MTL - Fight the Giants-Chapter 49 portable wine crate

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  Chapter 49 Portable Wine Basket

  When we arrived at Jiang's house, his family was not there, not even Zhou Yi's granddaughter.

   "It must be in the winery. I'll look for it." Zhou Yi said, and went to the winery.

  Huo Xi was dizzy and leaned against Huo Erhuai. Huo Erhuai embraced her, seeing that her face was flushed, he was very worried.

  Zhou Zhao looked at it, then pushed the door of Jiang's house, and the door creaked open.

   "The door is unlocked, come in quickly. There is a well in the yard of his house, which is connected to an underground cold spring. I'll fetch some water for your baby to splash on his face and he'll be fine."

  Seeing Zhou Zhou staring at her steadily, Huo Xi also looked at him and smiled. That Zhouzhou asked his grandma: "Grandma, brother is drunk."

  He grunted, and ran into the yard to fetch water from the well.

  Zhou Zhou ran up to Huo Xi: "Why is brother drunk? I'm fine."

  His milk had already fetched water, and he laughed and scolded: "You're almost in Shuangquan Village, you're still drunk." As he spoke, he scooped up water and slapped Huo Xi on the face.

  Huo Xi only felt a chill on his face, and he felt very uncomfortable.

  Huo Erhuai saw that it was effective, so he scooped up water himself and held it over. Huo Xi leaned his face over and dipped it in his palm.

   Doing this several times, until half of the water in the bucket went away, Huo Xi finally lost her drunkenness, and her head cleared up a lot.

   It happened that Zhou Yi brought back the two heads of the Jiang family and his daughter and son-in-law. After watching this scene, Qiqi smiled when asked about the situation.

   "It's the first time this baby comes here, and it's very hard not to get drunk. Many adults can't bear it when they first enter the village."

   Yes, the air is full of the smell of wine, and the breath out of the nose is full of wine. It seems that there should be quite a lot of wineries in Shuangquan Village.

  Huo Erhuai hurriedly greeted Jiang's father and son. The two mothers-in-law also sat together to talk. Zhou Yi's daughter brought out some food, entertained her nephew and Huo Xi, and asked her daughter to talk with her brothers.

   "Ninny, you talk to your brother and brother, today you are the little master."

  Her daughter was very lively and nodded. With a sense of mastery, he pushed the plate containing bean cakes to Zhou Zhou and Huo Xi: "Brother, younger brother, eat."

  Huo Xi was stunned from Jiang Zhou's nannie just now.

   "团团,团团...", her mother used to call her that. How long has she not heard?

  Huo Xi was in a trance for a while.

   "Brother, you eat, these cakes are delicious." Nannie took a piece and handed it to Huo Xi.

  Huo Xi came back to his senses, took it, and thanked her with a smile. The three little babies, let me say something childlike and childlike. Huo Xi also secretly learned something from her daughter.

   I was shocked to learn that there were more than a dozen breweries in their village.

   No wonder the little baby here is bouncing around like a normal person, unlike her, who smells of alcohol and gets drunk. Daredevil's family has been soaked in the smell of alcohol since birth.

   "Ninny, can you take me out to play? I haven't seen the winery yet."

  When Nannan heard this, she felt that this elder brother was really pitiful. He had never seen a wine shop at such an age, and even brother Zhou Zhou had seen it since he was a child.

   Then he talked to the adults in the room, dragged Huo Xi and Zhou Zhou from left to right and ran out.

   "Look, this is my family's wine shop. Isn't it big?" Nannie was very proud, with her chest puffed out.

  The closer they got, Huo Xi was going to faint again. He hurriedly covered his mouth and nose, nodding his head while looking greedily.

  Outside the distillery, two big chimneys were emitting smoke, and my daughter said they were steaming rice. Sniff again, sure enough, the air is mixed with the fragrance of rice.

As my daughter entered the winery, I saw a large courtyard full of japonica rice, glutinous rice, and millet drying in the sun. Many workers were busy spreading them with rakes to cool down, and some workers were holding koji in the air. Sprinkle on top.

