MTL - Finding Glowing Beauty in Books-Chapter 2 Returning to China

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After returning to the room, Lan Ning put the book he had just bought into the suitcase. Today is the last day she stayed in Japan. Tomorrow morning, she will fly back to the city.

I also counted the list of things that my friend asked her to bring with her. After confirming that there was no omission, she picked up the hair band on the table and went to the bathroom to wash it.

Today is a day too tired, she decided to go to bed early, to recharge the tax for tomorrow's return.

I slept very well at night, and the whole hotel was quiet when she set off the next day. She didn't have breakfast at the hotel, dragged her suitcase directly, and went out after checking out the room rate. The outside temperature was very low. She put on the hat of the down jacket and tied the scarf tightly before pulling the suitcase and going out.

There is a person standing in a small Japanese-style courtyard, doing... broadcast gymnastics?

After six o'clock, I climbed up and did the radio gymnastics in the cold wind?

She worshipped the back of the man for two seconds and dragged the suitcase. When I saw that I had just taken two steps, the man turned around and looked at her.

Lan Ning was paralyzed on the spot, because this man was the man he met on the mountain yesterday.

The other party only looked at her, and then turned back to silently and continued to do exercises.

Lan Ning's eyes jumped, cut, what? She snorted coldly and dragged her suitcase away quickly.

After arriving at the airport, she bought something in the duty-free shop before she hurriedly boarded the plane. At 10:30, the plane landed smoothly at the city's international airport.

The first thing to get off the plane is to dial your watch for an hour. This watch is just bought by Laning in Japan. Although the price is twice that of her previous watch, the big dial of the value max has won her heart.

After adjusting the time difference, she sat on the airport bus with peace of mind.

Lan Ning is not a local city in a city. She was admitted to the university at the university and stayed here after graduation. Although she has been working for three years, her salary is far from enough to buy a suite in a city, so she still rents a house in a city until now.

It was almost twelve o'clock when I returned to the rented house. When she just took out the key, the door was suddenly opened from the inside.

"Welcome back, master."

Lan Ning: "..."

She looked at the girl in front of her pink maid, silence for two seconds, then raised her mouth and smiled twice: "Hey, when did you come back?"

Qufu held a round plate in her hands and looked at her with a smile: "The first two days."

"Oh." Lan Ning put the suitcase into the room and closed the door behind him. "How can you not play for two days with your mom and dad?"

"I am going to start school next week, and they have nothing to play with." Qufu's tone is full of disgust.

Lan Ning felt that she had found a bad topic.

Qufu is her landlord. This year she was in the second year of high school. This luxuriously decorated house is one of her homes... Lan Ning didn't know what Qufu's parents actually did business. She only knew that they were very busy and busy. They stayed abroad all the year round. Qufu didn't want to go abroad to study, and he stayed alone in a city.

Probably too lonely, she rented out the house at an ultra-low price.

When Laning just started to see the rent, she couldn't believe it, and she also wrote about the rental conditions as long as she was a female guest. After all, the society is too chaotic, and she still has to pay attention to safety when renting a house for a girl. But after finding a male colleague to accompany her to see the room, she felt that the landlord should pay more attention to safety.

She can see that Qufu just wants to find someone to accompany himself.

She smiled at Qufu and changed her face a bit bluntly: "I really envy you and those who have winter and summer vacations."

Qufu put a finger on her chest and blinked at her eyes: "Ningning sister, isn't your company going to work? You can put a summer vacation for a lifetime."

Lan Ning: "........................"

Ha ha ha ha ha.

"I brought you a special product back, and I will give it to you later." Lan Ning injured and dragged his suitcase to his room.

Yes, their magazine has ceased publication and she is now unemployed.

In the past few years, the traditional publishing industry has been greatly affected by the popularity of the Internet. She looked at the magazines around her and stopped the magazine. After all, it was her turn.

Received this bad news before the Spring Festival, Lan Ning is not good for the whole person. I thought that the three aunts and six women’s groups had been able to find her before they could not find the object. This year, we must add another unemployment... Lan Ning was so scared that the train ticket was quickly retired.

When she told her mother that she would not go back during the Spring Festival, she could hear that she was somewhat disappointed. She had to take a haha ​​and said that she would go back on May 1st.

Fortunately, although the magazines were scattered, the editor-in-chief issued a considerable amount of money and plus money for them. Lan Ning sent some money to the family, and the rest went out to travel.

Now that the tour is back, the Spring Festival is over, it seems that it is time to start looking for a job.

She simply packed up her luggage, grabbed a piece of cereal and fed it into her mouth, and sat down at the computer and boarded a Q.Q.

Probably because it was not on the line for too long, just after landing, the little penguin screamed.

Lan Ning swept the list and opened the avatar of his friend Dai Qing.

