MTL - Feng Xing-Chapter 64

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Jin Lao Er's face turned pale.

There was a scar on his face, and whenever there was any emotional change, the scar like a centipede would squirm slightly, which was very frightening.

"Brother, it's a woman. You don't feel too tired to panic if you make this happen. The woman belongs to the third child, and he himself acquiesces. Then according to what you said, the woman has problems, and the third child also has problems. gone?"

These words made Lord Bao speechless, anyone's loyalty could be questioned, except Gouqing's. In recent years, the Lianghuai official salt business has not been doing well, and a large part of the salt gang's income actually comes from Gouqing.

Regarding this, Gou Qing never said anything, and has always worked hard and respected him and the second child. If Gouqing also has problems, then more than half of the Yan Gang have problems.

"This is the news from my people. All in all, I have to guard against it."

"You're just afraid that I'll touch that woman, so you found an excuse. Okay, I won't move her until the third brother comes back, but after the third brother comes back, brother, don't stop me!"

After finishing speaking, the second child of Jin left.

Master Bao looked ugly, but he was helpless.

"Get someone to keep an eye on that woman."

"Yes, master."

Although the location of the accident is not in Taizhou, the source is in Taizhou, so the Taizhou Inspection Department is also one of the forces in this investigation.

Now the higher-ups have assigned the culprit of the attack on the imperial envoy to the local salt owl in Taizhou, and Gou Qing led his people to copy several places in succession, all of which were small fish and shrimp.

Such a small fish and shrimp obviously can't do such a big thing, but the real culprit can't be found at present, and he can't say anything about using these people to uphold the majesty of the court, just obey orders.

After going out for three days in a row, another place was copied.

After returning, people from the inspection department gathered to drink, and everyone was inevitably worried.

"Boss, if we go on like this, our way will be cut off. Now we are not human inside and out, and we are just street rats." A kid named Er Ban said.

But it's not that people are not inside and outside?

As for the above, it was their actions that were unfavorable, so the real culprit could not be found out. As for the handicap that was copied, I used to drink together and talk about it as a brother, and the money was not less filial, and it was copied as soon as I said it was copied. Who would dare to believe that Master Gou believed in the inspection department in the future? It is called disloyalty if you use the words of the Tao , Take money and do nothing, turn your face like a book.

If it weren't for Gouqing's greetings to everyone in advance, knowing the benefits, maybe he would have been found out long ago. But if this goes on like this, if the guarantee is not complete, whoever has an impulsive head will not be willing to be a scapegoat.

Gouqing drank with a sullen head and didn't speak. His peach blossom eyes, which always love to laugh, were cold, and he was obviously in a bad mood.

Mao Zi pulled the second board for a while, and said: "Okay, drink as much as you want, and what to do with these things, the boss knows."

In fact, Gou Qing didn't know what to do, even if he did, it was very chaotic now, everything was entangled like a mess, making it hard to figure out.

It's like now, he knows that if something goes on, the result will never get better, but he has to bite the bullet and continue. The one surnamed Fan seemed to be crazy. He didn't check anyone, but just stared at the private salt dealer.

Unless he handed over the woman, how could he hand it over?

The result of not handing over is that he leads people to continue copying the handicap of those old relationships, and if the copying continues, the Salt Gang may not be able to hide it.

Gou Qing threw down the wine glass and stood up. Er Ban was about to say something, but Mao Zi pulled him away.

The room was full of people from the Inspection Department. Seeing Gou Qing stand up, everyone stopped drinking.

Gou Qing waved his hand: "You guys go on, I'll go out to get rid of the alcohol."

When he walked out of this tavern, he was greeted with a burst of cold air, which instantly woke up his hot brain.

It's snowing, the snow is not heavy, and it melts before it hits the ground, but it adds to the chill.

When Gou Qing saw a person standing by the side of the road and the familiar carriage, it immediately poured down his neck like a basin of cold water.

He suddenly remembered that he forgot something.

No, he didn't forget, but deliberately forgot.

There was no light in the room, only a light from outside shone in, casting a light on the ground.

Gou Qing knelt in the light, with his head bowed.

There was darkness in front of him, and he could only faintly see a section of the hem of a robe with intricate gold embroidery falling in the light.

No one spoke.

The person in the dark didn't speak, neither did Gou Qing.

But without saying anything, Gou Qing's heart felt cold.

He actually forgot about this person, even though he seldom showed up in front of people, he was always there. He thought the order from above was Fan Jinchuan's temporary venting of hatred, but he forgot that there was another possibility.

The man was warning him.

Someone moved in the darkness, the hem of the robe shook and disappeared from Gouqing's eyes.

He still knelt for an unknown amount of time until someone picked him up.

Feng Sheng tried to go out, but was stopped by someone.

She remembered what Gou Qing said before leaving, telling her not to go out of this room, and after thinking about it, she was still scared.

For one thing, with Gou Qing around, she really couldn't afford to take risks. Secondly, she still hasn't forgotten that this is the chief rudder of the Salt Gang, to put it bluntly, it's a den of bandits.

In addition, it was too cold outside, and the people here did not prepare winter clothes for her, so she could only hide in a warm room, except for sleeping and eating every day, and there was no one to talk to.

Dashun didn't talk to her either, saying that she was the third woman in the family and he couldn't talk to her.

