MTL - Female Partner Became Popular in a Love Show-Chapter 41

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The online quarrel did not affect Ruan Qiu.

She leaned on the back of the chair and watched the recently released cartoon with relish. Next to Xue Wu, after reading the comments on the Internet carefully, she put down the baffle and turned to Ruan Qiu: " Teacher Ruan, about the matter between me and Qin Shuwen..."

He paused, originally wanted to take Ruan Qiu to a more private hotel to talk about it, but he remembered that Ruan Qiu didn't seem to like going out very much, and he had rejected Qi Yingying a lot before The invitation to go out to play together, only when I am with myself will I hesitate to go out.

He didn't want to embarrass Ruan Qiu, so he asked her: "Where do you think it is more convenient to talk?"

What he didn't know was that Ruan Qiu had already put him in the safe range. After several careful experiments, Ruan Qiu has determined that with Xue Wu, who is outside the plot line, even if he goes to other places, he will never encounter danger.

So she said very cheerfully, "It's fine."

Xue Wu glanced at the assistant who was driving in front of him, and the baffle blocked his voice: "Well, Mr. Ruan, then I'll talk to you here."

He didn't wait for Ruan Qiu to say anything, then lowered his eyes and continued: "Mr. Ruan, in fact, my blood father is still alive."

"His name is Qin Zhou, Qin Shuwen's cousin," Xue Wu's voice was calm, but his hands gradually clenched, "So Qin Shuwen and I should be cousins, but The Qin family never knew about this."

Ruan Qiu blinked somewhat unexpectedly.

She really didn't expect that this incident would involve Xue Wu's life experience. Before that, she always thought that there was at most a little friction between Xue Wu and Qin Shuwen, such as a fight because of drunkenness What…

She noticed that when Xue Wu was talking, her whole body was tense, and the expression on her face was hesitant, so she thoughtfully did not speak, quietly waiting for the other party to make a decision, deciding whether to tell Her next thing.

After more than ten seconds, Xue Wu said softly: "Qinzhou deceived a lot of women when he was young, and he used his promise to marry them to deceive their love and make them willing to pay for him. , my mother is one of them."

"It is said that the Qin family has ancestral teachings, they can only marry one wife in their life, and their children must be born by their wives," Xue Wu smiled mockingly, "He is so deceitful, And my mother believed it until she found out that Qinzhou was having **** with other people at the same time."

"At that time, her mental state had not yet had any problems. She figured out a way to bind Qinzhou with a child, used some means to conceive a child, and then asked Qinzhou to marry her. Zhou disagreed and wanted her to abort the child. She refused, and Qin Zhou changed his attitude and began to lie to her again, saying that he agreed to marry her, taking care of her on the surface, but in reality he was imprisoned and trying to find a way to get her to have an abortion. "

Xue Wu's eyes were dark: "These are the notes I left from her, plus the evidence I have collected over the years to know the truth."

"Later." Xue Wu said, "My mother insisted not to have an abortion, and Qinzhou was annoyed, so she started to create an accident and caused her to have an abortion. She couldn't bear Qinzhou's strategy and fell down the stairs. After I got down, I was sent to the hospital. Then, with the help of the doctor, I escaped from the hospital and ran back to the old house in my hometown, trying to give birth to me. At that time, Qinzhou happened to be called back by the Qin family. To manage the company, after listening to the doctor lied that the child had been shed, Qinzhou ignored my mother."

"But at that time, my mother had serious mental problems."

The painful memories of childhood slowly flooded, Xue Wu seemed to have returned to the dark basement, he felt his body trembling slightly, but his mind was very clear, and his voice did not stop at all: "She was afraid at first Qin Zhou would come over and kill me, so he concealed my existence. He was going to send me back to the Qin family when I was older, so that the Qin family would have no way to deny me. But then her mental problems became more and more serious. It got more and more serious, and I felt that anyone would harm me, so they put me in the basement."

"About seven or eight years." Xue Wu suddenly calmed down, pretending to be relaxed, "When she thinks of me, she will give me some rotten, rancid, raw Food, when I don't think of me, I'm hungry and never get out of the basement."

"Then, Qin Shuwen was born and became the eldest grandson of the Qin family. He was very popular with Mr. Qin. Qin Zhou felt threatened. He didn't know why he knew that the miscarriage was fake. , come here to find my mother, and prepare to take the child back then, that is, me, back to the Qin family, so as to increase the bargaining chip for my own inheritance."

