MTL - Fierce Silk Flower-Chapter 63 Farm plot

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The bells are crisp and sweet, accompanied by heavy breathing and sighs, and they sing in the warm bedroom for a night until the sky is white and gradually disappears.

Ji Anran had already fainted, and even when he himself passed out, he did not remember.

Undoubtedly, after the event, Ji Anran recalled, just want to bury himself alive!

How is his old attack? For a long time, he didn’t know, how could he stupidly run into the tiger’s mouth? !

Of course, no matter when, Yan Yan is always very gentle and has extraordinary patience. Oh, except for the bed.

After lying in bed for a long time, Ji Anran finally got up.

After the old attack, Ji Anran prepared to eat.

"Garbage, can't you converge a little? You like this, it affects my daily life." After eating a few mouthfuls, Ji Anran began to say that he was delaying.

There is no reason for this. This meal is a bit plain, and he doesn't like it very much.

"I will cook some meat for you tomorrow. I will eat something to make up today. I have done it for you..."

"Shut up!" Ji Anran stunned and glanced. "You can converge, I can be the same as usual."

After Ji Anran enjoyed the same life as an emperor for a few days, the grievances that had been bullied and cried earlier disappeared, and soon he continued to live a sweet and greasy life.

However, at this time, they are almost ready to start the next time they leave the base to find supplies.

"Hey, I hope that the base is in a mess because of the map. We have to mix it in, maybe we can get a piece of it."

Before the season, Enron just didn't want to be used by Li Hai, and he just found an excuse to smash Li Hai. Although Yan Yan has a relationship with the management of the base, he cannot get much information on the materials.

After all, unless the base does not want the materials to be taken away by other bases and the staff is not enough, in other cases they will protect the materials information.

"In the end of the world, the materials in many places have been taken away. Among the places we know now, it is still the most likely to find the most abundant materials in the breeding base."

I later integrated the information I had at hand and finally decided.

The winter in the south came late, and when I went to do the zoo task, it was almost winter.

Nowadays, heavy snow is flying, and there is a white and white one. The difficulty of searching for materials is rising rapidly. Most of the plants are covered with snow, and neither vegetables nor weeds can be seen.

But animals can still find some, this time, the breeding base is undoubtedly a great place to go.

"Yeah. However, I think the map is not so simple. When I get there, I have to investigate and investigate to see if there is any problem." Ji Anran rubbed his chin and his eyes shone with wise light.

Yan Yan publicly cut the apple for someone, cut it into a small piece and put it on the plate, and pushed it to the front of Ji Anran.

Although Yan Yan is working on the side, but thinking has never stopped: "Wang Haixiong is a small nephew of Wu Quan, but I don't think Wu Quan will tell him such important things, there must be ghosts. But that place should not be famous, Otherwise, it will be rich in materials as a breeding base, and no one will look for supplies in the past."

Ji Anran licked the fruit and pushed the plate to the middle, indicating that everyone would taste it.

Yan Yan continued: "I hope that the base is closer than us. According to my estimation, they should have spread over there, and many people who just got the news have already explored the road."

Ji Anran picked up an apple and fed it to Yan.

Season, "Li Hai does not want to reveal the identity of the murderer, he can only spread the news out. Otherwise, when it is time to go there as long as his team and Wu Quan people, then they are simply to send the head." Enron smiled.

After delaying the end of the apple, I couldn’t help but squat on the quarter and take the person to the side.

"Well. Someone is exploring the road ahead. If there is any conspiracy, when we go, we can probably see some clues."

"Yes, then I will go back and pack my luggage. Let's go tomorrow."

Wei Yanhua silently looked at the two people in front of him: "You show a little love and control."

Ji Anran suddenly blushes his face, and he quits the embrace of Yan Yan.


Snowy, the world is like a carpet covered in snow.

There are fewer trees and houses in the suburbs. When the snow is covered, it is really a piece of white. The suburbs are like a white wilderness, and they are innocent, making people lose their sense of direction.

"This white world is too desperate. Without electronic navigation, the cement road is integrated with the grass. I don't know where to go!"

