MTL - Fight the Giants-Chapter 52 guide

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  Chapter 52 Leader

   Li Yi Kan Er quietly followed Huo Xi and the two, they heard what his uncle and nephew said just now. I am very pleased with Huo Xi's vigilance.

   When they were approaching the outer city pier, they stopped them.

   "Hey, baby, it's you. Do you still have bald butter for sale? The bald butter you sold to us last time, our wife and master liked it very much, and we have already eaten it. I have been looking for you, but I still can't find it."

  Huo Xi felt that their voices were familiar, a bit like the person who just said that the river **** offered sacrifices. When he looked up, he saw that it was the person who bought her bald butter last time, and felt that he might have heard it wrong.

   looked up at the two of them with a smiling face: "Two big brothers, it's you."

   "Yeah, we meet again. We have been looking for you for a long time."

   "I'm sorry, we haven't entered the city these days. It's not easy to get crabs now. If you make less, you don't go to the city."

   "Oh, do you still have bald butter?"


   "Okay, we have both."

   "Ah, all of them?"


  Huo Xi was a little embarrassed, who would not be happy to sell more money. But she still wanted to ask Huo Zhong about the situation with bald butter.

  After thinking about it, I brought out ten cans today, but none of them were sold, so I said: "I only brought ten cans today, I will keep two for my use, and I can sell you eight cans. They are all packed in half a catty."

   "Okay, then bring us eight cans."

  Yang Fu was very happy when he heard that, he quickly untied the basket and got the goods for them.

   It was still three taels of silver for a bottle, so I got twenty-four taels all at once.

  Huo Xi was very happy: "I also made some grilled shrimp and dried shrimp at home. I can bring it to you to try next time. If you like it, I will make more at home."

"Okay, if it's delicious, I'll buy it from you. My young master has a classmate who also likes to eat river fish. Last time I brought a can of bald butter to the Imperial College, and the classmates ate it up. He didn't eat it and cried. I heard that they are looking for people to buy it everywhere.”

  Huo Xi was overjoyed when he heard this: "Then I'll bring you some more next time. All the money you earn belongs to your young master."

   "Then thank you, Xiaowa."

  Huo Xi was very happy watching them leave with bald butter in their hands. If the noble young master can help spread the bald butter and various shrimp products in the Imperial College, then she will charge him less money next time.

  The two briskly took the remaining two cans of bald butter to the pier to find Huo Zhong.

  When I arrived at the pier, I happened to see Huo Zhong there. After looking for him for many days, seeing that he happened to be there, Yang Fu was overjoyed and wanted to go there. He was held back by Huo Xi.

   "We'll go there later."

  Huo Zhongzheng frowned, and was telling a few guys what to do with the truckload of goods. It's better not to disturb him at this time.

  Yang Fu found a shady place with her and squatted down, took off the basket and hugged him in front of him, and looked towards Huo Zhong with Huo Xi.

  Huo Zhong was stared at by the two little children, how could he not see. Turning around, seeing his uncle and nephew, and seeing Huo Xi smiling and nodding at him, he knew that these two boys were looking for him.

   After finishing his work, he walked towards the two of them.

  Huo Xi hurriedly pulled Yang Fu to stand up: "Guan Huo."

   "You came to find me?"

   "Well. We made some food at home and wanted to bring it to you. Thank you for taking care of us before."

  Yang Fu felt tense when he heard that he wanted to give it to him for free.

   But Xi'er said so, and didn't say anything else, so she took two cans of bald butter from the basket.

   Passed it to him: "We made this ourselves. It is made of fresh crab roe and crab paste and crab meat. It can be served with rice, mixed with noodles, or cooked. Give Huo Guanshi a taste."

  Four taels of silver, a little distressed.

  Huo Zhong was a little surprised. The dismantled crab meat and crab roe were made, so there would be a lot of crabs in such a can. Can't help but decline: "This is what you used to sell money, I can't take it. How much money you sell to others, I just buy it from you."

Huo Xi declined: "Please be sure to accept these two cans. I know that your company has a large fleet, and many crew members and associates travel around with the fleet, so I would like you to try it first. If you can still import it, you can buy it from us. We fishermen have nothing else to do but catch some river fish. If you get your favor, everyone can also get a few more copper coins."

  Huo Zhong couldn't help but carefully looked at this kid from the Huo family. Been gone for a while, and the kid seems to be getting tougher.

   "Have you found a way out for your family?"

Huo Xi nodded: "Before, I just fished and sold fish in the river, and I couldn't save a few copper coins throughout the year. This year, I got some money selling crabs on the Double Ninth Festival. The family changed to a big boat and planned to open a grocery store on the river. It is also convenient for everyone to pick up some groceries that the fishermen want to sell. My family can also sell goods while fishing, saving a little more money.”

  Huo Zhong nodded while listening. There are many waterways in the south of the Yangtze River, and there are many fishermen who live on water. Open a grocery store on the water? This is new. Maybe it can really make a way out of his house.

  He also often travels on the water with the fleet, and sometimes lacks food and drink. If there is a boat on the water that sells goods and food along the way, then he will definitely buy it.

   couldn't help praising: "Not bad. This water grocery store is good, do it well."

  His praise made Huo Xi and Yang Fu very happy, and they smiled at him.

"Today we are mainly here to give you this bald butter. Please help to taste it. My family is still harvesting fish and shrimp from fishermen, and I want to make some other food for sale, like the dried shrimp and grilled shrimp, which are easy to carry Fish **** and dried fish and so on. Next time I will send them to you for a try, it would be great if there is a long-term purchase channel.”

  Huo Zhong looked at the two cans of bald butter in his hand, and nodded inwardly. The kid had the right idea and knew how to sell the goods to boatmen like them.

   "Okay, I will accept it. If the food is good, not only our fleet will want it, but I will also help you promote it to other fleets."

   "Thank you so much!" Huo Xi and Yang Fu thanked him repeatedly.

  Seeing that the two of them had not left after thanking them, Huo Zhong was a little surprised: "But there is something else?"

Huo Xi was a little embarrassed: "There is something wrong. Since we opened a grocery store on the water, we also want to sell some cheap goods. I want to ask Guanshi Huo to help us find out how to buy cheap goods and what channels to buy. "

  After hearing this, Huo Zhong sized him up again. This kid has a big heart, and he still wants to buy cheap goods from the pier.

  But it is easy for people to ask him to come to his door. Then he really frowned and thought about it.

"Like our business, raw silk, cloth, satin, silk, silk, silk, silk, tea, porcelain, food and spices are all involved in business, and we can transport anything to make money. This is also the case at this wharf. Everyone transports a variety of goods, including wood, stone, food, and everything related to it. People's livelihood and economy can be found on this pier. But the guests facing your house..."

Huo Xi quickly said: "I know that we and your business are facing a different customer group. We fishermen can't use your precious things. But if there are some defective or low-quality products, you don't like them if they are defective. If you want to deal with it at a low price, you can introduce it to us, and we can sell it in the outer city or in a richer village."

  Huo Zhong couldn't help turning his eyes back to Huo Xi's face.

  This kid, no matter how old he is, has such a business mind. I also know how to classify different customer groups and classify products into different categories.

  Huo Zhong rubbed his chin with his fingers, frowned and thought, if he said that, there is really something that might be suitable for her to sell right now.

  (end of this chapter)