Xue Wu was so calm that it seemed that he was not talking about his own affairs, but other people’s affairs: "But my mother seemed to wake up suddenly, she saw me in the basement and dared not let Knowing that I, the so-called eldest grandson of Jin Gui of the Qin family, had been abused by her, Qinzhou denied my birth, and no one knew my existence except me and her. So Qinzhou believed it, once again I had a relationship with her, and this time, she was pregnant with Nan Jing. But Qin Zhou didn't know, and she didn't know, Qin Zhou lied to her again and left. "

"She is completely crazy." Xue Wu said, "She gave birth to Nan Jing while she was running around on the set, which alarmed others. The director on the scene sent her to the hospital, and then they I found me in the basement. She bled and died in the hospital, leaving me and Nan Jing. Later, the director illegally adopted me and Nan Jing and let me enter the film and television industry..."

"A few days ago, I took Nanjing to the supermarket to buy things, and the servants of the Qin family recognized me. The Qin family must have begun to suspect." Xue Wu released his clenched hands, "I I don't know when they will come to the door, but I will never let them take Nan Jing and give him to that scumbag."

Xue Wu suddenly became nervous again, he was afraid to see disgust, pity... or any kind of emotion that would make his life worse than death in Ruan Qiu's eyes.

But he chose to tell Ruan Qiu in the car for a reason.

Xue Wu waited silently for more than ten seconds, but Ruan Qiu on the opposite side remained silent for a while. Xue Wu started to panic, he raised his eyes as if he was dying, looked at Ruan Qiu, and said at the same time: "I'm sorry, these things I said affect your mood, I shouldn't..."


Xue Wu met Ruan Qiu's clean and clear eyes, without any emotion he was afraid of, but full of encouragement and... gratification? Xue Wu heard Ruan Qiu say: "Nothing, you are awesome, brave and hardworking, I admire you very much."

Ruan Qiu pressed Xue Wu's shoulder, which is the way she often used to cheer up in the world of Infinite Stream. She looked into Xue Wu's eyes and said to him seriously: "I will work hard in the future. Live!"

Xue Wu was stunned for a moment, then he couldn't help laughing.

Yes, Ruan Qiu is such a lovely person.

"Okay." Xue Wu raised his hand and held Ruan Qiu's hand on his shoulder, and answered her seriously, "I will live well with you."


Ruan Qiu also smiled at him, then retracted his hand a little uncomfortably, and quietly touched the place where Xue Wu was holding just now, it was warm and a little hot.

"Right," Ruan Qiu suddenly thought of something, "Does Nanjing know about these things?"

Xue Wu's smile faded a little, shook his head and said, "I haven't told him yet, I'm going to talk about it when he's an adult. But he's so smart, he should have noticed."

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone in his pocket rang suddenly.

Xue Wu picked up the phone, frowned at the unfamiliar number on it, clicked to answer, and heard the person on the opposite side shout, "Brother."

Xue Nanjing's voice was a little trembling, but he spoke very fast and his thoughts were clear: "Brother, someone came to school just now to find me, saying that I am from the Qin family, and they want to take me back forcibly, I asked our teacher to help call the police. When those people came to pull me, I threw my phone out to hit them and it broke, so I am using the teacher's phone now."

The atmosphere in the car that had just been relaxed became heavy again.

Xue Wu felt as if someone was holding him in the water and wanted him to drown. He couldn't breathe well, so he tried his best to stabilize his body and said to Xue Nanjing: "Give your phone to your teacher. , I'll help you ask for leave, you can come back with your stuff for a few days, and don't go to school for the time being."

Xue Nanjing: "Okay."

Ruan Qiu next to him quietly listened to Xue Wu finishing his work, watched him put down the phone with a serious face, leaned over and patted the back of his hand, and said warmly: "It can be solved, I I believe you."

Ruan Qiu is actually a little strange to her performance. She witnesses tragedies every day in the Infinite Streaming world. easily shaken. But she is very distressed for Xue Wu now, and she doesn't know why.

Xue Wu relaxed some of his tense body and replied, "Yeah."

Xue Nanjing's school happened to be on their way home. Xue Wu asked his assistant to park the car at the entrance of the school and took Xue Nanjing to the car.

Those who came from the Qin family hadn't left yet. They saw that Xue Nanjing got into Xue Wu's car and followed them, but they were left far behind by the highly skilled assistant.

Xue Nanjing was completely different from his usual lively appearance today. He was holding his schoolbag, and he couldn't react to all the information he had just received. He sat in a daze and sat in his seat silently.

The car was quiet for a while.

So Ruan Qiu didn't have a chance to ask the assistant to turn at the intersection ahead, but followed Xue Wu and Xue Nanjing back to their home.

Ruan Qiu tugged at the corner of Xue Wu's clothes and signaled that he was leaving, but Xue Wu stopped him unexpectedly: "Can you accompany me up? If Nan Jing cried, I would not know how to comfort him."

