MTL - Feng Xing-Chapter 67

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King Wei glanced at Feng Sheng, but didn't speak.

He came to the bed, sat on the chair, and unbuttoned his clothes.

Sure enough, King Wei was injured, and the injury was not serious. He was stabbed on the shoulder blade. The wound was about half a palm long, and it was still bleeding, which looked very scary.

"You're injured, why don't you send for a doctor." Feng Sheng said.

"I can't get hurt."

Feng Sheng didn't understand at first, but soon he understood the meaning. What King Wei said was that 'Gouqing' cannot be injured, and even if he is injured, he cannot let others know.

"He injured you, doesn't he know?" Anyway, Feng Sheng doesn't understand these arenas, martial arts competitions and other things.

"If he knew, we wouldn't be standing here now."

"Then what do you do with your injury now? Do you just carry it like this?"

"It's all up to you."

King Wei's so-called relying on you is to ask Feng Sheng to apply medicine to bandage his wound.

This is the first time Feng Sheng has done this kind of thing. It should be said that she is facing blood, hideous wounds, etc., and fortunately she is not an ordinary woman. Although she is a little nervous, she still completed it very well.

Feng Sheng cleaned up the place, finally heaved a sigh of relief, feeling bored immediately.

She went to the washbasin to wash her hands with water, came to the bed, took off her coat, and climbed onto the bed from the end of the bed. She is now used to doing this in front of King Wei, and she is also used to sharing the same bed with King Wei. She is more resilient than she imagined. Skin.

He sleeps on the outside and she sleeps on the inside.

Smelling the faint smell of blood in his breath, Feng Sheng felt that King Wei was a bit pitiful. If she wasn't here, even if she suffered such an injury, she would be taken good care of. Three meals a day were exchanged for supplements. After all, she lost too much blood, not to mention that he was a dignified prince.

Now he could only bear it silently, and had to accept her catastrophic bandaging of the wound. Feng Sheng felt a little ashamed when he thought of the messy cloth strips wrapped around his chest just now.

"Hey, we've been here all this time? What on earth are you planning on doing?"

"What do you think I'm going to do?" Wei Wang said suddenly in the dark.

"His Majesty King Wei must be extremely talented, and still need a little girl to intervene?"

King Wei sneered.

Feng Sheng felt a little cold, and shrank back under the quilt.

She silently thought, it's better not to ask, this person is just a troublemaker, he must not be so innocent when he came here, he must have a plan, so he must have already planned when to leave.

Just thinking wildly like this, Feng Sheng's thinking gradually froze, and he was already half asleep.

Just when she was about to fall into Duke Zhou's arms, she was suddenly dragged back from behind. When she opened her eyes, she saw a pair of angry eyes in the darkness, shining brightly in front of her eyes.

"You can sleep?"

Feng Sheng had an innocent face: "Then why don't I sleep? You should also go to bed earlier, and the wound won't hurt after you sleep."

She heard a heavy panting sound, as if she was **** off, and was about to say something to calm her down when her lips were caught.

She was bitten, and it was very painful. Before she could cry out in pain, she was swallowed up completely.

The mouth is full of wine and blood.

She just tried to reach out to push him, thinking of the wound on his chest, she switched sides again. Just a moment of hesitation is enough for him to do a lot of things, and then she will never have another chance.

Just before Feng Sheng was on the verge of suffocation, King Wei finally let her go.

She panted like a fish out of water for too long.

"I don't believe you, you don't understand why I came here!"

The two of them were almost forehead to forehead, so Feng Sheng could only look at him, there was no way to hide.

She was suddenly angry, and couldn't figure out why she had to go through so many things. She didn't understand, she didn't understand, she really didn't want to understand, she just wanted to turn the case on her father, why did they come to force her.

After panting, Feng Sheng realized that he had said these words.

She was a little embarrassed, and couldn't avoid looking at King Wei, so she simply closed her eyes. This was a sign of cowardice and concession, but she couldn't care less about it.

"Being my king's concubine, I'll help you solve the case."

Feng Sheng didn't expect him to say such words, opened his eyes and glanced at him, then closed them again.

She took a deep breath slowly, and let it out again: "For a woman, is it worthwhile for His Highness to mess with someone who is under one person and over ten thousand people? Or is Your Highness planning to use an insignificant person to fool me?"

King Wei gradually backed away, sat up and looked at Feng Sheng.

Feng Sheng didn't want to get up at first, but it was too weird to be looked at like this, so she also sat up.

"How did you know?"

"I guessed it." After a pause, she said again: "Song Ge doesn't have that much face, let all the officials in the two Huaihe Rivers look at his face."

"Then you know what you will face if you continue to toss?"

She was silent for a while: "I know."

"Knowing that you are still unforgiving?"

"Why can't I just refuse to forgive? I owe debts and pay for my life, and the prince breaks the law and commits the same crime as the common people. Well, I know this sentence is used to deceive children, but how do I know if I don't try it? Now that I have made up my mind to rectify it, I don't believe I can't use the knife that is above tens of thousands of people to kill this one person!"

In the dark, her eyes were shining brightly.

King Wei was at a loss for words.

After a while, he said: "You are playing with fire."

Feng Sheng laughed, and lay back down again: "I'm not playing with fire, I'm playing with my life. Therefore, His Royal Highness, in order not to implicate your prince, you should stay away from me. I understand your intentions, but you want to give Mine is not what I want."