What logic!

Feng Sheng could only give up the idea of ​​getting some news from this silly boy.

After another day of sleepless nights, Gouqing came back.

At that time Feng Sheng didn't wake up until she felt someone watching her.

That look was so weird that she felt extremely uncomfortable even in the dream, so she woke up.

"How did you come back?"

"Why, you don't want me back?"

Feng Sheng laughed dryly: "How come?"

Gou Qing didn't speak, but turned his eyes around her.

Feng Sheng's spine felt chills when he watched him, and he couldn't help touching his bare arms.

In fact, she was not naked, but she was only wearing a gauze pajamas. In this freezing season, especially when other people were wearing such thick clothes, I always felt that I was naked. Even though there were two charcoal basins burning in the room, she was under the quilt, so she didn't feel cold.

Gou Qing took off his cloak and sat down beside him.

He didn't speak, and Feng Sheng didn't know what he wanted to do, but wanted to get out of bed, this man's eyes were too strange.

She always felt that he was brewing some conspiracy.

"By the way, you asked someone to get me some thick clothes. After you left, I told Dashun that that kid was so stupid that he insisted on asking you to agree."

"Is this what you wear these days?"

For some reason, Feng Sheng heard displeasure in his tone.

"I don't wear this, what should I wear?"

Gou Qing sneered and was about to say something when someone knocked on the door suddenly.

"The third master, the first master and the second master hosted a banquet, please go over and drink."

Gou Qing glanced at her and left.

Feng Sheng sat on the bed, thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out, and felt that this person was inexplicable.

When Gou Qing came back smelling of alcohol, Feng Sheng was having dinner.

She was wearing a maroon cotton padded jacket, which she found from nowhere, but the style, color and pattern of women's clothes seemed to be worn by middle-aged women. But Feng Sheng doesn't want to pick anything now, as long as he has clothes.

After Gou Qing came back, he leaned back in the chair and looked at her, making her hair stand on end. She couldn't even eat the food, so he asked someone to carry it down.

Feng Sheng stood up and walked back and forth in the room.

This is a habit she has developed recently, being unable to go out and sitting still all day long is too easy to overcome. She has a bad stomach, so she can only treat it like this to digest food.

During the process, Gou Qing was still looking at her.

Feng Sheng couldn't bear it anymore, and looked at him: "Master Gou, Gou Da inspection, what are you looking at? How did I find out that you are acting strange after you come back this time?"

"Have you? You know me well?"

Feng Sheng felt that this sentence was a bit strange, but he couldn't think of it for a while, and he was thinking about going back.

She went to sit down opposite Gou Qing, and said, "Gou Da inspection, can we have a discussion? You see our partner, how about you let me go back? I will definitely not lose your benefits by then, remember What I told you last time still counts."

In fact, Feng Sheng has been reluctant to say this, Gou Qing is too complicated, she has never figured out whether it is an enemy or a friend. To show weakness to the enemy is to expose one's weaknesses. It is not her habit to expose one's weaknesses to the enemy and bid ahead of time. But these days she was locked up here, she couldn't go anywhere, and she didn't know what was going on outside, which really wore down her patience.

So she bid first.

"You can't go back now. Bao Da and Jin Er suspect your identity, because they received the news that Yue Hong has been following Eunuch Huo. You, a woman who appeared out of nowhere, aroused their suspicion."

Feng Sheng frowned, she didn't expect such a thing to happen again after such a long time.

In fact, there are loopholes in this strategy. Yuehong will definitely not disappear for no reason, so she will definitely appear in front of people. And her false Yuehong was naturally exposed, but she also kept a hand, she never told Jin Er that she was Yuehong from the beginning to the end.

Feng Sheng went through the whole thing in his mind, and set his sights on Gou Qing.

In other words, her safety now depends entirely on this man. In fact, long before she made the decision to sacrifice herself, she had imagined countless endings for herself. This situation is already the best at present. It is because she still can't let go of her posture and wants to wrestle with him. Little do they know that the premise of the game is an even match, not that one's life is still in the opponent's hands.

"Then I wonder how Lord Gou plans to deal with me?"

Gou Qing looked at her, his eyes were a little strange for some reason, Feng Sheng was puzzled at first, but suddenly realized, his face turned pale.

Seeming to see her hidden panic, Gou Qing smiled.

This smile was fleeting, but it made the corners of Feng Sheng's mouth stiff.

He stood up: "It's been such a long journey, please resettle early."

What does this mean?

Feng Sheng stood on the side, watching him take off his clothes one by one.

From the padded robe to the outer shirt, all the way to the middle coat, Feng Sheng saw that his hands were still untiing, and couldn't help saying: "Master Gou, you are not the only one in this room..."

Before the words fell, she fell into the other party's arms turned upside down.

Behind is the bedpost, and in front of him is a man wearing only a jacket and bare chest. Feng Sheng has never felt that she is short, but in this posture at this moment, she feels that the man is tall and she is very petite.


The red lips were blocked by the man's rough fingers.

"Yue Hong, Master has been away for so long, do you miss me?" While Yang Sheng said, Gou Qing leaned close to her ear, and blew his alcohol-smelling breath on her earlobe, and a voice sounded at the same time: "If you want to die , you call."

This voice was not Gou Qing's.