Ruan Qiu glanced at Xue Nanjing, who was thinking, and thought that he should not be as fragile as Xue Wu imagined, but nodded anyway.

She followed Xue Wu and Xue Nanjing into the house, then skillfully sat down on the sofa, poured herself a glass of water, and started watching TV series silently.

In the living room next to her, Xue Wu was telling Xue Nanjing about their life experience.

A few minutes later, Xue Nanjing stood up with red eyes. The news he heard from his brother was completely different from those who told him that their parents were very loving, but his mother was sick and didn't tell Qinzhou, and the story of the two leaving before they left was completely different. Of course he knew who he should believe. Anger and pain made him tremble.

Xue Wu imitated Ruan Qiu and pressed Xue Nanjing's shoulder: "Nanjing, calm down."

Xue Nanjing took a deep breath and calmed down quickly, his ability to withstand pressure was beyond Xue Wu and Ruan Qiu's imagination, he said, "Brother, the person who came to me today should It was sent by that scum from Qinzhou, I listened to them, the old man of the Qin family feels very good about us, so I don't think the old man will let me take me away by force."

"Since the Qin family cares so much about the eldest grandson, they can't control you when you are an adult, but they will definitely try their best to let me go back." Xue Nanjing looked at Xue Wu, he seemed to grow old in an instant When I'm old, the price of going from cheerful and lively to mature and stable is huge, but he resisted, "In this case, I'll just follow them back, anyway, it's only two months before I become an adult, and they won't be able to control me after two months. already."

He knew that Xue Wu would definitely object, so he preemptively said, "Brother, when you grow up, you can make your own decisions. I used to be my brother who has been protecting me, and I have to protect my brother now."

He smiled at Xue Wu: "Brother, I'm very smart. If I go to Qin's house, I will definitely not be the one who suffers. Let me go, okay?"

Xue Nanjing ran to the sofa, pulled up Ruan Qiu, and asked Ruan Qiu, "Sister must agree with my approach, right?"

Ruan Qiu blinked, but before he spoke, Xue Wu next to him said, "Okay, Xue Nanjing, don't use your sister Ruan as a shield."

Go to Brother Ling and stay there and wait for me to come back."

Xue Nan nodded and suddenly said to He Xue Wu, "Brother, I want to eat noodles."

Xue Wu glanced at him and touched his short position: "I'll do it."

Xue Wu turned to ask Ruan Qiu: "What does Teacher Ruan eat?"

"I can do it." Ruan Qiu replied.

When Xue Wu entered the kitchen, Ruan Qiu sat back on the sofa, and then realized that he seemed to be involved in other people's family affairs, and neither of them seemed to feel that there was anything wrong .

Ruan Qiu:…

She couldn't help but think, has the business relationship between her and Xue Wu reached this point?

She was thinking when Xue Nanjing suddenly sat beside her and whispered to her, "Sister, I only now know that my brother has suffered so much before, but he has a stubborn temper. If you don't cherish your body, you won't listen to anyone, only you."

"I see a lot of people on the Internet saying that you are open for business." Xue Nanjing blinked and said deliberately, "Sister, can you do more business with my brother, I found my brother I'm so happy when I'm with you, I beg you."

Ruan Qiu:…

So why did she encounter the coquetry of old people and children one after another today?

She patted Xue Nanjing's head helplessly: "Okay. I will."

Xue Nanjing immediately showed a big smile and jumped to the kitchen to help his brother.

After Ruan Qiu finished eating the noodles cooked by Xue Wu and was sent home by Xue Wu, she took out her mobile phone and prepared to search how to do business better, learn some experience from the seniors, just see It was the private letter Qin Shuangyu sent her.

The other party followed her after the end of the second episode, and she also closed the other party. Qin Shuangyu sent a message: "Ruan Ruan, do you remember the cooperation opportunity of the big director you didn't take after the first episode of "Please Love Me"?"

"Remember." Ruan Qiu replied.

"The other party asked me to play the heroine. I knew that I was not suitable, so I refused." Qin Shuangyu continued, "But I think there is a character in this Xianxia movie that is particularly suitable for you, Would you like to take a look?"

As Ruan Qiu was about to refuse, Qin Shuangyu sent another message: "You can read the script first and then make a decision. Although this is a commercial film, the director is very responsible, especially the aesthetic sense. He takes second place. No one dares to take the first place. This role is really suitable for you, there are not many scenes and a lot of salary, you can finish the filming tomorrow, let's see?"

Ruan Qiu thought for a moment, then added Qin Shuangyu's personal contact information and received the script sent by the other party.