   Looking inside, I saw row after row of large wine vats that were much taller than her. The mouth was sealed with yellow mud, and red paper was pasted on the wine tank, recording the date.

   It should be unfermented and filtered.

  Ask Nannan, she doesn't understand either, she only knows that it contains wine.

  Huo Xi wanted to go inside to look again, but the manager refused to let him. Only three children were allowed to watch in the yard. Not even the boiler room.

   "Don't go there. It's too hot there, and you'll sweat all over if you get close."

   Zhou Zhou pulled Huo Xi back, he didn't want to sweat. At that time, the body smells bad, and it doesn't smell good at all.

  Huo Xi didn't want to see how other people make wine. She just wanted to be a middleman, she didn't have the qualifications and ability to be a producer, so she dragged her daughter and Zhouzhou out from left to right.

   walked around the village again.

   Sure enough, after a rough look, there are more than a dozen large and small wine shops, including several vinegar shops.

  This is generally the case in townships and towns. As long as one company opens a workshop, everyone will follow suit, and gradually form a scale.

  Just like modern times, if peppers are grown in this village, everyone will follow suit. This village planted pineapples, and they all followed suit. Plant mustard greens to make sauerkraut, and the whole village and town follow suit. So it gradually took shape.

  For example, the same is true in Qianjin Village. Every family has a loom, and almost every family has a loom. Even the surroundings are mostly weaving people.

  When Huo Xi returned to the Jiang family, Huo Erhuai had already negotiated a price with the Jiang family.

It is the same grade as the yellow wine and rice wine Huo Erhuai bought before. Before that, it was charged at 1 cent and 5 cents. Now Huo Erhuai promises to make at least 100 altars a month, in ten catties, for a period of one year, and the Jiang family will give the wine The price is one yuan and three cents per altar. The same goes for rice wine.

   Both sides are happy.

  The Jiang family helped them collect some fruit wine and vinegar at a low price in the village.

  Huo Xi thought for a while, and then said to Jiang Xing, the head of Jiang, "Grandpa Jiang, I saw that you use jars and wine baskets. Can my family want those wine baskets?"

  The wine jar is made of clay, as long as it is sealed well, it can be stored in the cellar for more than a hundred years. But it is heavy.

   If you buy dozens of altars and put them on the boat, it will increase the load on the boat.

   But the wine basket is different.

The wine basket is made of wicker or mulberry sticks. First weave it into a basket shape, and then paste hemp paper on the inside, apply pig's blood oar and lime paste, layer by layer to a certain thickness, and wait to dry in the sun. , shape, become hard, and then remove the wicker support, or not, to get this kind of vessel for holding water, wine and vinegar.

  Porcelain is fragile, but the wine basket, water basket and vinegar basket made of wicker are light and resistant to falling. Many people use it to hold water while traveling. Even the chamber pots, lacquer buckets, and water objects that are not afraid of oil stains will also be filled with this kind of utensils.

   Although it is necessary to keep away from the fire source to store wine in a wine crate, it is light.

  In addition, some wine baskets have handles on both sides, so you can just carry them and walk. You don’t need to hold the jar, which is inconvenient to walk.

   Moreover, with dozens of pottery jars of wine on board, Huo Xi could imagine how much his own boat would sink, and how heavy the load would be.

  Jiang Xing, his son Jiang Zhuo and others heard Huo Xi say that they would use wine crates to store wine, and they all looked at the neglected child.

   I was very surprised.

   "The pottery altar is more durable." Jiang Xing said.

  Huo Xi smiled: "We sell it to fishermen and ordinary people. We don't need to keep it as a daughter's wine. We buy it and drink it soon. It doesn't need to be kept for so long. It's just light."

  Huo Erhuai didn't realize this before, and when Huo Xi said that there are lighter wine utensils, he nodded again and again: "It's best to use wine crates on our boat."

  Jiang Xing asked his assistant to bring all the wine baskets from the wine shop.

   The mung bean sprouts I sent are edible, happy



  (end of this chapter)