MTL - Fight the Giants-Chapter 83 Sold out (add more to you who are cute and friendly)

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  Chapter 83 is sold out (add more for the cute and friendly you)

  Yang Fu had a good idea, and wanted to eat all the bad meals that Xi'er cooked. Don't make Xi'er sad, and avoid wasting food.

   I don't know that there is no chance to implement it.

  At the beginning of noon, the **** officer in front rowed the boat along the river and told the boat to stop for a quarter of an hour.

  As soon as they could rest, everyone collapsed on the boat. Three hours of non-stop rowing, filled with a boat full of food, can it be compared to ordinary light boat fishing?

  Hands are about to break.

  It’s okay for people on the boat to change hands alternately, but for those who don’t, the hands, feet, waist and abdomen are as stiff as if they weren’t their own.

  Huo Erhuai is alright, rowing with Yang Fu alternately, even so, transporting 80 stones of grain is still very strenuous.

   "Dad, hurry up and eat."

   "Okay." Huo Erhuai took the meal that Huo Xi handed over, and shoveled it into his mouth.

  While pawing, I looked at the two children. My own child is caring and takes good care of him. He changes hands with him, and cooks and feeds him. Huo Erhuai felt extremely ironed in his heart.

  Yang Fu took a meal and lay down on the edge of his own boat and stretched towards Yu Jiang: "Brother Yu, here it is."

  Yu Jiang was about to shake the wood with his hands, and he seemed a bit unable to catch it.

   After shaking for three hours in a row, he didn't have the energy to get himself something to eat. Although there are pots and tandoors on board, they are too tired to move.

  The Huo family will help prepare the meal, so he can just eat what is ready-made. Yu Jiang took the meal and was very grateful: "Thank you."

  I knew it was right to follow the Huo family. The two children of the Huo family are only so young, but they are already so thoughtful.

  Yu Jiang opened a large meal wrapped in withered lotus leaves. He didn't have much appetite at first, but when he saw it, his eyes lit up instantly.

  Big white rice in twos and fours, fresh vegetables, a few pieces of chicken and duck meat, dried fish, a few dried shrimps, all oily. The rice and meat dishes were still drizzled with sauce, and there was still warmth in the hands holding the lotus leaves.

  Yu Jiang's hands that were cooled by the river wind instantly warmed up a lot.

   Sniff it again, it smells so good!

  Yu Jiang's appetite was immediately stimulated, and he quickly found his own chopsticks, and put the rice in his mouth, um, delicious!

  Qian Xiaoxia of the Bingzi No. 3 ship saw Yang Fu handing Yu Jiang rice with sharp eyes, and licked his lips. He also wants to eat.

  But it’s not easy to speak.

  His mother will cook lunch for him and his brother on the boat behind. But he just wanted to eat the Huo family. It's not just the fragrance of the pot, the Huo family is more willing to use oil than his mother, and he is willing to eat meat. Seeing Yu Jiang eating deliciously, he swallowed shamefully.

  Huo Xi and Yang Fu made a lot of lunch, and there should be about ten portions left besides the food for the few of them.

  She stood at the bow of the boat and saw that everyone was eating their lunch. She opened her mouth and didn't know how to shout.

   Selling is sure to sell, but I'm afraid it's too high-profile, and it's not good to attract the attention of the escort.

  But everything has been done, is it really like what Yang Fu said, save it for him and Huo Erhuai for dinner, and eat it for lunch and dinner tomorrow?

   A bit of a waste.

  Suddenly, I saw a light boat approaching from behind, and a soldier was standing on the bow of the boat to patrol, and from time to time he raised his voice and confessed twice: "Check the boat, check the grain bags, be careful. Set off on time in two quarters of an hour."

  Huo Xi's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly urged Yang Fu: "Uncle, give me a wooden box!"

  Yang Fu didn't know why, so he quickly handed her a wooden box.

  Huo Xi quickly stuffed rice, vegetables, chicken and duck pieces, dried fish, dried shrimp and grilled shrimp into the wooden box.