As Qin Shuangyu said, this character has very few scenes, not even a few lines. In the play, the male protagonist Bai Yueguang exists. In this role, the senior sister of the male protagonist's same sect died in battle at the mountain gate in order to resist the enchanted cultivator who came to find the male protagonist and protect the sect before the male protagonist was enchanted.

Ruan Qiu only needs to fight with the group performers at the shooting venue, finish his lines, and then "die".

Ruan Qiu did not particularly reject "death in battle", she can still distinguish between her acting and reality, and this Hengdian was right next to her filming the second issue of Love Zong before, according to the Infinite Stream World It is said that it is a place where she has "cleared" and there is no danger. But she is not short of money now, and it is unnecessary to take on the show, so she politely rejected Qin Shuangyu.

But Qin Shuangyu really wanted to see Ruan Qiu play this role, she believed that after Ruan Qiu played, she would definitely become the white moonlight for all the audience. She pondered for a few seconds and decided to use her ultimate move: "Ruanruan, if you need any help, you can tell my sister, my sister will help you, you can play this role, okay?"

She sent out the message nervously, for fear that Ruan Qiu on the opposite side would refuse again. But what surprised her was that Ruan Qiu didn't reject her the first time this time, indicating that there was a drama!

Qin Shuangyu sat up energetically, staring at the screen, waiting for Ruan Qiu's answer.

A minute later, Ruan Qiu replied, "Can senior Qin teach me some knowledge about CP business?"

She couldn't find it on the Internet, but she found a lot of evidence that Qin Shuangyu was her and Xue Wu's CP fan. Qin Shuangyu also liked it and directly admitted her identity as a CP fan.

Xue Wu also said that Senior Qin is a rare hard-natured person in the circle. He only interacts with people he likes, and he never stabs people in the back. She feels that Senior Qin feels like her Not bad, then she asked about her experience, shouldn't it be a problem?

Qin Shuangyu opposite the screen rubbed her eyes:...?

Is this what it says? Is this something she can watch? ?

Ruan Qiu then sent another message: "If you don't have it, forget it, seniors rest early."

Qin Shuangyu stretched out Erkang's hand: "There are some!"

Even if she doesn't have it, she has to get all the business experience from the broker to Ruan Qiu!

Qin Shuangyu looked at the screen lovingly, tsk tsk, thinking that Ruan Qiu's cuteness is love without knowing it. It is no exaggeration to say that since her debut, she has seen all kinds of ghosts and snakes. Many people know what they look like behind their backs when they meet, so she especially likes the pure and clean Ruan Qiu and Xue Wu.

Ruan Qiu, this child, looks gorgeous, looks like a veteran of Fengyuechang, but in fact it is not pure, all the straight girls of steel, Xue Wu has worked hard to become like that, she thought that the other party was in peace She is open.

But Ruan Qiu is now taking the initiative to find someone else's experience in business, what does this mean? This shows that the child is tempted, but she doesn't know!

The corner of Qin Shuangyu's mouth never came down. She smiled with a loving mother, and forwarded the experience sent to her by her agent to Ruan Qiu. She originally wanted to say a few more words to let Ruan Qiu recognize it earlier. He cleared his heart, but held back.

As a mother fan, she should not intervene in the affairs of the little couple, and let them develop freely. Of course, she would never admit that she deliberately didn't say it because she wanted to see more of Xue Wu's deflated appearance.

Ruan Qiu, who received the document, thanked him earnestly, then said good night to Qin Shuangyu, and turned to Xue Wu and Sister Lin to say, but he hid the process of asking Qin Shuangyu for business experience.

The next day, Ruan Qiu got up early and started to learn the business experience given by Qin Shuangyu. It was not until she arrived at the shooting site and was pulled into makeup that she probably finished.

After reading the experience, Ruan Qiu suddenly realized: It turns out that she and Xue Wu did not have enough physical contact before, so she should be appropriately shy when they meet, it turns out that the dialogue between them is not enough, you need to suggest that she likes each other more , it turns out that there is also a drawing in the eyes...

After putting on makeup and getting dressed, Ruan Qiu walked to the shooting site, still recalling the business method in her head, but did not notice that the originally noisy scene became quiet the moment she arrived.

The director put away the surprise in his eyes, pushed his sunglasses, and shouted at Ruan Qiu: "Ruan Qiu, come and try the play!"

"Okay." Ruan Qiu responded and walked towards the shooting location.

Because her character is set by the white moonlight, her clothes are also extraordinarily immortal. The director's aesthetic is really online, and he did not ask the costume team to design a pale white dress for her, but a pale apricot color. The neckline, cuffs and skirt are all lotus root powder. The embroidery on it is complicated, but the accessories on the body are simple, only A white jade pendant was pinned to his waist.