She moved and rolled over, face inward.

King Wei also lay down, and silence shrouded the narrow space.

"What about Fan Zijin?" Wei Wang suddenly asked after an unknown amount of time passed.

No voice answered, until King Wei even guessed in exasperation if she was asleep, when a voice sounded.

"He's just a fool."

In the following days, King Wei and Feng Sheng never talked about this topic again.

Both of them became rarely silent, and even when they spoke, they always talked about nonchalant gossip.

Although King Wei's wound was deep and long, this kind of wound was actually the easiest to heal. It was just one wound, and it took only two changes of medicine, and it lasted forever.

One day, King Wei told Feng Sheng not to worry about what she heard when she was sleeping at night, and she just assumed that something might happen.

Sure enough, at night, there was chaos outside.

Looking through the window, Feng Sheng could only see the light of the fire in the distance, and could faintly hear the commotion. But here, it is correct to say that the courtyard is rare and quiet.

Wait until she is sleepy, don't want to wait any longer, go to bed and continue to sleep. In a daze, he was picked up by someone. She just wanted to move, but was held down.

She was wrapped in a cloak, and she seemed to be out of the house. Through the gap in the cloak, Feng Sheng saw the fire in the courtyard, and groups of well-armored soldiers stood holding their breath with weapons in their hands.

Just like that, she was hugged by King Wei, and she walked through many places, and there were soldiers dressed like this everywhere. Feng Sheng guessed that King Wei dispatched troops to suppress the Yan Gang.

Vaguely, they seemed to have boarded the boat, and she entered another room. King Wei put her on the bed and let her continue to sleep, thinking that she didn't know anything about it, didn't understand anything, and didn't want to do bad things, so let's be honest.

On the deck of the warship, stood two soldiers in shining armor.

Seeing King Wei walking over, one of them bumped the other with his elbow.

"Guess what His Highness King Wei is holding in his arms?"

"What could it be, woman."

Hearing that it was a woman, the person who asked the question looked surprised: "Didn't the King of Wei practice Buddhism and not be close to women?"

"Who knows, but I can see that a lock of hair falling out of the cloak must be a woman, not a man."

"If you said it, you didn't say it."

"Okay, why are you curious about these things, and why don't you stare at your subordinates at work."

After getting off the boat, Feng Sheng lived in this house.

She didn't know what this place was, but it was very quiet and the servants were very obedient. Considerate and thoughtful, meticulous, judging from the daily meals, the layout of the house, and the dressing of the maids, Feng Sheng felt that this was Yangzhou.

Even if it is not Yangzhou, it is nearby.

They returned to the mortal world, not on that unknown island.

After figuring out all this, Feng Sheng regained his spirit.

She waited for King Wei to show up, so she could tell him to leave, but he never showed up. And these servant girls who serve her, even though they give her what she wants and let her go to the garden, don't even think about leaving here. There are people around her watching at twelve hours a day.

Unknowingly, Feng Sheng stayed here for more than half a month.

Seeing that Wei Wangming was trying to lock her up, Feng Sheng became angry. She stopped being silent and started throwing tantrums and smashing things. But no matter how much she tossed about, those maidservants looked at her tremblingly, it seemed that they didn't know anything.

Feng Sheng asked them to help deliver the message again, but they didn't know how to deliver it or who to pass it to. According to them, they came here right after they came out of Ren Yazi's hands. They didn't even know what this place was, who was the owner, and who was in charge.

It was another sunny day, Feng Sheng took her maid to the garden to enjoy the fish.

There is a big fish pond in this garden, and there are many koi in it.

Feng Sheng took the crumbs of steamed buns from the maid's hand and threw them into the pool.

Looking at the surface of the water where people can be seen, she suddenly had an idea.

When Feng Sheng jumped down, it was actually measured.

The water in this pool is not deep, and she knows how to swim, so nothing will happen at all. But she didn't expect those maidservants to be so stupid. When they saw her fall into the water, no one came to rescue her except panicked.

Unfortunately, in pursuit of realism, she allowed herself to sink into the water. When she realized it, she had already passed out from choking. She overestimated her physical quality.

But this is not bad, when she woke up, she saw King Wei who was looking at her sullenly.

"How dare you seek death?!"

Seeing the furious look on his face, Feng Sheng thought it was not suitable to be reckless, she wanted to leave too hard, it would only irritate him completely. During the time we spent together before, she still got to know King Wei a little bit.

She moistened her lips and said, "I'm not looking for death, I'm just making a mistake. But I've finally met His Highness. I don't know when Your Highness will let me leave here?"

"Are you so anxious to leave?"

"The New Deal is coming to a critical juncture, and I really can't afford not to be impatient."

"Not for Fan Zijin?"

Feng Sheng froze: "Why does Your Highness always mention Brother Fan, he and I want to leave, there is nothing directly involved."

King Wei didn't speak anymore, but just looked at her, his eyes were rolling and inexplicable.

Suddenly, he seemed to laugh lowly, his tone full of sarcasm: "Fang Fengsheng, did you forget something?"

"What's the matter?" Feng Sheng subconsciously looked at him.

"It's about gambling. Have you forgotten that you once made an agreement with me? If you succeed, you will shake hands and make peace, and if you lose, you will fall in love with your wife. This king saved your life twice, let alone the first time. If you don't have this king this time, you I have already been trapped in a den of thieves, and I can hardly protect myself, how can I do that?"