   Huo Erhuai and Yang Fu, who were sitting and eating next to them, were stunned.

  Huo Xi got up quickly again, and said crisply to the light boat approaching her family's boat: "Master Escort Officer!"

  The young soldier looked at her. Seeing that it was a kid, his cold and serious face softened a little: "What's the matter?"

   "My lord, I just made some food for my father. I made some more and I want to give it to you. Brother, you worked hard."

   This kid just called him an adult, but now he calls him brother?

  However, it is quite useful.

   "No need. We have dry food."

   "This is hot food. Brother, let's eat it for you, you work as hard as us." Huo Xi lay on the side of his own boat, and handed him the wooden box in his hand.

  The man saw that he was a small person lying on the side of the boat. If he didn't pick it up, the child could stretch out all the time, and he might fall into the water.

  So he asked the boatman to row the boat over and reached out to take it.

   "Thank you."

  Huo Xi smiled happily at him. The man saw the child smiling brightly at him. The little child, with an innocent look on his face, also hooked the corners of his mouth.

  The boat quickly moved forward.

  Huo Erhuai and Yang Fu forgot to chew the rice in their mouths since Huo Xi loaded the rice just now. Seeing her calling the **** to stop, both of them froze, not knowing how to react.

   Then I saw that the **** officer took her food and thanked her. The eyeballs of the two almost popped out.

   After the others left, he came back to his senses: "Xi'er, you are so courageous. Are you not afraid that the **** will punish you?"

  Huo Xihun didn't care: "I didn't commit any crime, I just watched him work hard and wanted to express the respect and love of the common people."

   The two of them looked at her blankly. If it weren't for seeing that she usually has ideas and purposes in everything she does, she would have almost believed it.

  Huo Xi picked up his own rice and put it into his mouth, telling the two of them while doing it: "Eat quickly."

  Huo Erhuai and Yang Fu didn't know why, but it didn't prevent them from eating rice quickly.

  The three of them had just finished cooking the meal, and they hadn't had time to clean it up yet. Just now the **** officer rowed over again: "Xiaowa."

   "My lord brother." Huo Xi was overjoyed, and smiled sweetly at him.

  The man also smiled at her, "My surname is He."

   "Brother He."

  The man nodded, without correcting her, and said to her: "Do you still have the meal?"

  Just as I took the rice back to the official boat, the Shangguan snatched it away. He didn't enter at all.

   He only had time to take a look at the warm rice in the wooden box. The rich dishes inside whetted his appetite, but before he could eat it, someone snatched it away.

  Huo Ximeng nodded: "Yes. We have prepared a lot. We wanted to send it to the single people in our fleet, and save some for dinner."

  The man didn't expose him, and nodded: "Give it to me."

   "Okay. Brother He, wait a minute."

  He Feng nodded, then sat down on the boat and waited.

  Huo Xi hurriedly dragged Huo Erhuai and Yang Fu, who were still in a daze, to pack their meals in wooden boxes. Packed ten copies.

  Huo Xi packed it in a basket and handed it to him: "Brother He, there are only ten copies left."

  He Feng nodded, took the basket, and handed her a tael of silver.

   "Brother He, it's too much."

   "Take it. If there is still food, help us make some at night."

  Huo Xixi nodded happily: "Okay! It's just that we have nothing to pack."

   "It's okay. You can put them in a basin, and I'll take them away and divide them."

   "Okay. Thank you Brother He." He Huo Erhuai and Yang Fu watched him leave by boat.

   "Xi'er, did you really sell it? My lord, don't you blame me?" Yang Fu looked at the tael of silver in Huo Xi's hand, his eyes almost popped out, he couldn't believe it.

   "Father, look!" Huo Xi happily raised the money in his hand to show Huo Erhuai.

  Huo Erhuai touched her head with emotion. This child is very lucky, I hope that this child will go smoothly in the future, turn bad luck into good luck, and meet noble people. Otherwise it would be too hard to follow them.

   I love you~ see you tomorrow



  (end of this chapter)

Read Monarch of Time
RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts