MTL - Female President’s Bodyguard-Chapter 3826 Found

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About half an hour, the bonfire dinner began.

Xiao Chen and the others were sitting around the bonfire. They really felt a little different in this foreign country.

In Bai Ye's words, there are a few bikini ladies missing.

But in front of Su Shiming and the others, he didn't dare to let Dewo arrange that it was a court death. x

"Old Song, how is your work today"

Xiao Chen looked at Song Wenbo and asked.

"Is it going well?"

"Yeah, it went well."

Song Wenbo nodded.

"But we are a little lack of manpower. Want to survey the entire Gata Island, we need a lot of manpower."

"This is simple, I let Eugene arrange it."

Xiao Chen said casually.

"If you have any needs, just say it."


Song Wenbo is overjoyed. With support, we can carry out the work better.


Xiao Chen called out.

"Brother Chen."

Dewo came over quickly.

"What's your order"

"Old Song, you already know me, I asked him to come this time, just to build Gata Island"

Xiao Chen pointed to Dewo and said.

"When we leave, he will stay here too. Then you will treat me well. If he has any needs, you can try to solve them. If you can't solve them, you will find Eugene."


Dewo hurriedly nodded and looked at Song Wenbo. 0

"Mr. Song, if you have anything, just give it to you."

"Thanks a lot."

Song Wenbo smiled, his posture was very low.

He knew very well that although Dewo said that he would let him give orders, it was entirely in the face of Xiao Chen.

He can't take it too seriously if they give face to others.

"Dewo, Lao Song and the others will leave it to you in the future."

Xiao Chen said to Dewo.

"Brother Chen, don't worry."

Devo nodded.

"Brother Chen, in addition to professionals, we also need a lot of workers."

Song Wenbo thought of something, let's talk about it.

"Hehe, these are all easy to solve. Eugene is the president here. When the time comes, he will pay more. Some people will work."

Xiao Chen smiled.


Song Wenbo was completely relieved, and at the same time a little excited, this time he could do a big job.

"Do the outside first, then the inside"

Xiao Chen looked at Song Wenbo and said.

"When the time comes, I will not be here, and I can communicate over the phone at any time."

"Okay, Brother Chen."

Song Wenbo nodded, wishing to go to Gata Island now.

"Brother Chen"

From a distance, Su Xiaomeng's shout came.

"You two talk first, I'll pass."

Xiao Chen said and left.

"Mr. Dewo, I'll show you more in the future."

Song Wenbo stretched out his right hand.

"Hehe, Mr. Song, we all do things for Brother Chen. If you have anything, just ask me."

Dewo shook hands with Song Wenbo and smiled.

"It's not just about the construction of Gata Island, you can also find me in other aspects."

"other aspects"

Song Wenbo was taken aback for a moment.

"Of course, all sides"

Devo blinked.

When Song Wenbo looked at Dewo, he suddenly reacted and couldn't help crying or laughing.

This foreigner is just open, and he just talked about this topic when he came up. He was really uncomfortable.

"If you need it, please find me at any time."

Dewo said again, he believed Song Wenbo could understand.

"hehe, ok."

What can Song Wenbo say, nodding with a smile.

On the other side, Xiao Chen accompanied Su Qing and Su Xiaomeng.

"It feels so good. When I was in China, I just wanted to be like this. I never had a chance."

Su Xiaomeng shouted.

"Hehe, when Gata Island is done, you can do this every day."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Well, when I have to come on vacation often when I come, it will take too long."

Su Xiaomeng took a drink.

"If the time were shorter, that would be great."

"Well, I will take care of this, and I will shorten it later."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Really that's great!"

Su Xiaomeng was excited.

"Xiaomeng, do you want to go with Xiaoning?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"Not yet, if I knew this place was so beautiful, I would take Xiao Ning with me."

Su Xiaomeng replied.

"I thought it was very backward and broken here."

"Compared with China, there is still a big gap, but if it is very prosperous, it will be more commercialized and there will be no local characteristics."

Xiao Chen lights a cigarette.

"We're going back in two days. If you want to go out and play, you have to think about a place quickly."

"Hmm, wait for me to discuss with Xiao Ning."

Su Xiaomeng nodded.

"By the way, we are not allowed to send people to follow us. We are not kids anymore, especially if I am so powerful, there must be no problem with safety."

"Haha, well, I promise not to let people follow you."

Xiao Chen smiled and glanced at the old man.

He agreed, but the old man did not agree!

"Tomorrow, let's go to Gata Island."

Yun Qingmeng looked at Su Shiming and said softly.

"Although Yunfei still exists, he died there after all. I want to go there."

"Okay, I'll accompany you tomorrow."

Su Shiming fully agreed.

"Don't think too much about it. This is a good thing. I asked the old god, Yun Fei may be resurrected."


Yun Qingmeng was surprised, his eyes widened.


Su Shiming nodded.

"We are looking forward to it, no matter what, he is our child."


Yun Qingmeng nodded, expecting more in her heart.

