MTL - Fight the Giants-Chapter 880 ask for money

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  In the study room of the Junfu, everyone was noisy.

  Jiao Zan still needs to be rescued. Over the years, Jun Xiangjie has used Jiao Zan's kindness to care for him, and asked Jiao Zan to help him do a lot of things. If you don't rescue him, it will be too merciless.

  Others don't know, but as the head of the family, Jun Xiangjie knows what Jiao Zan has been told to do all these years.

  Don't talk about the distance, just say that the Jun family is inseparable from the fact that he was ordered to attack the son years ago. If Jiao Zan is ignored and he bites back, the Jun family will also be in trouble.

   But save him with money?

  He and Jiao Zan set up a set up, how much money they paid on credit, neither of them knew the exact amount, only "Mei Weiling" and others knew.

  Jun Xiangjie knows that if you don’t say too much, there is something as small as a million taels. Asking him to take out so much money is no different from poaching his heart.

  When the Jun family was at its peak, a million taels was not a big deal, but now that the Jun family has been hit repeatedly and its vitality has been severely damaged, and it has not recovered, it is not easy to raise a million taels of silver.

  Your commandment is like this, not to mention the concubines and grandchildren.

  Give it to others, and leave them little. Who would?

"Father, it's better to send someone to find my aunt quickly, and ask my aunt to go to the Duke of the country. With the Duke of the country's order, are you afraid that Mu Yan will not let Mr. Jiao go? Could it be that he dares to detain the court privately when everyone is watching? Sir?"

   Jun Ruoxu looked at the speaking uncle after listening. These people are unwilling to raise money for their own self-interest, and they have not understood the methods of the prince. If the prince is angered, things will end even worse.

"Grandfather, since the son has arrested Mr. Jiao and sent someone to inform us, I'm afraid he has evidence. Now he didn't make a big show, but sent someone secretly to ask for the money. It's an advantage. We just need to get the money together. Well, with the big cousin and aunt around, the prince will definitely not do too much, let's make up for it in the dark, that's all. But if we don't follow what he said, what consequences will happen, I'm afraid we can't bear it Come."

  Jun Xiangjie was broken into in the middle of the night, like entering an empty door. The guards outside didn't know it at all, and they felt like they were in a no-man's land, and they also deeply felt the power of the prince. If he really annoyed him, it is possible for him to have someone come to his house in the middle of the night and ask for his life.

  Jun Xiangjie touched the head on his neck, feeling very uneasy.

   Extremely tangled.

  The rest of the hall listened to Jun Ruoxu's words, but disagreed, and insisted on looking for Aunt Jun.

  Jun Xiangjie couldn’t help it, he really felt sorry for the silver, millions of taels, it cost his old life. Given the money, the Jun family is really about to lose.

   "Come on!"

   "Grandfather!" Jun Ruoxu stopped in horror.

   "Modo said!"

  Jun Xiangjian did not listen to him. I just called my confidant in a hurry, and asked him to bring a few more guards and go to the Duke's mansion immediately, seeing Aunt Jun say so...

  For fear that Mu Yan's people would be watching outside the mansion, he asked his confidants to bring a few more guards.

  The confidant left in response. Unexpectedly, he picked up a dozen or so guards with strong fists and kicks and walked out the door as if he was facing an enemy. He looked around the door for a while, but he didn't see a single person.

  Jun Xiangjie thought that the arrangements were all right, and with Aunt Jun and the Duke of the Kingdom around, everything could be solved, so he waved away all the children and grandchildren, and went to catch up on sleep.

  Jun Ruoxu couldn't fall asleep, and paced back and forth in the room.

  The prince was cheated of such a large amount of money, it is impossible to let the Jun family go easily. Now only Jiao Zan has been touched, but no one in Jun's family has been touched. I'm afraid he still wants money.