Dai Qing: Lan Ningning, are you coming back? The bracelet I told you last time, I want silver! Still have time!

Lan Ning pulled his lips and replied: "I can't come, I have already arrived home. :)"

Dai Qing: ............ Ok, then gold.

[Dai Qing withdrew a message]

Dai Qing: Dear, you are coming back, why don't you pick up the plane?

Lan Ning: Too fake, disgusting. :)

Dai Qing: Oh, when, give me something?

Lan Ning: If you have time, take it for yourself. I have recently been looking for a job and have no time.

Dai Qing: Don't be so anxious, isn't there a big job fair in March? You only travel back, how hard it is, it’s better to go out with your sister for a few days.

Lan Ning: [bye bye]

Dai Qing: Don't be so cold, right, isn't your little landlord coming back? Call her together too.

Lan Ning: I am back, I heard that I will start school next week.

Dai Qing: Oh, when did you come back today, what position did she use to welcome you?

Lan Ning's eyelids unconsciously jumped twice. The name of Dai Qing clearly has a clear word, but how can anyone be so dirty? The name is really not credible.

Lan Ning: Today is normal, it is just an ordinary maid.

Dai Qing: Oh, maid costume! [Color] What color?

Laning: Pink.

Dai Qing: It sounds delicious~[color]

Lan Ning didn't want to care about her, but also replied to a few other people. She forked the dialog box and opened the recruitment website.

After glance at the homepage, she surely recruited the most technical workers. She sighed and thought about entering the editor in the search bar.

Although she had a good start in this profession, she still didn't want to change careers.

After the search results came out, most of them were recruited by network editors. She finished the first page and thought about whether to get the resume out first.

"Lan Ning sister, have you had lunch yet?" Qufu was wearing the pink maid costume, and found a head from the door of the room and looked at Lan Ning inside.

Lan Ning turned her head and said to her: "Not yet, have you eaten?"

"I do not have either."

"Oh, I brought a lot of ramen back, wait for us to cook ramen."

"Okay, okay!"

Lan Ning pointed to the things piled on the floor. He said to Qufu: "The other side is for the Qing Dynasty, and the other ones have a look for what you want."

"Lan Ning sister, you are so kind to me, what?" Qufu was happy to pick up gifts on the ground.

Lan Ning bought some ordinary things, such as snacks or some daily necessities. She felt that these things were not lacking, but she was very happy to receive the gifts.

"I took this chocolate chip cookie!" Qufu picked up a box of chocolate biscuits and shook Laning. "Right, I bought a bottle of perfume for you, and I will give it to you."

"Ah, no need..." Qufu shot, it must be a very expensive thing, Laning is really embarrassed to accept.

"It doesn't matter, I can't use it at school, and it's my mother's money."

Laning was silent, and the only way for Qufu’s parents to care about her was to keep giving her a lot of pocket money.

After Qufu took the cookies, Lan Ning did not follow the editor's resume. Instead, he took a bag of ramen and went to the kitchen to cook noodles. Because Qufu’s rent is very low, and she is still a student, Lan Ning is more concerned with her in her life. Basically, she is responsible for the meal.

Although the instant ramen is simple, Lan Ning has specially added eggs, luncheon meat and some vegetables. It looks very rich after being served in a large bowl.

"Wow, it's so sweet!" Qufu put his bowl on the table and handed a bottle of perfume to Laning. "This is for you, you smell it."

This perfume knows that it is very high-grade when you look at the bottle. Laning did not reach out and pick it up: "You keep it yourself. You can go out and play it."

Qufu still insisted on giving her: "What perfume do I use so young!"

Lan Ning: "..............."

Hehe, this girl is really natural black.

"This perfume is very fresh and fruity. You can also use it in the office. I hope you can find a new job soon!"

"...thank you." Lan Ning had to collect the perfume.

After the meal, she packed the dishes and returned to the room to continue editing the resume. Dai Qing has called her on the little penguin for a long time.

Lan Ning: I just went to dinner. I looked at the recruitment website. It’s hard to find a job _(:3∠∠)_

Dai Qing: So let you go directly to the job fair in March.

Lan Ning: Do you want me to write a novel online with you?

Dai Qing: ... you think that the network authors are very well mixed, the super high tax will not be said, piracy, text, plagiarism, unauthorized editing of games and audio books, as well as watching piracy and vice versa The pirate reader [smile] You are changing the pattern every day to be infringed and hurt, if you don't want to open it, don't try it out.

Lan Ning: ......... I feel bad about you.

Dai Qing: So the bracelet I want can give me a discount? [Poor]

Lan Ning: [bye bye]

She forked the dialog box and edited the resume to create a new job posting.

Lan Ning's eyes are bright, "Mistre" magazine recruits text editors? !