As the dinner goes on, the atmosphere gets hotter and hotter

"Brother Chen, shouldn't you be singing at this time?"

Bai Ye looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"Yes, Brother Chen, hurry up, sing a song"

Su Xiaomeng also yelled.

"I know, you sing very well."

"Haha, Xiaobai, you can play one first."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Okay, then I'll sing first"

Bai Ye nodded.

"Young Master Bai, I also arranged for dancing, do you want them to come over?"

Seeing that Bai Ye was about to sing, Dewo asked in a low voice.

"How many clothes do you wear?"

Bai Ye looked at Dewo and asked.

"They are all Naga's characteristic costumes"

Dewo hurriedly said.

"Not a bikini."

"Then what are you waiting for? It's fun to have them come over and sing and dance."

Bai Ye urged.

"Good, good."

Dewo agreed repeatedly and trot away.

Soon, he brought back more than a dozen women dressed in special services.

With their arrival, the beach became more lively.

When I got excited, even Su Shiming sang a song

Xiao Chen was a little surprised, let alone, the old man sang very well.

It was not until midnight that the bonfire dinner was over.

"Let's go, I've been playing all night, and I'm tired."

Xiao Chen looked at Su Xiaomeng and touched her head.

"Go back and have a good rest, and continue to play tomorrow."


Su Xiaomeng nodded.

"If you don't go to school and play like this every day, it will be fine."


Xiao Chen and the others are speechless, what else are they thinking?

"Hurry back and rest. When I get to university, I can't relax, you know?"

Su Qing inevitably exhorted a few words.

"I know, I know, sister, I feel you are more wordy than our mother."

Su Xiaomeng was helpless.

"Say it again"

Su Qing grabbed her sister's ear.

"Oh, it hurts mom, hurry up and take care of your girl, save me."

Su Xiaomeng yelled.

"Ha ha."

Yun Qingmeng smiled and stepped forward to rescue her little daughter.

"Your sister's point is reasonable. When you get to the university, you have to study hard to truly learn knowledge. It's all in the university."

"I know, I must surpass you!"

Su Xiaomeng waved her small fist and said.

"it is good."

Yun Qingmeng smiled thicker.

A few minutes later, the group returned to the hotel.

"I won't fall asleep again tonight, right"

After returning to the room, Xiao Chen looked at Su Qing and asked.


Su Qingqiao blushed slightly when she heard Xiao Chen's words. She didn't know how she fell asleep last night.

"In order to prevent you from falling asleep, I decided to take a bath with you"

Xiao Chen took Su Qing's hand and said.

"Then you are not allowed to make trouble, take a good bath."

Su Qing looked at Xiao Chen.

"Okay, I promise not to make trouble"

Xiao Chen nodded.


Su Qing didn't believe in Xiao Chen's guarantee, but she couldn't help it.

Afterwards, the two went to the bathroom, and the sound of water rang.

But soon, besides the sound of water, another sound rang.

The next day, after eating breakfast, Xiao Chen and the others went to sea again.

Although it was very likely that Su Yunfei was in the bone ring, Xiao Chen still felt that he should look for it more.

When they came to Gata Island, they dispersed and continued to search.

The morning passed quickly.

At noon, they got together again.

"not found."

The old fortune teller shook his head.

"However, at this time, it is a good thing not to find it."


Xiao Chen nodded, he understood the meaning of the old fortune teller.

"Tomorrow, I should be able to search the entire Gata Island almost."

The old fortune teller said again.

"The day after tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, we will return to China."


Xiao Chen didn't plan to stay here too long, there were still many things to go back home.

The same is true for the old fortune teller, he is looking for the essence of the five elements.

In his eyes, the most important thing now is to find the essence of the five elements and let Xiao Chen build the foundation for his divine character.

After lunch, they separated again and continued to search.

The bell rang.

Xiao Chen thought it was Amos who had arrived, but when he took out his cell phone, he discovered that it was Xiao Yi's call.

"Old Xiao, what's wrong?"

Xiao Chen answered the phone and asked.

"What you asked to check is found."

Xiao Yi said.


Xiao Chen was startled, UU reading immediately reacted.

"They are still in China"

"Yes, I've already gotten people's attention."

Xiao Yi said solemnly.

"What do you plan to do with this matter"

"Continue to stare at them and wait for me to go back to deal with it."

Xiao Chen thought for a while and said.

"Since you dare to come to China to do things, you don't have to go."

"Okay, if you come back for too long, you may not be able to keep an eye on them, they are not weak."

Xiao Yi said again.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed, and he could tell Old Xiao that his strength was not weak, and that he was definitely not weak.

But thinking about it again, it's normal. If you dare to come to China to do things, you will definitely not send the weak.

Moreover, they can make people stronger, and the power under their hands must not be simple.

"Can't give them too much time, or it will be more difficult to deal with."

Xiao Chen said to himself.

"Old Xiao, I will go back in these two days, wait until I go back." div

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