   Probably for the sake of my aunt and cousin, I held back and didn't do anything. As long as the money is paid back and some more money is paid, the Shizi and his wife will calm down, and the matter should be resolved.

   But the grandfather was reluctant to part with the money.

  The prince now pays respects first and then soldiers, arrests Jiao Zan and warns him, but grandfather and the others don't see clearly. Jiao Zan is an important member of the third rank of the frontier army. The eldest son arrested him as soon as he said he would. Can grandfather not see the situation clearly?

  Jun Ruoxu wandered around the house like a trapped animal, and then hurried to the Buddhist hall in the backyard after a while.

   "Mother, mother, have you fallen asleep yet?" There was still a hint of eagerness in the suppressed voice.

  Kuang was awakened: "Xu'er?"

  After getting dressed and opening the door, he saw his flustered son, feeling a little uneasy, "What happened?"

   "Mother, I'm afraid it's really stormy this time..."

  Jun Ruoxu whispered to Kuang about what happened tonight, and Kuang cursed secretly: "Confused!" The prayer beads in his hand spun quickly.

"Although the son is now sealed, his foundation in Yunnan is not stable, and he may be recalled to the capital at some point, so he definitely doesn't want to make a big fuss. Now that he is willing to take a step back and let the Jun family make up the money owed, it is already a lenient , but your grandfather is still lucky!"

  Mother can see clearly. Jun Ruoxu sighed: "I also persuaded my grandfather in the same way, but my grandfather would not listen. When my uncle and all the brothers heard that they wanted to make up the money, they refused."

   Kuang secretly hated.

  The old man only has Jun Mingzhang as his son, and now Ruoxu's family is the only remaining descendant. In the future, most of Jun's family should belong to Ruoxu. However, the old man is constantly playing tricks, and the family business may not be able to keep, and the Jun family will fall apart soon.

"Mother, my grandfather sent someone to find my aunt. If I want to use the Duke to put pressure on the son, I think it will anger the son instead. Mother, should we send someone to inform Mr. Jiao's house and find a way for them? "

  Master Jiao has been in an important position these years, and there are many staff and subordinates in his family, so he should be able to do better than the Jun family.

   "No!" Kuang stopped.

"In my opinion, if the son can do something with Mr. Jiao, and he said that he will not see silver at 3:00 noon tomorrow, if he will do something with Mr. Jiao, he must have the evidence. He probably didn't dare to hurt Mr. Jiao's life, but he took Mr. Jiao and sent him to The Ministry of War in the capital can still do it. I’m afraid they’ve left behind, because they’ve sent someone to keep an eye on the Jiao family.”

  Ruo Xuruo asked someone to contact Jiao Zan's people, I'm afraid the prince would get annoyed by him.

  Ms. Kuang thought for a moment, and ordered: "My son, you don't do anything. This matter is a grudge between the son and the old man, so don't get involved."

  Kuang didn't want her son to get involved, whether she was selfish or ruthless, she just wanted to keep her son.

   "Before you were asked to handle the property, and you were asked to buy property in the Central Plains, are you prepared?"

  Jun Ruoxu nodded.

   "Well, go back and act as if nothing happened. The sky will fall and there will be a taller person."

  Cuihuang Courtyard, there is a sound of tapping the screen window lightly.

  Mu Yan's eyes suddenly opened, and she looked down at Huo Xi who was sleeping soundly on his arm, then gently moved her, and got ready to get out of bed.

   "What's wrong?" Huo Xi asked in a daze.

   "Hey, go to sleep. I'll go out and have a look. It's in the courtyard." Huo Xi's breathing slowed down as he patted her lightly across the brocade quilt. Mu Yan just tiptoed out.

  In the darkness, Chasing the Wind flashed: "My son, Jun Xiangjie sent someone to the second room."

  Mu Lai nodded, it seemed as he expected. "Keep watching. No matter who comes, just say what I ordered, and we will talk about it tomorrow. Madam is sleeping and no one is allowed to disturb her."
