MTL - Fierce Silk Flower-Chapter 101 Enemy

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There is a sense of the harm of the mutant mouse, and the look becomes dignified.

"Like water, you water the land. Hurry up!" said Yan Yan.

Zhong Rushui immediately shot and injected water into the tunnel. Because too much water was poured into it at once, the water level rose rapidly and spilled out from both sides.

"Everyone will retreat first!"

After the delay, I will go down with an electric light!

Water can conduct electricity, and terrible currents spread rapidly along the water. Although the mutant mouse was trying to dig holes, he did not escape the fate of being overwhelmed. There is so much water here, and for its authenticity, it is like a terrible torrent.

It quickly became soaked in the water, and it knew that the speed of burrowing could not keep up with the current and would be drowned. So, it chose to stretch out its claws and swim in the water - it wanted to go back to the ground along the path of its own burrow.

However, at this time, the sudden current swept through its body, causing it to twitch all over the body. But for a moment, it has turned from a lively mouse to a coke!


The fierce screams only rang, and then stopped abruptly.

The look of lingering has finally eased a bit.

"This mutant mouse should have been eliminated, at least it will not cause any problems."

Ji Anran has a lingering fear: "An animal that can only make a big hole like a mouse, even if it does not have awakening ability, its physical quality has mutated and become more powerful and flexible. It is also a big threat."

"However, if it awakens the earth abilities, it is a complete disaster." Yan Yan said with emotion, "There is definitely more than this mouse in the vicinity. The new area where our base is expanding seems to have many hidden dangers." ""

Next, the team that was delayed did not encounter anything special, and it ended very smoothly.

In the evening, Yan Yan and his party returned to the base.

Ji Anran went home to rest first, and then went to the top of the base to respond to the problems of the rats.

The people at the base have attached great importance to this news.

Spring is the season of animal reproduction. If a mother rat has a nest nearby, it will be troublesome.

Their base is also hard to get people out of the famine, but the reserve grain is not too much. If there are too many mice to steal, they will face huge troubles.

The crops in the field can't be ruined like this!

The base executives posted task posts and collected good methods for rodent control. Soon after, the base used the information collected to start a vigorous anti-rat campaign.

However, at this time, the zombies and mutant animals in the base have been wiped out. The team that has been delayed has also begun to rest.

Ji Anran checked the preparations for the wedding and stretched out.

"Hey, what about the rodent movement? Is progress okay?"

Ji Anran brows and wrinkles. "Many people involved in the rodent movement are ordinary people who have been called up. Rat meat is also meat. I am worried that they will bring the rats back to the food."

The mouse is a small expert who spreads the disease. If you eat the mouse meat, you will get a horrible disease of cholera.

"I think they shouldn't hide the rat meat. After all, the people in the base who are so poor that they can't open the pot still don't exist. It's all good to mix and drink. The base has recently been promoting the hidden dangers of eating rat meat. It is estimated that no one wants to take risks."

Ji Anran chuckled: "This is also true. Now the end of the world is so chaotic, it is not easy to find a medicine. If they eat rat meat casually, there is no place for help when they want to cure."

"The high-level bases are considered to be more thoughtful. Those who participate in the rodent control will be searched when they enter the old city gate. In order to ensure that no one has hidden the body of the mouse, they are also painstaking."

The season was quiet and I quickly responded.

"That's good. The heart is hard to measure... In order not to let the worst happen, we can only do the most rigorous prevention first."

Although the mouse meat can fill the stomach, but the hidden danger is too big, it is estimated that there will not be many people who are in danger. But he was afraid that the human heart was poisonous, and the body of the mouse was secretly brought into the base, and then the other meat was sold.

Yan Yan was still talking with Ji Anran, and the door suddenly sounded.

Outside the house, Wei Yanhua’s voice is crisp and loud.

"Enron, Wu Quan is here. Come on."

Ji Anran’s heart was happy, and he immediately went out and followed.


Although there are many things that are looted in the end of the world, others must first estimate the strength and gains of their opponents.

The team that has been hiring has not been delayed along the way, and every day is on the road.

They only have food they bring, and there is not much food. They escorted Wu Quan to the base, but there was no material.

Some people are eager to rob, and they take a telescope.

Oh, the strength of this team is not bad, but the grain has not even seen a shadow.

When I look at the man in the middle who is trapped like a scorpion, what else do they understand?

