MTL - Fight the Giants-Chapter 845 fight back

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  Aunt Jun was very dissatisfied that Duke Qian was easily persuaded by Huo Xi and did not ask her to abort the fetus.

After blowing the pillow wind for a few days, Duke Qian was very impatient. He only pretended that there was the British government behind the Zhang family. Not good either.

The Mu Mansion squeezed the two vassals to other places, whether it was because they didn't want to stay or because of other reasons, the Mu Mansion, which was in the borderlands and controlled an army of 300,000, had no one with status to suppress and decentralize Is the truth.

  If someone in the court instigates it, the emperor will take precautions against the Mu family, which will be very detrimental to the Mu family. As an in-law, the British Duke would be a good thing for the Mu family if he could help to say a good word or two.

   You can't turn against the British Duke. Mrs. Zhang was eloquent, but he didn't force it.

  But these Qian Guogongs did not tell Aunt Jun. Impatient with what she said, she ran to the room of the two aunts, Jin and Bai.

  When Aunt Jun was thinking of another way, Huo Xi made a move.

   This time she didn't hold back any longer, and directly closed most of the shops of the Jun family in other places. The business in Kunming City also did not hold back, and a large number of goods of various colors were shipped in, impacting the inventory in Jun's shop.

   It made it impossible for Jun to withdraw funds. To sell the industry to deal with.

  Originally, Jun’s store had a large amount of inventory, and the purchase price was at least 20 to 30% higher than others. Even if it was sold immediately, unless the price was in line with other stores, there would be very few sales. Coupled with poor preservation, new goods can only be sold as second-hand goods, and a large amount of money has been lost here.

   Being hit by low-priced goods again is simply horrible.

The old man Jun was furious in the mansion: "It's just a family or two, why is it like this? The whole cloth shop has the same price! Where did they get such cheap cloth! Haven't found out the source of their goods yet? "

  Huo Xi opened the shop, adhering to the concept of making a fortune by keeping quiet, she doesn't like publicity, and she doesn't leak anything. She wants to hide the purchase channel, but Jun can't find it.

  Yunnan and the southwest also have their own homemade cloth, and there are many weavers who are good at weaving. However, the southwest is too far away from the south of the Yangtze River and the Central Plains, so the looms, weaving techniques, and dyeing techniques are relatively backward.

  The southwest and Yunnan are mountainous, and the transportation is inconvenient. The cost of various goods shipped from Jiangnan and the Central Plains is relatively high. If the road is uneven, it will increase the cost of various goods.

  Huo Xi now has a large fleet in his hands, and Mu Yan's bodyguards who have worked on both water and land routes, as well as his manpower in the village, can **** the goods in Jiangnan and Zhongyuan without any problem.

  The fleet sent a large number of goods from all directions, impacting the market in Yunnan.

   Coupled with Huo Xi's purpose of suppressing the Jun family, the profit is not high. He also united with the Yu family and his family's old relatives, cooperated with them in weaving and dyeing, improved the loom, and invited weavers from the south of the Yangtze River to guide the local weavers, and improved Yu's dyeing and spinning. Dyeing skills, all of a sudden, the Jun family ran out of business.

  By the time Jun's reaction came to his senses and he planned to unite his in-laws and old friends to help fight back together, it was already too late.

   One is that it is too late to start, and the other is that people who know the inside story dare not confront Madam Shizi. In addition, Jun's business is used to being domineering, so following his family will not bring much benefit. Therefore, the counterattack organized by Jun's organization has very few people responding.

   Soon, Huo Xi had no way to fight back.

   On the other side, Mu Yan, who was sent to patrol the border, also received a message from the secret guard. After Aunt Zhijun calculated his child, she didn't wait for a moment, and immediately sent someone to Mu Zhan's jade mine.

Within a few days, Duke Qian received news that there was a jade mine in Balang, where the stones were blown up with earthen medicine, and many miners were buried in it. .

  Gong Qian didn’t take it too seriously, he only told the corresponding officials to handle the matter well, so as not to cause conflicts among border residents.

Within two days, I heard that a chieftain's son was trapped inside, and that chieftain led people to surround the jade mine. There was an armed fight between the two sides, which escalated into a conflict between Yi and Han. A large-scale dispute and turmoil was about to unfold. .

   Also used hundreds of soldiers from Barang and nearby guards to suppress it. Then I heard that the owner of the mine was actually the eldest son of the Mu family, and now the chieftain who lost his son wanted to bring his clansmen to Kunming City to seek justice from Duke Qian.

  Gong Qian was dumbfounded.

  All kinds of news flooded his mind, making him confused for a while.

   Seeing Mu Zhan kneeling in front of him to plead guilty, he reacted.

He grabbed the paperwork on the table and threw it at Mu Zhan: "When did you buy your private property? Even I didn't tell it! The house is short of food for you? I want you to do business outside! If you are right If you are not satisfied with the errands I assigned to you, if you can’t do it, you will take over the economy of Fuchu and specialize in making money! I don’t need manpower to assist in military and political affairs!”

Mu Zhan didn't dare to hide when he was smashed, so he bowed his head and pleaded guilty: "Father, calm down. I don't want to do that businessman's business, and it's not that I'm dissatisfied with the errands my father sent. The jade mine doesn't belong to me either, it was given by the people below. The dry stock given by the son, the son did not participate in the operation, and did not know what happened to the outside world..."

   "My son was visiting various Tusi mansions some time ago, and I couldn't get away from him. Mu Xi was also with my son. If I don't believe it, my father called him to ask him. My son didn't go anywhere else. And my father has never kept my whereabouts from my father..."

   Duke Qian’s anger persisted. That chieftain is going to bring his clansmen to find him, the Duke of the country, so the matter must have been verified.

   "How many dry shares do you have in that jade mine! Do you have any people in it!" Mu Zhan didn't manage it himself, which doesn't mean he didn't send his cronies to take care of it.

  Mu Zhan did not dare to raise his eyes, "I have, 40% shares..."

  Before he finished speaking, Qian Guogong hit another object on his forehead, and his head drooped even lower.

  I heard my father roaring: "Forty percent? You accepted forty percent of other people's dry shares! Forty percent! You still say you are not a mine owner!" Which mine owner would give him so many dry shares? Mu Zhanding took the lead among them.

"Father, it was really forced by someone else. My son has never run a business, nor has he sent a cronies to run it, and 40% of the shares have been in my hands. It didn't take long. My son didn't even receive any interest. My son really I don't know!"

  Aunt Jun knew the seriousness of the matter, so she hurried over.

Crying and begging: "My lord, Zhan'er has been filial since he was a child. You brought him out with your hands. Don't you know what kind of temperament he is? There is no shortage of him in the house. Why would he do such a thing? What about 40%? When he got the stock, he gave it to me as a filial piety. I, a woman, don't understand those things. I just waited to receive the bonus. We don't want such a thing to happen. The Duke of the country can't blame it on Zhaner Come on!"