Because Ruan Qiu's character usually uses a sword to practice martial arts, so her long hair is **** with only a light blue hairband, which is slightly blown by the wind.

The makeup artist watched the catwalk video of K's family, learned the techniques of K's makeup artist, lengthened Ruan Qiu's eyebrows, painted apricot eye shadow, and then used a little The red on her lips made her a little less sassy when she was on the K's catwalk, and more gentle.

When he came over to talk to him about the lines, he stammered: "Predecessor, hello senior."

The director is not a grumpy temper. Seeing that the actors and group performers of this scene have all arrived, he immediately sits behind the camera and shouts to them: "Listen to them, it is best to take one shot at a time. Done, cheer up!"

"One shot, one shot, start!"

Ruan Qiu, who heard the beginning, immediately entered the state. She looked at a group of demons in front of her, and the junior and junior brothers next to her stepped forward and scolded the other party for leaving.

But the enchanted people ignored their words and took out their weapons with a sneer.


The director became nervous. Although he had already watched the video of Ruan Qiu dancing the sword, after all, the video was too popular to ignore, but he felt that it was Ruan Qiu alone after all. performance, and this martial arts scene is a group scene, it is the first time to shoot, even if they have designed the action in advance, can Ruan Qiu really handle so many group performances alone?

In the camera, Ruan Qiu suddenly drew his sword and pierced the blood bag on the chest of a magician, a stern look appeared on his gentle face: "Back! !"

The magicians were shocked when they saw their companions being killed, and then looked at the front of them as if a gust of wind could blow them down. Ruan Qiu, who was unknown in the rivers and lakes, did not take her seriously at all. Continue to move forward again.

Ruan Qiu held a sword in one hand and fought with them. The original attitude of the group actors was not serious, because this kind of fighting scene is the most difficult to shoot. As long as there is one action that does not meet the standard, that is, as long as the actor they cooperated with has a sword and stabbed, they will shoot the scene again. .



The sledgehammer props in his hand were accurately picked up by the group performers rushing in front. Before he could react, the blood bag on his waist was punctured by Ruan Qiu.

The group quickly bit the blood bag in their mouth at the same time, and slowly fell down, opening their eyes to see the situation behind.

Ruan Qiu deliberately controlled her rhythm. It was fast at first, and then it became slower and slower. Everyone could see that she was exhausted.

The remaining group performers knew that the main event was coming, and immediately swarmed up, stabbing her waist in the confusion. Ruan Qiu's body swayed, and a look of pain flashed on his face, but he still dragged his injured body and fought desperately with the demons.

In the end, all the magicians were wiped out, and Ruan Qiu finally couldn't hold back and fell down. The loose hair band on his head fell completely, and his long hair spread slightly in the wind.

There is no way.

Ruan Qiu said to him in a gentle trembling voice: "Senior's okay, I'm just a little tired... From now on, it's up to you, cough, protect everyone."

The male protagonist burst into tears, frightened the director, and hurriedly shouted: "Ka!"

The director yelled at the male protagonist: "Why are you crying so loudly! You are about to be enchanted now, have you forgotten the cold-hearted character!"

The male protagonist said, "I, I can't help it..."

Senior Ruan acted really well just now, he really felt that he had always been good to himself, and his gentle and gentle sister died in front of him, just because he almost fell into the devil because of an accident, which attracted the magic way The person who "killed" the other party was unable to hold back his emotions for a while, so he cried.

Others who were also in grief: Pfft.

Ruan Qiu couldn't help but laugh, accompanied the male lead to perform the scene again, and then heard the director announce that the scene was over.

The group performers who were waiting beside them widened their eyes and looked at each other.

This seems to be...the most relaxing fight they've ever had?

The director behind the camera breathed a sigh of relief and smiled slowly. You and Qin Shuangyu really did not see the wrong person, Ruan Qiu is the most suitable actor for this role!

The director was eager to try, and wanted to add a scene to Ruan Qiu: "Ruan Qiu, do you want to make more scenes, I can add it to you in the memory of the male protagonist..."

"No need." Ruan Qiu shook his head, "I'm going to participate in the third episode of "Please Love Me" tomorrow, so I won't have much time after that, so I won't be in trouble."

The director heard Ruan Qiu's tactful rejection, and nodded regretfully: "Okay, I look forward to working with you next time."

Ruan Qiu smiled at him, changed clothes and left the studio, ready to go back to have a good rest, and go to the third phase of Lian Zong's shooting venue tomorrow.

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