an instant, Irene's whole face showed a trace of regret and distress.

  She knew that her boss, Chen Yun, could not escape this disaster after all!

   "oh my god!"

   "oh my god!"

   "oh my god!"



   It was very unexpected!

   At this moment, exclamations of surprise rang directly in her ears!

   Moreover, this is all directly from the mouths of that group of Western reporters!


  So, Irene immediately became confused.

what happened?

   What the **** is going on here? !

  Shouldn’t the performance of this group of Western reporters be excited and excited?

  Why do they exclaim directly now? !

   Something is wrong!

   This is very wrong!


  So, the next moment, just for a moment, Irene opened her eyes and came.

   And the moment she opened her eyes and came!

   She exclaimed!


   She just exclaimed!

  Because, an incredible picture appeared in her eyes:

  The picture of Smith Buqiong being knocked down to the ground.

   Moreover, Smith Buqiong fell directly one meter away from Chen Yun!


  At this moment, Irene had many question marks in her mind.

  She was like a child, froze in place with countless question marks.

  The promised boss, Chen Yun, was beaten and disabled?

   How did this become that Smith Buqiong was beaten and disabled?


   Irene really didn't figure it out!

"I said, you are now standing on the ground of our China, so even if our Chinese opponents you meet are weaker than you, but you shouldn't speak rudely and underestimate our entire China! This can't even say you Western Sanda and boxing must be even better!"

   "Otherwise, I don't care if you are a Westerner or a Western dog!"

   "Then I have to beat you down!"

   "Finally, I would like to send you a word: Don't think that you are great because you are foreigners! You can look down on us Huaxia! Let me tell you, those who insult us Huaxia will be punished even if they are far away!"

  However, at this time, Chen Yun's voice rang directly.

  Seeing that he was condescending, he spoke directly towards Smith with great momentum.

   Not only that, but at the end, Chen Yun simply spoke directly to the group of Western reporters who were very confused. Yes, those who insult our Huaxia will be punished even if they are far away!

  Even though Irene is not from China, when she heard Chen Yun say these words, her heart was directly aroused with excitement and excitement!

   So at the moment:

  Chen Yun's figure suddenly became so tall!

   is so brilliant!

  It is so dazzling!

   Seeing this, Irene became obsessed all of a sudden.

  Chen Yun this...

  Is this still the boss she knows?


   At this moment, the top of Irene's head has been directly occupied by countless question marks!

   "Let's go!"

   But at this moment, Chen Yun came directly to her side.



"it is good!"

  Seeing this, Irene had to respond subconsciously.



  Chen Yun and Irene left the place.

  At this time, after Chen Yun and Irene had completely disappeared and disappeared completely, the group of Western reporters who came with Smith Buqiong reacted from their shock.

   After reacting, they looked at Smith Buqiong who was lying on the ground and was still moaning.


  They had no choice but to lift up the Smith Buqiong who was still moaning and suffering in a hurry, and rushed towards the nearest hospital!


  The next day.

  //Shocked//, Western boxing champion Smith Buqiong was punched to the ground by a mysterious Chinese man at the entrance of the competition hall, and his injuries are unknown now!

  A piece of news that shocked the entire Internet immediately climbed to the hot search!

   Moreover, as soon as this news came out, it immediately appeared in the second place of the national hot search list with lightning speed.

   At the same time, there is a tendency to climb to the top of the list!

to this end!

   Immediately there was a large wave of discussions on the Internet.

  The people who eat melons are also eating their own melons one after another!

   "Fuck, hasn't Smith Buqiong, the Western boxing champion, been very powerful all the time? How did he get hit? And he was hit to the ground with one punch? //Frightened//"

   "Yeah! How could he be beaten?! I am deeply puzzled//eat melon//"

  (end of this chapter)