Driver Gao Xun looked desperate and collapsed the steering wheel.

Ji Anran holds a compass and a map in his hand. He is much more calm than Gao.

"Okay, don't worry. I am looking at the map. I will give you directions. You can listen to me."

"That's good, you stare. I hate to look at the map. I can't tell the difference between the southeast and the northwest. But fortunately there is gpS behind, then I have seen one of the greatest inventions."

Gao Xun was driving while driving.

Wei Yanhua’s expression is very subtle: “Lao Gao, can you drive seriously? Your distraction will make me feel insecure. I am worried that you will be too happy to forget, and forget to look at the road.”

"I don't want to say a word, how big is it?"

"Go around, go around!"

Ji Anran suddenly interrupted the quarrel between the people.

Gao Xun slammed a stunned spirit and drove the car quickly around the corpse in front of him.

After the end of the world, the order was chaotic, and no one would clean the streets outside the base.

The zombie corpse fell to the ground, no one handled it, and it only rotted day by day.

But now the snow is covered, the human eye is very ugly. The body of the zombie was covered by snow, and his position could only be judged according to a convex arc.

"Sorry, I promise to drive carefully next." Gao Xun tightened his nerves.

Wei Yanhua sighed: "I said that because of Gao Xun, I am also disappointed."

"Nothing, we have to continue on our way today, and everyone will be good at it."

Ji Anran stunned his eyebrows and continued to take the map to guide everyone.

Because the road is really too hard, too much trouble, and delay the team into two teams.

One person is responsible for driving, one person is responsible for looking at the map, and one person is responsible for staring at road conditions and obstacles. That is to say, but in fact, two people responsible for other tasks also need to pay attention to the road.

"It's so tired, my eyes are sore."

When changing the shift, Ji Anran muttered a sentence and stuffed the map into the hands of Yu Yan.

Wei Yanhua switched to the back seat to rest, although some tired, but his optimistic expression of the show made him look extra spirited spirit.

"Long delay, you don't have a team with Enron, just for this time. Hey, sleep directly on the lap. Captain, I am worried that you will not be distracted. It is better to let Enron come to me." ”

Although Ji Anran’s relationship with Yan Yan is now better than before, he has always hated Ji Anran’s **** honey.

"No, I have always been very focused when I am doing things. You can do it with confidence. This way, I will prove it to you."

The season, which was originally closed and closed, sat so hard. He leaned his body against the soft table and chair behind him and began to sleep again.

Apparently, Ji Anran felt that he would affect the delay of work, so he consciously sat up.

"Long delay, wake up when I change the shift." Ji Anran closed his eyes.

Yan Yan: "...good."

He would hate Wei Yanhua so much, there is no reason.


A few days later, Yan Yan and Ji Anran finally came to their destination.

However, they did not go straight to the farm but stopped in the countryside near the farm.

“The building is the tallest building in the neighborhood. When we go above, we should be able to see the farm.”

Because of the heavy snow cover, the footprint left by the creatures is quite obvious, and a little problem can be seen from afar.

"Hey, I saw the car marks left by other teams coming over this road. But one thing is really weird."

Ji Anran was pale and his sweat was on his forehead.

"What is it?" The heart of Yan Yan also hung up.

Enron was very calm most of the time when he was in business. I am afraid that it will not be simple to make Enron's face white.

"Hey, I have so many people coming over, but... I haven’t heard many people."

It should be very lively...

Yan Yan and others did not hear the vocals, but the season is not the same, he is a third-order wind abilities, who can use the ability to explore the surrounding environment!

"This time, it seems that it is really a conspiracy." The farm is real, but the conspiracy is also true.

If they work well, they can be the oriole.

Half an hour later, Yan Yan and Ji Anran stood on the top of the building, looking at the mountain with a telescope, and suddenly was scared by the situation they saw.

There are several run-down houses in the white snow, and a few huge mutant animals are moving around the snow. Of course, the more eye-catching is the huge vines on the snow that are waving tentacles!

There are many cars parked outside the house, but there are not many living people and bodies on the snow!