The fourth-order eclipse, Ji Anran, was almost assassinated by the cannon. After the robbery, the enemy was escorted to the door... This is the hottest gossip recently, and they naturally understand it.

So this team of "one poor and two white" abilities did not encounter much danger along the way, and smoothly returned to the Chenxi base.

Yan Yan went directly to rent an empty warehouse as a place to place Wu Quan.

Because the blood will be shed at the time, the rent of Yan Yanhua is relatively high. However, the advantage is that the warehouse owner package is cleaned up. Whether it is the blood on the ground or the last body, they are all arranged.

Wu Quan used the cannon in the hope base, and almost smashed Qian Yonglu into a slag. Qian Yonglu hated his heart and did not torture Wu Quan.

If you don't think that you can't give a dead person to Ji Anran, Qian Yonglu is estimated to be heavier!

When Ji Anran came, he saw Wu Qian’s miserable appearance.

He was **** with both hands and feet and was thrown into the corner of the warehouse. He only wore a pair of dirty pants, and there was no blood on his trousers. But his light, naked upper body has a lot of scars, shocking!

Ji Anran lived in the hope base before, and he knew that Wu Quan had not had so many scars.

Wu Quan is a relatively powerful abilities, and he mixed well in the early stage. After he established a good hope base with his strong teammates, he did not make another shot.

These scars may only be added after his failure.

Wu Quan was in a coma, and people did not know.

He has been injected with drugs, and he has not been awake after he was betrayed by his subordinates.

Be aware that he is a third-order kin. If he is awake, he can use the power to make waves. Even if he can't beat it, self-explosion is a very big trouble.

"This injury is..." Ji Anran frowned.

The captain of the squad leader quickly explained: "When we pick up, this is the case."

"I inquired about it. It was Qian Yonglu who deliberately tortured Wu Quan and made a lot of knives on his body. In order to stop bleeding, the wound was burned back with a soldering iron."

Ji Anran took a breath of cold air: "No, this kind of severe pain, how should Wu Quan wake up?"

"I heard that I hope that the latest products of the base, the fans, the medicine is very powerful. Do not say the soldering iron. Even if the Ling is late, the other party will not wake up! However, because the drug is too overbearing, it is estimated that the nervous system will cause irreversible damage. ""

"Right, this safe contains three new fans and medicines. It is a gift from the people who want the base. Every three days, I injected it at 12 noon. I have only three left. It is."

Ji Anran took over the safe: "This is your reward, and I have it."

Ji Anran handed the crystal nucleus to the other side.

The captain looked over and looked at it, and then began to count the number of crystal nuclei.

Yan Yan is really a slave to the wife, and the financial power of the family is in the hands of Ji Anran.

After the number of rewards was confirmed, the captain left.

Ji Anran looked at Wu Quan and looked over his head.

"Wu Quan was thinking a lot before being sent. But now I watched him faint, I don't know what to do anyway. No matter what I did, he wouldn't know. This feeling is really a bit frustrating. ""

Ji Anran leaned on the shoulders of Yan Yan, and the bottom of his eyes was unprecedented.

Yan Yan took a shot of Ji Anran’s hand and said, “I understand your mood. If you want to retaliate against him, I am not helpless. However, I need to deploy it...”

Now there is no way to abolish the power of others. To solve Wu Quan, we can only find another way.

"Then do what you said," said Ji Anran on the shoulders of Yan Yan. "However, we promised Liang Yin, let him come and see."

Yan Yan chuckled: "Is he not coming? Look over there..."

This is not a desolate place. People from nearby streets come and go, and Ji Anran has a lot of troubles. I really didn't pay attention.

When Liang Yin received the news, he immediately took time off and went to the warehouse for renting.

When he arrived at the door of the warehouse, his footsteps slowed down.

Ji Anran has not yet notified him, he is somewhat unsolicited.

Ji Anran waved his hand at Liang Yin: "Come here. You have revenge for the enemy now, and you have to report it. Tomorrow, I will deal with him with my brother."

“Thank you.” Liang Yin walked into the warehouse, and it was a clean knife, and then he came out.

The whole process is flowing, and it’s amazing.

Ji Anran was unexpected and looked at Liang Yin.

"He can't control his life for the rest of his life, helping his woman's maiden to be a blessing. I will help him get rid of that bane, maybe he won't have that thing. When he thinks about things, he will be more thoughtful. Maybe."